I'm sending you a virtual hug!

"The more people are coming together and standing up for truth and their children, the more I have come to realise that the Covid crisis is here to jog us into remembering who we are and what is important in life."

I have come to the exact same conclusion - there is an enormous gift in this nightmare. Let's reclaim our sovereignty, one individual at a time and then collectively. There is a great reset underway, just not what 'they' had in mind. So grateful for your voice.

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Beautifully written! Thank you for all that you do.

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I totally agree. However the people I know still believe it when the government says they work. I ask them please show me a study supporting that. They never do. They just think I am a conspiracy nut. They say why would our government and these people lie to us. Very frustrating.

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Answering why a liar lies in a sensible way without looking like the troublemaker is tough. That is why politicians who write the laws and manage public perception so well can get away with crimes that put stupid criminals in prison. 🤔

If you can get the people you are trying to help to watch this video, it may help open their eyes to how deception of the well-intentioned masses of people actually works. 🤷‍♂️

The Human Cost Of Mao's 'Great Leap Forward' | Mao's Great Famine | Timeline

907K views · 3 months ago



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Suggest Watching David Straight on You Tube. Day 1 Am. Is the title. Tells you much of what you NEED to know! Everything is a LIE! Beginning at ' Birth'! Please watch. Its long( an hour or so) but so worth it.

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I watched it, too; thanks for sharing. An impressive film expose that would benefit all viewers as it sure does show why we should never ever comply with a tyrannical, sick government's "new" system and their foolish edicts. I had not known just how much Mao had been influenced by Stalin although I was taught about the evils of communism in a very succinct way many years ago. All that sort of educational warning has probably changed in the last few years with the push for the grand socialistic ideas that the globalists are trying to establish even further in countries' public school education systems.

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And that is the biggest problem....they believe the gov. media and anything Their gov. tells them... How yo educate these people of what is really happening....and many do not believe or Do of what is happening?

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You mean "how you educate THIS guy" :



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My experience:

> I am not a doctor

> I don't have the time to study (a matter my stupid life would depend on)

> I don't know how a car works either - I just trust it to work.

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Inspiring words Dr Lawrie. I believe Dr Zelenko was a saint. We are all touched by his love and care. He spoke from the heart ❤️ and did have the hand of God upon him. He showed us that miracles do happen. RIP Dr Zelenko

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I love where you're going with this Tess. There's an awakening afoot. Here's to standing up tall with our sovereign self,.

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David Straight. You Tube Day 1 am. Dealing with this and so much more. You are NOT who you think you are!

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I was going through some old poems today, and came upon . . .



It's from 1997, fits so much for today:

Chains in the mind

They cripple and

they bind . . .

Chains in the mind

They contort and

they stunt . . .

The chains - that was about chains in individual people. But again, chains.

Good for every person who has broken the chains.

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Thank you for this post.

Would you please consider writing about how an individual can address people who say that when our choice affects others, then it's fine for a business to exclude us in order to protect others. For example, my friend says that if a person chooses not to be vaccinated against Covid-19, then it's fine if they are excluded from going into a grocery store (for the safety of others). The logic that the vaccine doesn't prevent infection or transmission doesn't matter to them.

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This is an excellent question. We are all equal, with equal rights, and equal right to choose. I would ask the person if they could please provide the evidence that excluding the unvaccinated will protect the vaccinated. Otherwise it is just an opinion, and opinions aren't fact.

The dissenting voice is more powerful than we know and if this could be said in a gentle way to the person in question, it is very worth while to take the time to do so.

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Thank you for this thoughtful response, Dr. Lawrie. I'll give it a try when I next have the chance to do so.

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It seems like vaccination has become like a religion to ward off fear.

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I have to admit that I have thought this way in the past, but ONLY if the "magic potion" injected into our bodies would actually prevent a disease from being spread. I now truly believe that people have the right to freedom of movement and association within society whether or not the society at large agrees with their nonconformity (as long as they're not out stealing, raping or murdering others or some such crime!).

