What a fabulous way to kick off the new year, Tess!
As it happens, I just wrote an email on this topic to a friend/mentor/former English professor of mine who is blue-pilled but open-minded enough to still talk to me 😆
“I was on board with the narrative--totally suspicious of those conspiracy theorists--until I gathered the courage to watch a short clip of Judy Mikovitz done by Miki Willis. I knew she was telling the truth and that changed everything for me. I saw the guy behind the curtain and realized the world was being fed a bunch of lies. But it took courage to open my ideas and beliefs to something new and scary. When you’ve bought into the narrative to the point that you’ve had your children vaxxed and boosted--which my daughter has--I don’t see much hope of their opening to another story. These 3 years have been the most important in my life from the standpoint of QUESTIONING my ideas and beliefs. We are not our minds. They are made up of 99% what has been fed to us by our parents, religious leader, government rules and regs... It has been so important to me to find I must look out beyond the ideas and beliefs that have made up my identity to find a greater reality that actually exists. It has been and continues to be scary--but isn’t it more important to see what is coming over the horizon so that we, as a race, have the chance to survive it?”
P.S. Tess, I know you’ve taken a break and wanted to make sure you saw this piece I published calling on Ron Johnson to #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma:
Perhaps we can join forces to help get this message out to people around the world so they can pressure their representatives to implement similar legislation.
Attorney Jeff Childers is responsible for the astonishingly simple strategy I outlined in #MakePharmaLiable. If implemented, it could bring the global injection pogrom to an instantaneous halt. Even just getting this hashtag trending would be valuable as it raises awareness about the fact that pharma is not liable for injuries and deaths caused by the injections. It is a win-win from both a legislative and an awakening perspective.
Thank you, Tess, and here’s to taking on the philanthropaths, tyrants, and colluders in 2023! 🙌
Dr Tess your gentle, kind and intelligent words are so welcome. A better way might be to think for ourselves and learn to "listen" to our innate understanding as we go forward. Critical thinking will protect us from many harmful influences and then we need to listen and mulll to move forward. Taking responsibility for ourselves will strengthen us for the way ahead. And we need each other.
Thank you, Tess. What a perfect 2023 New Year message. I couldn't agree more. Lots more lies being revealed, no doubt, more underlying assumptions don't hold, but all of that is necessary for us to take back our minds and our lives. We'll create a new communities, systems and eventually a whole new world while this old one unravels. I'm expecting lots of surprises and definitely difficulties, but I'm also very optimistic. Best to you.
One of my goals is to refine my self care even more. Partly because I work in the area of crisis and suicide prevention. Sadly a growth industry in Australia with the relentless fear campaign, lockdowns, mandates and censorship. So self care is mandatory and my passion but even a seasoned campaigner has had to reevaluate after a crazy three years. The more you have in your tool box the better and developing mindfulness means increasing sensitivity to your outer and inner environments. It can feel like a double edged sword sometimes but ultimately it is our best guide to what will be best for us at any given time. Intuition is an integral part of that process which guides me through mindfulness to exactly where I need to be. I trust that to guide my 2023 and I believe that we will overcome the darkness and continue the already begun process of creating a better way. Thank you for the important role you have played in that unfolding, you are a courageous and empathic human being. Happy 2023 and may the ethical resistance prevail. (-:
Beautiful song! Bob coined the phrase from the original quote "We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, for though others may free our body, none but ourselves can free the mind" from another Jamaican national hero Marcus Garvey, from a speech he held in New York in 1937
Love this piece. My intuition is generally formed by two factors: first who stands to win and lose based on which side of the narrative they are on. I see Tess, McCullough, Malone, Cole, Immanuel, Kory and so many others who stand to lose their livelihood and yet they persist in fighting. That tells me they have integrity.
Second, I look at how the counter narrative is formed and just as importantly, how it’s responded to. Tess and the others have consistently made their points with scientific arguments. Fauci et al respond with dismissal and name calling. I don’t have the scientific background to assess the accuracy of what Tess and Co. say. But when the response totally ignores their arguments and goes right to ad hominem, I take that as a sign they are on the money.
We can draw strength from within but we will find truth and direction from observing the natural world and learning from the wisdom from of our ancestors. It is not accidental that our detractors want to remove our access to both.
