I shared this. I feel a bit disheartened still, knowing most likely that the vote will go through regardless. They all know each other, they know their team members are working on this... as soon as they got the “go ahead” to start drafting the updates, the project was a shoo-in. The voting is just a formality. So what can we hope for? Well, maybe once this gets passes and people start to see and feel the ramifications, they will put pressure on their governments to withdraw from the WHO? How realistic would that be? I continue to share fervently and talk about this, so at the very least, when this passes because too many were too indifferent, they will remember in the back of their minds hearing something about it “before it was too late” and maybe this will change their behaviour in some beneficial way. Maybe. Can’t stop trying to inform people. Thanks, again, to Tess and WCH for getting this info out.

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Although it can seem overwhelming at times, we have to remember that we can only control our own behaviour, not theirs. By stepping back from the IHR's to gain perspective, we can see that their financial system is falling apart due to the huge levels of corruption THEY have perpetrated, and they are going to TRY to replace it with Digital IDs and Central Bank DIgital Currencies (CBDC's). However, they know that "fake monetary" systems cannot be imposed on informed, freedom-loving people, so in their desperation, they want to murder as many people as possible. Is that the thinking of a rational, empowered entity? I think not... I think THEY are desperate and are throwing their toys out of their prams because power is slipping out of their hands. All we have to do is turn away from them and build A Better Way, whilst THEY self-destruct.

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I think we need to start recognising "unlawful legislation" for what it is. It's a violation of Natural Law and as such, it is NULL and VOID.

I've been wondering for a while who oversees the activities of compromised lawmakers, i.e. our corrupted governments which are now passing legislation drafted by corporate lobbyists, rather than legislation that is beneficial for the people. The IHR have brought this problem into sharp focus. The globalists are using unlawful legislation to enact criminal policies which in turn coordinates the activities of their substantial "human resources" around the world.

In the English legal system, a jury would be in a position to reject such unlawful legislation, but only after a case was brought to court. We need a mechanism to reject unlawful legislation before it has been passed by whichever corrupt and self-proclaimed legislative body contrives to impose such criminal policies.

Who voted for the World Health Organisation? No-one!

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What is legal is not necessarily lawful. A law can be abused to manipulate and steer towards a totalitarian society as we saw during covid. What I have noticed here in the Netherlands, is that people often say, but it is the law and as the government has our best interest at heart, we should comply. A permanent pandemic law is in the making by the Dutch government and with the WHO adding to it we are left with an oppressive society which will be largely devoid of freedom. Our farmers are being robbed of their livelihoods and farms which could and probably would, cause extreme poverty and hunger, not only here but elsewhere as well. I was born and raised in apartheid South Africa. I was always aware of the unjust in daily life but I never expected European governments to go down the same path. Being good and doing good whilst being evil seems to be more the rule than the exception.

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Yes, we need to become much more aware that "legal is NOT necessarily lawful". It's a bit of a conundrum but legislation has been intentionally obfuscated with "the law". What we have to realise is that the UK Parliament was set up by landowners for landowners. When they want to keep us "peasants" quiet, they throw us some pleasant sounding legislation, such as "Employment Law" and "Consumer Law" but they know we only notice the headline. The devil (literally) is in the details. Legislation is typically riddled with loopholes to which only those in the know are privy. It's the loopholes that corporations use to exploit our ignorance...

Every one who is alive today was born into a system of Corporate Slavery. Slavery was never abolished, it was just restructured using the black arts of legislation (NOT law), debt slavery, government and banking... It behooves us to uncover these Grand Deceptions that still enslave us today. Notice, for example, that legislation always seems to favour and empower corporations and always seems to disempower and oppress the people. They treat us like peasants. That's NOT by accident but deliberate. It's abstracted and systematic enslavement...

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Or to put it very simply, 'Money talks' in this reality.

I have recently been getting the feeling, what with all the 'revelations' coming into existence, that those with mentalities that enjoyed the power of feudalism way back when, have been trying to keep it going one way or another over the centuries, and now with all this lovely tech, those who have such a desire for power, and lording it over others (which I believe may well stem from major insecurity in childhood) have decided they have tools sufficient to put into being a hefty Neo-Feudalism. Let's not let them!

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"Money", which is mostly issued as DEBT by central banks, is a key part of the Grand Deception as it is used as carrot or stick to control behaviour. It is used to reward those who comply with anti-social, corporate Agendas and to penalise those who defy corporate diktats.

The Corporation is the legal entity that enslaves people and money/currency/finance is used to set up the incentive and disincentive structures.

The more accurately we diagnose the problem, the more clearly we can define the solution and the more powerfully we can implement it...

