This was a challenging watch for sure, but a lot of what Howdie said approximates the teachings of the Buddha, which many find negative when they first look into the 4 noble truths (the first being 'life is suffering') and the eight-fold noble path. The Buddhist way is one of negation, of rejecting what is not true/real in an absolute sense. The great mystic Nisargadatta Maharaj asserted that to be born into the matrix (the world) is a calamity of the highest order and that one should make escaping the matrix (duaity--delusion) a priority.

Howdie is right that those who have really suffered from the vicissitudes of life are more likely to seek a way out. Suffering provides the fuel to attempt a jail break, beginning with questioning everything, which often results in an ontological crisis. It's a painful, but for most necessary event that precedes the freedom from a personal sense of self that is centered on fear (desire). The first and last freedom is found in the dissolution of the ego that prevents one from seeing ourselves as the powerful divine beings that we are in essence.

In both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the way out of suffering is to see through the lie of duality and to see through the illusion of ego, of the persona, the one who craves recognition and acquisition, the one who fears loss. These attachments bind us to an endless cycle of reincarnations in a material world where suffering is a major feature. Like he said, even in nature there is the hunter and the hunted.

I did enjoy listening to what Howdie had to say. Particularly that a portal is currently open, providing a temporary and rare opportunity to escape the illusion of the matrix . The erudite spiritual teacher currently in Costa Rica, Shunyamurti, has spoken about this often, emphasizing that time is of the essence - don't delay in connecting with the Divine Source within for it will sustain you through the difficult times ahead and will be the Power that Knows the Way, taking you home to God/Source/Tao/Eternal Divine Love. Sādhu! Sādhu! Sādhu!

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Jan 19, 2024
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If one has been eating non organic foods one may well have been eating DNA foreign to the foods one has ingested if that food was genetically modified or crispr edited, for quite a few years now.

In the USA some are trying to get legislation passed to allow Crispr edited foods to be labelled 'Organic'!!!!

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It has taken me 80 years to bit by bit realise that much of what I've been taught, told and read about, believed to be true, has over these years been eroded, proved to be erroneous or outright lies. Very disappointing, heart rending , on occasion, but I'm the eternal optimyst. and still think that if I follow the diktats of my heart and question my 'higher self'...I can keep creating a life that's worth living, which I've more or less managed to do since my mid twenties. My heart tells me we CAN create 'Heaven on Earth, if we WORK towards Heaven on Earth...maybe not in my lifetime, and if there is re-incarnation I may get to see it.

Quantum theory has re-enforced my belief that what we 'believe' strongly enough 'becomes'...manifests, enters our existence. Thoughts, feelings, words and actions create the reality we experience as individuals and at the sociatal level. We have the choice.

I do not think we are victims...Of man-made psy-ops, yes, and they are pretty obvious these days, but on a larger scale I think it is a self imposed experiment/adventure by the All that Is, of which we are an inextricable part...I think we are the creators, and we will be more content when we have arrived at a balance between male and female, as well as realising that we do not need to be endlessly 'repeating history'; that if we find different paths to tread that don't continuously indicate one must follow a leader or go into war, or be greedy out of fear of lack, we can end this repeat of events; there ARE ways of getting out of that much repeated cycle. WCH is one such example! And there are already many others also in existence. Seek and ye shall find : )

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Seek and ye shall find is right. Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you mad! All the wisdom of Buda was wise, but he never intended for it to become a religion, and yet it did! The myth of his birth is just that, a myth. They all seem to be revolted by the birth canal and cannot have their deity born normally. So, a wise man is morphed into a god. If strong belief is the path to that belief becoming reality, then this holds for false belief as well. Take virology or vaccines for instance, many millions believe that both of these fallacies are in fact, fact! You will never convince them that their belief is not true. Makoski's search has been long and painful, as has my own. Public school is an indoctrination station, and we believe what we are told as facts, when they are just control mechanisms. Not many of us ever see through the veil, and most do not want to, so an awakening large enough to make a change is not possible. We live in a world of lies, delusions, and we mostly believe in the delusion, even when presented with some truth. I am not as intelligent as you or Dr. Laurie, but I did at some point start to question reality, and it has taken me 76 years to find that even people that appear to be on the same page, can be in denial of some scientific facts. There was no pandemic, just the flu! What was deadly about this lie is the way it was treated, or not treated! The fact that it is called a virus is another lie. It has been shown to be false, as the scientific method is not used to find this Unicorn, and it is clearly shown by Doctors Bailey and Bailey, in a two-part video presentation. It is a stunning exposure of the fraud that is virology, and yet not even Dr. Laurie has commented on this fact. Does this not beg the question why? If this seems to any of you to be false, then I challenge you to go look for yourselves at the scientific evidence I speak of! The ask yourself why the health freedom heroes will not talk about this truth. Jack.

