It has been most shocking to realise the extent of the corruption. I don't know why it took me so long to see it. They are not regulators. They are a marketing department for big pharma. I don't know how these people sleep at night. More alarmingly, June Raine of the MHRA is a doctor and should know better. Why isn't anyone else at the MHRA pulling her up? I won't be taking any healthcare advice from this regulator or any other for that matter. The rot runs very deep indeed. I'm not sure what we can do to fix it to be honest, I believe they are beyond saving. What I can do, however, is disown them and look to new organisations such as the World Council for Health which is a bastion for health and wellbeing.

Thank you to you and your team for paving the way to a better future. We need to wake everyone up and get them off the big pharma wheel of samsara.

Is there a way to legally serve the MHRA a legally witnessed document that details the harms these vaccines are causing (witness testimonies and the peer-reviewed scientific literature that documents these harms)? Can we extend a letter to them that can be signed by the public on an ongoing basis like a legally served petition? I know science, but I don't know much about the law. Perhaps Delores Cahill could help? There must be something we can do. Aren't the MHRA legally obligated to inform the manufacturer of any issues that arise with their drugs which they are then duty-bound to investigate?

God bless you and your endeavours. Keep fighting the good fight.

Hope you have a lovely Sunday.

Best wishes.


P.s. did you ever read Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre? Eye-opening.

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Maybe one reason people are duped is that the organizations invariably have noble sounding names and people with decent values take it at face value.

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Or this one which I plan on reading, and then send it to my medical brother who is still not awake.

Dissolving Illusions : Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History

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You should not be reading discredited antivaccine propaganda from non-experts.

Dr Humphries is not a trusted voice and has very limited expertise.

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Alastair, by using terms like "antivaccine propaganda: you immediately discredit yourself!

Try reading 'Virus Mania' and 'The Real Anthony Fauchi' (for starters), and see how corrupt the whole vaccine industry is and the incredible harm they are causing.

You're the one who is pushing propaganda.

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It is amazing to me how many people can be bought. It is probably fair to say that a major portion of the science community have no morals that might interfere with getting their next grant.

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Robert Kennedy Jr. quotes Eisenhower on this, who warned against the type of misplaced faith in federal scientific bureaucrats we are witnessing today:

“The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. … We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes […]

“In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government. … The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present — and is gravely to be regarded. [.…] We must … be alert to the … danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/letter-to-liberals-censorship-covid-rfk-book/

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For the most part, schools have forfeited moral guidance which helps to result in good character that sets standards for ethical behavior. it’s pragmatism that the ends justify the means. There is no God?

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Yes. It is moral relativism. The assumption truth does not exist.

Cunning (or lies) and might "make right."

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Indeed. Same goes for the Climate Change alarmists. It’s a gold mine for those “researching”the effects of climate change on the Witchity grub and monitoring cow burps.

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The same Ben Goldacre who seems to have been involved in misrepresenting COVID data now. It looks like he has been got at.

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Look who he works for. In my opinion, he is a sell out. His book exposed the corruption in Big Pharma back in 2012.

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Jul 31, 2022
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The book is still worth a read. Buy a second hand copy and no additional funds will reach him. It is a step by step account of systematic corruption in the pharmaceutical industry. It woke me up.

Not everyone can be bought. I can't. Dr Tess Lawrie can't. I think there are more good people with morals and ethics than there are corrupt individuals in this fight. I personally feel that corrupt individuals have been elevated to positions of prominence. I could be wrong of course, but that's how it appears to me.

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psychopaths recognise each other. plant one or two compromised CEOs or others at management level of any company or organisation and it is doomed - https://humansbefree.com/2021/09/new-world-order-mindset.html

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Morals and ethics are hard to come by when big bucks and ego go to the head. Critical thinking also suffers from these afflictions.

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Jul 31, 2022
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Fabulous. When you've finished reading it, send it to your representative. I'm sending mine to my MP. People need their eyes opening to how pharma conduct their own studies and then selectively publish biased studies to make their drugs appear more safe and effective than they are in reality. It is utterly shocking. Let me know what you think. Keep fighting the good fight. :)

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Not heard much from him on this debacle though. Not worth his while? Gone woke? 🧐

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His Twitter name used to be 'Ben Get Vaccinated Goldacre'. It isn't now though. Look who he works for. It's a shame someone who could have made a huge difference in this chose not to do so.

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We have no standing to serve them nor can any impact result other than cutting the money and that’s the swamp they captured-our governance. It’s quite a snake swallowing its tail isn’t it? it is hard to imagine that self government has come to this. We need to rewrite the Magna Carta.

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P.s. these are my thoughts on the matter.

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Are you familiar with Dr. Pedro Chavez Zavala (retired Mexican Army Colonel)..he has been pioneering research in early Covid 19 prevention /treatment & vax injured with great success. Here is link to his testimony regarding censorship


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Wow what a lot of information, many thanks Fahrie Hassan for your hard work. This has answered many of the questions I have puzzled over. The corruption is like Evererests stacked on top of each other.

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Keep exposing these bastards.

