I remember Diana's wedding -- because my mother watched it. I did not; I had no interest. Passing by her chair as she watched the proceedings, I heard my mother murmur three words I'll always remember: "The poor thing."

Meaning Diana, of course. "The poor thing."

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I recall the story of Charles visiting the Czech Republic or Hungary and throwing a tantrum because his boiled egg sarnies did not have any Hellsman mayonaise. His flunkies carry Hellsmans wherever he travels, it was reported. Thus a Foreign Office type was flown out from London with the largest jar of Hellsman mayonaise that they could find - one seat for the flunkey, one for the jar of mayonaise. This is the man who would be king.

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He might have uttered one sentence and that triggered a panic unknown to him, and it was later described as a "tantrum".

That kind of story demeans the really bad story about him, that is, that he fronts for the WEF and has had many chances to back away from that but he has not.

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Right 'family'. Daddy want's to come back as a deadly virus, sonny boy wants to come back as a Kotex. Is this how the 'British Empire' collapses, not with a roar but with a WEF puppet?

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And you can bet William is a staunch supporter as well.

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There are many stories like that, all seemingly removed from the web. The right to be forgotten web privacy laws were brought in to protect them not us.

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Yes, I've experienced'removed from the Web'. I was sharing an in-depth article about the history of Charles and the climate change agenda, but it's not there any more!

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The jar of mayo would make a better and wiser king than that idiot Windsor.

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Disgraced forever.

And this is only one anecdote.

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I don’t know much about England but the most shocking part of this article to me was finding out Charles did not stand up for GMO labeling after a lifetime of promoting organic farming. It really speaks to his character or lack thereof. This is a deeper issue than people realize as GMO food changes the microbiome and may have far reaching effects. Our food supply is about as important an issue as there is.

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A related 'microbiome killer' is glyphosate, which is luberally used on wheat, maize, barley etc. to 'simplify harvesting'. Thus most of our bread, beer and many other staples are contaminated with this Glyphosate. Where is the uproar among the people? Most are totally unaware, thanks to a silenced, captured, corrupt MSM.

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A sad day for the UK, May 6th. Those of us who want nothing to do with it, will simply not participate in any way. Sadly so many do not question the narrative.why? Because to do so would be to admit there is a problem.

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Remember his mother kept not a single one of her coronation oaths given in front of God, the British people and the people of the British commonwealth. She presided over the planned dismantling of this country and he is simply following along in her treasonous footsteps. No Christian would ever take an oath in any case as Christ himself explicitly forbade the giving and taking of oaths "Swear no oaths ....... let your yes mean yes and your no mean no".

I have a weird story about the stone of destiny as it happens. If you remember it was "stolen" and taken back to Scotland before his treasonous mother's coronation by Scottish nationalist supporters, real nationalists not the SNP, and was eventually returned in time for her coronation, or perhaps a copy was, no-one knows, but it was allegedly kept in a small church in my hometown while it was away from Westminster.

I bought my present house, the former manse of that small church, around 12 years ago and after a couple of years I was speaking to my old neighbour about getting the stonework on both our front garden walls fixed, it still isn't fixed, and perhaps prompted by this talk of stonework she said "Of course you know your house is very famous!" and I of course said "No!?" so she expained.

It turned out that back in the early 90's I think it was and soon after they moved in the old minister who still lived in this house invited them through for an evenings drink or something for a "special reason" I think she said; so intrigued they came along and were ushered through into the back area of the house where I am sitting now. They had a few drinks with the others that were there and then after a while the minister made a little speech and said now for our toast. In the middle of the room there was something under a tartan rug that they had wondered about all evening and he now said raise your glasses and then pulled the rug off and there was a huge stone sitting and he gave the toast to the Stone of Scone or Destiny. He explained that this was the real stone that had never been returned and had stayed in this house all those years since it was freed from Westminster and that he had invited them all round to see it off from this house to a place of safekeeping now that he was getting on in years and then several large men arrived who he said were Templars and they took the stone away.

She is not one to talk nonsense so I presume it happened as she said, these are my recollections of what she said a good few years ago now so perhaps are slightly imbellished but it was pretty much what she said. So his mother was never queen and he shall never be king , ....... she knew it and he knows it.

A true King would not be a WEFer and he would undo the damage his mother did to this country and helped do to hundreds of other countries. A true King would serve his people and not be served by his people and a true KIng would defend the one true faith and he would take no oath or give no oath in order to do so as his actions would speak louder than any un-Christian oath his mother was all too happy to take and then ignore.

