Each of us to play a part in this effort. I have sent a request to our surgery to cut the five minute covid messaging whenever we phone in for an appointment. I mentioned that most people are aware the covid experimental biologicals are ineffective. I asked for the plexiglass barrier at reception be removed, masks deleted and in person GP visits resumed. Finally a gentle reminder that if there ever was an “emergency” it is long past over💕💕

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Excellent, well done

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I always read with interest presentations as this one and also the comment section . By doing so I come across again and again the word SUBSTACK In my 86 years I still have not learned what it is ,but everyone other than me seems to know .I know about the haystack,the smoke stack ,or a money stack if I would ever win the lottery But please someone tell me what a substack is because I would like to have one to

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A very worthwhile effort. Here in the US it is most definitely needed as well. There should be no reason for people at an ORTHOPEDISTs office to wear masks, which is the only place these days where I wear one when I take my daughter to follow ups post hip surgery. Equally inane is that she needed to have a neg covid test prior to surgery ON HER HIPS. They wanted it 3 days prior to the surgery and then she was supposed to quarantine after the test. We did the test, self administered and she certainly did not brain probe herself (sitting on the passenger side of the car at a drive through test site) and then we fibbed about her quarantine. This was April 2022 for pete's sake. This all needs to stop.

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Thank you Tess for your continuing efforts on behalf of us all. I agree, the NHS must drop these silly restrictions, (except they're not silly when you have to wear a mask, they're humiliating) I for one intend never to wear a mask again, and I shall stand my ground at entry to anywhere where they "encourage" me to do so, even to the point of threatening to sue them if I have to walk away. The pressure will have to come from all directions, including patients.

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Yes, we the people are going to need to engage on uncomfortable levels to make any moves forward. I believe our founding ancestors made it abundantly clear that citizenship is a job - a necessary task. Think any of us can believe we are not politicians - engaged in politics everyday? Where after all do their money and power come from?

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Yes you are all so right ,we are not dogs needing a mussel .Actually dogs are more free than us humans .Politicians and anyone with some ''authority'' make life as hard and restricted as they can ,for us the powerless .Whenever possible we must do the opposite of what they demand . I did and had to deal with court for about 8 month before they let go of me .At 86 it did stress me to the point that no doubt the health I had before is gone and I will not be around soon .

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Your words are too kind to the hospitals. In the US they must be sued into submission, ruined if possible. The start of this is underway. They are promoting murder for financial gains. —Robertyoho.substack.com

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Agree. In Canada they need to be razed with bulldozers. There's no fix possible.

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The best way out of a serially abusive relationship is - OUT. VOTE WITH YOUR FEET. it all comes down to “Give us liberty or give us death.”

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Thank you for your link.

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In a limited government administered according to the rule of law, the rulers use power following established principles and procedures based on a constitution. By contrast, when the rulers wield power capriciously or for profit or to follow an agenda that is not consented to by the people, there is rule by the unbridled will of individuals without regard for established law.

Our judicial system is no longer applying the rule of law. When it is obvious that both our governments and our justice systems no longer follow established principles and procedures based on a constitution we must act boldly and remove our government's right to govern and we must establish principles and procedures based on a constitution ourselves.

Our votes are so powerful that they can legally remove our government's right to govern and give us the people the power and right to govern.

Popular Initiatives is a process whereby a specific number of voters initiate a bill or demand that a law be amended or repealed.

Popular initiatives allow voters the opportunity to be direct players in the law-making process.

In October 1991, 83% of British Columbia voters on the question approved implementation of popular initiatives.

What would you recommend we do with this powerful opportunity? We must put into law the responsibility the RCMP owe the people of investigating and prosecuting even government officials as per our rule of law.

In the United States, 23 states authorize a number of types of popular initiatives, and in some the state Constitution may be amended through this procedure.

The prospects for the establishment of such a device at higher levels of government in Canada are unclear. I believe that if the people want popular initiatives and we have at least 51% of the votes we would be able to use popular initiatives on a provincial and federal level and amend our constitution through popular initiatives as the 23 states in the US can.

We are a country and people designed for true self-government but we have ended up with a political system in which we vote for people to rule over us until the next group of ruling elites take their turn.

It is not the replacement of politicians that will solve our corruption of government problem. We must replace our political system.

We must replace the political system that places politicians in a position of ruling over us in a position of serving us and of doing our will as it was meant to be according to our constitution.

Section 9 of our Canadian Constitution must be amended to include the Canadian Citizens and Indigenous Peoples of Canada to have an active role of self-determination in our own governance and final decision making authority as collective head of state above the governments.

