"we are rendering an entire generation infertile."
I am afraid that this is by design (I think that this is why they keep on pushing the spike for the original Wuhan strain -> syncytin); as Toby Rogers was writing, this is democide.
Yes it is by design. It is Genocide in plain sight. We are at war and the enemy for the cabal is us. They are just few old psychopath billionnaires. They succeed so far because people don't believe that such perversity is possible.
If we want to win this war we have at least to realize the situation. We are under attack from all sides. It's not only vaccines. It is also Chemtrails, Fluoride, GMO, BigPharma, Programmation, Mind Control, Banks and more.
Could you imagine the power Stalin/Mao would have had with this technology and granting himself the right to inject every subject in the Soviet Union/Communist China.
What they are doing now is even worst of what normal people could imagine. After saying that we have to keep faith. There are human beings on earth with a lot of inner power fighting them.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
Here they are:) : OPERATION PAPERCLIP - Operation Nazification – U.S. Military Hired Sixteen Hundred Nazi Scientists and Doctors
¨Annie Jacobsen - Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America ¨After World War II, the U.S. military hired sixteen hundred former Nazi scientists and doctors, including some of Adolf Hitler’s closest collaborators, including men responsible for murder, slavery, and human experimentation, including men convicted of war crimes, men acquitted of war crimes, and men who never stood trial. Some of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg had already been working for the U.S. in either Germany or the U.S. prior to the trials. Some were protected from their past by the U.S. government for years, as they lived and worked in Boston Harbor, Long Island, Maryland, Ohio, Texas, Alabama, and elsewhere, or were flown by the U.S. government to Argentina to protect them from prosecution. Some trial transcripts were classified in their entirety to avoid exposing the pasts of important U.S. scientists. Some of the Nazis brought over were frauds who had passed themselves off as scientists, some of whom subsequently learned their fields while working for the U.S. military. The U.S. occupiers of Germany after World War II declared that all military research in Germany was to cease, as part of the process of denazification. Yet that research went on and expanded in secret, under U.S. authority, both in Germany and in the United States, as part of a process that it’s possible to view as nazification. Not only scientists were hired. Former Nazi spies, most of them former S.S., were hired by the U.S. in post-war Germany to spy on — and torture — Soviets. The U.S. military shifted in numerous ways when former Nazis were put into prominent positions.¨ Read More https://www.globalresearch.ca/operation-nazification-u-s-military-hired-sixteen-hundred-nazi-scientists-and-doctors/5369981
Are all the U.S. politicians and the military nothing but do gooders ,Starting with Lincoln's war than the wars in Vietnam ,korea to most of the countries in the middle east ? T hey all enjoyed the benefits of the bombs and bullets and every thing in between . Not one war criminal ever was identified .All he needed was wearing a U.S. uniform .The bombing of Japanese cities with nukes was charity ?
Nope, I wrote that we need to reconsider Operation Paperclip and the similar op with the Japanese Unit 731 in a completely new way after all of this scamdemic stuff.
Don't you know, "we right wingers" are the new NAZIs according to the Communist, former Communists, Democrat Marxist Socialists, and the rest of their buddies. "We" have already destroyed "representative democracy" according to them!
That is how they will justify launching thousands of nukes against us!
And Biden will never approve shooting back, because of "white supremacy" and "climate change."
If you think this is crazy, you ain't seen nothing yet!
Stalin and Mao had a more direct method ,the gun. Mostly a shot in the back of the head ,or sometimes a rope .Starvation was another way ,so was working to death in many locations . They had the power to kill anyone they wanted and used it .
Yes, but think of the power to "vaccinate" with a life ending tortuous painful lengthy slow death, sounds almost ISLAMIC doesn't it. Definitely 7th century!
Slow, painful, humiliating torture! The worse it is the more profitable!
After checking the index for the entries "Committee of 300" and the pages that appears on, I have not found the highlighted section of text from the photo.
It may have been from an earlier edition or is fraudulent, or is from another book entirely.
These monsters have to double down on the vaxx madness, because to let up now would a sign that they got it wrong (deliberately or accidently), and that they will never admit. However the devastation wrought by the treatments is now so obvious that even the most fearful and zealous of those who previously bought into the psyops are having doubts. What will come now is a huge and deadly distraction campaign designed to get vaxx-pushing authorities off the hook. Stay alert.