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The One true King lives inside all that know Him as Lord and Savior, all other ground is sinking sand. Stones come and go, the Rock endures forever.

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I would say something that gave the story added credence to my mind was that the area at the back of the house where she described the stone as sitting is the only place that probably had a stone floor back then and so was the only place that such a heavy object wouldn't damage the floor. Now that floor is chipboard sitting a couple of inches above an insulated concrete floor with its "joists" being only 2"x2" or thereabouts.

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I remember and still have the photo of that stone, taken at Westminster A in 1983. I am quite shocked that I was able to touch it unsupervised!!

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That stone, or a fake. Either way, not much chance anyone could pop it in their pocket and slip away with it!

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but easy to vandalise it or the chair

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What is a 'True King'? Aren't all kings simply just financially and militarily more powerful than the majority? Did they not come into being (most of them) with violence and coercion, imposing themselves on people by pure power? Not with wisdom or kindness, not with justice or tolerance. Each one passing on the 'right' to be king to their progeny, unless overthrown by someone yet more powerful and willing to use subterfuge or violence to gain their ends...that appears to have been the general trend until people accepted they couldn't get rid of the scoundrels, therefore it must have been 'ordained' by some 'higher' power, and so with some psy-ops and propaganda 'Kingship' became 'God given'.

My apologies for sounding off...kings not being one of my favourite entities.

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A true king is a servant like Jesus Christ.

This might amuse you.


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You are of course spot on. And contrary to the 'Divine Right of Kings', where Kings are supposedly annointed by God, in reality they are servants of the one to whom they have sold their souls, the Prince of this world (according to Jesus on three occassions in the New Testament). The Devil claimed, when he tempted Jesus Christ after the 40-Day Fast in the desert (full text only occurs in Luke!!): 'And the devil led him (Jesus) into a high mountain, and shewed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And he said to him: To thee will I give all this power, and the glory of them; for to me they are delivered, and to whom I will, I give them. If thou therefore wilt adore before me, all shall be thine.' Luke lV : 5-7. Jesus did not give the Devil the lie on that. So much for the 'Divine Right of Kings'!

That should be re-written: 'The Satanic Right of Kings'. I'm afraid the great Bishop Vigano is wrong on that point, as well.

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Great story. Thanks for sharing!

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Highly believable, but you obviously are unaware of the who the Templars are. They are a branch of Freemasonry, and are not Christian, though many have been brought up or led to believe they are. Following your comment, a likely place for the relocation is Rosslyn Chapel, near Edinburgh. Or perhaps Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

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Well I am a Sinclair and I live not far from Rosslyn chapel, an hour or so away.

We will make Christians of them yet. Remember when Christ spoke of stones he was speaking about people, to Peter "you are my rock",to Simon "you shall be called Cephas (Stone)".

Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? .

The stone is a person not a stone. When the comforter, the son of man, comes he will lead us into all things and his father's name shall be in their foreheads, they will be clear of sin, they will be Sin Clear.

https://web.archive.org/web/20181201013810/http://bodgeitandscarper.org/ to bodge something is to get it working, albeit in a crude way. The SIGMA3 document, the sum of three, sums it up, the old company I once contracted for.

https://royaldutchshellplc.com/2008/01/06/crackpot-or-genius-has-a-shell-boffin-stumbled-on-a-scientific-breakthrough/ a simplistic explanation I wrote for Roxanne who was second in charge of Shell at the time of writing it. I guess she answered the question crackpot or genius ...... crackpot.

Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

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Very well said. I am in the UK and have said such things to people around me. There are those who call themselves Christians who thought she had no choice but to assent to ungodly laws.

I thought that way myself until the Same Sex Couples Act in 2013. I then realised she had broken her promises at her coronation - I am a bit slow. Not that we are all responsible in some way for where we are today.

Whilst more an attempt at humour to lighten the mood, I wrote the article below. I had always wanted to ask the Queen why she signed all the bills without saying 'No, I will not do this'. Did she love the world so much and as a consequence lost her soul?


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Not even knowing for when the coronation was planned, we took our kids to London for their first airplane trip last week. It was their school April vacation. I have an older cousin who’s been living in London for 25-odd years so it was fun to see her, too. So glad we weren’t there this week! Everything was so open for us! The barricades from the marathon were mostly left around Buckingham, but we walked along it’s back garden wall and saw old Chuck driving by with only a motorcycle escort and a single cars on either side of his maroon /brown Bentley. For an American who lived in NYC and worked on the East side in enough proximity to the United Nations during yearly UN week madness, I found the security light. You should see the UN Week closures in Manhattan! But Westminster Abby was already closed and the line for the Crown Jewels was WAY to long to even look at.