That is how we prevent this from ever happening again. That is how we hold them all accountable. That is how we make sure the media, the law and our forces serve us the people.

Amending our constitution is a very complex process and involves government initiative. Our best chance is starting on a municipal level and working our way up.



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Brilliantly written exposition of the avenues open-so far- for affirmative control of the people of the overbearing government which perpetuates and ever-extends its powers and presumptive powers. In the dim reaches of my aged memory I remember being taught that the people could use the powers of initiative, referendum, and recall to counter a power-crazed government, rather than having to take up the use of force. Were that I could still remember the details. May I respectfully ask, which of the U.S. states have recall, etc.? I know that California has it, but... I can’t locate my ancient Civics text book. Thank you for your anticipated reply.

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Looking around I don't think there are enough of us to accomplish what should be done .All the ones wearing masks are not on our side ,They signal that everything the ''politicians demand will be followed .The politicians are watching and can see how divided we are .We make it so easy for them to control us .

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Easy to think that and hard to tell. But they may be redeemable after awhile. If the good little sheep see that they will get no consideration from these kleptocrats - that they really do intend to take everything including the health, well-being and maybe lives of themselves and families? of course by then it may well be too late.

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And if voting, acting within the system becomes no longer possible - what then?

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Popular initiatives are great in theory. Here in Utah, at least two popular initiatives that passed in recent years were overridden by the state legislature. One was a medical marijuana law and I believe the other had to do with public input into legislative redistricting.

On the medical marijuana law, the state legislature, before the vote, had a pre-existing arrangement (with the collusion of the Mormon church) to substitute their own highly-restricted version for the one approved by the voters. Yet there appears to have been no consequences for that blatantly unethical act.

Do I sound pissed about it? You bet I do. Under the popular version, I would've qualified about five different ways. Under the new one, it would be next to impossible.

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Yes, this epidemic of fear and control and mass hysteria is universal. Although we may feel it most in our respective nations the forces at work here are decidedly international. The mega machine of the Medical Industrial Complex as applied through the World Economic Forum partners, Bilderberg and their wholly owned handmaiden subsidiaries planted within our governments, corporations and institutions cannot be ignored. This is a well coordinated plan developed since the 1950’s and before. Once we see it we cannot unsee it as difficult as it is initially to imagine. Check out the website & partners/attendees list of these and it seems impossible to miss the implications.

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The entire “healthcare” industry, which has largely become a pharma-profits driven illness prolongation industry (especially in the US) needs to be torn down.

We need to start again, with doctors redefined as advisors, not high priests of life and death.

This process would be greatly advanced by people dropping their body-worship narcissism, which drives hypochondria.

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The doctors are told by computer program what insurance dictates. They have so little freedom and have to fill their once sharp minds with billing codes instead of reading the latest studies.

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Yes, it’s sad. I have been to doctor appointments where the doctor didn’t even really look at me, but spent the whole time on the computer. This did not inspire confidence. How can you perform an examination without even looking at the patient? To really understand what someone is talking about, you need some minimum level of emotional connection, you can’t just match keywords from what they say on some diagnostic Google search.

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What about the “joys” of telemedicine? How can the physician understand what is going on without direct inspection, palpating and audibly checking if appropriate the various bodily regions, all in addition to questioning the patient? This was supposed to be a temporary expedient during acute Covid-19 panic time, but this has become a scam with a wink, for money, almost as bad as using the various extended care paraprofessionals,I.e., PA’s and MA’s , so the physician can appear to be in two places at the same time. I began treating patients when I graduated in 1963, and I’m glad to be retired from all of this dissimulation and ethical debasement.

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I had scabies for 2 YEARS. Almost had a nervous breakdown. Dr would stand across the room and tell me it’s a psoriasis outbreak. I went to the loony bin for 5 days. A nurse snuck me a treatment but didn’t put in record & forgot to tell me to repeat the treatment in 2 weeks. Finally a walk in clinic helped me. The doctor was from Africa and fixed me right up.

It was so humiliating!

I would have to pull over while driving, it was so distracting!

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Oh my goodness, how awful!

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Torture! All they would do is offer antidepressants! Upstate university hospital in Syracuse & dr LaDuca in auburn New York.

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A relative of mine had a problem where she could not equalize the pressure in her ear. Doctor after doctor, including ENTs, told her it was psychosomatic. This went on for years.

Finally an ENT actually performed a competent examination and found out she was right. Sadly, it was after her inner ear was destroyed.

So many doctors are clowns. I have a long list of misdiagnoses. Fortunately I ignored their recommendations; I credit my obstinacy for my good health today.

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every time I see my Doc. for a refill of my prescription I leave with the impression that I know more about health than he does .

