I’m so thankful there are people speaking out for the voiceless! I had one Moderna vax and it has changed my life. I’ve spent thousands in testing and searching for a why and something to help relieve my issues. I live in a small Va town and it’s so taboo to even speak about has happened to me. They either look at me like it’s all in my mind or have absolutely no idea on how to treat me. I have improved some and I’m thankful but still have ear, sinus ,eye and a few other issues. I feel like I’m not the same person I once was. I did have Covid 3 months prior to vaccination but my family doctor assured me that the shot would only help protect me. I have a 12 year old and travel and he basically made me feel like a bad parent if I didn’t take it. We deserve treatment and to be heard!!!!!! Thank you Shaun for your voice! …… to all of you speaking out for research and treatment!

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I wonder if much of what we see re injuries and deaths is the tip of the iceberg?... Take for example this heart transplant story from Australia, to be working in Western Australia this girl is almost certainly vaxxed... The doctors only discovered what had caused this young girls heart to suddenly fail after they removed it, her immune system was attacking the heart due to a "previous infection"... ?? I may have it wrong but I suspect this is a classic covid vaccine injury I'd think?... Swept under the carpet deliberately or through cognitive dissonance? ... I'll allow a one in one million chance this was a real "infection" it happens... But given her age and the sudden onset this seems very sus (one would think she'd have been experiencing a massive cold and heart problems onset for a while if it were via natural infection?!)


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Excellent material Steve!

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I didn't get this vaccine. It was pushed to fast with no available studies that I could find. Touted to be safe and effective. The definition of safe is will cause NO harm. Right away with the roll out it was evident this was not true. The first thing I saw was a nurse on live TV getting the shot and passing out. I think she died. I feel so bad for all the people who have lost their lives or have been injured by this. I was a person that believed our government had our best interest, not anymore. They only have their own interest at heart and are bought off by anyone offering large sums of money.

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Listening to these two injured guys, you get the impression the Biden Administration is far worse than ours, assuming that's possible!

They are aware these jabs are under EUA approval but seem unaware why there is no alternative medication available for Covid sufferers.

The vaccine under EUA can only be administered if there is no other approved medication for Covid.

If life savers such as Ivermectin and HCQ were approved Big Pharma would be unable to sell their expensive gene therapy vaccines. As the majority of medical organisations are sponsored by Big Pharma, they are unlikely bite the hand that feeds them.

They could have asked "who is the biggest investor in Big Pharma", the answer would explain their other concern regarding the lack of support from the MSM. The starting point should always be "Follow the Money".


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This is how the vaccine injured have always felt. We were always dismissed, forgotten and called antivaxxers. It is not only the Covid EUA, it is all liability free vaccines. Liability protection needs to end so we can have the truth come to light through litigation.

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I am long term injured from Fluoroquinolone antibiotics (Levaquin, Cipro, Avelox, +++). Fluoroquinolone Toxicity. I was healthy and very fit, then a bomb went off in my body. There are thousands of us in groups trying to heal ourselves, we are also ignored. Surprisingly, my “issues” (and thousands of other FQ damaged) are almost identical to these 2 men. I have heard rumors that “Cipro” may be in some vaccines. If so, that could be an answer to your issues. There are 5-6 FDA Black Box Warnings for Fluoroquinolones with your/my side effects listed. Check to see if Fluoroquinolones are in the vaccine. I’m hoping your larger group helps find some healing help for us also. Stay strong.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your injuries. I don't know too much about cipro but my comment/questions somehow posted down further.

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Everyone needs to copy this video link and send it to all on their email list, and post the link to their social media feeds so these two people get their voices heard and some healing

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Since no one else has mentioned it, the FLCCC.net has developed a set of protocols for dealing with post-vaccine injury. It offers a long list of therapies to trial. For example, there are treatments for tinnitus. Check it out at https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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Shaun said his mind was blown. That's not the half of it. I've carefully observed the behavior of the Federal agencies. It's clear to me that they are not acting in the role of promoting health. There's a very dark agenda at work here, tied to the World Economic Forum and reducing the global population. With that kind of agenda, of course you did not get a humane response. The "vaccine" is doing just what it was intended to do. The system is accomplishing its poisonous and toxic goals...

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imagine being so ignored, so gaslit, feeling so scared, being in so much pain/distress, that suicide is your best response....and still the silence

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So very sorry to hear these two guy's stories. You can feel their raw emotions coming through and their bewilderment at how things have gone. So many people, so many heartbreaking stories....I just feel incredibly sad. Never thought in my lifetime, that I would witness these things. I have certainly changed my frame of mind since 2020 - I don't think I will ever trust governments/politicians/hospitals again. It's a scary future.

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We are getting closer to this Digital Age, being transformed into a Digital Rage!

And as well if that is what it takes to open the blinded eyes and ears to total collective awareness.

So be it! Passiveness never climbed the mountains high, nor lit the fires of hope and Justice.

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Guys your microbiome is destroyed. Probably. Try to find Dr Sabine Hazan, she is available on twitter, and check videos on her progenabiome web site. I believe she already has many answers for you. I found amazing her interview with Tess and dr Been.




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I am long holer from covid 10-2020. I suffered for 8 months and then flccc LC therapy with ivermectin on it cleared all of it in 7 days. I was amazed and since then I am strong 💪 voice for ivermectin. I am tracking Tess since may 2021, with hers meta analysis for not only ivm. Tess saved many many lifes. Thank you for it.

Regarding the other vaccines this great guys should watch these films and then make opinion, not before.



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A must watch. Presentation by Sasha Latypova to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics - starts at 16min 30seconds. Sasha is a pharmacologist and together with a legal team presents newly collated research on why so many are injured by the so-called vax.


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Hello Dr Tess,

Thank you for your love and offering of light -

At this point, I am not speaking out about the jabz in particular - What my concern is;

The P C R tests.

As a practitioner, it has come to my attn. These jabz through the nasal passage, are causing undo stresses, early onset of mental issue and more. In my work - I am deeply (no pun intended), concerned!

Those who were in need of medical attn. due to cancer , surgery or other important issues, have all been a part of this process, to a no good end in sight.

Please, be so kind as to research the problems which "stemmed", from that mandate!!!

Creator bless and keep you ~

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