As someone who has worked in the NHS for almost 14 years, I stood alone amongst my executive colleagues and wider team when last year I was about to be shown the door without a hint of compassion or respect. The WCH (and HART) and the wonderful connections that spawned from them was the only flicker of light in these dark times. There appears to be a huge increase in rug sales as, I'm sure with all Trusts, their past actions appear to be getting swept away on a daily basis. And people like us are not to make a fuss. That burden was shared here. So thank you Dr Lawrie and Co for keeping my sanity in tact and leading me towards A Better Way.

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I can't wait to see this. To relive a little of the sheer thrill of being together with like minds, of the positive energy and intelligent conversation giving me hope for the future.

Thank you, dear Tess, for making this possible, and thanks to everyone involved.

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You are all the kind of world leaders we need. Thank you 🙏

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Thanks so much for all you do. Great video.

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Thank you my dear Dr. Lawrie. 💖

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Good luck and may millions reap something better than last three evil years.

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Dear Dr. Tess,

I applaud and support your efforts. Thank you for your courage and your vision. What we are facing is an evil that goes beyond our normal understanding. This battle is a spiritual one, indeed.

Praying for justice...

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Brings tears to my eyes to see all these amazing humanitarian heroes together!!!

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I have joined with a monthly donation but do not know how to access thid

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Thank you, Sheila! The event is freely available in the WCH newsroom: worldcouncilforhealth.org/newsroom

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Can I get to watch this tonight even if I'm not a paid subscriber ? Also I'm in Atlantic Canada so at what time ...our time zone time... would it start and is there a link? Thanks so much Barb

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Thank you!!!! ❤️🫶

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