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The conundrum with which we ae faced is how to convince the millions who have been manoeuvred into working for said corporations, who's wages put a roof over their families heads, cloths on their backs and food in their tummies, which pays the insurance they deem to need and are sometimes obliged to pay for, as with car ownership, that they need to b paying attention to that in which they ae involved and how it impinges on the happiness, health and general well being of life on earth, never mind yet the taking of responsibility for all their actions??? Those people must feel caught between a rock and a hard place if their minds stray into the concepts we are talking about.

Knowing the answer to that problem would be wonderful...the only one I know is to be aware of how ones actions impinge on the world around us and trying to pass that knowledge on, whilst hoping for a hundredth monkey effect???

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I think the answer is at least two-fold:

1. Corporations, specifically central banks, supported by trans-national corporations, are in the middle of a worldwide financial system change programme. They want to impose Central Bank Digital Currencies and phase out cash so that they can control every single financial transaction thar takes place on their centralised blockchain platforms. Dr. Mike Yeadon speaks eloquently about this very real threat. Refusing to participate in that slave system is something we all can do. It's a powerful form of non-violent non-cooperation.

2. We can find ways to disentangle ourselves from their current abusive / exploitative system. For example, by cancelling all direct debits and weaning ourselves off their digital-prison-in-the-making... and building our own self-sufficient, empowered, increasingly aware communities to withstand their ongoing assault on our freedoms...

It sounds like you know a thing or two about marketing (your 100th monkey comment) so if you look at the "product adoption curve" you'll see that people in this forum are typically early adopters and visionaries of A Better Way, i.e. the alternative(s) to the WEF's "Great Reset"... The product adoption curve predicts that the Early Majority (the millions to whom you are referring) will only adopt our ideas if they can see them working for us. So we have to lead by example.

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Thank you Tess and WCH, for your tireless work on this and unwavering attempts to get this message out to the general public. I’ll share the info.

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With each day comes new controls. Each under the guise of protecting your health or some fictitious efforts for saving the planet. Our modern world has become so complex that it has become impossible to keep up with advancements. We shouldn't need to. We have evolved from a family to survive on one income to one that must have two incomes to live within normal middle class standards. My father ( a ditch digger for Wayne county drain commission in Michigan) supported a family of four plus! the plus were the people and kids that needed a meal and often sat at our table. some my mother took in and stayed with us until their own families were stable again. We had a 900 sq foot bungalow with two bedrooms and a converted attic. My point is that while we didn't have the modern things we all take for granted today we were happy and survived quite well.. It seems that keeping up with the jones was the thing to do. even when you didnt need things or even used them. Today my grandchildren work two jobs to keep up with the illusion of happiness. quality time with kids has become a new toy that costs a lot and is broken quickly. The dash to have the kids participate in sports with the dream of making the "BIG MONEY" is just that a dream. My great grandkids love to spend time with me putting together a simple puzzle that has improved recognition of letters and numbers. They ask each day to come to Nanas and Grampas house and to spend the night. if one wants a legacy, this is one that is priceless.. The actual cost is so little but its value is priceless. but back to government and their need to control what we do or think has become the real problem. it is the fact that we no longer have the time to devote to what they are doing (much less how much they spend doing it) that we are often convinced with the new "crisis" to take actions that we regret later. it is time we take control. We the citizen are not governed by our constitution. We use it to control the government, limiting their power and making laws that confine our rights. Laws that should be made that actually protect us not just make their job easier. laws made with a constituently limited republic and applied with Democratic principles that make us all equal under the laws. the constitution doesn't give us our rights but government is trying to make it so. the one thing that will stop this fallacy is education. Stupid people succumb to their logic and are easily controlled. They know that it is hard to attend meetings with a school board. they are now using force to eject anyone that dares disagree with their rulings. I have many complaints but little in the way of answers. our voices are slowly silenced. As they work to eliminate dissent they need to stop all means of resistance. Now having more days behind me than lay ahead I ask all who read my soliloquy to take time and become active in your own future. I sadly no longer have the ability or stamina to attend and oppose these new ruling classes that feel their omnipotence is all that we need to guide us into the paths that mankind must take to save themselves. Your thoughts from my rambling rants is always welcome.---------------- I, Grampa

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We WILL carry on truckin'...the info is spreading, people are awakening and whilst there's life there's hope. We must give up the concept that small actions have no effect...added together it becomes enormous. Let us not allow divide and rule to continue...let's keep heading the way we want, because we want a good outcome for life on earth. Let us spread love, beauty, compassion, co-operation, happiness, creativity, peace, excitement, beneficial invention far and wide, because it is better than war, fear, hatred, distrust and theft. Where Attention Goes Energy Flows.

And in memory of the recently departed Dr. Buttar. who did so much for so many...


