I was just suspended on Twitter for sharing this post. Guess quoting a highly qualified doctor with an evidence based opinion constitutes a high crime these days.
Facebook is also turning the screws, suspending users (like myself) for posting things it claims could cause "Physical harm." No mention, of course, of the physical harm done by the CDC in promoting "Stay home" and "No treatment for mild/moderate cases of Covid."
EM is not some altruistic freedom loving savior. He’s a rabidly megalomaniacal narcissist bent on domination by pretending to help solve the world’s problems. Remember his coup statements regarding Bolivia? He thinks intensive lithium mining will help the climate crisis? In ten years, or less, everyone will wonder why we let him push this ev bs on us, decades before battery technology could back it up. We’ll be surrounded by useless hulks of evs and faced with the choice to demolish them or retrofit them with new expensive batteries. It’s so annoying watching all these vapid marvel movies coming out, while most people don’t realize we’re living in one, but Musk isn’t Superman or even Batman, though it’s a toss up if Bezos could be Lex Luther or Dr Evil. It’s more likely Lex, as even Dr Evil has a sense of humor.
Just curious. Was your suspension from disqus itself (meaning that you cannot post comments on any website that uses disqus) or did the suspension only involve that one website?
I have had multiple comments deleted ("flagged as spam") where the comments system was run by Disqus. The comment survives for a while, and may get likes and replies, then it disappears.
My comments usually include URLs, such as to this submission from Patrick W. Chambers and myself to a UK government call for evidence on vitamin D: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ which links to the most pertinent research on vitamin D and the immune system.
Once, on the Spectator.com.au site, I reposted the deleted comment without URLs, but instead with search terms which would find the pages. It was deleted too.
Imagine how the USA and other developed countries would be doing better with proper vitamin D supplementation and early treatment such as calcifediol (4 hour action 25-hydroxyvitamin D) and ivermectin etc. https://c19early.com if the governments, regulators, mainstream media, social media and most doctors had not been so corrupted by the multinational pharmaceutical companies, and so in thrall to narrow, supposedly sophisticated, but actually dangerous and not very effective mRNA and adenovirus COVID1-9 quasi vaccines. Our financial wealth is a honeypot for the corruptors of medicine. Bangladesh and parts of India, such as Uttar Pradesh, have been able to escape this at least partially, by adopting ivermectin and other early treatments.
Thanks. I am going to pass this on to one of my favorite bloggers that uses disqus. Trying to get him to move to substack and this is potentially one argument to do that.
Joe, I was suspended on Gateway Pundit for correcting their error about Cory Booker. And anyone knows I'm not a Booker fan, Spartacus Kirk Douglas yes, but Booker, no. Then I was unsuspended when GP left Discus, and re-suspended with their return to it!
One state in India, Uttar Pradesh (pop 230 million) also shifted to using ivermectin for both prevention and treatment, and the deaths plummeted to almost zero. One day was zero, the others were something like 5 and 7.
I wish I had the citation, but there was an African (??) hospital that reduced transmission to health care professionals using L-lysine, which we pharmacists commonly recommend for fever blister flare ups often from sunlight.
I always use lysine right away when I feel a herpes blister coming on my nose which I’ve had for over 40 years. It comes out whenever I have stress and it can be painful but lysine always stops it in its tracks. I’ve never used a prescription or anything else.
All this evidence and look where we still are. People getting booster 4. Children as young as 6 months getting ready for those shots. I feel like I’m living in a nightmare. Will any of this info or data or facts get out to people and make them listen??? I’m not even allowed to talk to my 27 year old about covid or vaccines any more. It’s off limits. She’s had 3 shots so far.
Having these conversations is extremely tricky, Deb. If you haven't come across it yet, I highly recommend David Charalambous' work at Reaching People: https://reachingpeople.net/
Dr. Tess "In my opinion, Dr Hill’s terrible compromise has led to thousands of lives being lost as a result of being denied ivermectin."
It's been millions of lives - lost due to the genocide of malpractice of no early treatment. Lost due to the genocide of lockdowns, and violation of the human right to work or run our businesses. Lost due to the record losses of lives due to lost medical care from A to Z, mental health crises, and suicides. But the worst is the cure to end the pandemic turns out to be more dangerous and deadly than the virus, and is creating a tsumani of deaths and maimings and long term illnesses - biochemical genocide.