Psychopaths NEVER think they are wrong!! and the word Thank you, I apologise, are missing from their lexicon. Also enough people are still lining up for a jab, and they have already jabbed enough and illnesses occur overtime, so possibly they are banking on those two factors and by then the rest shall be caught in other "Nets".
The People at present are being "allowed" café meals, a holiday esp., Europe - summer, that lulls them into feeling somewhat happy again, but by October there shall be double whammies being dropped onto people with the usual Psychopathic disordered "thinking" that constantly changes scripts - but always with a sprinkling of truth in it, to adjust to whatever is throwing their AGENDA out of whack.
Get hour money out of Banks and into LOCAL Community Banks ASAP. Already "freezing" of private bank a/cs and truckies cash has been done - be very careful of this area of Banking/money....
This is how Psychopaths' function, by belting people over their heads, then charming them and agreeing with them to a point, doing some-things right- sort off, then wham, they have to manipulate and control again, and so the true human beings get worn down each time , with their irrational thinking and destructive ways, many give up.
DO NOT GIVE UP!!! SAY NO - they hate that, they already hate humanity so your no worse off and in fact , long term shall be by far, better off.
But do prepare food wise, energy wise and in so many ways to survive, JOIN in your local Communities' and make them self sufficient and use cash and barter and grow your own vegetables'. I usually have a large garden, I am in an Apartment at present and live off my veggies and herbs.
And yet even in the obviousness of the devastation (just so far!) they are STILL pushing the vax! I predict vax mandates, passports, lockdown, distancing, masks will be back w/ a vengeance, come Fall
And yet much of the harm and terror of the evil doers is made easy ,by people with no education ,watching Lady GA ,GA. or prince Harry on T.V. Females [ I don't cal them mothers ] with tiny 2 year old's ,all masked up in all locations ,by the beach on sunny days and a wind blowing across 7000 miles of ocean .They will never read anything and stand in line to get the venom injected in their babies and them self . Masking is alive and in fashion where I live .Vancouver B.C. that means a good part of the population is retarded .
I actually believe they KNOW they don’t work, @ least not as advertised to we the masses of the great unwashed. And they KNOW they work as intended (depopulation)
Rudolf Steiner on Traditional Childhood Illnesses and Vaccines
Compiled by David Adams
The following quotations include virtually all of the references to these topics I was able to find in English translation. Rudolf Steiner generally portrayed the traditional childhood diseases as signs, aids, trials, and accompaniments of the natural process of child development and maturing immune systems. He helps us to understand their deeper meaning and management within human development. Probably because vaccines for suppressing these diseases were far less common, varied, and widespread in Steiner’s day, he says comparatively little about them – with one particularly significant warning for the future in the final quotation. Although I checked several German indexes of Steiner’s work to try to make sure I found everything, I no doubt have missed at least one or two references or private conversations. Please let me know of any you know about. ctrarcht@nccn.net
Yes I know Steiner and knew two children who went to their schools. Very good teaching. Thank you for reminding me his point of view on vaccine.
I found the part in the link where he advise us against vaccines. I read that before. He was spot on. This is exactly what the cabal wants. Transhumanism and to cut us from our soul. Our power is our soul.
A Future Vaccine to Prevent Knowledge of Soul and Spirit
From The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (Bristol: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993; GA 177), p. 85.
October 7, 1917
85 – “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a
congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of
spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for
anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be
considered to be sick and – you can be quite sure of it – a medicine will be found for this. . . . The soul will be
made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view,’ people will invent a vaccine to
influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never
even gets the idea that there is a soul and spirit.
“. . . the heirs of modern materialism will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy,’ that is, make its
constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of
the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos.
Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.¨
Yes, we need way more than facts. They use our feelings against us. We need to use our feelings, our intuition, our gut sense, for our safety and the safety of our children, all children. By the way, in teaching (I won't go into the story here), I found out, accidentally, that getting students connected with their gut sense of right and wrong, I bypassed the brainwrecked areas of their minds.
Hi Elsa, that is interesting. If you have time to share the story, I would love to hear about it, as I’m sure many others would, as well. I’m raising my grandchildren, i can use all the help I can get. Thank you 🙏❤️😊
Hi Lisa, Fabulous that you're interested. I'm trying to remember where I've shared this story online. I shared it, actually, in an interview I did a couple of days ago, on TNT (Today's News Talk). About halfway through the interview. In fact, I went into a lot of detail, way too much for here. https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/dr-elsa-schieder-on-locked-loaded-with-rick-munn-28-june-2022/ After you've watched, if you have more questions, feel free to ask. I also have a free resource on https://TruthSummit.info - on how to use logic to prove that all opinions cannot be equal. If you're interested, email me at: elsa@truthsummit.info and I will send it to you.