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Thank you for sharing that link, Suzi. How inspiring! <3

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Who are law makers ? Are they not the ones who terrorized us ,especially in the last three years .All having some authority ,use it to make life as miserable ,even deadly for us .They insisted and always will on practices that in the last three years alone killed millions ,that includes the murder of my brother in a hospital .Close to two hundred countries belong to the World hell organisation and the governments of these countries are our enemies .The enslavement of us is a done deal .

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Ah yes our lawmakers. the poor shmucks who find all the time in the world to wring yet another tax dollar from our pockets. We saw the corrupt reaction as their plans to dominate were delayed as President Trump was elected. An error they quickly moved to correct. The constant attack is clear and proof as to what their intent is. What many who are helping with this goal of world domination believe that they will somehow participate in its rule. The same error that many made with every plan to dominate. As the powers took hold the multitude of believers were rewarded with a pittance to what they thought they would get or deserve. They never realized that the rulers want total domination. So many believe that they are important but will find themselves within the dominated not the rulers. I and my family has lost relatives and friends to the efforts to rule by crisis. I thank you for reading my extensive rant. I ask that you keep up the pressure on any and all who want to rule by informing as many citizens as you can about their plans. Now at 80 and having many more days behind me than lay ahead I devote my time to letting others know what is happening. I would ask my friends if they were still hear, but I have outlived them all. now I watch as our young succumb to government failure's , or possibly plans to disseminate earths population. Joe it is up to people like yourself to help. speak up as often as you can. Again thanks for reading my rant.------- I, Grampa

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Hello Grampa ,it seems at least one agrees with what I have to say .Sadly most people only know what they see on T.V. ,the propaganda machine . At 87 I'm the last one of a family I once had .Two of my younger brothers died ,the last one walked into a death trap ,when he went to a hospital with a flu .They murdered him with the deadly treatment protocol in six days .I'm free of injections and other drugs and will die a natural death any day . Joe .

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like yourself I have only my inlaws and outlaws left. I do have living relatives in Ireland that are my age. They are victim to the crisis management prevalent around the world. Having plenty of time I researched the fatality rates around the world. I find that it targets the seniors most of all. The reason hit me. We control much of the wealth in many nations. once we are gone governments come in to claim inheritance taxes. Now the windfalls in the hands of the young are squandered on unnecessary items that funnel taxes for gov. to spend. then the windfall for gov. comes with the funding of social security and Medicare outlay. The people that die in their sixties who never collet a cent is also factored into the net gain. I keep seeing the goal to reduce the population. the reason is always to " save the planet" I think the real reason is that they want to have as many drones they can create to have control over labor and production. providing the elite with the life stile without any responsibility. in short the new controlled slavery. I saw a movie that showed such a plot. it was called the Hungar games. It is a shame about your brother because no one is held accountable. My daughter stood by her friend as she pulled the plug for her twin sister who received all the wrong treatments for the covid crisis. I now urge all to start writing letters to government. Not the Email that is answered by a robot. No we must use the regular mail. Gov. is forced into having a person open the letter to inspect it for terrorism. the contents are read and recorded and added to a list of subjects that are part of a real data base. Physical mail that is now part of the national archive and may not be destroyed. If millions would start writing it could overwhelm the system. which would get attention of the media. piles of mail cant be ignored. While many politicians would try, letters asking the questions of media will have them searching for a story. Asking questions that politicians try but cant ignore. I have received visits from the FBI asking why I dont use the email. I cut them short by asking if I have violated any laws? with a no response I show them the door which irritates them and gives me much satisfaction. I am old what will they do to me? The problem comes as too many are willing to let gov. have control. we must stop it. Now my days grow short. I will do what I can to protect my grandkids. It felt good to unload to someone who understands. Thanks------- I, Grampa

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Thanks Swedecelt for reading my post. it is important to me that my words are read, as rambling and grammatically poor content that they are. ---------- I, Grampa

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What is simple majority vote for the WHO? I believe there are 194 countries members divide by 2= 97 countries. So we need 98 votes against. It is a lot. :(

There are 54 countries in Africa. Last time they helped us by voting no. Let's hope they do the same this time but it's not enough. Perhaps somebody could find out who where the other countries who voted no and try to contact them.

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What was that African country that used Hydroxychloroquine with stellar results early on suffering zero reported fatalities in early to mid 2020. Anyways I saw it on a recent article posted on a Substack a couple days ago. Anyways the WHO and I don’t mean rock band come to town in summer and suddenly bribed by a billion dollars their government “ saw the light” and did as the rest were doing with predictable results. That’s how they will do it to get what they want simply bribe the smaller countries . The worst part is they will use our tax money to do it ! You can see all this delightful stuff at the website.


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Leaders of countries who don’t vote to approve will magically be “Clinton’ed” and replaced with compliant “leaders”.....

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Thank you so much for this very good summary of the amendments and the treaty.

