I took a break from reading when I got a little teary at point #4 regarding a permanent change in DNA from the Pfizer and Moderna shots. I've received a double dose of the Pfizer. It was before I became informed and I felt it was important to get as I care for my 90 year old mother. I regret it deeply. I will turn my regret into anger and will never forget what was done and is continuing to be pushed on the human population.

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I feel the same. My heart is with you on this. I still feel deep sadness, too. We are the victims. You couldn't have known. Most of us didn't. It's very painful on so many levels and I worry for the biological integrity of humanity. I try to do something fun and relaxing everyday, but it's always foremost on my mind.

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Although they have found DNA made from the mRNA in the nucleus, that doesn't automatically mean it incorporates into the genome. I don't believe that has been shown so don't despair quite yet.

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Yes, and even if it does incorporate into the genome, our amazing bodies are capable of all kinds of evolutionary "magic" that we don't yet understand. I believe there are all kinds of possibilities we have not yet seen and that life is always looking to create a better and higher version of itself despite our fumbling interference with that process. Dr. Zach Bush, who is deep into the regenerative farming movement (zachbushmd.com), calls it "syntropy" as opposed to entropy. So, yes, don't despair!

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May I quote you, Noel? I'd love to include your wisdom in my "red pill" library, BeyondC19.org. I will be happy to credit you, and provide a link to your Substack Newsletter.

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Sure, I would be honored.

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Many thanks, Noel! <3

I'll add in the link for your quotation in just a moment.

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Ok. Here you go, Noel:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/v_fd8c5c55a5f5_c3ea60279c68_f04b4cab533b

If you hover over the space immediately to the left of the main bullet, you'll see 3 faint grey dots. When you click on them, the "mirrors" at the top of the context menu will show you all the places where your quotation is currently located in the library.

Thank you again for sharing! :-) <3

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Unfortunately none of what is going on in the world is about a vaccine or a virus. It's about getting the population under a tyrannical control, and ending humanity as we know it to be. That is all it is about, and that is what we have to stand up against. Things are going to get very rough in the next few years, we ain't seen nothing yet, but we have to hold strong, and not let them destroy us human beings.

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An amazing summary of the mRNA debacle. Thank you to whoever wrote this. It is meticulous and everyone should print out a hard copy and take it in whenever they have to visit a doctor. I will also send to my MP, who continues to believe these mRNA experimental biologicals are “safe and effective”. I will ask,hi, to,sit down with a medical professional who can spell out each line of this paper. I will ask him to share this information with other MP’s who also believe the mRNA jabs are “safe and effective”. At a minimum our lawmakers must understand the whole picture. Not just the part the pharmaceutical industry wishes them to see.

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And everything the author wrote is still true nearly two years later.

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A wonderful article here that I suspect will be timeless as we keep looking back at what has transpired . I appreciate , with most of these articles , they "openly" ask for any clarifications - something the current narrative doesn't allow. I think there are many now who are starting to question the on going need for these gene therapies because they have no end point and more information is coming to the surface about this medical tyranny .

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Reading this parliament can't say they weren't well warned about the issues and in plenty of time to do what was right.

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Thank you for publishing this letter. Whoever wrote it is obviously more intelligent. diligent and humane than most of the medical profession and the politicians responsible for the horror we are enduring.

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By now it is obvious many in our governments, police forces and judicial systems should be aware of the crippling's and deaths from the gene jabs that are still being pushed on the people. We have no choice but to realize the top people in these institutions are corrupt, compromised by past actions whether it be taking bribes or immoral acts were they have proof of their indiscretions being held over their heads and are doing what they are told to do. We already know the medical system is in league with the WEF,WHO etcetera and have put into action the most evil insane plan in human history so that they can never be held accountable for their crimes against humanity that they have done for hundreds of years. If these people get full control of the planet humans will never advance as a race, we will be true slaves to truly demented insanity and held in stagnation, as has been for far to long. If not for a handful of evil when compared to the population we would be far more advanced in all aspects of development from medical to technological. So many people who are injured from the gene therapy are now aware they have been lied to and live with the uncertainty of what will happen to them in the near future as far as health goes. This must be horribly scary. With all the evidence being shown to, I'm sure all involved in producing and pushing this poison, they know what they are doing. Also we know many others in government and the medical system know but are more worried about keeping their jobs then they are concerned for the people they are supposed to look after. Because we can not trust most in our governments to do what is demanded for this crime against us, and even though others know something is very wrong, something else must be done. These cowards make me sick. Do we know what we, must as a population do when we know we can not rely on the so-called authorities?

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The corruption along with suppression of any free debate ought to be major news. Media needs to be held to account by all of our leaders. The right to life your life is not a left/right issue. The real accountability needs to be our so-called "fee" press. They seemed to take the position that the politics mattered.

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The MSM are in fact getting their orders from our 'leaders', real or apparent.

The MSM has been doing its job very well, if viewed as an organ of propaganda and misinformation.

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When I heard Dr. Malone and others talk about creating small independent self sufficient communicatees, to the degree possible, it all sounded crazy but it may be the only option. The next few years should tell us if there is any hope of saving our freedom but to be on the safe side maybe we should start thinking and planning for the worst.

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Just WOW to the Creator of this masterpiece! Awesome coverage of all aspects. Thankfully, I am one of the non-jabbed. It has been a difficult road, however even during the storm I stood. I am thankful.

