No matter how sincere, how egoless and how beautiful an initiative is, no matter how wholesome, selfless and generous, no matter how fired by a heartful impulse to make things better, to bring goodness, to restore values of goodwill, compassion, and longlasting peace, the initiative will come under attack by people who have not healed their own wounds and their own darkness. Keep going. Keep swimming. Keep shining your light.

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Tess, I bought a virtual ticket and have been absorbing the 2023 conference at home. What a wonderful event! What is clear is that conferences like this help to create a wide perspective on the problems and challenges we are facing and the possible ways forward towards better health for all, humans, animals and plants - richly diverse and yet also One Life inhabiting this beautiful planet. Many congratulations to you, your hard working team and all the speakers! May this Better Way Conference become an annual anchor of hope and creativity in the years to come. Keep on keeping on, much love to you all. PS Listening to the speakers especially Dr Rubik's contribution, has helped me have the courage to cancel my phone contract and jettison this toxic thing from my life.

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Wonderful to hear that you have been inspired to action! Thank you so much for sharing this, James. Makes it all worthwhile.

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No good deed goes unpunished!...meanwhile you have listed so many great deeds! I became exhausted just reading all that you have accomplished. THANK YOU for all your work!..esp. regarding solutions to this takeover.

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Beautifully said. I hope it will be taken to heart by at least some of those who need to hear it.

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Thank you.

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I bought a virtual ticket & spent all weekend watching, pissed my partner off massively, BUT, some of the content was a useful red pill to her also ........ thank you Tess for everything you’ve done and are doing...... x

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Dr. Lawrie, I was unable to attend this year’s BWC in Bath. But I did attend the one in 2022. It was outstanding. A gathering of all the covid warriors I follow. I am forever grateful for you and your team providing this opportunity for all of us. Grifters, what an odd word to describe all of those seeking the truth. I could name real grifters....those who accept positions with big pharma for big pay checks, but that would be petty and boring because we all know who they are already. You have so many wonderful scientists, specialty doctors, other healthcare professionals, legal experts, epidemiologists, virologists, data scientists and even politicians not only in the UK, but around the world, who know you, who support you and who are grateful to have you on their side. Grifter.....not an adjective anyone who knows you would use.

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Wonderful reply Tess,to a very sad individual. Who from the sound of it, expects that the "world" owes him ,for some reason or another,and a bit of a "Victor Meldrews" complex ☹️ but he has NOT furnished us with "all" he has accomplished in the past few years,or how he has expended himself in an effort to help others.

There will always(sadly) be people like this and because you care so very much,it hurts deeply,but try not to let this utter nonsensical tirade, get to you, because his words are a waste of paper and ink (so to speak)

Thank You a million times over for your agape love and determination during this extremely difficult time we would be so much sadder without you on our lives 💞

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I feel so bad to see you having to defend your good name in this way. For many of us, you and those who have spoken out where we weren’t able to, and continue to do so are a huge source of hope in these dark times.

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I am saddened to hear you and the World Council for Health are coming under attack at a time when you should be celebrating the triumphant Better Way Conference and the inspiring leadership you are providing for people resisting totalitarianism and pharmacide around the world.

It is safe to say the global impact of “Mistakes Were NOT Made” would never have happened without you, Tess, as well as filmmaker Mark Lawrie and the phenomenal WCH team. For those who missed it, I document that impact here:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: One Poem to Wake the World” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to)

I also want to extend a special thank-you to WCH and Francesca, the translations coordinator, for harnessing volunteers to translate my poem into nearly thirty languages. I have published the translations here and continue to update it as new ones come in:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: Translations & PDFs” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-translations)

Thank you, Tess and your fellow WCH heroes, for standing tall and continuing to spread your petals in a field of mediocrity and corruption 🌷

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Thank you too for your dedication and collaboration, Margaret Anna Alice.

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Unfortunately, this comes with the territory, as it were. Those of us who did very similar work on behalf of Sep 11 and put in hours beyond our regular "day jobs" endured the same criticisms. To their credit, I know many still at that grindstone.

I, too, believe that the truth about the Covid® operation is coming into the light. I pray that this horrific crime will result in exposure of the entire lie that is our current frame of reference for virtually everything.