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Yes, have to agree with you about education, lies delusions and all the oher things challenging us...I've also come across this 'virus' thing, being only a 'theory', never truly isolated...part of the many revelations I've encountered in the last three years, but as to Dr. Lawrie 'still believing in'...I'll put that down to...each of us has to have the time to look, has to decide on priorities, especially now, confronted as we are by many challenges. I feel a priority at the moment is to find what we have in common, what are the things needing the most attention right now about which we can stand together...chose what it is that matters most in the face of powers that appear to both wish to do much harm and are attempting great stupidities that will affect all of us. There will be time once we have overcome this current dilemma to get down to other nitty gritties...at least, that's my take on what you mention.

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Thank you for this reply, but was not the virus the scarry thing that gave rise to the lockdown? This is medical fraud by the entire medical complex. So, if there is no virus, then what? It was a simple question that I asked of Dr. Laurie, not the meaning of life. I will ask you to also go to the Baileys videos and look. I mean if this is a fraud at the verry base of medicine, then it begs the question. You hinted at the fact that Dr. Laurie still believes in viruses. Again, I ask why and for her to comment on this. I do not think she needs a defender to answer this question. One should not support a position unless they actually know if said position is factual. I have given the location of this information, so all that is needed is to look, especially before making statements to the contrary. I say again, let her speak to this, and I suggest you go look for yourself. If you see the evidence, and still disagree, then ok, but you have to look first! As far as overcoming the present, what could be more important than exposing the virus fraud. To me this seems like the first order of business.

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Virus or no virus...it seems it may well have been a flu virus (or whatever it is that flu actually is?). That it was badly handled is apparent to many who 'believe' in 'bugs'...that much profit was made from the scamdem!c is also a fact that's come out in the MSM...that certain reliable medications, much used, were called useless by the powers that shouldn't be, is also coming out...therefore to my mind, considering where most peoples heads are...to load them with info that may be important, but that will come up against a brick wall when it comes to majority beliefs, I believe requires much discernment as to what truths to push when. We all have to decide for ourselves.

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Jan 14, 2024
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Right there with you 💗😊

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When you grow up in a home where your job as a child was to roam the woodlands and your curriculum was "the ways of the wild, " one learns through a felt sense, that the underpinning of life is "goodness."

Unlike Howdie, I did not have a psychopath for a father. I had a very human man who deeply loved nature and spent every minute he could there, and took his children and his wife with him. It is likely that for this reason, I won't stop believing in a "More Beautiful World our Hearts know is Possible," as Charles Eisenstein claims in his book by the same title. I won't stop asking, "Does anyone realize life while they live it, every, every minute," like Emily from Thornton Wilders' Our Town. What DO the poets and saints know that the rest of us only have an inkling of...

Although there has been much innocence lost..especially over the last three years. I am glad for it. I am glad that the manipulations of the mind have been exposed. It will not happen to me again, I can tell you that. I believed every story I was ever told about democracy, and freedom, and a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. I believe it no more.

I studied journalism for God's sake. I believed in the integrity of the 4th estate. And, look what a farce

that turned out to be,

Perhaps I do live in a simulation. But I live there with some good people. And, perhaps it is a prison. A prison of materiality. It DOES have limits. It is MEANT to have limits. It's only a short stint after all. 50, 80, 100 years. Not a long sentence. And, if you call hiking the Appalachian Trail being in prison, or cross country skiing on glistening snow in my town, nicknamed, Happy Valley, or dancing on a Brazilian beach on New Year's Eve --being imprisoned, well, I have those experiences regularly and they sure feel pretty free to me.

And, at the same time, I feel trapped by my programming, my inherited DNA, my culture, the matrix and my own limiting beliefs.