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Well said! When "they" replaced the Creator with Pharma based medicine, it begat a new kind of worship.

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To care for my health is my job .No one else can do that for me .

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It did.

Body worship, and the bowing down before idols of wood, stone, and, more recently, gold and selfish ambition.

It wasn’t so much “they” as “us”, though. Social conditions are the sum of the inner lives of those who make up the society. Barren, Godless inner lives cause, as a consequence, a morally bankrupt society.

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I agree that the populous bares responsibility however I believe there is a sinister power that uses manipulation to drive humanity toward an agenda. Many are just now awakening to that manipulation. Not complying any longer will change the course, I am imagining.

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When we the people live so many years as sheeple it is difficult to exchange the sheep costume for the wolves.

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+10 for the phrase "pharma-profits driven illness prolongation industry"

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I appreciate all you're doing. We must also inform people we are in a propaganda war. One side wants freedom. The other side wants power and control and at this time this side has control over MSM, academia, and healthcare!

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It all intersects at the planetary level with the WEF, BILDERBERG, ETC. This is far far larger than being limited to health care, single institutions or single governments. It’s planetary.

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"… and we must start building new and better systems of healthcare"

Good Lord ain't that the truth!

Like I have said before, it only takes about a half decade (as a Health Care Professional) to come to the conclusion that it is hopeless, actually well beyond it, and then you spend the next 3 decades trying to maneuver your patients "around" it. Especially the elderly.

One advantage to doing this in economically illiterate areas of the Southeast, is that nobody really gives a shit. Seriously, in Allendale, Fairfax, Millet, Kite, and similar, the only thing the "authorities" want to know is the STD rate!

"Near 100%" I would always tell them, and then I'd throw in "And the relapse rate, it is damn near 100% too."

A friend's son graduated from one of the local high schools with this gal, who had 5 kids, and she was pregnant with two more on the way!

I think the pharmacy computer system recorded her being treated 9 times for various STDs.

Anyway, me and other pharmacists, like my buddy, "Hydroco-Don," always did our best, or close to it.

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Sounds like Oswego county in upstate New York.

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Well a good place to start in my opinion is the old Royal Homeopathic hospital in London

I believe it has had a name change,

Homeopathy along with herbs and tissue salts and some essential supplements saved my life and gave me my health back. Anyone who disregards natural,and alternative therapies does so at their peril,there is a place for both .

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In N.I its like a covid cult, considering a career change, I no longer take bank shifts in hospital because of the masks, I stick to community mostly but even that's becoming impossible with the fuel costs

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and we are... building a better system of healthcare.

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I am happy to report today my husband received a letter, from the NHS, inviting him to make an appt for a minor op. We are in Devon. The instruction sheet made no mention of masking. Instructions included letting staff know if you have had flu like symptoms or vomiting and diarrhoea recently (flu/omicron,URI, norovirus). Just like they used to ask pre covid. Did not mention “hand sanitizers” instead recommended attendees “clean”their hands. I guess it is a first step back to normalicy?

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Great to hear, Mary Ann!

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re 'Clearly, we cannot do without the NHS just yet' ....From where I stand, Oregon USA, I beg to differ; WE CAN DO WITHOUT THE DAMAGES caused by the alphabet agencies quite well. All it takes is to do better is to stop literally killing the public with injectable poisons. Like any friend that tells you to do something deadly, the best words are 'EFF OFF'. Disavow any agency that is STILL recommending death to the public, and start over. Old allegiences must be cast off.

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Sadly, apparently a dormant Renal Cell Carcinoma has taken off after “vaccination” and medicine is completely fractured, unless the patient demands otherwise…

The mass was original found on a back MRI, but the surgeon ordering is the “injection specialist” and never read the findings on the report…

…I get a copy 8 months later for 2nd opinion and I READ the report

Now…the Urologist doesn’t need the MRI report or image because they are ordering a CT scan, but why disregard a previous possible comparison study, (at least tumor size and therefore growth rate) except to avoid liability of knowledge?

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Thanks for all you are doing. Look forward to Sunday. There are treatments that actually work for healing but it’s kept a secret or vilified. Just the vaccine schedule for children is such a crime, creating lifetime customers for big pharma. People are afraid to speak out about autism, not long ago many experts had sudden strange deaths. I see an integrative medicine doctor now but it’s very expensive- insurance doesn’t cover the specialized medication I get from a compounding pharmacy. My primary care doctor can’t put my medication on my records because there isn’t a billing code for them! I yell every time- if I end up in hospital and can’t communicate, the medication listed will hurt me! I’m so disgusted by the power pharma has. God bless you and the people working tirelessly with you.

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