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I'm so sorry you felt you had to write this post, but honestly, I think it's one of my absolute favourites so far! THANK YOU for what you have done and are doing will never be enough, but please know that every one of your emails hits home and your words are always so inspirational and appreciated - across the globe - & many, many thanks also to your family for sharing you with us all. xx

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Ouch, I hear the sting, Tess. No need to be defensive, you are doing a fantastic job! As others have said, there will always be those who criticise, or project their own frustrations and inadequacies on to others (especially on to those in the same perceived 'camp' where speaking out is safer). It is important to be discerning between unfair and untrue criticism and feedback which may be useful and give us pause for reflection. What these attacks have served is that you have taken the time to review and catalogue the enormous contributions and actions you and your team have made. I found that very helpful in itself, thank you (there were lots of things I didn't know about despite your being one of my most trusted and helpful 'go to's' for information and support). And just to add something you didn't list - the forums and conference alone provide a huge context for people of like mind to come together, talk about their concerns, share knowledge and experience, and work towards a values-based future counter to the predominant one. I for one have found you all a source of inspiration and hope which helps me to take action for a 'better way'. Kia kaha (or stay strong as we say in New Zealand).

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Thank you for everything you and your colleagues have done for both the individual and all of humanity Tess. Selfless sacrifice and of time, personal income and family for the benefit of others requires a special person of integrity and quite frankly, the constant digging and deep commitment for truth and dignity. The original values seem to be rare diamonds these days but they are there. You seem to be a rare pink diamond.

I've noticed you have interviewed a lot of interesting and varied people on a wide variety of mainstream allopathic and somewhat less conventionally accepted ideas. I personally have learnt a great deal and have shared your podcasts with many others.

I have been wondering if you have considered the work of Marc Girardot, he was on John Campbells YouTube channel talking about aspiration and the bolus theory as well as mentioned by Kevin McKernan and a few others. I'm super interested in his work and think it will be far more known in the future. After reading his work so many things made sense to me. It felt like a light bulb moment, it also offered an incredible opportunity to discuss issues with my friends and family. Most of them have been receptive to his theories. Most are vaccinated, whereas I find the unvaccinated are somewhat less receptive, possibly because they are expecting everyone who took the jab to be harmed? It feels like there may be some bias here because we can all see that some people seem absolutely fine. I for one are grateful for this but feel vaccination is a game of chance with potentially dangerous consequences. I admire your critical thinking and would love to know your thoughts and/or Knowledge of Marc's work on aspiration and the bolus theory. If he is right so many lives could be immediately saved from disability and death.

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There are always those who have to tear down what others create. It starts with smashing someones sand castle that the child destroyer feels is better than theirs and ends up with the adult destroyer stomping on whatever they perceive as marginalized them. I didn't see the post as I don't subscribe to social media anymore, but I bet this person has a poor opinion of themselves that they take out on the world around them because they have a bully pulpit. Don't listen to them Tess! You are creating so much good in the world. The conference was incredible, best $30 I've spent ever!

On another note, are you and Kat Lindley in touch regarding her effort, the Global Health Project?

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Tess, you have been one of the absolute heroes of the last couple of years. I know that you have worked your guts out (I've personally been amazed by all that you have managed to do). Please don't take any petty comments to heart. I simply don't know how one person could possibly have done more than you have achieved. I'm in awe of you. Please know that you are absolute legend to many!

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I would never disparage the efforts of those like yourself, Dr Lawrie, to bring the truth and work to establish alternatives to the iatrogenicide being perpetrated by the traditional medical establishment. At the same time, it remains true that "to whom much is given, much is required". Those who by virtue of a PhD, a leadership position in a leading organization, or a high level of wealth (ex. Steve Kirsch) have the credibility to be heard. Such must clearly take the lead and do what you and others are doing. We "ordinary folk", whether simple laymen or retirees have zero credibility in the western culture of "expert worship" regardless of whatever we might do, so sometimes all we can do is reshare truth and contribute tiny amounts selectively, often seemingly with no effect on the battle. Expect frustration from ordinary people sometimes; the best way to answer these frustrations is to clearly proclaim victories, such as on the WCH site. Documenting efforts, while important, usually produce less of a bandwagon effect than results. We can all improve.

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