Dear Tess, first I would like to wish you a Happy New Year. Second, I agree with your positive message and many of us will do exactly what you have mentioned here, during 2023. Third, I will share your substack on twitter buy also with Igor Chudhov, who asked his followers on substack to make their predictions for 2023. If he hasn’t already, I know he would be pleased to read your predictions for 2023. Finally, your Better Way Conference was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Will there be another. Every time I turned around at the conference, there stood another covid hero….Claire Craig, Robert Malone, Del Bigtree, Ryan Cole, and many others including yourself. It was a tonic a morale booster. I live in Devon, but if I can be of help, I would be happy to do so. Thank you for everything you have done for all of us Tess.💕💕
Thanks for commenting, Hubris, I certainly get your perspective. Like you (I suspect), I know that humanity as a species is in grave danger – on its way to extinction, in fact. So I've decided not to stand by and watch, and I'm grateful that others are putting their shoulders to the wheel with me so that we might change the future. My optimism stems from the sense that, in so doing, we are remembering what it is to be human, with choices and free will, and that everything we do at this stage counts. It's not over 'til it's over. And it's always darkest before dawn. In my opinion, 2023 is the dawn and our opportunity to make a difference.
P.S Do you know the sporting term "big match temperament"? It's a term for an attitude that strives against all odds - the ability to imagine and manifest victory from an underdog position. It's a very human attitude that is derived from inner knowing and strength, that comes from our spirit I believe - the hidden power within each and every one of us.
So, I guess what I'm thinking is that there's no time like the present to invoke our big match temperaments. What do you think? :)
Love the comment ..Tess ..Bulls eye, you nailed it... again..!
For those of us here.. on planet Earth at this time reading Tess and other wonderful Awakened writers.. this is a Spirit Journey, a timeless voyage with Colossal Opportunity/Crisis to be seized.. absolutely.. this is the 6th great die off. the first catalyzed by man.. and as is typical of a Die Off an enormous number of various life forms will leave the physical plain including much of mankind.. possibly 90+%..? now in this 6th Great Die Off there will be a small number of humans that Mutate .. [like the group on this blog] that learn to function in a state of Wholeness .. where Real Intelligence is treasured. A state deliberately cultivating the finest of the Orient and the Occident.. the Intuitive and Rational thought... not into the fusion of man and machine that Klaus Schwab would like, no.. thats just enslavement..
This Mutated state is available to anyone anywhere at anytime... it has nothing to do with time or an ideal.. it is cultivated in a Depth of Silence. and Space........the state is Freedom from the Known ..
Most days I don't have optimism, never mind hope, for a turn around in the way things are going. We had an unusual freeze here in southeast Texas at Christmas, and it stayed constantly at or below freezing for at least 2 days, dipping into the teens at night. I covered my in-ground plants, but to no avail.
My entire oregano patch was black, and the gorgeous spider plant with all those babies turned into a ruined mush. Yesterday I was walking back from my car and saw a few strands of green oregano poking through the black, and a green leaf lifting up from under the spider plant mush. Never would I have believed if I hadn't seen with my own eyes. So I'm keeping these peepers wide open in 2023. Blessings!
Do try...It is most uplifting and lends strength to continue the work against the powers that should not be. Be grateful for all the good things in existence in your life, the roof over your head, the sunrise, the clothes on your back. Be grateful, give thanks and that too will help you feel more positive, Smile as often as possible...the very act of spreading your lips wide, apparently releases feel good chemicals in your body and know that there are many, many people working in whatever way they are able, to bring about the changes needed to make life on earth good for all life. When each of us does what each can, it becomes a massive movement in the direction we wish to go.
Hello there Hubris, I have been applying a positive attitude to as many things in my life as is possible, for the last 30 odd years and have found it has strengthen me, but has NOT blinded me to the 'Realities' surrounding us...if you have read any of my other comments on previous topics, you would see that as far as is possible in my life, my eyes are open, that aside, it saddens me to read how hopeless some people feel, hence my reason for the comment on which you've commented...to lift his spirits, plus it appears to be a medical fact that widening your mouth as in a smile, does release feel good chemicals...etc., etc., etc.
Hi Suz, personally I’m inclined to agree that in this world, the deck is stacked against the “good” in so many ways. I also agree with you and believe that it is non-productive entirely, to dwell on that fact. I’m not entirely convinced that the ‘End’ here on earth, is what it’s all about anyway, (I.e. why we were put on this earth). I think that perhaps the reason that God put us here on earth, was to give each one of us, the opportunity to choose ‘Good’ as often as we can. Thank you for keeping your “eyes wide open” and still working to spread joy.