Numbers. matter. There is a big difference between thousands and millions.
Dr. Tess thank you for turning up to comment. I appreciate it.
Sorry if my comment seemed a bit blunt, I just reread it and it sounded a little harsh. But it's the ugly reality isn't it.
And by the way thank you for all your wonderful, courageous hard work, and having the courage to fight back - I note that you have grown in leaps and bounds in emotional strength and resilience since those early stressful days as you worked out and faced the horror of what was happening.
Great people like yourself are inspiring millions worldwide to step up and add our voices to the tsunami of indignant, outraged patriots that are rapidly building in numbers, and it is also helping to drag more and more academics and researchers out of hiding, and have them add their voice to yours as well.
This war is far from over, but we will win it because of people like you.
Mind you last year and early this year prior to the distraction of the Ukraine war, Australians had united and were protesting in great numbers finally, one weeknend they had over a million people on the streets around the country -
But the traitors in the media and government ignored it -
And continued the attacks and abuse.
What do you do when a government is acting like a foreign terrorist organization and attacking citizens that disagree with them instead of listening to them and negotiating?
We've seen it everywhere - Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, France, most of Europe.
The Covid dictators ignore all protests against the Xi Jinping policies, the media attacks the protestors, the government attacks them, dictators like Trudeau approve emergency laws to shut them down.
"Ten days later when he followed up, he was amazed to learn that she had recovered within just seven days."
My family treated mild covid with elderberry concentrate and 24 hours later we were symptom-free. One of us had 102 deg. F fever with severe headache, nausea, one episode of vomiting, and dysgeusia. Others had medium fatigue and an occasional cough and dysnosmia.
You don't get the same effect from gummies, extract, or quercetin.
We had a second bout three weeks later and treated with identical results. No further incidents of covid. (We have significantly hiked our vitamin D supplementation.)
It is now common practice for anyone who gets a cold or runny nose for a while to claim to have had the mighty COVID yruss . Only 3 years ago there existed colds,flu. pneumonia that is old history now . People did adopt the new normal and I miss the OLD normal .
Wow....what a wonderful expose about the proper handling of medical protocols. A point made clearer to illustrate a blueprint Scamdemic by Bidens Admin along with all the bad actors that knew full well a bad moon was rising with a prepared gamble by Fauci and henchmen.
This is a real treasure trove of mounting rock-solid evidence available for a prosecution event.
Hi Paul, thank you for catching this - yes I believe he meant to write 'below' but have written back to him asking him to confirm this so I can update with his permission. In the meantime I will omit the sentence to avoid confusion.
Now let's compare the US death rate vs Bangladesh for covid, US wins again, almost 18X higher death rate. WHO should be disbanded and Fauci et al belong in prison some say, I just posted on TW, will see what happens ...
We need to collect as many of these developing country based results/data as we can get our hands on. Because they seem to be the only countries evading the WHO lockstep operation and their data consistantly flies in the face of the narrative they are trying to assert.
Ivermectin is best used in conjunction with Vits D3 and C, Zinc and Doxycycline. I also recommend Quercetin. Without these adjuncts, it like trying to apply a vaccine without a needle.
Agree. I too have been taking NS, but I have IVM, if needed. I had to source it through a compounding pharmacy. The diabetic, middle aged woman I know, who did very well with Covid obtained vetinary IVM. Like me, she used Quercetin, a replacement for HCQ, in her regimen.
Elderberry concentrate is better than quercetin. We used EC to treat covid and cleared symptoms in 24 hours.
Zinc will help those deficient in zinc. Old men. Diabetics.
I'm not sure vitamin C does anything for covid, but it can't hurt.
Doxy is a waste.
D3 in the typical low doses won't do much. Obesity and liver dysfunction will also obstruct benefit. Calcifediol is preferable to D3 in many cases, not least of which is that it is quick, while D3 is dilatory.