The control zones were wild - NYC would love to impose what they call “congestion pricing.” Our busses did zip around very easily, but I wondered on the impacts of the regular residents. Didn’t realize this also had to pay it.

At least your mask usage was WAY below that of Americans! My husband still goes to NYC and I’ve been to Boston a few times in the past few months. Way more masks in those cities. London felt so normal in comparison!

It’s much easier to be American and observe the pageantry for it’s beautiful splendor and not really have much of a care for the actual people. But if I had to observe Biden’s inaugural preparations, it would have made me sick.

Thanks for the insight from the other side!

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Powerful piece about a sinister man, courageous too. Thank you Tess.


Murder, strangely enough in this world, is part of truth. Truth is a lady and behaves like a lady. Once she is coming out, she knows no barriers.

Time will come when these "great ones" will be seen in all their unfathomable pitifulness.

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A WEF puppet king?

A traitor to the people?

Also interesting to remember that the Royal Family were avid promoters of the Covid jabs, a prime piece of aggressive marketing by ‘The Firm’…

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The Queen had 4 jabs (most likely AstraZeneca). She died of bone cancer.

Prince Phillip had 1 jab; died 3 months later.

Three times as many adverse reactions per dose were reported for this vaccine than for the Pfizer vaccine and over twice as many per dose than for the Moderna vaccine.

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Funny that they should have been taken in by the hype and agreed to have the jab...they use mainly homeopathy as medication. I'm quite amazed.

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I was stunned she made a public statement advocating for the jabs.

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Have all that family been brainwashed...?

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Charles is the one who announced the WEF Great Reset.

He is a major climate change nutter. Thinks bringing in the army to save the earth from climate change is a good idea.

Remember the odd, ackward meeting between Gates and the Queen???

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Witnessing Diana’s marriage and subsequent trajectory through your young, tender eyes made a tragic story all the more wrenching.

I find it telling that both of the images you shared capture a non-Duchenne smile (https://www.businessinsider.com/a-neurologist-explains-how-to-spot-a-fake-smile-2016-7) — she was clearly adept at masking her feelings before the public, but her smile belies her discontent.

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Wowee, talk about theater of the Royal Variety.....still....the acting as if this matters today!

Shakespeare said it best. All of life's a stage, and we are but actors in a role.

So.....Act your best, everyday. Pip pip.

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Oh, that the British public would spit in the eye of this masquerade and de La Boétie Charles and the entire monarchy in one fell swoop:

“You can deliver yourselves if you try, not by taking action, but merely by willing to be free. Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.”

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Following the advice of de La Boétie would take us a long, long way.

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Love it!!

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Indeed, Shakespeare said truly.

All the worlds a stage

And all the people engaged in frollocks

It seems the world has gone quite mad

Oh what a load of...


I struggle with rhymes sometimes. :)

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Now look at William’s smile.

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After reading the ‘how to spot a fake smike’ piece I had to go back and look at the pictures of Diana in this post. I see what you mean...there is no squinting around her eyes...so sad...Diana became a beautiful woman who never stood a chance in that ‘den of vipers’ that was The Royal Family!

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Great and timely article Tess... I used to think, what a tragic accident, the damn paparazzi and driver being the cause, but after the last three years, I begin to wonder... There seems to be diabolical plans afoot by the WEF and their interwoven organisations the WHO, UN and unfortunately many highly infiltrated western governments. Their favourite academic Yuval openly tells you how they plan to do it (and he often hints most of us will be in the way, a "useless class")


This coronation of a King linked to these psychopathic weirdos, is looking to be a gloomy and sombre affair no matter the pomp, ceremony and regalia we see on TV.

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I never thought I'd feel such antipathy towards the Royal family - but the last 3 years have really opened my eyes (too many things, not only them unfortuntely) . It's sad, because some things were joyous to celebrate when we were growing up. Now it's all doom and gloom and hardly a soul on the planet to look up to and respect. Sad sad times.

Thank you Dr Tess for this beautifully written piece 🙏

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It is sad - and a huge betrayal of so much we thought we could rely on in so many ways. Yet it's also a joyous radiant renewal for humanity. We can cast aside all the failed institutions and vacuous traitorous people we may have previously looked up to. We can defiantly ditch their doom and gloom, too, in a big bucket where all their Convid Cabbage Crapaganda went.

The grand illusion is over for many of us. Ultimately, it's a great relief. We don't need it. We can heartily embrace a rebirth of true humanity. We can now look to our empowered selves and our new-found community leaders of sovereign moral character to vigorously build anew - without "them" (the globalist corporate cabal and their collaborators). Yippee! Great new horizons ahead! Golden days to come! The Armies of Truth are ADVANCING!