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Dr T, don’t know if you’ve seen this or know anything about it, but I thought it might interest you and your colleagues on the subject matter of boosting the immune system and many other proven healing properties. Fantastic Documentary with loads of great potential! Totally worth your time! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇


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Thank you Dr Lawrie- I have sent this presentation to one the few federal politicians in Australia who is in our camp of Cov 19 and freedom generally- Senator Alex Antic. You may want to reach out to him if you have time.

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What a brilliant presentation! This should be mandatory viewing for the entire world, especially our politicians!

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If you follow Malcolm Kendrick or David Healy, you've known about regulatory capture for some time. It's good that Dr. Lawrie also discussed this.

Now, with the discussion of conflicts of interest, we are getting closer to the heart of the problem. Maybe we'll eventually have the courage to discuss Event 201 where official responses to anti-vax "disinformation" were wargamed. I think that the wargames missed the fact that a lot of us were clued in to science corruption when HCQ was smeared and we started looking at why that was done, which was to pave the way for an EUA for pharma vaccines.

When will we get to discussing the fact that the Emperor is naked?

If we had had counts from pharma about the number of people who were tested for covid in the vax and placebo arms, then we could have estimated the false negative count and the efficacy number would have been effectively undermined. There's no doubt that pharma knew this going in to the vax efficacy study and deliberately chose to not report/keep the data. With as few as 19 false negatives in each arm, the efficacy drops to 50%. No EUA.

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"How deep does the rot go?"

It is already oozing out, through the pores...

I honestly wonder if anything can be salvaged from this terrifying shipwreck?

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Good morning Dr Lawrie, globalism (and the virus) is a framework for homogeneity of corruption. Every country's ABC agency has revealed not only the depth of the rot but having taking the same orders from the same playbook. So much for sovereignty and democratic governments, which really have become totalitarian. I agree these agencies and those who work there, must be terminated.

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they're working very hard at achieving their (illusionary), Davos-guided One World Government. transparency is a key tool to not make that happen.

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Thank you so much, this was enlightening and confirmed many things that I had previously read and considered for myself. As to the WHO, it really is the time for it to be disbanded. It is not fit for purpose. With regards to the Bill & Malinda Gate Foundation, and the others like them, they need to be publicly exposed. Sadly, the mainstream media is unlikely to help. So what is it we can do? I will continue to broadcast, in my own small way, articles and posts like this but it is getting people to read or watch that presents the difficulty.

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transparency and exposure leads to accountability. formulating the problem of rot and corruption is a first step to seeking answers for solving it.

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I just heard Fahrie Hassan say How did Bill gates get to be seen as a world Philanthropist.

Its completely about the perfectly chosen sweaters the relaxed posture the down home words and voice inflections. Its marketing.

I have been told that hitler was picked by whomever because he was passionate and believable as a speaker and fulcrum of action.

I have no joy in comparing anyone to hitler.

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he was a useful tool untill he wasn't any longer ('45). great documentary 'Everything is a Rich Man's Trick' shows US and UK vested corporate interests in herr H.'s ascendency to power - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8nE-8ctbTI

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that was an excellent piece thank you for sending that link

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you're welcome. once seen one can't un-see it anymore.

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Very interesting & should be pushed out far & wide, if for nothing else but to educate people on who is profiting with out disclosures to public. I’m positive that Covid & the vaccines has opened a Pandora’s box of disease from respiratory infections to monkey pox, and who knows what else. Recently my sons friend who is 24 ended up in ICU due to a common cold. Fit & healthy. Highly unusual so many diseases are taking off when previously they have not been an issue like monkey pox. I think things are going to get worse soon.

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what they're trying to sell us as 'monkeypox' and the scare it gives (very useful to their agenda) is yet another adverse event of the vaxx.

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Well done for exposing all the information. I would not call anyone invested as long as all the information is clearly stated. But here, they were outright lying to the whole world. Andrew Hill fully deserves this for not telling us the truth in a matter of life and death. Hopefully he won’t kill people after this.

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What surprises me is that people are expressing surprise. This is 2022 for goodness sakes and this corruption has been there forever. I have known for over 20 years just how dodgy these pharmaceutical companies and their "regulators" are.

Maybe if you are on the inside of the medical profession you become blind to the clear fact that most vaccines and most doctors do far more harm than good. As a family friend who was a British GP for around forty years told me decades ago "Most people are put into hospital by their doctors ..... And I don't mean in a good way."

Nothing has changed since he said that, it has just become ever more obvious to me that he was telling me the truth all those years ago.

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Hi again Tess, and thank you for taking the time to read my comment. I just found that my comment about Japan was deleted from the YouTube comment section ... by dint of what reasoning? I can guess.

It makes me angry enough to use this as the kernel of my first post to my substack post, but also expanded to address the elephant in the room, the never ending question of what does it mean to be human — as opposed to identities as a citizen of a nation-state or profession. Any hints, suggestions, or a collaboration, especially coming from you, is welcome. I am writing as much out of a moral obligation as self-therapy in a world gone mad with corruption.

Cheers from Japan Tess. If there is any way I or my experiences here in Japan can be of use to you, you but need to ask.

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