Thank you for sending this Dr. Lawrie! I have been listening to the sessions, loving every moment, even though some of the information is sobering beyond belief. When you delivered this address and acknowledged your mother, who made your beautiful dress, and that you were wearing your grandmothers jewelry, I teared up along with you. Thank you for all you are doing! I am committed to the cause and am doing what I can in this crazy state of California. I do it for my children and my grandchild. Prayer truly is our greatest weapon. But it takes a community as the conference reinforced. I hope to thank you in person someday. You are a warrior!

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I printed the poster for the conference that I received from you by mail 🙏, and put in the snail mail boxes of most of the GPs and the three major pharmacies here in Vejle, Denmark, and also had it put on the noticeboard at the library. Also incl. a flyer with Conversation 1 about From Big Pharma to Real Health (+ some additional info/homemade flyers).

I hope they've accepted my invitation 😉 At least now they know WCH exists. I won't get through to my son's father and his new wife until it becomes more established knowledge. And it's about time, because have tried for more than 10 years 💔

Look forward to diving into the conference myself 💎

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Thankyou warrior Tess, you have my admiration, I attended the conference virtually as well as last year.

I loved your speakers and hosts who did remarkably well in 10 minutes allowing it to run like clockwork and the discussions afterwards often left me dazed. 🫶🏼

I also like to think of myself also as a warrior.

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The Office of Global Affairs is accepting applications to speak and provide your public comment at their “Listening Session” regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Send your RSVP to the Office of Global Affairs RIGHT NOW!!!


Make sure you include the following information…

The full name and email address of the person desiring to participate

The organization(s) that person represents, if any

Identification of the primary article(s) of interest

Indicate whether you are registering as a listen-only attendee or as a speaker participant

Matters to be Discussed:

The listening session will discuss potential amendments to the IHR (2005). Topics will include those amendments currently under consideration by the Working Group.

An Article-by-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) can be found here:


RSVP: Registrants must include their full name, email address, and organization, if any, and indicate whether they are registering as a listen-only attendee or as a speaker participant to OGA.RSVP1@hhs.gov.

Requests to participate as a speaker must include all of the following:

1. The name and email address of the person desiring to participate

2. The organization(s) that person represents, if any

3. Identification of the primary article(s) of interest

Other Information: This listening session will be recorded for the benefit of the members of the US Working Group on Amendments to the IHR (2005).


CLICK HERE for additional details.

Contact James Roguski at 310-619-3055 if you have any questions.







by James Roguski

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.





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© 2023 James Roguski

548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104


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Sent email to register as a speaker as instructed, to voice WHO Global Public Health Policy of Disinfection of mucous membranes, that was WHO policy and which means by which disinfection was done, the OTC drug Argyrol [owned by J&J from 1983 to 2001] reinstatement

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Christine Thank You constitutional Patriot. You are doing more then these Lousy Medical doctors who betrayed us and sold us down the river. Along with a host of traitors from the bottom to the top

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The game is fixed the deck is stacked we need supernatural help simply start speaking with God and reality unfolds

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We agree. It was always the only answer because unfortunately man will fail Everytime as soon as he or she gets a lot of money and they all get together against people who do not have money.. Any difference unfortunately breeds superiority instead of compassion and unity.

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Jun 9, 2023
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Yep they get a love of money and they know they are better than anyone else, even GOD, as a matter of fact they think they are GOD LOL, what a joke.. They are like little children thinking they know more then anybody else because they have more money then anybody else, and when all the same of them get together, they reinforce their EVIL, until they become blind to anything good only EVIL..

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Jun 9, 2023
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Yes, it becomes this 'Collective mindset' a sort of Renegade Bully boys with imaginary 'Powers' that they appeared to have granted themselves. LOL Good One Solly LOL.. I agree with everything you said..

Bring these Monsters DOWN for Good, once and for all. ONCE AND FOR ALL is the way to go because they are like WEEDS, they just never stop growing until you pull them out by the ROOTS.. ALL OF THEM...

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Jun 9, 2023
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Man is the most invasive, non-native life force on the planets oceans and turfs.

Anything that is made by the hands and the mind for the purpose of usefulness...

will be found used and then abused.

I have entrusted you with much. Even more is expected! David Martin on Mother Nature.

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It is not cheap for a virtual ticket to Betterway Conference ..I wonder is Tess providing her subscribers here with a discount code? Anybody know please? Cheers Billy Field

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Thanks Dr. Tess.

You show your SA roots with the Kak in Kakistocracy! I know kak from school days in Kenya with the boeties there, in those days. 1958-1960.

Craptocracy more universally understood.

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To stop the WHO by their own global health policy of disinfection: decades of WHO Essentials Medicine listed OTC Anti-Infective ARGYROL

push this OTC drug into their face by the authority of its already global drug regulatory compliance to stop the game. This was what was done by them, was their WHO global public health policy and is what works against all germs 🦠 the disinfection of mucous membranes and bloodstream check it out Wikipedia and Fauci's $10 million patent is linked www.argyrol.com

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80 year run if lucky and cannot take it with you. We all arrive ‘taxiing to the runway’ for takeoff. Cheating death and having fun is hard work and requires paying attention. One gram of protein and one ounce of water per each kilo of body weight is human daily maintenance. Battle on IF Disinfection concept can get a hearing, just to rub their elitest noses in ‘it’ on their own carpet.

Have sent email idea to turn ‘it’ into human right to JFKJr Human Rights portal to jack WHO train.

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Spoiler Alert:

This Movie Doesn't End

Until After They Get The Young People

To Kill Their Own Parents.

Or At Least Turn Them In.


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Hi, The link to Sears is not there. Just the photo. please put the actual link in below the photo. Thanks.

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Thanks for letting me know. Please try again!

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Thanks for all you do.

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‘Exit the WHO’ is the world wide campaign that must go viral...the time is NOW! The unelected WEF, WHO, IMF, Davos & Co. is the head of an octopus. These globalist are in their end game and the many arms of this monster are all slapping us at once…VAX, CRT, BML, Economy/CBDC, FAILED media justice and election system, jail for defending yourself w/your legal gun, trans>sports/schools/porn books/loss of parents rights, food insecurity/mRNA contamination, trains spilling toxins, AI, Ukraine, death of community, family & identity for kids. This is WAR and these arms are slapping us on all these fronts so that we are not focused on the cause of all of it. Even the 2024 candidate choice is a big distraction from what GOoD’s army should be doing> FOCUSING on ‘cutting off the head’ of the octopus that is close to taking over the world. They have captured all the power and have all the money and technology, ‘own the science’ to use against us. If we don’t rally the troops to FOCUS fast and take down these organizations we are doomed…and soon. Without a concerted effort to cut off the cancerous head they bring in ‘human’ 2.0. This is our David & Goliath moment. Meanwhile, with covid over…millions are back to trying to pick up the pieces of their lives and go back to living and have ZERO interest in this next big battle. We need to shake them by the shoulders, stomp on their rose colored glasses and try to move as many as possible into action. [https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exit-the-who](https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exit-the-who)

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