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King Charles has betrayed the nation and the world through his support of rogue World Economic Forum policies, especially the toxic Convid quackzines and by giving royal approval, on 23rd March 2023, to the genetic modification of plants and animals for biotech purposes. He's betrayed his own former organic farming stance. He's supporting hideous bio-engineered foods and jabs on behalf of the globalist corrupt transhumanist cabal. He's thereby an enemy of all organic individual sovereign people across the nation and the world. He's now the symbolic head of the treacherous establishment 'elite' that want to enslave us all forever. Not my King. No allegiance pledged from me. Booooooooooooooooo!

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Thank you for your words Dr Tess, they reflect everything I feel but expressed so much better than I'm able. I'll never recognise Charles as my King nor have any allegiance to him. As for him swearing allegiance to his people I find it insulting. A traitor to the people of Britain would be far more fitting. I for one will take no part in the whole farce and in all honesty it makes me mad to witness the fools that celebrate


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Oh dear, Tess. I think you are being quite naive about Diana. She did everything she could to snag and snare Charles (according to her family and friends), while he was the one who was against the marriage, but forced into it by his parents. She was also bulemic, paranoid and quite mentally fragile, with not a single interest beyond the trivial. Charles behaved like a shit, but so did she. There are no good guys in that story. The hypothesis that he had her killed is pure conjecture and unworthy of you. It also does a disservice to the current situation with the WEF to place the "then and now" side by side as if there is a connection. God only knows what Charles thinks he is doing with the WEF, but that is the problem that faces us all now, and it is completely unrelated to his first marriage.

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Bulemic, paranoid and mentally fragile. The way you use those terms sound like accusations. Have you ever met someone with those types of problems who is also a likeable, loveable human being? I don't know the truth about Diana, but I wouldn't site her psychological distress as a reason to discredit her

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Saying that is not "discrediting" her. It is saying she was a human person with many flaws and not some sweet saint.

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Not sure why Dr. Lawrie sided so firmly with Diana. I think Diana had some caring in her heart and did some good with her causes. But she reaked of unhappiness, no matter the photos.

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Dr Tess strikes me as highly empathic. And I thought she elaborated well on why she felt that empathy with Diana.

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I think what's being forgotten here is what my mom always used to say and rang very true in my first marriage... Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors! Speaking from personal experience... I can say she probably did think he was the catch of the century at first. Doesn't take long for a tiger to show it's stripes. In my experience it began a little before marriage, but got considerably worse after. He was a PRO at doing it only behind closed doors! To everyone else seemed so nice and shy. I was always very strong and outspoken about everything, but I didn't tell anyone about how he was treating me for a long time. In that, because I was outspoken, it was easy for him to make me look like the a-o! When it comes to hormones/dramatics, etc I wouldn't go back to being young again for a million dollars! When your whole life feels turned upside down and you're at such a loss of how did we get here and knowing you can't undo it you look for ways to cope. Especially when you feel you can't leave for whatever reasons. Don't want to disappoint parents, friends, whoever. Don't want to hear I told you so. Don't have a job and worry how you'll afford to be a single mom. When you've been told for 11 years you wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for them! The day I asked him to leave he pulled that line for the millionth time and I replied..."I was happy and poor before I met you and I can be happy and poor without you!" I did alot of things to cope with things in that 11 years I'd wished I hadn't. Not everyone is the same in how they deal with things. I got married very young and had children immediately. By the time mentally (in my heart) I was over it and just dwelling not really living when opportunities arose to experience what I had missed in my younger years...well let's just say I can relate to Princess Diana. Sowed my wild oats. However, as we know now he was most likely cheating get go. Eventually, like me, she found her way and put her head back on straight. I read an article once that in her humanity work she discovered the pedophilia taking place and was going to expose it. Just like it's believed Paul Walker day after he was killed in car crash that mysteriously no cameras caught point a to point b, that he was going to expose the Clinton Foundation for being involved with all the missing Haiti children! I found it interesting Amy Barrett has a child adopted from Haiti. Anyway in all that...people can give their opinions about what goes on behind closed doors...but only they and God really know! Even a best friend or family member can give their opinion...but opinions are like butt holes...everybody has one.

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Thank you Linda for saying that. I think Tess is seeing the situation through "adolescent eyes".

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People forget she came from a broken home, and that broken homes have been the cause of so much distress in today's society.

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Felt exactly the same re Diana before and after she married Charles.

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Beautifully written.

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