I am a mother of three grown up children. I now wish I had not had my children vaccinated at all when they were babies , but I did so I cannot do anything about that now. I didn't take the c19 jab though because I thought it was all so strange how they pushed it out and I thought it even more strange that they tried to mandate it. However my two sons did take it and I was devastated when I heard. I really panicked and I spoke to my daughter who was still contacting me about everything to do with medical things and life really as she was in university. Anyway, I spoke with her of the dangers of being injected with something that hasn't been tested and I said we are the test subjects. My daughter agreed it's best to wait for their data after a good many years before even considering taking it. I didn't know at the time HOW sinister all this was but I am really grateful that my daughter hasn't had it and I'm just praying for my son's as they have been taken in by it all.
Maz my story is very similar. I never got them the MMR because I started to feel uncomfortable about all this. I also have 3 grown children and only one took it ( to go on holiday with his fiance who then left him 😪) The rest of my family haven't and I sincerely hope they won't. However, saying that and reading Dr Tess's story today, I am VERY worried where the future is taking us. We live in Italy and it has been awful (and that's putting it mildly) . I have 2 young grandchildren too and I worry about them. Let's hope and pray for our sons. 🙏
Puffin, please don't be afraid to stand up for your grandchildren - it's your job and they need the wisdom of the elders now more than ever. If you can save your grandchildren from these needles they will be so grateful one day.
That is sad about your son I pray he'll be okay along with all the one's that took it! I have two nieces and one had the first jab because she was working in a hospital as a carer but didn't have any more and my other nice was pregnant and didn't take it then but did afterwards and I tried to discourage her but she was so afraid of taking the baby out and everything it was awful really she took it while breastfeeding . They both have children and the have been contacted by their doctors surgery to have the children jabbed but so far have refused it for them thank goodness, I just hope they can keep refusing under the possible pressure that is sure to come in the near future because Pfizer's CEO is wanting to make vaccine testing a thing of the past!
So sorry for your nieces too. Please tell them to watch this video -a brilliant young British doctor who explains very well why children MUST NOT have this jab.
Pfizer have lied and manipulated so much data. But is it surprising, knowing their history ?
The vaccine testing thing - the FDA have already decided ( not sure if fully approved) that any variants of THIS vaccine will not have to pass any testing. It's the worst news ever. I am beyond angry. So many people don't know and simply are not interested. This is huge news.
Also in the UK, (not sure about USA), they have sneakily put the Covd jab on the list of childrens vaccines. Just horrendous.
We are in the Piemonte region. NorthWest Italy -near the Alps. 😊
Thank you, I will look at the video and pass it on. That sounds a nice place to live I was in Spain and now back in England unfortunately!..take care x
Can totally relate, Maz, in distrusting the whole scheme & hysteria to mandate, how sinister all of it is, & vax’ing my kids as infants w/ what I know now, wishing I hadn’t. I’m also unvax’d but my 2 sons were pressured (employment) or mandated (military) & I, too, am devastated & can only hope for the least bad outcome (I don’t think there is a hope for a “best” outcome here).
Parents: Besides the Covid vaccines, calmly DECLINE the HPV/Gardisil vaccine. As a school nurse, I witnessed the neurologic injury to two HS freshmen. They ended up having to drop out of school and bankrupted their families seeking treatment and care. I use to give vaccines and had the talking points down, but was sickened by their plight.
I urge the word "DECLINE" on purpose as it implies a calm, thoughtful decision. It's useful to use for any medicine or procedure as it is a neutral term vs "refuse" which is seen as defiant by hospital or office personnel. Labeling is a thing as it goes into the medical record "patient refused".
Thank you for the advice, Patty. If someone says, "I decline", does their record reflect that -- that word -- or would it still go in the record as "Patient refused."?
It may still be noted "refused", so it is advisable to ask that it be noted as declined. We were taught to note 'refused' back in the day. It continues to be the norm. With so much contentiousness between patients and the crony healthcare system, we have to find ways to encourage calm conversation person-to-person. By using 'decline' the provider may actually ask why and be willing to listen. It's not much, but maybe tiny nudges are best.