D3 is very good but you have to start taking it well in advance of actual onset of Covid. Once you have the illness, yes, it takes too long to really be of much benefit. But it should be noted that it is great stuff for a daily regimen.
I was just suspended on Twitter for sharing this post. Guess quoting a highly qualified doctor with an evidence based opinion constitutes a high crime these days.
Sorry to hear that, though you are in good company.
To the point that if you haven’t received your honorary Twitter suspension you probably haven’t arrived.
Twitter grew aggressive again over the past few days. Joel Smalley, Mary Bowden, and myself were all suspended within the past several days.
Maybe the buyout is off the table?
Facebook is also turning the screws, suspending users (like myself) for posting things it claims could cause "Physical harm." No mention, of course, of the physical harm done by the CDC in promoting "Stay home" and "No treatment for mild/moderate cases of Covid."
Or maybe JP Morgan is flexing its muscles early over EM?
EM is not some altruistic freedom loving savior. He’s a rabidly megalomaniacal narcissist bent on domination by pretending to help solve the world’s problems. Remember his coup statements regarding Bolivia? He thinks intensive lithium mining will help the climate crisis? In ten years, or less, everyone will wonder why we let him push this ev bs on us, decades before battery technology could back it up. We’ll be surrounded by useless hulks of evs and faced with the choice to demolish them or retrofit them with new expensive batteries. It’s so annoying watching all these vapid marvel movies coming out, while most people don’t realize we’re living in one, but Musk isn’t Superman or even Batman, though it’s a toss up if Bezos could be Lex Luther or Dr Evil. It’s more likely Lex, as even Dr Evil has a sense of humor.
I was wondering about that myself
Worthy of censure ~ High praise from Twitter!
Good for you. Sometimes you need to take a stand. I have been using Gettr, which is respectable.
Same here, GETTR and GAB are censorfree
Yeah I'm on both but tend to post more on Twitter (until today, lol)
Same here, and what a shame that Twitter suspended you. I was just going to share on Twitter, then I saw your post.
Wow, unreal but not surprising. The totalitarian vaxxers cannot stand the truth.
I was suspended from disque for something I do't know what .
Just curious. Was your suspension from disqus itself (meaning that you cannot post comments on any website that uses disqus) or did the suspension only involve that one website?
Just GP, and just when they are on Disqus.
Recently, when they used another comment system, I was not banned.
With their return to Disqus, banned again.
No great loss, that is for sure.
Interesting. Then perhaps disqus is the one doing the censoring after all. Thanks
Interesting. Did not know that disqus censored comments.
I have had multiple comments deleted ("flagged as spam") where the comments system was run by Disqus. The comment survives for a while, and may get likes and replies, then it disappears.
My comments usually include URLs, such as to this submission from Patrick W. Chambers and myself to a UK government call for evidence on vitamin D: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ which links to the most pertinent research on vitamin D and the immune system.
Once, on the Spectator.com.au site, I reposted the deleted comment without URLs, but instead with search terms which would find the pages. It was deleted too.
No such trouble here at Substack. I wrote an article about how Substack supporting really good discussions about complex and contentious matters, with quotes from a video interview with Substack CEO Chris Best: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/substack-supports-extraordinarily .
Imagine how the USA and other developed countries would be doing better with proper vitamin D supplementation and early treatment such as calcifediol (4 hour action 25-hydroxyvitamin D) and ivermectin etc. https://c19early.com if the governments, regulators, mainstream media, social media and most doctors had not been so corrupted by the multinational pharmaceutical companies, and so in thrall to narrow, supposedly sophisticated, but actually dangerous and not very effective mRNA and adenovirus COVID1-9 quasi vaccines. Our financial wealth is a honeypot for the corruptors of medicine. Bangladesh and parts of India, such as Uttar Pradesh, have been able to escape this at least partially, by adopting ivermectin and other early treatments.
If calcifediol were given, people would see that there is no need for vaccines. Can't have that.
Thanks. I am going to pass this on to one of my favorite bloggers that uses disqus. Trying to get him to move to substack and this is potentially one argument to do that.
Joe, I was suspended on Gateway Pundit for correcting their error about Cory Booker. And anyone knows I'm not a Booker fan, Spartacus Kirk Douglas yes, but Booker, no. Then I was unsuspended when GP left Discus, and re-suspended with their return to it!