I am acutely aware of the darkness growing stronger around us... I have no doubt that the criminals that run the Western "democracies" and willing - out of desperation - to start a nuclear war... hard to smile to that - isn't it?
Also, look how the government sanctioned violence treated people in the global West... even if we would manage somehow to win, it would be a very bloody process... and I am not even sure that would win...
People in Europe will freeze to death this winter... "Take the shot for Grandma"... so she can freeze to death for Nazis in 404?
2022 was an "average year"; worse than 2021, but much better than 2023...
I honestly wonder if we would be around next Christmas?
Do I think we should give up? Hell no! Do I feel happy and optimistic? Nope.
Hi Hubris, I feel a lecture coming on...please forgive me...Just think about something simple like applying for a job...If one goes to an interview with thoughts like...'I'm probably not good enough'...as a very small example of how one can self sabotage...one does not give out to the surrounding world a 'vibe' of confidence. One has a choice about what thoughts one allows to proliferate, one has the choice to keep an eye on ones negative thoughts...that to me is part of free will...It's a concept I've grappled with for decades...I've come to the conclusion, from personal experience, that humanity puts far too much energy into negativity...the likes of fighting at the personal level, competition in order for someone to tell you...'You're the best'...a child is born knowing only that they are the best, concepts of not being good enough grow from parental and other input. Very negative...We've been brought up with the so called fact that war is inevitable...I disagree, it is a choice. In this masculine based civilisation we have become 'Out of Balance'...women try to behave like men in order to 'succeed'...The time have very much come for us to realise that in order for the human race to survive, it has to re-adjust itself... Allow the feminine and masculine to play an equal part without competition. Each talent giving of itself to make a well balanced whole...In other words a change of mindset...an awakening to the potential on earth that is as infinite as the ideas people can come up with...This is actually happening in many instances, if one goes looking for it, in every day life or on line, one will find it...which is why I feel positive about the future...This IS a new era and the old WILL die away, and it may well be painful for many, but the more who awaken to what is possible for us all, the fewer will suffer. So my take is...let us lend energy to the positive and good we see...Everything in existence is vibrational...So lets give out 'good vibes'...There's lots of work still to be done...Let's start loving this life instead of fearing, because the negative forces thrive on fear.
1. The analogy with the job interview shows the results of our conditioning to be accepted in the "corporate world"... As Noam Chomsky was noticing, wage labor is slavery, so that conditions us to be good slaves; good "tools", compliant and obedient... never to question anything coming from above and "make lemonade" out of... "brown lemons"... Our corporate Overlords don't want us to think about anything - just be compliant, obedient and happy - clappy... Kind of reminds me of "We Happy Few" (PC game) - one has to take their "Joy", which is a pink pill... or a vaxxine in our case :P... Not only that it alters your views, but shows your compliance to the system :P. This corporatistic view of the world makes many people to stop thinking for themselves and become sheeple, who take their shots...
2. We should not be biased - positive or negative - we have to be as realistic as we can... but that means that we should stop taking our "Joy" :P... and if we did, even for a short while, the world looks grim (but NOT Ryan :P).
Hello hubris, personally I’m inclined to agree that in this world, the deck is stacked against the “good” in so many ways. But I also believe that it is non-productive entirely, to dwell on that fact and to use this forum to point that out, so consistently. I’m not entirely convinced that the ‘End’ here on earth, is what it’s all about anyway, (I.e. why we were put on this earth). I think that perhaps the reason that God put us here on earth, was to give each one of us, the opportunity to choose ‘Good’ as often as we can.
It's tantamount to heresy, I realise that, but the outrageous lies that we have been told over the past few years have made me curious about what other lies we have been told. For example, how much of what I 'know' about history is true? My first tentative squinting down the WW2 rabbit hole has been a shock to the system. The fact that we are not allowed to question the narrative because it is actually illegal to challenge it should set off the loudest of alarm bells ringing. How much of what we 'know' is actually atrocity propaganda? How long has the propaganda machine being working against us? Centuries when you look back through history. My resolutions for 2023 - question everything and work on being emotionally resilient.