It’s hard to believe it’s come to this. I suspect the centralization of medicine, education, the news and the forced reliance on easy “information” accessed through gadgets created and operated by the sterile binary computer language of our new elites has much to do with our captivity. Maybe a Mother’s Intuition is waking us up?
Yes, this is the crux of what I ve been writing in my Substack and my latest book, Neither Safe Nor Effective: the evidence against the COVID vaccines.
When a child is born and multiple needles are pointed at this infant, many of this poor baby's relatives think that's a perfectly lovely ritual, but it's not. It is in fact an assault, a poisoning, and it is based on outdated notions of immune function, which are contradicted by our more advanced understanding of the complexity of the natural immune system and its many functions, none of which have ever been assisted in any useful way by a vaccine.
This qualifies vaccination as a religion, not a science, and therefore you don't have to participate.
Yes! It is a religion in every sense of the word. If we survive all of this, centuries from now this period in time will be understood as another dark ages.
Bs'd. Thank you, dr. Tess Lawrie! For your courage to stand up and speak the truth!! May The Almighty bless you and protect you. You and your loved ones. From Israel with our best regards, fam. Nathan Schrover.
It’s time for your generation to be known as the greatest generation by being brave. Please mothers and fathers protect and defend your children as the brave men and women have fought and risked their lives to protect our country. Our children well-being is more important than our comfort.
The people reading this . and similar writings are not the problem ,the ones not reading or illiterate are helping the criminals .Education and information of the right kind can be a life saver in times like these .I may be a useless eater ,but at age 86 I know enough to reject all propaganda from day one and i'm still healthy . I used to call myself the Lone Ranger ,but now I don't do much ranging any more
Thank you Joe, yes. So we have to talk to folks at every juncture, I do try. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable with that, and soon I hope the bodies themselves will just be too many to ignore. And some will not see it then, but I bet most will.
I read in Medscape yesterday, that as of June 22, less than 1300 kids ages 6 months to 5 years had been innoculated. Still sad. Let's Pray this trend continues!! Don't beljeve it when Big Media says Parents are so excited to finally be able to jab their youngest!!!
By giving the impression of social proof, that everyone is vaccinated and people are rushing to get these jabs for their kids, they are utilising behavioural psychology - 1) if others are doing it, I should be, I don't want to be the odd one out and be ostracised, 2) if others are rushing for it, I might miss out so I better get it quick 3) if others are getting it, it must be safe so I should ignore any niggles or questions I might have. The message of this post is ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCT, especially when they are artfully controlling your thinking and decision-making. https://youtu.be/WYoAAyQocjQ
People are more careful and choosy about the type of milk in their latte than what is injected into their body. I remember when the anti drug movies they showed us in school were especially 'discouraging' of injected drugs, for good reasons. (1970-1980's schooling) because injected drugs ARE really dangerous. I remember them pointing out that if you were for instance a heroin addict the potency of the drug you buy on the street would be unknown. So it made we wonder about the flu injections, past decades, I was suspicious there could be anything in those vials, and what do you know...
"we are rendering an entire generation infertile."
I am afraid that this is by design (I think that this is why they keep on pushing the spike for the original Wuhan strain -> syncytin); as Toby Rogers was writing, this is democide.
Yes it is by design. It is Genocide in plain sight. We are at war and the enemy for the cabal is us. They are just few old psychopath billionnaires. They succeed so far because people don't believe that such perversity is possible.
If we want to win this war we have at least to realize the situation. We are under attack from all sides. It's not only vaccines. It is also Chemtrails, Fluoride, GMO, BigPharma, Programmation, Mind Control, Banks and more.
Could you imagine the power Stalin/Mao would have had with this technology and granting himself the right to inject every subject in the Soviet Union/Communist China.
What they are doing now is even worst of what normal people could imagine. After saying that we have to keep faith. There are human beings on earth with a lot of inner power fighting them.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
— J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956
Amazing how history repeats, and repeats and ...
I believe this is not a repetition but rather the approaching culmination of the same threat which Hoover identified.
Actually Evil Horrory said that "STASI and KGB couldn't do what they can do now" (hack the humans at large scale), using "the IBM cloud"...
IBM, IBM.... where did I heard that before? Oh yeah, they have also supported the Nazis in WW2 and yet they are still standing...
The Nazis are back...
