Good video and post, thanks. With the announcement of the Vatican bank calling back their resources to be returned to the Vatican bank by September 30, 2022, with the installation of King Charles (WEF partner), with Biden’s speech essentially declaring war against those he is sworn to protect and defend, with all we now collectively understand, then where does that leave us? Covid-19:was the fact the globalists were not going to refuse to take advantage of a good crisis. It has been one of our most important and urgent warnings.

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agree though would suggest it was more problem-reaction-solution - a crises 'they' created.

We're in for a ride.

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Yes, they have a habit of creating a problem and furnishing a solution. The WEF held the Covid war games in October 2019, they sling the slogan “you’ll have nothing and you’ll be happy”. Introducing slavery as “peaceful slavery.” But “do not go gently.”

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Dr. Lawrie is a brilliant and plain spoken physician and humanist. In this interview she persuades me of her honesty, humility and compassion. While she addresses the overtly amoral and evil machinations of the medical tyranny reset agenda, her focus is on a positive awareness movement to restore and strengthen health, freedom and ethics in society. I hope many people will view this great interview. Thank you Dr. Lawrie.

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Thank you - I look forward to it.

Re question "what else could they have lied to us about?" I think we're going to find out over the next months and years.

Appreciate you.

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Yes, unfortunately we will. Good to have all the lies finally exposed. We the people can’t afford to fear the storm.

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Agree its necessary - however challenging.

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Just finished listening to your conversation with Maajid Nawaz. Very interesting and full of great information. Brightens up every Sunday. 😊 Thank you for all you do Dr. Tess . Even though I'm feeling slightly anxious again as the WHO rears its ugly head with their new pandemic plans, I must try to stay calm and hope that good wins over evil. They have definitely lied to us about many many things. I watched Candace Owens talking to Dr Malone a while back (a rather long interview of about 3 hours but worth every minute). It made me question all the jabs we gave our children when they were young. Were they really necessary ? Probably not. I think at this point we must listen to our inner voice and when it shouts 'there's something not quite right here ' , then we must stop and evaluate. My inner voice told me years ago that I did not trust the MMR jab, (which had just come out), for my 2 younger children. And I am glad now, that I listened to it. They did not have it.

I read recently that in the US it was like this : 3 childhood jabs in 1962 - 11 childhood jabs in 1983 - and now a whopping great 55 (? maybe even more) childhood jabs in 2019. This is very scary. What the heck are they doing to these poor children ?

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72 in total combo niw! Not a joke. Disgusting.!

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“We’re all accomplices. We’re all accomplices in where we’ve landed today. We have for over decades given away our power.”

Thank you for voicing this, Dr. Lawrie. And for taking self-responsibility.

May everyone stop and consider for a moment (or two) where, when, and how they have given away their own power to get us to this place.

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Yes. A variation of which is put forth in this fascinating conversation with Mattias Desmet.


And yet another variation by Catherine Austin Fitts, where she says to stop building the walls of our own prison.


At some point, we all have to take responsibility for our own personal awakening, and not contribute to yet another mass formation, which can only end (and deserves to end) in its own destruction. Let the basic ethical principles of humanity guide us as we embrace the (less important) differences among us.

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In the USA, what would large segments of tribal humanity need an education in "ETHICS" for?

They gots free stuff and gubmint welfare eva month!

Who da fool ya'll? I ain't lyin!

Jis shudup and gimmee mo money!

I know wherez my health and welfare comes from. Da mail box!

(this is the New Frontier in the USA. A language barrier debacle for the Great Reset)

Call me what you will. But do not deny the existence of the dumbing down of America.


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What are you talking about?

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An absolute crumbling of a work force economy and things like the 40 hr work week.

The broadening of big city Ghettos and homeless encamping trash dumps.

The Arts and Music that once inspired, now angers. Visions of a zombie world?

The fastest track to green energy transportation and the stupidity of where energy actually comes from with everything tied in knots from needing a battery for it.