Wealthy people from both the UK and the USA financed both sides of both world wars, and...though I could hardly bring myself to believe it...the same types also financed Communism in Russia. This info is apparently available through Freedom of info in the USA, not so sure of in the UK.
That Jews died in concentration camps I personally can vouch for, as I lost a large portion of my family in Germany; they stayed, thinking the 'Germans are such a civilised people they'll never allow this charlatan (who some say was also financed by UK and US industrialists) to stay in power'...famous last words...but even though I'm of half Jewish ancestry, I believe there are elements amongst some Jewish groups to overdo things...such as calling those who criticise the Israeli gov, anti-semites. If one follows the money trail one will usually see that it has no ethics only profit in mind. and to date it has ruled the planet.
Hi Susie, I’m really enjoying your comments, a short read that you might find interesting is CS Lewis is the Screwtape letters the whole first letter it contains written by Screwtape to his nephew, talks about the power of propaganda and lies, in distorting the truth in someone’s mind, in the attempt to keep them from understanding what CS Lewis with term as ‘ the good’ it was really disconcerting to read that short chapter after living through these times, and realizing that somethings just don’t seem to change. 😙😌
Thanks Elizabeth...re propaganda, I was well versed from very early on by my mother, who lived through the beginning of Nazi Germany...When I was young and ads came on the TV she'd snort and say "They're just trying to sell you something you don't need"...she said this often enough for the concept to stick and it has worked pretty well for me...which doesn't mean I can't be fooled, but does help in avoiding such on many an occasion. None the less, it took me ten years to accept that people could be stupid enough to try weather modification, I only came across Geo-Engineering websites ten years ago. It is so very easy to keep people in the dark and will remain the case as long as we are willing to accept 'government' and it's activities and taxation without sufficient attention and question...My belief is that responsible adults do not need to be 'governed' as long as they have been educated to take responsibility for their own lives and the effect their actions have on the surrounding world...Idealistic, but if we had that in operation, with lots of love , compassion and imagination also applied, we wouldn't have the mess we face as a result of the system to which we have all acquiesced...I truly believe it is up to us to make the changes we desire to have happen by focusing attention and activity in that direction...whilst still, of course keeping our eyes as wide open as possible and learning to question everything.
Something I need to learn is where to find emogis on this website??? : (
I'll try to get round to the CS Lewis Screwtape letters. Thank you!
Those in current immoral governments who use the victims of the Nazi holocaust as human shields, what language is sufficient to describe these people? Limited by no ethics, caring for no other people, even their own extended families, driven only by profit.
Wonderful description of the problem and the enemies, but I wanted to quibble just a bit about your mission, "A better way will be expressed by a unified global effort to highlight and promote positive initiatives around the world that further health, freedom and sovereignty." In my opinion freedom and sovereignty got us into this mess. I would be interesting in co-leading a coalition of Nationalists to promote truth, health, and community. Happiness will follow. I believe our focus on ending mandates and promoting medical freedom limited our ability to stop the lies and the deaths, because we have not been able to give our people a community alternative. We have it on Substack but it does not reach the rest of the world. We need alternative ways of thinking and communing. We do not need more sovereign individuals doing their own things. I love what you wrote about people stealing our heritage too. Our revival must start with remembering who we are. Thank you for the inspiring essay.
What a fabulous way to kick off the new year, Tess!
As it happens, I just wrote an email on this topic to a friend/mentor/former English professor of mine who is blue-pilled but open-minded enough to still talk to me 😆
He asked a question about the motive for conventional “misinformation,” and I told him that is a great question few people possess the intellectual curiosity to ask. I pointed him to the Union of Concerned Scientists’s Disinformation Playbook (https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/disinformation-playbook) and used the contrast between you and Andrew Hill to demonstrate the difference between a scientist of integrity and a bought $cientist. I shared your “Letter to Andrew Hill” (https://rumble.com/vwfia3-a-letter-to-andrew-hill-dr-tess-lawrie-oracle-films.html) as well as my Profile in Courage on you (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie), of course.