(... and you forgot the Nazis, Edwin).
Here they are:) : OPERATION PAPERCLIP - Operation Nazification – U.S. Military Hired Sixteen Hundred Nazi Scientists and Doctors
¨Annie Jacobsen - Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America ¨After World War II, the U.S. military hired sixteen hundred former Nazi scientists and doctors, including some of Adolf Hitler’s closest collaborators, including men responsible for murder, slavery, and human experimentation, including men convicted of war crimes, men acquitted of war crimes, and men who never stood trial. Some of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg had already been working for the U.S. in either Germany or the U.S. prior to the trials. Some were protected from their past by the U.S. government for years, as they lived and worked in Boston Harbor, Long Island, Maryland, Ohio, Texas, Alabama, and elsewhere, or were flown by the U.S. government to Argentina to protect them from prosecution. Some trial transcripts were classified in their entirety to avoid exposing the pasts of important U.S. scientists. Some of the Nazis brought over were frauds who had passed themselves off as scientists, some of whom subsequently learned their fields while working for the U.S. military. The U.S. occupiers of Germany after World War II declared that all military research in Germany was to cease, as part of the process of denazification. Yet that research went on and expanded in secret, under U.S. authority, both in Germany and in the United States, as part of a process that it’s possible to view as nazification. Not only scientists were hired. Former Nazi spies, most of them former S.S., were hired by the U.S. in post-war Germany to spy on — and torture — Soviets. The U.S. military shifted in numerous ways when former Nazis were put into prominent positions.¨ Read More https://www.globalresearch.ca/operation-nazification-u-s-military-hired-sixteen-hundred-nazi-scientists-and-doctors/5369981
Are all the U.S. politicians and the military nothing but do gooders ,Starting with Lincoln's war than the wars in Vietnam ,korea to most of the countries in the middle east ? T hey all enjoyed the benefits of the bombs and bullets and every thing in between . Not one war criminal ever was identified .All he needed was wearing a U.S. uniform .The bombing of Japanese cities with nukes was charity ?
Exactly! People here are still suffering the "Red Scare"...
Nope, I wrote that we need to reconsider Operation Paperclip and the similar op with the Japanese Unit 731 in a completely new way after all of this scamdemic stuff.
Don't you know, "we right wingers" are the new NAZIs according to the Communist, former Communists, Democrat Marxist Socialists, and the rest of their buddies. "We" have already destroyed "representative democracy" according to them!
That is how they will justify launching thousands of nukes against us!
And Biden will never approve shooting back, because of "white supremacy" and "climate change."
If you think this is crazy, you ain't seen nothing yet!
Stalin and Mao had a more direct method ,the gun. Mostly a shot in the back of the head ,or sometimes a rope .Starvation was another way ,so was working to death in many locations . They had the power to kill anyone they wanted and used it .
... but Fauci dwarfs them both (especially if we also take in account his AZT crimes)...
Yes, but think of the power to "vaccinate" with a life ending tortuous painful lengthy slow death, sounds almost ISLAMIC doesn't it. Definitely 7th century!
Slow, painful, humiliating torture! The worse it is the more profitable!
Our modern leaders are the worst in history.
Think about why that is so!
Check this from the NWO.
Where can I find the whole text you refer to?
VERIFIED. Another "suspect."
John Coleman, 1992
"Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300"
Freeddownload, no registration (should go to the pages in question)
After checking the index for the entries "Committee of 300" and the pages that appears on, I have not found the highlighted section of text from the photo.
It may have been from an earlier edition or is fraudulent, or is from another book entirely.
I'll update this if anything turns up.
Dr. John Coleman. 1993
"Diplomacy by Deception, an Account of the Treasonous Conduct By the Governments of Britain and the United States"
Free Download below (no registration)
I have not verified this as yet, just found it.
I'll try to find out.
100% accurate - by design - unfortunately, most good people can not come even close to comprehending this type of evil.
These monsters have to double down on the vaxx madness, because to let up now would a sign that they got it wrong (deliberately or accidently), and that they will never admit. However the devastation wrought by the treatments is now so obvious that even the most fearful and zealous of those who previously bought into the psyops are having doubts. What will come now is a huge and deadly distraction campaign designed to get vaxx-pushing authorities off the hook. Stay alert.
Psychopaths NEVER think they are wrong!! and the word Thank you, I apologise, are missing from their lexicon. Also enough people are still lining up for a jab, and they have already jabbed enough and illnesses occur overtime, so possibly they are banking on those two factors and by then the rest shall be caught in other "Nets".
