The basis of all our health is electromagnetic. EMFs communicate directly with our cells, whereas other toxins like chemicals need to bypass our immune system:


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Thank you @Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​ for sharing another valuable resource!

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Feb 27, 2024
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What's that a link to?

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Thank you, let us hear from all.

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Fantastic to see you and Andreas Kalcker connect! The censorship and demonization of chlorine dioxide (Cl02) has far exceeded what happened to ivermectin-by decades and with jail time!

Had this lengthy and onerous suppression not occurred, none of this COVID situation would have even occurred. Same with every other “virus” scare preceding it.

Cl02 kills 100% of viruses, bacteria, mold, spores, biofilm, yeast and fungus. Also breaks down glyphosate and atrazine. Hence its prolific use in commercial and industrial environments.

It’s an incredible compound that exceeds ALL others in its ability to kill pathogens...including every variant of Covid, with no side effects. It breaks down into salt and oxygen after it’s done its work, which is why virtually every municipal water system has used it since the 1940’s. It’s used in food processing, water purification, decontaminated the Brentwood Post Office from anthrax after 9/11.... and eliminated malaria, cholera and more.

My business partner and the inventor of Snoot! Nasal Cleanser, Howard Alliger, was the pioneer in the field of capturing Cl02 gas for human and animal use---- back in the ‘70’s! 😳.

The real crime here is that the regulatory bodies are so blatantly corrupt and health is the last thing on their mind... until they themselves are in desperate need. Then they secretly contact COMUSAV and a trained and knowledgeable doc helps them out.

Like learning ivermectins real efficacy and safety, and the shock of the real story behind vaccines, the awareness of Cl02 only comes with an open mind and a willingness to explore 200 years of research, experience and success.

While we are not experts in the oral consumption of CDS/Cl02, we have almost 50 years of experience and research in the topical uses, including hundreds of studies and papers... even with the US government. 🤯

Howard Alliger created Alcide Corp in the mid ‘70’s, which was then bought by Ecolab.... who sadly shelved most products except for agricultural ones still on the market, and still called Alcide. After seeing nothing happen for ten years, Howard started up again in 1993, creating www.frontierpharm.com, and inventing another 30+ formulations for shelf stable Cl02 for humans, pets and livestock. He was a genius.... and we miss him terribly, but he would be thrilled to see such attention finally being paid to his favorite molecule.

Recently Dr Robert Yoho discovered Cl02 and wrote a very detailed Substack with a bevy of links. Well worth the time to read and research.

Great place for your readers to start to learn why they never heard of this compound, and what it’s capable of, is in this recent documentary, created from 3 years of research by a critical care nurse who could not reconcile what “google said” vs his own eyes: www.theuniversalantidote.com

Thank you again for your openness and willingness to explore Cl02! Happy to answer questions for your readers!


CEO, Snoot! Spray



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The sound was not good on this interview. Tess is very loud, Kalcker was very quiet. I couldn’t understand a lot of what he said. Will there be a transcription so we can read what he said?

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