I would give an enthusiastic YES to your question, Tess! Nearly a year ago, I launched my Substack with the aim of unmasking totalitarianism and awakening the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. I felt understanding the mechanisms of propaganda was so crucial to that undertaking, I made it the topic of my first post:

• “Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)

In that piece, I describe the formula for achieving mass control:

The recipe is simple. Take a naturally occurring phenomenon, say a seasonal virus, and exaggerate its threat far beyond every imagining—despite exhaustive evidence to the contrary. Suppress, silence, ostracize, and demonize every individual who dares present facts that expose the false mono-narrative.

Whip up a witches’ brew of anger, envy, and, most importantly, fear, escalating emotions to a boil so as to short-circuit our faculties of reason and logic.

Isolate us from one another, supplant real-world interactions with virtual feuds, label nonconformists as a threat to the group, and pump the public with a disinformation campaign designed to confuse and atomize. In essence, foster a cultlike mentality that shuts down thought to guarantee assent.

Cultivate and wield our cognitive biases—especially ingroup bias, conformity bias, and authority bias—against us in a comprehensive divide-and-conquer policy that keeps us too busy squabbling amongst ourselves to recognize and unite against those corralling us into a Matrix-like collective delusion that enables the powerful to extract our resources for their own gain.

This ideological mass psychosis is religion—not science. If this were about science, the Media–Pharmaceutical–Big-Tech complex would not be memory-holing every dissenting voice, vilifying every thought criminal, and censoring every legitimate inquiry in quest of the truth.

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"... mass psychosis is religion - not science."

I would say that we can not remove science from any process... psychological, political, or otherwise.

What we have here is a DISTORTION of sound scientific principles... This distortion includes deception and manipulation, lies and cover up's.... however, each and every maneuver does contain the same scientific principles.... because the Laws of Nature can NEVER be eliminated ... for as long as Life exists in the Universe.

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Indeed, S. Nicoletta, although we are currently inhabiting a world in which illusion is presented as reality via the Ministry of Truth, so I would argue that they no longer are adhering to sound scientific principles and are simply fabricating the narrative as they go along while using behavioral psychology techniques to embed the latest scripts into the hypnotized populace:

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

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I don't disagree with you. Humans "in charge" are not adhering to sound scientific principles, but to the distortion, manipulation, etc of said principles. However, the principles are still here, and the solution may be found in returning to the principles WITHIN the distortion/manipulation.

There IS science within religion, politics, and every other aspect of Life. And those who adhere to the UN-distorted principles, will ultimately prevail. At least that is my hope... without which I don't care to remain among the living... as Natalie Merchant put it...


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It’s quite true - we are under the illusion we are in control. By failing to accept the fact that the universe is in control (if “it” is) we fail to celebrate the circumstances of being human. Music helps us penetrate the depths. Keep those soundtracks current!

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Amen :-) Love Natalie Merchant!

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Nice to get a Natalie performance as part of our dialogue. Music heals.

To me as a musician, mom & grandma of musicians, and as a just plain human being - science springs from every day life. It belongs not to elitist rank opportunists but to the people who breathe life into it. It is a living force we are open to. Keepin’ it real. Thanks.

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Nothing’s changed since the European & Salem Witch Trials.

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thank you, and I look forward to hearing this discussion on Sunday.

I have a very good, lifelong friend from childhood. She and I both held similar political views (left of center) for many years, until I stepped away from that position while she moved farther to the left. I underwent some traumatic experiences which allowed me to peek behind the curtain of the government manipulations, and that created in me a desire to learn the truth, no matter where I was led, and to question. My good friend became more entrenched in holding fast to the "correctness" of her views, and consensus which made her feel virtuous. I love her dearly, and decided the friendship is more important than "being right," since I could not convince her, and since she also believes she is "right." An impasse.

So I have avoided political discussion and we have plenty to talk about otherwise. When she brings up political things, I agree with whatever I can agree with (there is always common ground) and otherwise stay silent. I have always, throughout, been hoping that somehow the hypnosis on the population would break, and she would begin to question. Hasn't happened yet.