I closed with this inspiring comment (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/30-questions-for-a-narrative-believer/comment/10749102) from one of my readers:
“I was on board with the narrative--totally suspicious of those conspiracy theorists--until I gathered the courage to watch a short clip of Judy Mikovitz done by Miki Willis. I knew she was telling the truth and that changed everything for me. I saw the guy behind the curtain and realized the world was being fed a bunch of lies. But it took courage to open my ideas and beliefs to something new and scary. When you’ve bought into the narrative to the point that you’ve had your children vaxxed and boosted--which my daughter has--I don’t see much hope of their opening to another story. These 3 years have been the most important in my life from the standpoint of QUESTIONING my ideas and beliefs. We are not our minds. They are made up of 99% what has been fed to us by our parents, religious leader, government rules and regs... It has been so important to me to find I must look out beyond the ideas and beliefs that have made up my identity to find a greater reality that actually exists. It has been and continues to be scary--but isn’t it more important to see what is coming over the horizon so that we, as a race, have the chance to survive it?”
P.S. Tess, I know you’ve taken a break and wanted to make sure you saw this piece I published calling on Ron Johnson to #MakePharmaLiable, #RememberBabyAlex, and #PutPeopleOverPharma:
• “Letter to Senator Ron Johnson” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson)
Perhaps we can join forces to help get this message out to people around the world so they can pressure their representatives to implement similar legislation.
Attorney Jeff Childers is responsible for the astonishingly simple strategy I outlined in #MakePharmaLiable. If implemented, it could bring the global injection pogrom to an instantaneous halt. Even just getting this hashtag trending would be valuable as it raises awareness about the fact that pharma is not liable for injuries and deaths caused by the injections. It is a win-win from both a legislative and an awakening perspective.
Thank you, Tess, and here’s to taking on the philanthropaths, tyrants, and colluders in 2023! 🙌
Morning MAA, what a great way to begin again a calendar change. Let Freedom Ring!
If only this corruption/depopulation was planned by Satirists...
Dr Tess your gentle, kind and intelligent words are so welcome. A better way might be to think for ourselves and learn to "listen" to our innate understanding as we go forward. Critical thinking will protect us from many harmful influences and then we need to listen and mulll to move forward. Taking responsibility for ourselves will strengthen us for the way ahead. And we need each other.
Thank you, Tess. What a perfect 2023 New Year message. I couldn't agree more. Lots more lies being revealed, no doubt, more underlying assumptions don't hold, but all of that is necessary for us to take back our minds and our lives. We'll create a new communities, systems and eventually a whole new world while this old one unravels. I'm expecting lots of surprises and definitely difficulties, but I'm also very optimistic. Best to you.
My feelings entirely!
One of my goals is to refine my self care even more. Partly because I work in the area of crisis and suicide prevention. Sadly a growth industry in Australia with the relentless fear campaign, lockdowns, mandates and censorship. So self care is mandatory and my passion but even a seasoned campaigner has had to reevaluate after a crazy three years. The more you have in your tool box the better and developing mindfulness means increasing sensitivity to your outer and inner environments. It can feel like a double edged sword sometimes but ultimately it is our best guide to what will be best for us at any given time. Intuition is an integral part of that process which guides me through mindfulness to exactly where I need to be. I trust that to guide my 2023 and I believe that we will overcome the darkness and continue the already begun process of creating a better way. Thank you for the important role you have played in that unfolding, you are a courageous and empathic human being. Happy 2023 and may the ethical resistance prevail. (-:
Old pirates, yes, they rob I,
Sold I to the merchant ships,
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs,
Redemption songs.
Beautiful song! Bob coined the phrase from the original quote "We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, for though others may free our body, none but ourselves can free the mind" from another Jamaican national hero Marcus Garvey, from a speech he held in New York in 1937
I share this with hope and prayers for an increase in an open-minded populace.
Happy New Years to all.
Love this piece. My intuition is generally formed by two factors: first who stands to win and lose based on which side of the narrative they are on. I see Tess, McCullough, Malone, Cole, Immanuel, Kory and so many others who stand to lose their livelihood and yet they persist in fighting. That tells me they have integrity.
Second, I look at how the counter narrative is formed and just as importantly, how it’s responded to. Tess and the others have consistently made their points with scientific arguments. Fauci et al respond with dismissal and name calling. I don’t have the scientific background to assess the accuracy of what Tess and Co. say. But when the response totally ignores their arguments and goes right to ad hominem, I take that as a sign they are on the money.
Well said, dear John! 😁
Right on, JohnS!!
I concur. What a fabulous message to begin this New Year. Let's look within to guide us.
We can draw strength from within but we will find truth and direction from observing the natural world and learning from the wisdom from of our ancestors. It is not accidental that our detractors want to remove our access to both.
