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I know I am not fully comprehending what is happening—that the government is trying to kill the people that I love more than life. Our minds protect us from the truth on some level. I’ve been awake since 1997 and I’ve become so angry and cynical after all of this time that it’s noticeable to the people in my life. I’ve had to make huge efforts to counter this. I purposely seek out joy everyday, although I must say, I don’t find a lot to laugh about.

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"I purposely seek out joy everyday..." Beautiful. I find it easier when I unplug from the computer and spend time with people I love.

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I can empathise wholeheartedly. I am totally different from the person I used to be. I feel helpless everyday because I don't know what to do to help people. I have written to MPs, filled out consultations, written to people of influence, I've even written to American regulators! I feel so helpless and so angry but I realise this is not a good or healthy state and will not be useful in this fight. I have to work daily to challenge the anger. I'm angry with the MHRA, the government, the media, the pharmaceutical industry, with corrupt scientists and institutions, and the doctors and nurses who are going along with this without question. I feel despair on a daily basis. It is for this reason that I subscribe to our eminent scientists for regular updates (I trust these people). I have started donating small amounts of money (what I can spare) to independent media and organisations such as the World Council for Health so that they have the resources to challenge the system and bring about positive change. We must use the energy this musters within us to help build a better world and challenge the evil that is knocking on the door! Staying healthy and remaining joyful is an act of defiance.

I feel for you living with this knowledge since 1997. That is a long time to carry the weight of this burden - seemingly alone given how many people did not wake up until recently.

We can't comprehend what might be happening because we have empathy. We are not psychopaths or pathological liars. I studied world war 2 in depth because I could not understand how a nation could persecute and torture one demographic based on religion. I needed to know how evil ever rose to power because I could not understand it. I'm not comparing what is happening to the holocaust but I do see the parallels in the propoganda and the messaging which is pushed by a cooped media. It feels like 1939 Germany to me at the moment. The tide is turning however. We must be there for people who are waking up because we know only too well the pain it causes when you realise what is going on. Just know that you are not alone. Good luck and God bless. Thank you for being a good human.

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What a beautiful response! “Staying healthy and remaining joyful is an act of defiance.“ You are so right! I am very impressed by your drive to create change. Thank you for all that you do. You have inspired me to become more proactive. I believe there are countless parallels today to World War ll, which is absolutely shocking to me. I grew up being taught by the adults in my life to be absolutely horrified by the Holocaust and it shocks me we could so easily return to that mindset. Have we learned nothing? Have we not evolved at all?

Yes, I woke up in 1997 as a result of working as a reporter for many years and seeing a profound change in the way the news was being presented starting around that time by AP and UPI. The bias toward the left went against everything we learned at university in journalism school. And as a person who easily sees patterns, it snowballed from there. I started researching everything. And yes, absolutely no one in my life believed me at the time, but I did find a band of awake people online and learned a lot from them. It all seems like a long time ago now. I must say, though, I didn’t know that what was ahead would include killing us all. How does one adjust to that realization?

It’s our express duty as awake people to plant as many seeds as we can in our world. I have, thankfully, been successful at that. Thanks for inspiring me further.

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