My point here is mainly that I have observed that she continues to maintain the "left-right" paradigm, while moving farther and farther to the left. I have stepped outside that paradigm and see the manipulations. I cannot unsee or go back. I do not align with either of the two parties and I'm turned off by the labels and pigeonholing. I relate to people as individuals. I consider issues from all sides.

She believes that I am "more conservative" than she is. I just see things as issues. For example, an issue of who cares about the environment. Well, the left obviously does, and the right is selfish and wants to destroy the environment. (actually, no.....). The truth is that the majority of people care about the environment. But how many of them see humans as a legitimate part of the environment, as opposed to a parasite which needs to be destroyed?

More and more people identify as "independent" and not left or right. In the US, republicans and democrats each represent about 30% of the population, while independents are at about 40%. The largest group. And it is growing.

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Hi Dani: I walked this path too with a dear friend, until my silence to her increasingly aggressive assertions and complaints became too uncomfortable to tolerate, at which point, I spoke up with calm and confidence. She said she would not ever change her mind no matter what, and then turned away from our friendship. Not sure I could have saved it or done anything different. I knew I didn't want to spend my precious time with someone so hypnotized. It is her job to wake up, not mine to wake her. Best wishes for you and your friend.

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Does your friend watch CNN & MSNBC? I lost a friend similarly when I would not get the vax and mask up voluntarily. My targeting had already strained the relationship. But last year when the social media began to demonize the unvaccinated she actually became abusive. We had tried to steer clear of the topic but ultimately the differences proved insurmountable. I came to believe she was entrained by CNN and MSNBC.

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Yes, and the brainwashing is something to behold, isn't it?

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A shocking hold.

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Interesting thanks. Trauma heals too if we allow it time to process and freedom to heal. Healing our world is the paramount thing.

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Would it be possible for you to share your experience that let you see behind the curtain?

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Child Protective Services (CPS) investigated me and threatened to take away my children. It was extremely traumatic and confusing, because I am a good mom. I started looking into CPS and that opened the doorway for me to discover that the world was not as I had been led to believe.

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Horrifying. Part of the targeting is slander and one of many ways was to insinuate that I needed ‘help.’ I could see how easy it is to lie and frame someone.

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It seems to me that the mainstream media has far more guilt on their hands than the government, for they were the ones daily broadcasting the lies and fear. Maybe the government paid them off, but even then their guilt remains: the MSM repeatedly claim to be the "pillar that upholds democracy." It was their duty to challenge the government narrative. They failed miserably.

Everyone I know that bought the lies did so because they believed what they heard on television. Every time I attempted a discussion with these people, the moment I started making valid points they would simply say, "that's all junk you got off the internet." And then impenetrable walls went up. It wouldn't even matter if I told them that my sources are rigidly limited to university professors, medical researchers, published papers, and respected doctors. Nor did it move them if I shared my own science background.

Therefore I think the problem is not faith in a lying government but faith in a lying and corrupted media. The cause of this misplaced faith is somewhat obvious:

1. The media repeatedly asserts they are trustworthy.

2. News stations make quality presentations, complete with heart-moving video clips and interviews with professional sounding people.

3. Especially since covid, people spend lots of time listening to the news.

4. For the past 70 years our societies have relied on the MSM to find out what is going on in the world.

A short conversation with me might open a crack in a person's world view, but that will quickly be patched over by dozens of hours spent listening to a lying media over the next few days. I call it voluntary brain washing. And it is clearly effective.

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The media are controled by the cabal. "The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974

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I think I disagree with the notion that we have some innate, built in psychology that makes us behave irrationally. Government conditioned us to behave this way. The power grab is a result of lack of faith in God. Governments capitalize on this through fear. Too many of us believe in the government’s role in preserving our lives and keeping us safe. Vaccines, traditionally played a huge role in this. Most people today really believe the human race would be gone without vaccines. This is easily proven wrong with historical trend lines of infectious disease, but when people see it they are completely blind. I’ve been in debates over this that are absolutely stunning. Prior to Covid, So many already believed Deadly viruses will wipe us all out without a vaccine. Government and medical intervention is our only way out. With this mindset and brain washing in place, it’s only a matter of time before it it is our own government and medical establishments we trust that our designing the poisons that are going to kill us so they can in-turn capitalize on our fear to take control and profit. So, here we are with centuries of brainwashing and rejecting God and truth in our schools and public. We literally now have leaders telling us we determine our own sex and the masses are believing it. What should we have expected?