Dear Tess, first I would like to wish you a Happy New Year. Second, I agree with your positive message and many of us will do exactly what you have mentioned here, during 2023. Third, I will share your substack on twitter buy also with Igor Chudhov, who asked his followers on substack to make their predictions for 2023. If he hasn’t already, I know he would be pleased to read your predictions for 2023. Finally, your Better Way Conference was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Will there be another. Every time I turned around at the conference, there stood another covid hero….Claire Craig, Robert Malone, Del Bigtree, Ryan Cole, and many others including yourself. It was a tonic a morale booster. I live in Devon, but if I can be of help, I would be happy to do so. Thank you for everything you have done for all of us Tess.💕💕
Tess, I like your optimism... even though I don't share it...
Thanks for commenting, Hubris, I certainly get your perspective. Like you (I suspect), I know that humanity as a species is in grave danger – on its way to extinction, in fact. So I've decided not to stand by and watch, and I'm grateful that others are putting their shoulders to the wheel with me so that we might change the future. My optimism stems from the sense that, in so doing, we are remembering what it is to be human, with choices and free will, and that everything we do at this stage counts. It's not over 'til it's over. And it's always darkest before dawn. In my opinion, 2023 is the dawn and our opportunity to make a difference.
P.S Do you know the sporting term "big match temperament"? It's a term for an attitude that strives against all odds - the ability to imagine and manifest victory from an underdog position. It's a very human attitude that is derived from inner knowing and strength, that comes from our spirit I believe - the hidden power within each and every one of us.
So, I guess what I'm thinking is that there's no time like the present to invoke our big match temperaments. What do you think? :)
Love the comment ..Tess ..Bulls eye, you nailed it... again..!
For those of us here.. on planet Earth at this time reading Tess and other wonderful Awakened writers.. this is a Spirit Journey, a timeless voyage with Colossal Opportunity/Crisis to be seized.. absolutely.. this is the 6th great die off. the first catalyzed by man.. and as is typical of a Die Off an enormous number of various life forms will leave the physical plain including much of mankind.. possibly 90+%..? now in this 6th Great Die Off there will be a small number of humans that Mutate .. [like the group on this blog] that learn to function in a state of Wholeness .. where Real Intelligence is treasured. A state deliberately cultivating the finest of the Orient and the Occident.. the Intuitive and Rational thought... not into the fusion of man and machine that Klaus Schwab would like, no.. thats just enslavement..
This Mutated state is available to anyone anywhere at anytime... it has nothing to do with time or an ideal.. it is cultivated in a Depth of Silence. and Space........the state is Freedom from the Known ..
Me, too. I consider myself a hardened optimist.
Most days I don't have optimism, never mind hope, for a turn around in the way things are going. We had an unusual freeze here in southeast Texas at Christmas, and it stayed constantly at or below freezing for at least 2 days, dipping into the teens at night. I covered my in-ground plants, but to no avail.
My entire oregano patch was black, and the gorgeous spider plant with all those babies turned into a ruined mush. Yesterday I was walking back from my car and saw a few strands of green oregano poking through the black, and a green leaf lifting up from under the spider plant mush. Never would I have believed if I hadn't seen with my own eyes. So I'm keeping these peepers wide open in 2023. Blessings!
I am reminded of this quote I saw the other day which may inspire you:
“And remember: you must never, under any circumstances, despair. To hope and to act, these are our duties in misfortune.”
― Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago
Do try...It is most uplifting and lends strength to continue the work against the powers that should not be. Be grateful for all the good things in existence in your life, the roof over your head, the sunrise, the clothes on your back. Be grateful, give thanks and that too will help you feel more positive, Smile as often as possible...the very act of spreading your lips wide, apparently releases feel good chemicals in your body and know that there are many, many people working in whatever way they are able, to bring about the changes needed to make life on earth good for all life. When each of us does what each can, it becomes a massive movement in the direction we wish to go.
Hello Suzi,
I have a book recommendation for you:
Hello there Hubris, I have been applying a positive attitude to as many things in my life as is possible, for the last 30 odd years and have found it has strengthen me, but has NOT blinded me to the 'Realities' surrounding us...if you have read any of my other comments on previous topics, you would see that as far as is possible in my life, my eyes are open, that aside, it saddens me to read how hopeless some people feel, hence my reason for the comment on which you've commented...to lift his spirits, plus it appears to be a medical fact that widening your mouth as in a smile, does release feel good chemicals...etc., etc., etc.
