Our Dear Tess, Thank you for being you, and thank you for all that you do to fight this fight. I wanted to share a note that I wrote this yesterday on, A Midwestern Doctors Substack. This is for all of you who have given so much of yourselves in this effort:

A MidWest Dr - Thank you for your note above. You say, “Fauci and Birk WILLFULLY IGNORED any data that challenged their narrative” and in your paper you cited the following, about the same subject,

‘One of Atlas’s most concerning discoveries was the extreme lack of knowledge on the part of Fauci, Redfield, and Burks. Further, he said they DID NOT APPEAR TO UNDERSTAND that most of the population was at very little risk from a COVID infection’

I am a nice person, and I fully appreciate why Doctor atlas understated the case.... but...... I call ‘Horseshuit’ on that!!! Personally, I will go to my grave, absolutely convinced that it was not ignorance, willful or otherwise! It wasn’t just a little mistake by people who are so smart.... INDEED - I am convinced that in reality it was cold, hard, calculating personal advantage that was driving there coordinated campaign to PUBLICLY CRUCIFY any doctor, statistician or scientist that attempted to speak the truth. And further I would venture to guess that nearly 100% of you out there that know the truth of what we see, would completely agree with me in this regard. Sorry to be so blunt but I for one, will grant no quarter, and give no ‘benefit of the doubt’ on this one. Too many people have died. Too many people have been injured. Too many people have lost their small businesses. Too many middle class property owners have lost their property because of lack of rent while still having to pay the mortgage. I called horse shiut on the belief that they didn’t know what they were doing! And that’s all I have to say about that. 😤

A Midwestern Dr. - don’t get me wrong you’ve done an amazing, absolutely amazing job in laying out what happened and the malfeasance bar that has been met. You as a doctor, blogger, and professional, you are duty-bound to walk a very, very fine and accurate line in your exposition. Me on the other hand, I’m just a kid who grew up in the Midwest and skinned my knees there, when I fell climbing trees there. My only duty is to pointedly, directly, and unabashedly - call a SPADE A SPADE. ☺️

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Remarkable that our brains continue to build new connections through the branching of dendrites as we age. So too, with our connections with others - an amazing parallel, if those who purport to govern us would allow those connections to take place.

So many promising early treatment protocols early on, from Doctor Zelenko on America's east coast to Doctors Fareed and Tyson on its west coast.... and so many others in between. All the 'authorities' needed to do is allow the word to spread through informal connections - we have the technology for that.

Instead, we suffered ill-advised directives from above... so many lives lost as a result, so many creative voices silenced, their careers destroyed. 'A Better Way' is needed in so many countries around the world.

Rage on.

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Vera Sharav is a remarkable woman and Never Again Is Now Global is a remarkable documentary that will age well and document our history. Thank you Tess for this interview.

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"You won't even know who is pulling the strings..." Great point! This is why not taking our eye off the ball of 5G infrastructure, and taking back our hard-wired sovereignty is so crucial:


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Humour with few messages. It is not over. The Rumour Mill on the old wireless - Pilots Are Now a Dying Breed. (12:25 min) https://thewhiterose.uk/pilots-are-now-a-dying-breed/

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Mar 26, 2023
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Completely agree!

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