One state in India, Uttar Pradesh (pop 230 million) also shifted to using ivermectin for both prevention and treatment, and the deaths plummeted to almost zero. One day was zero, the others were something like 5 and 7.
"they asked him to halt his treatments and run a randomised controlled trial first,"
Who can pay for RCTs with enough subjects? Pharma. So running a RCT would give pharma an opportunity to sabotage ivermectin.
So far that's exactly what has happened. The RCTs were designed to fail. Dr Kory has documented that https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/the-false-sinister-and-duplicitous?s=r.
Normally, yes. Why?
I wish I had the citation, but there was an African (??) hospital that reduced transmission to health care professionals using L-lysine, which we pharmacists commonly recommend for fever blister flare ups often from sunlight.
I always use lysine right away when I feel a herpes blister coming on my nose which I’ve had for over 40 years. It comes out whenever I have stress and it can be painful but lysine always stops it in its tracks. I’ve never used a prescription or anything else.
I use zinc sulphate for this. Lysine didn't always work for me but the zinc sulphate did. Interestingly, other forms of zinc don't seem effective.
Deb, considering the activity it has against viruses, perhaps consider it a daily routine, certainly no downside to continuous moderate us.
I’m on so many supplements!! Hopefully I’m not overdoing it. Haven’t had a cold or anything since Nov 2019. Not vaxxed! Never will be!!
I certainly don't want the WHO proscribing declaring what is a pandemic or how countries and individuals should respond. No thanks!
All this evidence and look where we still are. People getting booster 4. Children as young as 6 months getting ready for those shots. I feel like I’m living in a nightmare. Will any of this info or data or facts get out to people and make them listen??? I’m not even allowed to talk to my 27 year old about covid or vaccines any more. It’s off limits. She’s had 3 shots so far.
Having these conversations is extremely tricky, Deb. If you haven't come across it yet, I highly recommend David Charalambous' work at Reaching People: https://reachingpeople.net/
Yes Deb the same happens in marriage ,it can break up a family and lead to divorce .
Dr. Tess "In my opinion, Dr Hill’s terrible compromise has led to thousands of lives being lost as a result of being denied ivermectin."
It's been millions of lives - lost due to the genocide of malpractice of no early treatment. Lost due to the genocide of lockdowns, and violation of the human right to work or run our businesses. Lost due to the record losses of lives due to lost medical care from A to Z, mental health crises, and suicides. But the worst is the cure to end the pandemic turns out to be more dangerous and deadly than the virus, and is creating a tsumani of deaths and maimings and long term illnesses - biochemical genocide.
Numbers. matter. There is a big difference between thousands and millions.
You are right Ivan, I was being over-restrained. I have updated it to read millions - thank you.
Dr. Tess thank you for turning up to comment. I appreciate it.
Sorry if my comment seemed a bit blunt, I just reread it and it sounded a little harsh. But it's the ugly reality isn't it.
And by the way thank you for all your wonderful, courageous hard work, and having the courage to fight back - I note that you have grown in leaps and bounds in emotional strength and resilience since those early stressful days as you worked out and faced the horror of what was happening.
Great people like yourself are inspiring millions worldwide to step up and add our voices to the tsunami of indignant, outraged patriots that are rapidly building in numbers, and it is also helping to drag more and more academics and researchers out of hiding, and have them add their voice to yours as well.
This war is far from over, but we will win it because of people like you.
So well done. And keep fighting.
Chalk it up to British understatement.
I reckon you got that right. Whereas I am an Australian, and we call it how we see it.
Sometimes good, sometimes not. :)
Well ... you sort of do that. :)
I must say that I was disappointed in the obedient response of most Australians to their government’s authoritarian management of the pandemic.
Ditto ChesterView -
Mind you last year and early this year prior to the distraction of the Ukraine war, Australians had united and were protesting in great numbers finally, one weeknend they had over a million people on the streets around the country -
But the traitors in the media and government ignored it -
And continued the attacks and abuse.