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I don't believe that government is the cause of anything... but rather a SYMPTOM of a traumatized... and UN-healed species.

Please see my earlier comment...

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Very much appreciate your summary!

Let me add a few thoughts, though. Government as such don't exist. We are all individuals bound by all sorts of relational dependencies, i.e. feedback loops. This is even amplified as people act in groups or identify with the declared objectives of the group(s) each one of the respective members identifies with, to different degrees. Those who have built their house (life) on one objective and one objective only (politicians, business people, clergy, scientists) are going to be potentially the most ferocious defenders of the objectives their only group is subscribing to. And not out of conviction of the said objectives but to protect their house, i.e. home of identification. And irrationality, lies, deception and worse is unavoidable and sooner rather than later in full swing.

I could go on and on but I leave it at that for now.

But not without saying, that the God principle is a crucial one. No orientation without reference. Whenever the reference of one's own existence is not centered in the SUPREME and shifting by the hour or day because it is taken from the material existence our human mind observes on a daily basis and nowadays even on a minute's basis (social media etc) the perfect storm is just a question of time.

Add anxiousness of the human mind getting into power knowing it might lose it at any time. THE GLOVES ARE OFF. Using the above described dynamic becomes a certainty. Independence is not acquired by association with like minded people, but by the appreciation of solitude and asking the BIG QUESTION.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote about it during his last days at the German concentration camp during WWII. It's called Stupidity, worthwhile read or as video animation on the web.

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I had an insight that I'd like to share. We are all fearful of what the WHO is attempting to do and we were all encouraged to leave comments and videos voicing our concerns and position. I do not believe that anything that is said will have any influence over the conclusions of the WHO, which I believe have already been determined. Instead, the strategy must be to shine a light on the WHO. The Indian Bar Association is pursuing them for Crimes Against Humanity due to their refusal to release pertinent information about the contents of their "home medicine kits". They knew that ivermectin played a significant role in the defeat of Covid. We also have all of the data on ivermectin, which now totals 82 trials around the globe. What if we were to join those in India by pursuing a legal investigation into the conduct of the WHO? We know they helped distribute hundreds of millions of kits to every village and household in Uttar Pradesh. We know they praised this region for their remarkable success of essentially eliminating the Delta variant within 2 months time. Their protocol should have been sent to every country in the world. That could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Instead, they remained silent to requests for that confirmation. There is also visual footage of a WHO representative stating that they go on bended knee around the globe trying to gain funding for their program and are necessarily needing to support the interest of those who contribute. We also know exactly who is contributing and those with ties to the pharmaceutical industry and the Gates Foundation are high on that list. By showing the world the profound conflicts of interest they have and the criminal misconduct they have participated it, I believe that has the potential to interfere with their intention to control the health care of the planet. I would welcome the chance to brainstorm further this direct. Pierre Kory has my contact information.

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So, read this and thought I should share...I am sure this is happening all over Canada and the US.....enjoy! "LEAKED! "Ontario Health To Family Physicians" Dr. Payouts to engage unvaccinated patients + boosters" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvRVJempgXw

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That is so very disturbing.

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YES!!YES!! I saw this and shared previously on other platforms but thank you, it can't be seen enough!!!

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Governments know how some of us behave - joiners and true believers - because our governments, corporations, institutions ARE these. They are never prepared for the free thinkers and wild cards. Play good poker - the game is large.

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I am an integrative veterinarian- so happy to see you are supporting this kind of medicine for people.0

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I am no expert on "mind control" "psychological warfare" or even "sales" which all ultimately exist to persuade, convince and otherwise illicit a planned outcome.

But I have seen a stage hypnotist in action and mused over their performance and studied hypnosis/NLP for a wee bit of time. It is apparent that NLP has been deployed to install subconscious beliefs and program behaviors in the vast majority via the media. And if NLP has a part in the cause/onset it may also play a pivotal part in its undoing.

I remember watching an experiment as a teenager that captivated me also. Very relevant to the situation we see today.

In this experiment, set in a waiting room, smoke was set off in another room and some was coming through under the door entering the waiting room.