The People at present are being "allowed" café meals, a holiday esp., Europe - summer, that lulls them into feeling somewhat happy again, but by October there shall be double whammies being dropped onto people with the usual Psychopathic disordered "thinking" that constantly changes scripts - but always with a sprinkling of truth in it, to adjust to whatever is throwing their AGENDA out of whack.
Get hour money out of Banks and into LOCAL Community Banks ASAP. Already "freezing" of private bank a/cs and truckies cash has been done - be very careful of this area of Banking/money....
This is how Psychopaths' function, by belting people over their heads, then charming them and agreeing with them to a point, doing some-things right- sort off, then wham, they have to manipulate and control again, and so the true human beings get worn down each time , with their irrational thinking and destructive ways, many give up.
DO NOT GIVE UP!!! SAY NO - they hate that, they already hate humanity so your no worse off and in fact , long term shall be by far, better off.
But do prepare food wise, energy wise and in so many ways to survive, JOIN in your local Communities' and make them self sufficient and use cash and barter and grow your own vegetables'. I usually have a large garden, I am in an Apartment at present and live off my veggies and herbs.
And yet even in the obviousness of the devastation (just so far!) they are STILL pushing the vax! I predict vax mandates, passports, lockdown, distancing, masks will be back w/ a vengeance, come Fall
And yet much of the harm and terror of the evil doers is made easy ,by people with no education ,watching Lady GA ,GA. or prince Harry on T.V. Females [ I don't cal them mothers ] with tiny 2 year old's ,all masked up in all locations ,by the beach on sunny days and a wind blowing across 7000 miles of ocean .They will never read anything and stand in line to get the venom injected in their babies and them self . Masking is alive and in fashion where I live .Vancouver B.C. that means a good part of the population is retarded .
Without doubt. It's an article of faith (not science) with these people that NPI's work, even though direct, empirical evidence tells us the opposite.
I actually believe they KNOW they don’t work, @ least not as advertised to we the masses of the great unwashed. And they KNOW they work as intended (depopulation)
Gandhi was against vaccination.
“Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.
Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.” Mahatma Gandhi
This may be of interest...
Rudolf Steiner on Traditional Childhood Illnesses and Vaccines
Compiled by David Adams
The following quotations include virtually all of the references to these topics I was able to find in English translation. Rudolf Steiner generally portrayed the traditional childhood diseases as signs, aids, trials, and accompaniments of the natural process of child development and maturing immune systems. He helps us to understand their deeper meaning and management within human development. Probably because vaccines for suppressing these diseases were far less common, varied, and widespread in Steiner’s day, he says comparatively little about them – with one particularly significant warning for the future in the final quotation. Although I checked several German indexes of Steiner’s work to try to make sure I found everything, I no doubt have missed at least one or two references or private conversations. Please let me know of any you know about. ctrarcht@nccn.net
Yes I know Steiner and knew two children who went to their schools. Very good teaching. Thank you for reminding me his point of view on vaccine.
I found the part in the link where he advise us against vaccines. I read that before. He was spot on. This is exactly what the cabal wants. Transhumanism and to cut us from our soul. Our power is our soul.
A Future Vaccine to Prevent Knowledge of Soul and Spirit
From The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (Bristol: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993; GA 177), p. 85.
October 7, 1917
85 – “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a
congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of
spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for
anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be
considered to be sick and – you can be quite sure of it – a medicine will be found for this. . . . The soul will be
made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view,’ people will invent a vaccine to
influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never
even gets the idea that there is a soul and spirit.
“. . . the heirs of modern materialism will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy,’ that is, make its
constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of
the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos.
Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.¨
Thank you for posting these.
Thank you Quinn!
Yes, we need way more than facts. They use our feelings against us. We need to use our feelings, our intuition, our gut sense, for our safety and the safety of our children, all children. By the way, in teaching (I won't go into the story here), I found out, accidentally, that getting students connected with their gut sense of right and wrong, I bypassed the brainwrecked areas of their minds.