The Quadzillions spent in the past 100 yrs on wars and so called nation building.

What else can they lie to citizens about? Well...just about anything and everything!

I know I owe you an apology for the late night rant about what's wrong in the US.

Sorry MZ to post sour grapes on your Tess post. But health is on a collision course.

I think we are victims, not accomplices. We are a nation on the pursuits of pleasure.

The beer and pHARMA TV ads clear illustration of, "What else can go wrong here?"

Again, sorry to be the goof ball .

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OBLIVIOUS (ob-LI-vious)

It is the blatant LIES we are being fed on a daily basis, which keep the masses OBLIVIOUS to what would otherwise be blatantly OBVIOUS....



"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

Aware Parenting website:



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:



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What else? Every aspect of your reality!!!

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To encourage reunification of family, friends & community

¨This Gathering is for Canadian women, their children and the men who love and support them.

The event will recognize the emotional, financial, social and political burdens borne by every Canadian since March 2020 – in the hopes that friends, family and neighbours will be inspired to ‘lay down their swords’ to bring about the reunification of families and communities.

It is time to ensure every person is welcome back to work, school and around the family kitchen table. Our children’s futures depend on swift and decisive action.

Let’s stand together – It is time to heal this country.¨

For more details, visit : The Women are Gathering https://freedomrising.info/sept-18-19-women-of-canada-are-gathering/

The Women are Gathering : https://thewomenaregathering.com/

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Wonderful interview. Dr. Lawrie is so lovely and her humanity shines through every word she speaks. I too speak to anyone who will listen that they need to take responsibility for their own health--- body, mind and spirit. Thank you Maajid!

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Wonderful interview! Thank you for linking us to it and providing us with solid information we can use to create positive strategies that can counteract the negative ones we're currently experiencing.

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Yes, the video was good. I guess that, for me, the most important news was the reconciliation you propose to those medical professionals who, for one reason or other, have followed the directives of the authorities for two years now. The war is over, accept the olive branch we are extending...truth and reconciliation, South Africa style?

I have not been back to see my GP, who contacted me when the jab was first made available, don't think I'll go there. Working on keeping healthy.

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Do not comply with the anti-human globalists

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"Tolerance for pain may be high, but it is not without limit. Eventually everyone begins to recognize, however dimly, that there must be a better way."

~ A Course In Miracles (T-2.III.3.)


"As far as our flesh-and-blood fathers are concerned, the more they make a show of being mighty and authoritarian, the more certain they are to be insecure children inside. But to revere a God with these characteristics out of fear would be in keeping once again with the dictates of “poisonous pedagogy.”

~ Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society's Betrayal of the Child by Alice Miller



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IT's interesting to see who are the ones supporting the uncontrolled invalid virology experiments and continuing the virus narrative of the globalists. https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Secrets-of-Virology-Control-Experiments:e

The is NO evidence of a virus lab or wet market or other wise https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing


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New Nimby Variant discovered in Martha’s Vineyard


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Dr. Lawrie, I liked your interview with Mr. Nawaz. 😁 I remember someone talking about the adjuvants in vaccines and the allergic response to anything else our bodies may be exposed to at the time too. Such as foods in the stomach. Not just an immune response to the proteins in the vaccines.

You are an influential person. Perhaps you could mention these ideas in your network of positive people.

"Global warming" (and probably resource depletion) seems to be Mr. Gates motivation to reduce CO2 with vaccines upon the human population. Yet we don't use molten salt Thorium reactors, which are incredibly safe and produce only a little, short lived nuclear waste. The amount of Thorium on this Earth (not counting the rest in this solar system) would last human civilization 1 million years. Yes. Governments cannot produce nuclear bombs from Thorium, which is an advantage. 🤣 But it is "greener" than windmills and solar panels that litter the landscape. And certainly far cheaper and more reliable.

It is a good energy solution for a very long, long time. 😁

Have a wonderful day. 🤗

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