If the study subject was by himself and noticed this smoke. He would get up, investigate and raise the alarm.

If multiple study subjects were in the room, they would all usually act and raise the alarm.

If however the study subject was in the waiting room with actors, who were instructed to be apathetic to the smoke and not at all concerned by it. 80% of the time, the study subject would prefer to not rock the boat and went along with the actors ignoring the potential fire.

I remember thinking to myself, no way, I would never do that. I will never be so lead astray.

Does anyone else remember this experiment?

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I'm looking forward to these suggestions for reaching those blocked against listening. It's something I've looked into, seeng what worked for me, and looking at everything I can find online. 2 things I know: giving info is not effective in most cases; asking questions is more likely to be effective. Anyway, I will be listening.

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Good point about asking questions. The brainwashed tend to be poorly informed to a high degree of certainty,

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Nazi Germany had a Ministry of Propaganda. It seems that we have something similar.

Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment - Control of Film, Radio, Theater, and the Press

¨The Propaganda Ministry, through the Reich Press Chamber, assumed control over the Reich Association of the German Press, the guild that regulated entry into the profession. Under the new Editors Law of October 4, 1933, the association kept registries of “racially pure” editors and journalists, thus excluding Jews and those married to Jews from the profession.

Editors and journalists were expected to follow the mandates and instructions handed down by the ministry and had to be registered with the Reich Press Chamber to work in this field. Clause 14 of the law ordered editors to omit anything “calculated to weaken the strength of the Reich abroad or at home.” The Propaganda Ministry aimed further to control the content of news and editorial pages through directives distributed in daily conferences in Berlin and transmitted through the party propaganda offices to regional or local papers. Detailed guidelines stated what stories could or could not be reported and how to report the news.¨ Read More


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However.... in order for propaganda to work, I believe it requires a certain way of raising children to obey "authority" without question.

This may be of interest...

A piece of gruesome, little known, historical context...

The Childhood Origins of World War II and the Holocaust


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OPERATION PAPERCLIP - Operation Nazification – U.S. Military Hired Sixteen Hundred Nazi Scientists and Doctors

Book Review: Annie Jacobsen - Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America

¨After World War II, the U.S. military hired sixteen hundred former Nazi scientists and doctors, including some of Adolf Hitler’s closest collaborators, including men responsible for murder, slavery, and human experimentation, including men convicted of war crimes, men acquitted of war crimes, and men who never stood trial. Some of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg had already been working for the U.S. in either Germany or the U.S. prior to the trials. Some were protected from their past by the U.S. government for years, as they lived and worked in Boston Harbor, Long Island, Maryland, Ohio, Texas, Alabama, and elsewhere, or were flown by the U.S. government to Argentina to protect them from prosecution. Some trial transcripts were classified in their entirety to avoid exposing the pasts of important U.S. scientists. Some of the Nazis brought over were frauds who had passed themselves off as scientists, some of whom subsequently learned their fields while working for the U.S. military.

The U.S. occupiers of Germany after World War II declared that all military research in Germany was to cease, as part of the process of denazification. Yet that research went on and expanded in secret, under U.S. authority, both in Germany and in the United States, as part of a process that it’s possible to view as nazification. Not only scientists were hired. Former Nazi spies, most of them former S.S., were hired by the U.S. in post-war Germany to spy on — and torture — Soviets.

The U.S. military shifted in numerous ways when former Nazis were put into prominent positions.¨ Read More https://www.globalresearch.ca/operation-nazification-u-s-military-hired-sixteen-hundred-nazi-scientists-and-doctors/5369981

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Psychological Warfare: The CIA Then and Now: Old Wine in New Bottles

...¨This went along quite smoothly until some people started to question the Warren Commission’s JFK assassination story. The CIA then went on the offensive in 1967 and put out the word to all its people in the agency and throughout the media and academia to use the phrase “conspiracy theory” to ridicule these skeptics, which they have done up until the present day. This secret document – CIA Dispatch 1035-960– was a propaganda success for many decades, marginalizing those researchers and writers who were uncovering the truth about not just President Kennedy’s murder by the national security state, but those of Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy. Today, the tide is turning on this score, as recently more and more Americans are fed up with the lies and are demanding that the truth be told.¨ Read More https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-cia-then-and-now-old-wine-in-new-bottles/5666818

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"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." - former CIA Director William Colby.