What do you do when a government is acting like a foreign terrorist organization and attacking citizens that disagree with them instead of listening to them and negotiating?
We've seen it everywhere - Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, France, most of Europe.
The Covid dictators ignore all protests against the Xi Jinping policies, the media attacks the protestors, the government attacks them, dictators like Trudeau approve emergency laws to shut them down.
And people run out of steam.
p.s. I think my generation is different to this one.
"Ten days later when he followed up, he was amazed to learn that she had recovered within just seven days."
My family treated mild covid with elderberry concentrate and 24 hours later we were symptom-free. One of us had 102 deg. F fever with severe headache, nausea, one episode of vomiting, and dysgeusia. Others had medium fatigue and an occasional cough and dysnosmia.
You don't get the same effect from gummies, extract, or quercetin.
We had a second bout three weeks later and treated with identical results. No further incidents of covid. (We have significantly hiked our vitamin D supplementation.)
It is now common practice for anyone who gets a cold or runny nose for a while to claim to have had the mighty COVID yruss . Only 3 years ago there existed colds,flu. pneumonia that is old history now . People did adopt the new normal and I miss the OLD normal .
Please see OpposeTheFraud.com for what we must do next to oppose the FDA jabbing our babies.
Thanks Robert, WCH is trying to alert as many people as possible to this too. Hopefully together we can turn the tide.
Pharma-conflicted Washington Post attempts to sully Mexican ivermectin study while promoting killer experimental vaccines and mandates for profit
Wow....what a wonderful expose about the proper handling of medical protocols. A point made clearer to illustrate a blueprint Scamdemic by Bidens Admin along with all the bad actors that knew full well a bad moon was rising with a prepared gamble by Fauci and henchmen.
This is a real treasure trove of mounting rock-solid evidence available for a prosecution event.
The following statement is confusing, attributed to Dr Alam: "The vaccination rate was far beyond the rate of US and UK"
I'm assuming it means the vaccination rate was far below US and UK
Hi Paul, thank you for catching this - yes I believe he meant to write 'below' but have written back to him asking him to confirm this so I can update with his permission. In the meantime I will omit the sentence to avoid confusion.
According to Our World in Data, Bangladesh is 71.6% vaccinated - between the US (67.2%) and UK (74.4%).
I hope Dr. Lawrie can explain this further. Confusing.
Now let's compare the US death rate vs Bangladesh for covid, US wins again, almost 18X higher death rate. WHO should be disbanded and Fauci et al belong in prison some say, I just posted on TW, will see what happens ...
We need to collect as many of these developing country based results/data as we can get our hands on. Because they seem to be the only countries evading the WHO lockstep operation and their data consistantly flies in the face of the narrative they are trying to assert.
Ivermectin is best used in conjunction with Vits D3 and C, Zinc and Doxycycline. I also recommend Quercetin. Without these adjuncts, it like trying to apply a vaccine without a needle.
Can I add that where you can't obtain IVM , the natural alternative is Nigella Sativa. I took the bio gel capsules as I couldn't get IVM.
Agree. I too have been taking NS, but I have IVM, if needed. I had to source it through a compounding pharmacy. The diabetic, middle aged woman I know, who did very well with Covid obtained vetinary IVM. Like me, she used Quercetin, a replacement for HCQ, in her regimen.
Elderberry concentrate is better than quercetin. We used EC to treat covid and cleared symptoms in 24 hours.
Zinc will help those deficient in zinc. Old men. Diabetics.
I'm not sure vitamin C does anything for covid, but it can't hurt.
Doxy is a waste.
D3 in the typical low doses won't do much. Obesity and liver dysfunction will also obstruct benefit. Calcifediol is preferable to D3 in many cases, not least of which is that it is quick, while D3 is dilatory.
D3 is very good but you have to start taking it well in advance of actual onset of Covid. Once you have the illness, yes, it takes too long to really be of much benefit. But it should be noted that it is great stuff for a daily regimen.
I disagree. Taking those additional things might be better but ivermectin by itself is still quite effective.
Lysine Therapy for SARS-CoV-2
Preprint · 2020 September
No mention of the Hospital using the treatment, but this is the article they referenced.
Thanks for sharing, Edwin.