Thank you, and praise be to the WCH. Life would be even scarier without you!

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Thank you for the link. If it were not for the fact that I am quite badly vaccine injured, the video Ian Brighthope compiled would be a comedy. Having lived in Australia for 15 years until a couple of years after my husband passed, I am always interested in what goes on there and despite the mandate, I so wish I had never come back to the UK.

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Wishing you a miracle of healing, Elaine.

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Thank you.

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You’re welcome. I follow Professor Brighthope’s work closely, and not only in Substack. I’m sorry to hear that you are vaccine injured. I hope your health is improving. I can’t speak for the UK, but Australia’s economy has deteriorated significantly since the Covid years, particularly in housing and real estate.

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I am sorry things are getting harder in Australia. I can always tell by my widows pension which is a few £'s down this month so means Aus is doing slightly worse. Apart from the economy, the UK has gone to the dogs and seems to be overrun with leftie wokes so I know where I would rather be. Thank you for your words, sadly the nerves are badly damaged affecting my feet initially (peripheral neuropathy) which has spread all over me now.

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Sorry too to read about your severe osteoporosis. I’ve heard that more people now are getting tested for their parathyroid hormone levels (included in their blood tests), to determine whether they have an adenoma present - even if their blood calcium were normal. Best wishes, David W.

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Thank you David. You probably know that primary hyperparathryoidism is the third most common endocrine disease but try telling that to our wonderful (NOT) NHS. I had five years of struggling with them and even useless private endo plus an even worse private surgeon who suggested opening one half of my throat at a time (that was in 2019), blood tests every three months from 2016, for calcium, pth and vitamin D, and every time with monotonous regularity, I would read "above the normal range, to be expected"

Thankfully the group I am on found there was a wonderful surgeon in California who gives up hours every month (just like our consultants, ha ha ha) for the poor worldwide suffererers of this disease and by chance in January 2020, he picked up my details and spoke to me on the video. His advice, get this seen to whatever it costs as it is ruining what is left of your life. He could only suggest a very well known professor in London who he had met once. I would have gone to California but too poorly. So I went down to London had a consultation, he agreed something should be done, he was so nice and even suggested he would refer me back to the NHS endo. No thank you!! So March 20th (3 days before lockdown) my friend picked me up at 3 in the morning and we went down to the Clinic. He came around in the evening, said you didnt make things easy for me, lol, but he had removed 3 pth glands. I came home the next day £12k poorer but I had had some money left me. This was the start of my new life I was so happy.

Sadly May 21st 2021 had my first Pfizer shot which has turned out to be the beginning of the end of my new life and probably my life anyway. At least I had 12 months. Best wishes Elaine

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You’ve been through quite an ordeal with your parathyroid glands, Elaine, but that’s great that you had successful treatment. I can only imagine how many people are out there with parathyroid adenomas, including those with normocalcemic primary hyperparathyroidism, who remain undiagnosed. Hopefully with your vaccine injury effective treatments will eventually emerge. I read that sufferers of acute myositis are having some success with plasma exchange therapy, not that this is your condition. David W.

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So you see Elaine if you let yourself be experimented on with poison substances ,you pay the price .

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Yes, the biggest mistake of my life and only because I had a sickly little grandson who I was concerned about but I don't see now anyway.

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How come you don't see your grandson?

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My daughter's choice. I send parcels but they are never acknowledged, he is 8 now. Not his fault.

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I hope this situation improves, Elaine. Have a great week ahead.

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Thank you for all your amazing work in bringing truth to light. Bravo keep fighting the good fight ! ♥️

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One day humanity will realise what you all are doing for them.

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Deeply appreciated for all ye do to shine the light on the darkness in Ireland.

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I'm deeply frustrated that so few people see the light .In Canada [ Vancouver ] the masking is practiced everywhere ,especially in any medical settings .That means the medics are the most stupid .It makes me sick just looking at them .

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You guys are heroes!

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Great work! So grateful for the warriors in the is great fight for freedom. Thanks for sharing. It lifts us up.

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Heroes all! thank-you!

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Awesome 👏🏻, thank you and a thank you to all your colleagues. Glad to see smiles not frowns👏🏻👍🏼🤗💥

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I felt very moved to see these courageous doctors and politicians proving not all our doctors and politicians are in the hand of big money

Be honored for your contribution to this struggle.

And admired.

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nice pictures tess..dont you dare slacken off the pace now but keep on leading by example an example its very clear is encouraging many who are themselves encouraging others.....now down to business people of the uk the petition to end the uks membership of the world health organization currently has well over 99000 signatures the target figure of 100000 signatures to get it debated in parliament is within touching distance its of utmost importance that you reshare it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same you can use all social media platforms and alternative outlets to do so and be sure to ask all others to do exactly the same......that said BE VERY WARY OF GESTAPO BOOK WHO HAVE BEEN AND CONTINUE TO BOTH SHADOW BAN AND SUPPRESS IT..talking of gestapo book im very hopeful of when the petition hits the target figure of 100000 signatures TODAY im very hopeful that there stranglehold over the petitions progress will finally be at an end and that the wider community will at long last have there eyes opened AND FOLKS YOU CAN HELP TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.....for much more info concerning the who also the pandemic treaty be.sure to check out both the james roguski substack also the steve kirsch substack theres loads of vital information contained in them be sure to share both links widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same but as above keep it well away from gestapo book..another link that you will find most helpful is ..the expose again be sure to reshare it widely with like minded follk and ask each one of them to do exactly the same but keepp it well away with gestapo book..other links to check out which im sure most of you will already be aware of are odysee/rumble/bitchute/dr vernon coleman aka the old man in a chair/life site news.... be sure to reshare them all with as many people as you possibly can as not everyone will be aware of them and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same but be sure to warn them concerning gestapo book.....and finally when you come across an article or post that you wish to reshare with the public before you do reshare it you MUST be sure to save/ back it up in such a way that regardless of what happens ie it dissapears yes it happens ..you will always have it THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT BE SURE TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT IT.. well folks im off now my eyes will be glued to the signature count of the petition

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GOD's blessings & protection - thank you for all your efforts in speaking TRUTH to medical tyranny. You all are part of the Dream Team ...

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In Japan, there is a Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare named Keizo Takemi.

He is delighted to have been appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador by Tedros of the WHO. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, but looking at his academic background from elementary school to university, he is known for taking a very easy course without studying. Just the other day, he was told that the CDC was opening an office in the U.S.embassy in Japan, and he was happy to attend the ceremony.

There are several groups of doctors and lawyers who are opposed to WHO's (1) IHR amendment CA+ and (2) amendments to the Convention.

However, this foolish minister and most of the people are indifferent, and we can only hope for Dr.Tess Lawrie and Dr.Meryl Nass.

Please do your best and don't give up.

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It's A Beautiful day in the neighborhood....won't cha be my neighbor. Ode to Fred Rogers

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As Ireland is in Europe I would invite all there to work like hell to stop all thise WHO amendments that we have not voted for, before it is too late! I suppose you know that Macron here in France has brought a bill in place with a 30,000 fine plus 1 year imprisonment for (their words) 'incitement' either for or against a 'scientific - (follow the science') intervention. They can force the 'science' on us but we can't say anything about it! Good luck to every campaigner everywhere who fights and works for our health freedoms.

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