I encourage anyone and everyone in the world who wants to push back against this to contact me directly at +1 310-619-3055 (Signal, Telegram or WhatsApp)


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Obviously this is serious, but my quick scan reaction to all those 3 alphabet letter in caps was a humous "WHA... WHO CARES?" My giggles aside, this is our written warning to a devilish change.

Thanks for the post and the reminder Tess. This is not a drill. This is #NOTABOUTYOURHEALTH!

Yahoo Wahoo.....they must think we are all idiots. Let's show em otherwise Eh? Dang Control freaks.

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Those types circle like the human(?) vultures they are, looking for carrion.

This is a good example of 'love not the world'. I left it(spiritually) and my purpose and meaning are outside it.

Each DAY that is somewhat 'normal'(not very), is cause for rejoicing.

I'd suggest life is 'not normal', and people just can't insist on living as the world was 40 years ago.

We must stay current.

I'd suggest, generally, no family if you don't have one.

Likely marriage might not work. Maybe relationships.

So much pressure now.

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We must stay currant (sic). Even if we see no raisin (sic) for it. :) The grapes of wrath are being trodden out.

So the angel swung his sickle over the earth and gathered the grapes of the earth, and he threw them into the great winepress of God’s wrath.

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If we get 'tuned in' to our senses, we can sometimes feel opposition. Try it. Tune in, notice. When we 'notice', 'the enemy'...in the vibrational realm is put on notice. That's your reason, one of them.

INSIST on having SOME enjoyable 😉 😋 time.

Yes, God has 'had enough'. I don't know how He did it.

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As was said in Police Squad 'Oh, Howie couldn't have done it. He hasn't been in for weeks.'


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Consider this: Hitler termed his envisioned kingdom the “Third Reich.” Klaus Schwab has termed his envisioned new world as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” The book of Daniel, chapter 7, tells of the rise of “a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it.” A description of worldwide tyranny.

Revelation 13 describes this last, most powerful authority figure on earth before the second coming of Christ -- “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.”

The English word “mark” is translated from a word that implies something like a scratch in/on the skin that leaves a mark (akin to a tattoo). The next generation of vaccine technology is now underway -- a microneedle patch that uses a bioluminescent substance called “luciferase” to leave a visible (under infrared light) record of one’s vaccination status.


John 3:16-18 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.”

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World Council for Health should create a group of lawyers to defend now first, Prof Bhakdi, and all others who could be persecute in the futur. They might go after you also, so be ready.

But my point is that we are in a war now and we need a new kind of soldiers, lawyers who could go after individuals at the top of the WHO and sue them.

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There are some great lawyers taking on these injustices. However, I don't think the legal system holds many solutions or is likely to come close to providing justice for what has been done. Instead of hoping others will do something, we all need to become warriors of the truth - we are these new kind of soldiers IMO.

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Yes true. My idea was more like to bring one individual at the top of that organization (WHO) in a court room. Once there, he will have to swear to say the truth and answer to all the questions ask by wise lawyers. Everything is registered... Those lawyers could find a way to make money with this. My point is we are always in a defensive mode. It's time to intimidate some of them. To think twice when they have to vote...

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Sending lawyers left right and centre is a good idea, we need more idealistic ones who believe in justice.

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It's dreadful and frightening to watch the pieces be played like a game of chess.

With every sloppy move forward, comes a swift counter attack.

Piece by piece our defenses crumble.

Forks and traps.

Distractions and misdirection.

Elections looming and yet unelected officials seem to be calling the shots.

Lies and lies and more lies.

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2020 violated all the laws in the world. Deepstate doesn't use laws. New laws won't make tyranny either less likely or more likely. Moot point.

New laws could make it harder for courts to prosecute the monsters, but no court has ever prosecuted them, so also a moot point. They own everything.

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They think they own everything, but they fool themselves. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

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Thanks Dr. Tess.

Constantly shifting the wording & meaning of this scam. Is all a huge part of the psyops distraction & confusion mechanism.

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A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE! Yet millions will continue to suffer as a result of a fear based staged inoculation system program. The likes of which millions of individuals has never had to face before. Personal choice nullified. The statistics are proof this can be used as a highly orchestrated data collector for the future. There is no denying there are .GOV bean counters now running assessment figures not about a profit margin, but about tweaking mass obedience systems to conform the minds of individuals. Seems agencies with the 3 letter façade grow toxic with time.

This is hands down The New Frontier! A "Theater of Operations"

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IOJ( Interest Of Justice) is announcing their lawsuit today against WHO!! They have a substack. They have been working on it for a couple years now.

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Thanks for the heads up! I will find out more.

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

https://open.substack.com/pub/lawyerlisa/p/pfizer-data-attached-393-pages-of?r=3kbp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email Pfizer Appendix 2.2 Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Events from Post Marketing Data Sources BNT162-B2

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