Hi Elsa, that is interesting. If you have time to share the story, I would love to hear about it, as I’m sure many others would, as well. I’m raising my grandchildren, i can use all the help I can get. Thank you 🙏❤️😊
Hi Lisa, Fabulous that you're interested. I'm trying to remember where I've shared this story online. I shared it, actually, in an interview I did a couple of days ago, on TNT (Today's News Talk). About halfway through the interview. In fact, I went into a lot of detail, way too much for here. https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/dr-elsa-schieder-on-locked-loaded-with-rick-munn-28-june-2022/ After you've watched, if you have more questions, feel free to ask. I also have a free resource on https://TruthSummit.info - on how to use logic to prove that all opinions cannot be equal. If you're interested, email me at: elsa@truthsummit.info and I will send it to you.
Ohmygosh!, wow! Thank you! Will dive into this. Thank you so much. ❤️🙏😊
I am a mother of three grown up children. I now wish I had not had my children vaccinated at all when they were babies , but I did so I cannot do anything about that now. I didn't take the c19 jab though because I thought it was all so strange how they pushed it out and I thought it even more strange that they tried to mandate it. However my two sons did take it and I was devastated when I heard. I really panicked and I spoke to my daughter who was still contacting me about everything to do with medical things and life really as she was in university. Anyway, I spoke with her of the dangers of being injected with something that hasn't been tested and I said we are the test subjects. My daughter agreed it's best to wait for their data after a good many years before even considering taking it. I didn't know at the time HOW sinister all this was but I am really grateful that my daughter hasn't had it and I'm just praying for my son's as they have been taken in by it all.
Maz my story is very similar. I never got them the MMR because I started to feel uncomfortable about all this. I also have 3 grown children and only one took it ( to go on holiday with his fiance who then left him 😪) The rest of my family haven't and I sincerely hope they won't. However, saying that and reading Dr Tess's story today, I am VERY worried where the future is taking us. We live in Italy and it has been awful (and that's putting it mildly) . I have 2 young grandchildren too and I worry about them. Let's hope and pray for our sons. 🙏
Puffin, please don't be afraid to stand up for your grandchildren - it's your job and they need the wisdom of the elders now more than ever. If you can save your grandchildren from these needles they will be so grateful one day.
That is sad about your son I pray he'll be okay along with all the one's that took it! I have two nieces and one had the first jab because she was working in a hospital as a carer but didn't have any more and my other nice was pregnant and didn't take it then but did afterwards and I tried to discourage her but she was so afraid of taking the baby out and everything it was awful really she took it while breastfeeding . They both have children and the have been contacted by their doctors surgery to have the children jabbed but so far have refused it for them thank goodness, I just hope they can keep refusing under the possible pressure that is sure to come in the near future because Pfizer's CEO is wanting to make vaccine testing a thing of the past!
Where abouts in Italy do you live?
So sorry for your nieces too. Please tell them to watch this video -a brilliant young British doctor who explains very well why children MUST NOT have this jab.
Pfizer have lied and manipulated so much data. But is it surprising, knowing their history ?
The vaccine testing thing - the FDA have already decided ( not sure if fully approved) that any variants of THIS vaccine will not have to pass any testing. It's the worst news ever. I am beyond angry. So many people don't know and simply are not interested. This is huge news.
Also in the UK, (not sure about USA), they have sneakily put the Covd jab on the list of childrens vaccines. Just horrendous.
We are in the Piemonte region. NorthWest Italy -near the Alps. 😊
Thank you, I will look at the video and pass it on. That sounds a nice place to live I was in Spain and now back in England unfortunately!..take care x
Can totally relate, Maz, in distrusting the whole scheme & hysteria to mandate, how sinister all of it is, & vax’ing my kids as infants w/ what I know now, wishing I hadn’t. I’m also unvax’d but my 2 sons were pressured (employment) or mandated (military) & I, too, am devastated & can only hope for the least bad outcome (I don’t think there is a hope for a “best” outcome here).
Thanks. If advertising to children is not allowed, why can the NHS do it?
Excellent question, Aviva.
Well said Dr. Lawrie! Over 60 Parents Share Their Horrific Vaccine Injury & Death Stories
Fake News Media and Legacy Social Media Platforms do not want you to know these vaccine injury & death stories. Read and share anyway! Read More https://stopmandatoryvaccination.substack.com/p/over-60-parents-share-their-horrific/comments?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Maximum respect to you Dr Tess Lawrie for calling out this calamitous and hideous situation for what it is.