There also seems to be a component in mass psychosis where people feel more loved when they are involved in fighting off an opponent together, and, very unfortunately, that opponent is being marketed as the unmasked and unvaccinated in the current state of affairs. Longings for love and unity run strong in people, which is normal, but people are being hornswoggled into a cheap substitute for meaningful interactions with others without fear. People now mainly think about how to protect themselves from fear, and that is their unifying cry in this "battle".

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Yes, the facts of the matter seem to make ZERO difference. It's a religion now.

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It NEVER made sense.

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❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you! I live in NYC and I have not worn a mask since late April 2020. There have been MANY times I was the only human face on the subway, in stores, on the street etc. I was banned from restaurants and most public buildings, shunned by people who saw me as a selfish murderer because I knew better. I got used to it. I used to cry and wish for death because waking up into this dystopian hell was more than I could bear but now I know I did the right thing and I can look back on this and know I am unbreakable. I will be moving to a better state in a year or so but I will never stop talking about what it was like to live in the belly of the beast as a sane rational person who wouldn't bend. I hope others join me. When I lost my place in society I gained something priceless, my awakening as a truly sovereign being.

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You are a true warrior, Kathy! That last sentence makes my heart sing.

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Thank so much Tess! I truly admire you and what you are doing you are an amazing human being you give so many hope, it is people like you who inspire people like me to stand up against this it's a real domino effect! The impact you have on others is profound!

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Love this quote:

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ~Jiddu Krishnamurti

This wisdom predated 21c. Krishnamurtiji died in the 1980s I think.

Mass formation/ mass psychosis was undoubtedly a well known phenomenon to the perpetrators. Look how easily they accomplished it! Sickness layered on sickness. We’re going to get through this. Find your tribe - in spots like this. Lots of silver linings.

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As a healthcare professional with 32 years of acute care hospital experience I recognized from the start how useless and ineffective the mask was as well as the risks associated with it. What was alarming to me is how many people willingly accepted this government overreach and encroachment into their freedom! Masks are filthy especially as used by the general public!

Thank you for helping to educate the public! Knowledge is power and we need to stand up for freedom now before it’s gone for good! God bless you Dr. Lawrie!

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Dear Dr Tess, thank you. I have been seeking my way to stand up and be counted. I have followed WCH right from the start and the clarity and insight provided has helped this 70 year cope and not feel so isolated. I then became member of the Together organisation. I have stepped forward to host one of their local meet-ups where 'together' we can support each other in say No. I saw that having a local community of good-hearted people who want to stand and face into the narrative that we are not in agreement was important for me. Appreciate all the you do on our behalf :)

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That's wonderful to hear, Ann.

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Really appreciated the Zelenko quote that you highlighted -- "Resist first within yourselves against giving in to fear, and then resist publicly against the policies of tyranny that are coming again.” I conquered Part 1 long ago. Part 2 is more difficult for me, but it is helpful to think of it as a process and that I am on the right track.

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I find it's important not to pay too much attention to MSM on the popularity of issues, in the real world, certainly where I am in UK North, most people NEVER bought into the cult of the mask, beyond the first couple of months where people were assessing the actual dangers.

I only ever wore a mask in the big supermarkets, in the most deprived areas, I only ever saw maybe 25% wearing masks, I entered and left these shops and was never even questioned about not wearing one, it remained the norm.

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That is encouraging to hear!

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I dare say that this % of mask wearers would be much higher in the 'waitrose' areas, a strange relationship between people who had to work things out for themselves to survive in life ( and get things right ), and those that didn't.

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The middle class are the problem. Too comfortable. Too complacent (it could never happen here). Too compliant.

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Brilliant. Your message and that of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies, is what we must strive to achieve. https://www.solzhenitsyncenter.org/live-not-by-lies

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Absolutely spot on! We are standing together and standing up for what is right.

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‘There’s a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in.’ (Leonard Cohen)

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