So, Howdie, thank you for this interesting and provocative view. Tess, Thank you for bringing it into this forum. Thank you all, thoughtful sojourners!

2024 may end up being the craziest year yet. But, maybe, just maybe, because we think, we discuss, we ponder the impossible. Maybe we are ready for it. Bring it on!

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Hi Elle, I am the walls of my prison! You may be interested in the writing of J Krishnamurti

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I am just starting to listen. It sounds fascinating, very fascinating. It fits so much with what so many of us have been doing: looking at the ps-ops. But this is, it seems, looking at it all as a psy-op. Makes sense. Thank you already for this interview.

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Exactly what David Icke has been saying for decades. Maybe you should interview him next, Tess?

There are a number of people who've arrived at this perspective, though there are some disagreements about the interpretation of the Gnostic gospels (mainly sourced from the Nag Hammadi library discovered in 1945). John Lamb Lash, for instance, says that the Earth itself is not part of the Arkontic simulation. That's more in the realm of human perception of ourselves and how we relate to the world.

Food for thought at any rate as the last 4 years have certainly left me with little option but to conclude it's pure evil that's running the world right now.

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Agree. I adore the work of David Icke. I believe him to be the real deal, a man of insight and integrity.

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Very interesting indeed! I have listened to many people who had near-death experiences - most of them lost interest in the material issues and also traditional religions, but definitely not spirituality. I have also worked through A Course in Miracles recently, accompanied with Commentaries by Jesus channelled through Tina Louise Spalding, and there is a lot of overlap with what Mickowski says. However, the background is much brighter there, and that course is very clear about that we will ultimately all leave the world of ego illusions/the matrix. I have to admit I prefer that perspective.

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I prefer the brighter side of things too!

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Me too ! Thank u 😊

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I am a Yogi, a meditator, and a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda. I'm 73 years of age. I by far prefer the Indian/Yogic explanation of good and evil - and planetary change - as described in the Yuga Cycle of planetary consciousness. Yes. we've been in a very low state of consciousness for about 2,400 years. The good news is that we are in a process of ascending consciousness for the next 2.400 years. Unfortunately, our increasing knowledge of technology outstrips our wisdom to make best use of it. That will come - hopefully before we destroy ourselves and/or our planet.

If you have an hour you will find a really good introduction to this topic by Asha Nayaswami on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4Kl-8-2BMo . If you have only 30 minutes, start at the 30-minute mark where Asha gets into the nitty gritty of the Yuga cycle and how it manifests in the world.


Stan Giles - www.stangiles.com

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Thanks Stan.

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If the premise is that we are all in a prison system, all these explanations and theories are made up from the perspective of the prisoner. It is obvious, and nothing else possible - because we are not the creators of this Life, but its inhabitants.

Now we theorize from the perspective of the prison cell about the colors, space, and freedom of the “world” outside this prison. We have no idea of learning the outside. if we had, we would be part of the creator of this prison. And we are not - simply because we are mortal, and the creation continues and grows and changes and evolves further on without us.

What value is in such theorizing? It’s only what we “think” the free world outside of the prison is. We have no experience. No wonder that prisoners are obsessed with visions of the world outside the cell.

At the end of the day, all these theories are nothing but an attempt to distract oneself from the walls in which we live. Call it philosophy, mythology, mass formation, whatever you want. Thinking about it won’t change anything. Except… the more you think, the better the imagined theories will become. But the totality of your limited life won’t change.

There is ultimate beauty in accepting what is for what it is.

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Hi Tess... Well this was a very different kind of conversation today! Thank You for bringing the opportunity to open our hearts and minds a bit more...While I don't understand All of what Howdie was saying today some of it certainly resonated with me in a number of ways..... I started to get to know things about our world and our existence around 2010 that our world was a very dark place and most of us were unaware of it.... and most of us did not have a clue how to change it for a variety of reasons ... myself included. Things didn't seem dark to me. I was " Free" to make my own decisions. Nobody told me what to do??? I trained as a nurse and worked hard whilst at the same time I tried to be kind and helpful to others. I raised two children without too much difficulty although life was never easy I was happy enough in my own way and feeling a sense of achievement.