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I will definitely read it end to end but we know that no amount of evidence or logic makes any difference to our politicians et al. This phenomenon is not isolated to the "pandemic" responses there are other major areas of science and social policy that we see similar irrational responses or lack thereof. There may be many complicated explanations for these bizarre behaviors but I think most of it can be attributed to being a coward and selfish. Do we just keep repeating the same strategy? I can confirm we have moved the needle slightly but not significantly. To be clear, your involvement, strength, courage and leadership is about all that is giving me any hope. 🙏

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Great read and packed with brilliant evidence and the receipts to back it all up. I too have relied upon a good intake of vitamin D etc and apart from having something nasty and flu like early in 2020 I’ve been very well since and work in a public facing role all the way throughout this. It’s increasingly clear to me that this is nothing about our health and everything about keeping us in fear to accept whatever the decide to unleash on us next. Every part of our lives as we knew them is being changed, dismantled or ruined. And I wish more would see it or admit they do. Thanks for all you do Dr Lawrie

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Most people in the US are used to seeing D3 expressed in IU or mcg so 800 mg translates to 20,000 IU/500 mcg or about what you would get with 10-15 minutes of full body exposure to peak summer sun. But who gets that anymore? My circulating 25-hydroxy D stays between 70-80 ng/ml on 5000 IU daily although I give it a break during peak summer in Kansas. D3, magnesium and K2 are a supplement triumvirate well worth considering. Everyone is different so a baseline in the late summer or fall is probably a good idea if your GP will do it. After reading the research, mine does routinely, still others refuse. Keep up the good fight.

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Stellar, once again Dr. Lawrie. Timely to get a reminder of exactly why I said no in the beginning and continue to say no. Amazed that this missive has stood the test of time, with the PCR test has been proven fraudulent, so little has changed in the last two years. Except the fallout of death and destruction. Now we know your anonymous friend was correct in her choice, we know CoVid was created in the lab, used against us in order to bring the world to its knees. Thank you for making this available…I needed a reminder to continue to refuse to kneel to anyone but God.

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It makes me so angry and at the same time so sad to read that letter. Will the truth ever come out? My family think I’ve lost the plot when I try and raise any fact/data based evidence questioning these so-called vaccines, the use of masks etc.

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What happened? answer - THE "FIX" WAS IN.

 What was the "fix" and who could have possibly orchestrated such a massive western world wide "fix"? hint - the author notes "(I am told that it was the CIA who coined the phrase ‘conspiracy theorists’)"

hint - from "Trade Craft 101", rule xxx "when elements in government restrict bio-weapons research and development, re-characterize bio-weapons r and d as protective anti bio-weapon vaccine research and development. Insure the continuation of both bio-weapons r and d and the mrna vaccine platform r & d to regulatory "acceptance" by any means necessary "bamn". Label all opposition as ‘conspiracy theorists’.

EARLY COVID TREATMENT - bamn! to insure mrna covid "vaccine" emergency use authorization 

OPPOSITION TO THE COVID "VACCINES ("The people being denigrated and maligned as anti-vaxxers") - bamn! to insure widespread vaccine use to insure regulatory acceptance of the mrna platform technology

From before and Since the anthrax attacks "coerced" passage of the "patriot" act after 911, which had a provision which effectively removed constraints to bio-weapons development thereby re-enabling bio-weapons research and development (from RFK Jr.), "they", a cabal of "mad" scientists, military and "intelligence" and pharma interests et al have been and are directing billions in funding through fauci's niaid to gain of function viruses into bio-weapons under the guise of research to enable the development of "vaccines" against pandemic potential viruses. While other "intelligence" interests, also working through fauci's niaid, have brought their decades long program to develop and push the fast, cheap, dirty Mrna "vaccine" platform into unconditional "regulatory" "acceptance" for fast use to counter an attack by bio-weapons. Their goal with the "by any means necessary" program was to drive the Mrna "vaccine" "platform" to the point of "regulatory" "acceptance" without any meaningful safety or effectiveness testing. (~per Dr. Robert Malone) This was reached with the release of the bivalent covid "vaccines" with testing limited to 8 mice which did not fair well.


Robert F Kennedy Jr. (The Defender) eye opening discussion on the Origins of the Virus with Jeffrey Sachs; https://www.21cir.com/2022/09/prof-jeffrey-sachs-on-the-covid-origins-cover-up/ (the whole podcast is essential to "UNDERSTAND" the missing link that spells it out for me is in the audio starting at 12:03 before the end of the podcast)

mRNA Vaccines: The CIA and National Defense


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As an octogenarian, I now am more concerned about the two shots I have received. I do hope this letter finally motivates the lawmakers to end any further use of these mRRA vaccines. We need to require the makers to investigate fully those harmed by their potions. Whether any use of the mRNA platform and it's associated lipids needs complete animal studies and human testing over a few years before the public is ever exposed to them again. This ongoing huge experiment has been a horrid failure and likely highly related to corruption within government and the industry. Media should so inform the poor ignorant population how they have been misled.

We have simple means to avoid infection starting with Vit D for the immune system and routine sanitizing of mouth and nose. If infected we have various therapies proven effective to reduce the impact of infection. The public needs to be better informed.

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