Parents: Besides the Covid vaccines, calmly DECLINE the HPV/Gardisil vaccine. As a school nurse, I witnessed the neurologic injury to two HS freshmen. They ended up having to drop out of school and bankrupted their families seeking treatment and care. I use to give vaccines and had the talking points down, but was sickened by their plight.
I urge the word "DECLINE" on purpose as it implies a calm, thoughtful decision. It's useful to use for any medicine or procedure as it is a neutral term vs "refuse" which is seen as defiant by hospital or office personnel. Labeling is a thing as it goes into the medical record "patient refused".
Good tip, thank you Patty.
Thank you for the advice, Patty. If someone says, "I decline", does their record reflect that -- that word -- or would it still go in the record as "Patient refused."?
It may still be noted "refused", so it is advisable to ask that it be noted as declined. We were taught to note 'refused' back in the day. It continues to be the norm. With so much contentiousness between patients and the crony healthcare system, we have to find ways to encourage calm conversation person-to-person. By using 'decline' the provider may actually ask why and be willing to listen. It's not much, but maybe tiny nudges are best.
It’s hard to believe it’s come to this. I suspect the centralization of medicine, education, the news and the forced reliance on easy “information” accessed through gadgets created and operated by the sterile binary computer language of our new elites has much to do with our captivity. Maybe a Mother’s Intuition is waking us up?
I do hope so!
We are dealing with sociopathic eugenicists. Mad scientists from a Frankenstein movie. FDA, CDC, NIH are are rogue criminal enterprises.
Yes, this is the crux of what I ve been writing in my Substack and my latest book, Neither Safe Nor Effective: the evidence against the COVID vaccines.
When a child is born and multiple needles are pointed at this infant, many of this poor baby's relatives think that's a perfectly lovely ritual, but it's not. It is in fact an assault, a poisoning, and it is based on outdated notions of immune function, which are contradicted by our more advanced understanding of the complexity of the natural immune system and its many functions, none of which have ever been assisted in any useful way by a vaccine.
This qualifies vaccination as a religion, not a science, and therefore you don't have to participate.
Religious exemption, from a different perspective:
Yes! It is a religion in every sense of the word. If we survive all of this, centuries from now this period in time will be understood as another dark ages.
Bs'd. Thank you, dr. Tess Lawrie! For your courage to stand up and speak the truth!! May The Almighty bless you and protect you. You and your loved ones. From Israel with our best regards, fam. Nathan Schrover.
It’s time for your generation to be known as the greatest generation by being brave. Please mothers and fathers protect and defend your children as the brave men and women have fought and risked their lives to protect our country. Our children well-being is more important than our comfort.
The people reading this . and similar writings are not the problem ,the ones not reading or illiterate are helping the criminals .Education and information of the right kind can be a life saver in times like these .I may be a useless eater ,but at age 86 I know enough to reject all propaganda from day one and i'm still healthy . I used to call myself the Lone Ranger ,but now I don't do much ranging any more
Awesome Joe!
Same here, I don't follow a crowd and damn sure don't want them following me.
Thank you Joe, yes. So we have to talk to folks at every juncture, I do try. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable with that, and soon I hope the bodies themselves will just be too many to ignore. And some will not see it then, but I bet most will.
I read in Medscape yesterday, that as of June 22, less than 1300 kids ages 6 months to 5 years had been innoculated. Still sad. Let's Pray this trend continues!! Don't beljeve it when Big Media says Parents are so excited to finally be able to jab their youngest!!!
By giving the impression of social proof, that everyone is vaccinated and people are rushing to get these jabs for their kids, they are utilising behavioural psychology - 1) if others are doing it, I should be, I don't want to be the odd one out and be ostracised, 2) if others are rushing for it, I might miss out so I better get it quick 3) if others are getting it, it must be safe so I should ignore any niggles or questions I might have. The message of this post is ALWAYS TRUST YOUR INSTINCT, especially when they are artfully controlling your thinking and decision-making. https://youtu.be/WYoAAyQocjQ
Totally agree! Even the local Fox news this am.
That's encouraging to read, thank you for sharing.
People are more careful and choosy about the type of milk in their latte than what is injected into their body. I remember when the anti drug movies they showed us in school were especially 'discouraging' of injected drugs, for good reasons. (1970-1980's schooling) because injected drugs ARE really dangerous. I remember them pointing out that if you were for instance a heroin addict the potency of the drug you buy on the street would be unknown. So it made we wonder about the flu injections, past decades, I was suspicious there could be anything in those vials, and what do you know...