I felt the world was a beautiful place and I was able to explore it in all its beauty for many years until 2020.... Since the passing of my father when I was aged 24 I became more interested in the Spirit World and had some wonderful experiences. In 2012 I read a book by Medium Michael Reccia it was called " THE FALL" for anyone who wishes to find out why we are where we are today this book might help explain what took place so long ago and how it still plays itself out today by the actions that are being brought against us, against Humanity. That book is part of a collection of books all on the same subject called TheJosephs Communications written by Michael Reccie although it is not Michaels writings as each of these books were dictated from the Spirit. They are the words of Joseph who is a highly evolved Spirit. Anyway These books added a bit more to my understanding of why I was here on this earth at this time. Then in 2021 I began to understand and actually accept that I was living in a matrix and that there was actually a different level going around us. That was having a huge impact in our lives and we all know who they are.

Up until 2021 I had toed the line, I followed the narrative in many ways I did not questions anything ..

Now I know different and these past 3 years have been massive learnings for me. I will stop now as I nearly deleted every word I have typed because I never speak out with my own thoughts ...it is simply not me to do this. So, Finally I want to say a big Thanks to you Tess for bringing forward such a deep seated and challenging conversation. I am very grateful to you for everything you are ,and the other World Council for Health members are doing to make a difference in this world. Much Love Betty xx

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But I also see that howdie seems very unhappy and almost agitated looking. The sense I get is a tormented soul. No matter that he speaks the same things that others I have read have said I worry that he has lost a sense of calm and joy and is mostly focused on negativity. That’s one thing that surprised me about David icke is when he talked to Brian rose and he was so spiritual. That is what made me actually stop dismissing him and check out his books because he seemed quite mindful of our true nature. I’m sure we all feel bogged down over the last three years for sure and tired of this crap so I do understand howdies cynicism.

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Oh dear, you asked Howdie to finish with a joke and he stopped. How unfortunate Tess. In just one month, you've had two Audis that have seized up.

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What a legend you are, Mike, I'm going to have to get you on next!

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I thought his response re: JP Sears was good. Not everyone can produce a joke upon request. I know I couldn't.

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I agree. Telling a joke and being a comedian like JPS are 2 different things. (I haven't seen Howdie's style of comedy so can't comment more.)

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Remarkable concepts. Definitely going to explore further. Thank you, Dr. Lawrie, for introducing Howdie to us.

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I sure hope you didn't have to pay for Howdie to be on your Programme? I agree with you Dr Tess!!

there are many of us who felt like he could have summed up what he was trying to say, in a far less complicated & realistic way!! 30mins was ample, as there was quite a deal of gobbledegook!!! Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, so we try and be gracious. Howdie's slant on life is not the "be all & end all?!" Seriously! He took a lot of years to arrive at very little. I suggest he return to his meditation. I think Howdie may have had a sad childhood, which was not his fault. He could have learned more in less time, by studying Biblical Scripture, & seeking a Relationship with Our Lord, & 'always' Living to help others who are downtrodden!! Most of us have enjoyed a good way of life up until the past decade, and for me it it has been in Australia, which is where my ancestors migrated to. The Evil has always been.....Satan's power was never taken from him. We need more "trust & faith" in our Creator God. Don't forget, Buddha was never Crucified on a Cross. There was only "One" who died a terrible death on that Cross, for all humanity. Most of us who grew up in a Happy, yet humble Home, lived Happy Lives, & many of us grew up, learning to help many others less fortunate, throughout our entire life. It didn't take years of alternative lifestyle to arrive at helping others. I am 70yrs, & have my feet firmly planted. I am a victim of one of the most complex of Cancers, [Multiple Myeloma with my whole Skeletal System badly compromised] and yet I still try & find time to help others, if needs arise, & try to be happy, even when I feel lousy. Like millions of other fellow human beings, I feel so "let down & deceived" by the Power Hungry so called Elite, but we know Harare, Schwab, Gates, Biden, Fauci, The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, & the numerous others, will fall, & when they fall, they will fall much harder than those of us who are aware of Victory over Satan! Thank goodness the Instinctiveness God Blessed me with, helped me make wise decisions, in respect of fearmongering of Covid, & seeking out many wonderful Drs & Specialists, who were ostracised & forced to revert to Independent Media Platforms, & not the MSM, which we avoid. I refused to get the jabs. We are eternally thankful for all of these well qualified Professional Medico's for ne'er leaving a stone unturned & for trying to fight back against the tyranny, on our behalf. Thank you.