We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false" - William J. Casey

Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state - James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, 1954-1974

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thank you Tess! Yes Mam! Absolutely, It's vitally important that we understand the nuances of Big Brothers Unrelenting Propaganda Machine.. Yes Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Tech, Legacy Media, and Big Finance all move in lock step now = Big Brother.. they currently, [not permanently] enjoy total capture of the Covid dialogue and all that entails.. yet their grasp is slipping everyday now.. more and more global citizens are awakening.. becoming aware and involved.. WE are in the process of TURNING THIS TIDE.. looking forward to a deeper understanding of how the Beast operates.. Thank you again for all that you do!

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There are two governments: the one visible to the public with hearings, elections, budgets. But it is the invisible government — the CIA, FBI, DOD, DHS, DOJ — who are calling the shots without any public awareness or input. This means we are governed by an unelected invisible bureaucracy answerable to no one. And our DOJ is complicit. Fauci should have long ago been detained and questioned about his funding of gain of function experimentation in China and about his relationships with Gates and Zuckerberg. There is no doubt to anyone paying close attention that the last election was stolen from the American public. And we had Bill Barr telling federal prosecutors not to investigate election fraud. Our entire federal government is now working against the American people. We need whistleblowers to step up enmasse if we want freedom to reign. Our overlords Fauci & Gates et. al want us locked up and starving in our homes like they are in China.

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I'll be interested to learn you tips to better communication. What I can tell you now, is the greater the brainwashing, the more certainty there is about "the truth." Often the discussion finally centers on "sources." The brainwashed are generally strong believers in corporate sources such as CNN and M$NBC, and shun independent sources as being "unverified." Talk Show hosts suffer from their own unique disease.

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“The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

― Garry Kasparov

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Thank you for reading shawn663@substack. This post is public so feel free to share it.

Oil we are addicted to what oil gives us. The industry is far from done but consider 60% of a barrel goes to auto products, gas, diesel, lube products etc... Consider corporations do not plan for tomorrow they plan decades in advance. Consider not only do they plan decades in advance they also control the means to realize those same plans. Through manipulation of public opinion, what we see happening today with Vax/covid is a good example. Another is war which of course we see today and is one of the old ones.

Ok we know that 60% of a barrel goes to auto products. Automobiles will transition to electric, hydrogen and other means including mass transit either by willing participation or by coercion. We further know the worlds wealth gap is increasing. We can reasonably expect as the gap increases the average citizenry will be forced to choose staples over luxuries like a private vehicle. Population is decreasing and will continue to decrease, again by coercion or by the other means. Population decrease generally equals lessened demand for a product in this case oil. From this logical extrapolations we know over the next 2 decades oil will dwindle as the main driving focus of oligarchical power.

How do we maintain our income, we being oligarchy. We need a product that is critical to the population.

That product is health.

Imagine a population where you need to get boosted once a week. Consider the profit in that potential market. Its obviously a reasonable concept, its happening right now before our eyes.

The boosting isn’t for covid its for a variety of potential threats that will be promoted by corporate media. The pharma model is to replace the bio humans natural immune system with a synthetic immune system which requires continual maintenance. Of course its for your benefit. Ignore the fact that the boosters are actually causing your need for boosting!

Jan 1-7 is booster 1ab3 / jan7-14 is booster 45-7AZT(!) / jan 14 -21 is_______ etc…

please don’t mix your manufacturers or take your doses out of sequence, its for your benefit after all.

Health for rent. Seems unbelievable, I must be a lunatic.

So far over the past year the vax’d have paid rent(through taxes) 3 to 4 times in the hope of maintaining their health. It seems they are getting sicker and will require more interventions, that’s called rent increase.

Keep in mind its not free you pay for those shots with your tax dollars.

Please do not be fooled. Corporate media is allowing us to and leading us to believe this is an issue of L/R, Its not! Its about corporate profit control through legislation and control through oppression. The oppression being enforced by the enforcement arm of corporate interests which of course is government. These things have been on the legislative docket for 100+ years and cultivated by both sides.

Health for rent, speaking for myself I hope I get the twofer special.

if you think I have valid points please go to shawn663 i have other postings.


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