Hi Suz, personally I’m inclined to agree that in this world, the deck is stacked against the “good” in so many ways. I also agree with you and believe that it is non-productive entirely, to dwell on that fact. I’m not entirely convinced that the ‘End’ here on earth, is what it’s all about anyway, (I.e. why we were put on this earth). I think that perhaps the reason that God put us here on earth, was to give each one of us, the opportunity to choose ‘Good’ as often as we can. Thank you for keeping your “eyes wide open” and still working to spread joy.
Hello Suzi,
You are - most likely - a very nice person...
I am acutely aware of the darkness growing stronger around us... I have no doubt that the criminals that run the Western "democracies" and willing - out of desperation - to start a nuclear war... hard to smile to that - isn't it?
Also, look how the government sanctioned violence treated people in the global West... even if we would manage somehow to win, it would be a very bloody process... and I am not even sure that would win...
People in Europe will freeze to death this winter... "Take the shot for Grandma"... so she can freeze to death for Nazis in 404?
2022 was an "average year"; worse than 2021, but much better than 2023...
I honestly wonder if we would be around next Christmas?
Do I think we should give up? Hell no! Do I feel happy and optimistic? Nope.
Hi Hubris, I feel a lecture coming on...please forgive me...Just think about something simple like applying for a job...If one goes to an interview with thoughts like...'I'm probably not good enough'...as a very small example of how one can self sabotage...one does not give out to the surrounding world a 'vibe' of confidence. One has a choice about what thoughts one allows to proliferate, one has the choice to keep an eye on ones negative thoughts...that to me is part of free will...It's a concept I've grappled with for decades...I've come to the conclusion, from personal experience, that humanity puts far too much energy into negativity...the likes of fighting at the personal level, competition in order for someone to tell you...'You're the best'...a child is born knowing only that they are the best, concepts of not being good enough grow from parental and other input. Very negative...We've been brought up with the so called fact that war is inevitable...I disagree, it is a choice. In this masculine based civilisation we have become 'Out of Balance'...women try to behave like men in order to 'succeed'...The time have very much come for us to realise that in order for the human race to survive, it has to re-adjust itself... Allow the feminine and masculine to play an equal part without competition. Each talent giving of itself to make a well balanced whole...In other words a change of mindset...an awakening to the potential on earth that is as infinite as the ideas people can come up with...This is actually happening in many instances, if one goes looking for it, in every day life or on line, one will find it...which is why I feel positive about the future...This IS a new era and the old WILL die away, and it may well be painful for many, but the more who awaken to what is possible for us all, the fewer will suffer. So my take is...let us lend energy to the positive and good we see...Everything in existence is vibrational...So lets give out 'good vibes'...There's lots of work still to be done...Let's start loving this life instead of fearing, because the negative forces thrive on fear.
Hello Suzi,
... and right you are :-)!
1. The analogy with the job interview shows the results of our conditioning to be accepted in the "corporate world"... As Noam Chomsky was noticing, wage labor is slavery, so that conditions us to be good slaves; good "tools", compliant and obedient... never to question anything coming from above and "make lemonade" out of... "brown lemons"... Our corporate Overlords don't want us to think about anything - just be compliant, obedient and happy - clappy... Kind of reminds me of "We Happy Few" (PC game) - one has to take their "Joy", which is a pink pill... or a vaxxine in our case :P... Not only that it alters your views, but shows your compliance to the system :P. This corporatistic view of the world makes many people to stop thinking for themselves and become sheeple, who take their shots...
2. We should not be biased - positive or negative - we have to be as realistic as we can... but that means that we should stop taking our "Joy" :P... and if we did, even for a short while, the world looks grim (but NOT Ryan :P).
Hello hubris, personally I’m inclined to agree that in this world, the deck is stacked against the “good” in so many ways. But I also believe that it is non-productive entirely, to dwell on that fact and to use this forum to point that out, so consistently. I’m not entirely convinced that the ‘End’ here on earth, is what it’s all about anyway, (I.e. why we were put on this earth). I think that perhaps the reason that God put us here on earth, was to give each one of us, the opportunity to choose ‘Good’ as often as we can.
Please feel free to leave, troll.
... said the non-paying subscriber :P...
I am a paying subscriber. I hope you enjoy 2023.