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🍃⭐💚 By now, many of us are familiar with Plato's 'Allegory Of The Cave', where people choose convenience and perceived safety over freedom.

For some of us, however, having spent much of our life sitting in the dark cave, filled with shadows and illusions, one day, we identified the cave as a prison, and chose to exit the cave, so we could breathe the air and feel the sun on our bodies.

For a few people, the lack of hierarchical structure made them feel unsteady, and they returned to the old familiar cave.

But for those who kept walking away from the cave, there was a mix of adventure and trepidation.

Whilst we enjoyed our new found freedom, there were days when, much like William Golding's stranded group of boys, the responsibility of having to find food and shelter, and develop a whole new set of rules, became overwhelming. And although we knew that we did not want to retreat to the original cave, we felt the need to seek out people in other caves.

In pursuit of truth, signs on cave entrances demanded our attention. Some of the signs were so absurd, we may very well have sniggered at them. Like the carnival barker enticing new customers to his stall, there were cries of, "Ladies and gentlemen, step right up, come on in! The planet is run by reptiles in latex masks!" Other cave signs were a little more plausible. One such claim read, "Common Law will protect you from tyranny. Beginners Course starts today. Special Offer. Just $1,000". Another sign proudly proclaimed, "Viruses do not exist. You may very well be a vaccine denier, now you can level up, and become a virus denier".

So how do we make sense of our world? Who do we trust? And which experts do we consult? There is no time in just one life to become an expert in every field; to grow food, build accommodation, perform surgery and dentistry, fix engines, water pipes and electrical circuits. It is entirely likely that one of the experts we require will not be living in the particular cave we currently inhabit.

Whichever cave we choose to shelter in, we will always be required to accept a tradeoff, as we search for our own truth from within.💚⭐🍃

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Well Done Sarah!

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Well said Sarah, interesting points.

We are here now, this is what we've to deal with, protect our communities from the real and growing threat of war, get enough food, relaxation, other health needs.

Of course these discussions are valid, I find myself almost always engaged in an inner questioning, debate.

In the real world we inhabit there is great suffering and we are here to lessen it and to prevent new wars and other criminal games. I am not a Buddhist, leaning more towards aspects of Christianity in a spiritually evolving universe, towards God.

Didn't the Buddha find his nirvana, but chose to return to help the suffering world? This suggests the better path, for those who are able, is to remain with this world, not focus on exiting.

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I watched the first few minutes then jumped over to your Exit the Matrix article. It's interesting to note, according to Amazon, that Howdie's book came out October 2022 and David Ike's book, "The Trap", came out September 2022. Coincidence? An idea whose time has come and the Universe has made it so? Who knows.

More than whether this concept is true or not, I think it's important to try and keep our energy authentically at a higher level. I try and stop needless worry and take action where I can to bring greater peace to my thoughts. One, it's good for us anyway and two, if the trap is true, then we shouldn't feed those entities.

This idea of our energy being siphoned and we are in a reincarnational trap is plausible. I'm having trouble, though, aligning this with the concepts shared by Edgar Cayce during his trances, Jurgen Ziewe in his book, "Multi-Dimensional Man" and in the book I'm currently reading, "Seth Speaks" as channeled by Jane Roberts. Edgar Cayce, in trance, and Seth, through Jane Roberts, spoke extensively of reincarnation and how it's used as a tool for the development of the soul. Jurgen Ziewe is a super- meditator that would have spontaneous experiences to higher and lower dimensions. With the help of his guide, he would also help souls crossover to the next dimension. On page 135 of Seth Speaks, He also talks of entities helping souls transition from our world to the next. None of these authors with experience in other realms mentioned Archons or our energy being drained. Did these experiencers skip the fourth dimension and therefore these lower energies? In their writings, both Edgar Cayce and Jurgen talked of seeing lower dimensions than the third, where it was very dark and entities and objects were only partially formed. Again no talk of archons.

Thoughts, anyone? Thanks.

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Interesting, thank you. Maybe others on this forum have some suggestions.

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In my experience Seth is correct. We become what we do. Doing evil (deception, exploitation and control) is completely self defeating in the long run. 😁

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Extreamly thought provoking interview Tess, resonates on many levels.

Thank you so much for sharing it.

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