It's tantamount to heresy, I realise that, but the outrageous lies that we have been told over the past few years have made me curious about what other lies we have been told. For example, how much of what I 'know' about history is true? My first tentative squinting down the WW2 rabbit hole has been a shock to the system. The fact that we are not allowed to question the narrative because it is actually illegal to challenge it should set off the loudest of alarm bells ringing. How much of what we 'know' is actually atrocity propaganda? How long has the propaganda machine being working against us? Centuries when you look back through history. My resolutions for 2023 - question everything and work on being emotionally resilient.
Wealthy people from both the UK and the USA financed both sides of both world wars, and...though I could hardly bring myself to believe it...the same types also financed Communism in Russia. This info is apparently available through Freedom of info in the USA, not so sure of in the UK.
That Jews died in concentration camps I personally can vouch for, as I lost a large portion of my family in Germany; they stayed, thinking the 'Germans are such a civilised people they'll never allow this charlatan (who some say was also financed by UK and US industrialists) to stay in power'...famous last words...but even though I'm of half Jewish ancestry, I believe there are elements amongst some Jewish groups to overdo things...such as calling those who criticise the Israeli gov, anti-semites. If one follows the money trail one will usually see that it has no ethics only profit in mind. and to date it has ruled the planet.
Hi Susie, I’m really enjoying your comments, a short read that you might find interesting is CS Lewis is the Screwtape letters the whole first letter it contains written by Screwtape to his nephew, talks about the power of propaganda and lies, in distorting the truth in someone’s mind, in the attempt to keep them from understanding what CS Lewis with term as ‘ the good’ it was really disconcerting to read that short chapter after living through these times, and realizing that somethings just don’t seem to change. 😙😌
Thanks Elizabeth...re propaganda, I was well versed from very early on by my mother, who lived through the beginning of Nazi Germany...When I was young and ads came on the TV she'd snort and say "They're just trying to sell you something you don't need"...she said this often enough for the concept to stick and it has worked pretty well for me...which doesn't mean I can't be fooled, but does help in avoiding such on many an occasion. None the less, it took me ten years to accept that people could be stupid enough to try weather modification, I only came across Geo-Engineering websites ten years ago. It is so very easy to keep people in the dark and will remain the case as long as we are willing to accept 'government' and it's activities and taxation without sufficient attention and question...My belief is that responsible adults do not need to be 'governed' as long as they have been educated to take responsibility for their own lives and the effect their actions have on the surrounding world...Idealistic, but if we had that in operation, with lots of love , compassion and imagination also applied, we wouldn't have the mess we face as a result of the system to which we have all acquiesced...I truly believe it is up to us to make the changes we desire to have happen by focusing attention and activity in that direction...whilst still, of course keeping our eyes as wide open as possible and learning to question everything.
Something I need to learn is where to find emogis on this website??? : (
I'll try to get round to the CS Lewis Screwtape letters. Thank you!
Those in current immoral governments who use the victims of the Nazi holocaust as human shields, what language is sufficient to describe these people? Limited by no ethics, caring for no other people, even their own extended families, driven only by profit.
The propaganda machine has been at work for decades :(
I agree that the first 10 chapters of Genesis are pretty intense. You've given me an idea for a Substack article. Thank you, Andrew!
Read CS Lewis, the Screwtape letters, very tongue in cheek, and right on target
We need to spend our time creating the alternative to their evil. Alternative societies are how we survive the future.
Thank you Dr. Tess Lawrie. Thank you. With you.
Beautifully said!
Hello Ms. Lawrie:
Wonderful description of the problem and the enemies, but I wanted to quibble just a bit about your mission, "A better way will be expressed by a unified global effort to highlight and promote positive initiatives around the world that further health, freedom and sovereignty." In my opinion freedom and sovereignty got us into this mess. I would be interesting in co-leading a coalition of Nationalists to promote truth, health, and community. Happiness will follow. I believe our focus on ending mandates and promoting medical freedom limited our ability to stop the lies and the deaths, because we have not been able to give our people a community alternative. We have it on Substack but it does not reach the rest of the world. We need alternative ways of thinking and communing. We do not need more sovereign individuals doing their own things. I love what you wrote about people stealing our heritage too. Our revival must start with remembering who we are. Thank you for the inspiring essay.
Happy New Year...
...regardless of how hard they try to destroy it