Mike Yeadon is trying to stop the use of Ivermectin and I don't know why. That drug in combination with Fenbendazole has cured cancers of all kinds, why on earth would he try to scare people away from a life saving drug. Thank you Tess for writing this.
Did you know that The Cancer Act 1939 severely restricts anyone from claiming a cure for cancer, except of course the usual governing authorities? Who would have thought?
Like the British 1853 Vaccination Act that mandated smallpox jabs for the next 46 years despite doctors and the public screaming about the deaths, disabilities and diseases they spread - they were killing people and paying 5 pounds a shot to 'vaccinators.' And fining and jailing people who refused.
JJ Couey believes clones were released. At least I haven't heard him say otherwise. He has also stated viruses do exist but a coronavirus cannot pandemic hence his clone idea.
Over a decade ago I witnessed negative side effects on multiple farms in livestock. Yeadon may be staying true to principle. Every single synthetic drug has a negative impact, we shouldn't let our idolization of a drug blind us to facts. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8407640/
"In contrast, a significant increase in concentrations of calcium (Ca), progesterone and cortisol, and activity of malondialdehyde (MDA), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes were recorded at 30th and 60th days p.t. It has been concluded that IVM delayed estrous in ewes for three months via disturbing the female reproductive hormones and the hemato-biochemical parameters. Therefore, it is recommended that IVM not be injected at least three months before the reproductive season."
A point that should be noted is that Merck held a US patent on ivermectin from 1987 to 2006. In Africa, the patent appears to have been extended a bit longer. Merck stopped its ivermectin 'donations' to Africa in 2011, from which point the WHO's APOC programme began to wind down. It stopped a year later.
Most negative reports on ivermectin seemed to have been compiled or promoted since then. It is no longer an earner for pharmaceutical companies. These two dots are not difficult to join up.
MedinCell (Gates sponsored) found ivermectin effective against 'covid-19' but did not recommend its use. Instead, it recommended a possible application in an injection! 'Trials' were due to start last year. It could be a nice little earner. It would also be a way to get all sorts of toxins round the back of the immune system and blacken the name of ivermectin in the process.
I note that the recently publicised reports on rabbits' fertility used injected ivermectin but administered vitamin C orally.
The dots are becoming increasingly easy to join up.
Indeed, Mike, the dots almost connect themselves. What troubles me, although it probably should not at this point, is that supposed members of the "Covid Resistance" seem to jump on the BS train from time to time. Probably some dots to connect there as well.
On the other hand there obviously is an extraordinary benefit derived from it: we desperately need people to become critical thinkers. Only they can keep themselves save. Had everyone swarmed the Ivermectin-Good stage, many would have tuned out of the addl. critical drill-down exercises, like the mode of application and the danger potential in the injectables offered (and likely pushed) by their physicians. Becoming a critical thinker is confusing and inconvenient, but there is no hero leading anyone out of what we are broadly participating in. Let’s return to asking pesky questions, a critical debate and personal informed decision making - which often includes a small amount of unknown risk.
Thank you Dr. Lawrie for addressing this. As the co-author of The War on Ivermectin, this has been a challenge to stomach. I've linked this post (and your previous ones) to my substack this morning.
One of the hallmarks of legitimate science, and scientists who practice it, is asking questions and evaluating them directly. Someone questioned, or maybe more appropriately, "attacked" IVM. Your response was to take the assertion at face value and evaluate the available data. Sounds like you might be "following the science!" Again, kudos!
¨If ivermectin was more widely used, there’d be no need for vaccines.¨
Dr Mike Yeadon May 10, 2021
Why are we being lied to about Covid? There’s no good reason By Dr Mike Yeadon - May 10, 2021
BE in no doubt, among the reasons that voices and opinions like mine are never heard in the main media is extreme censorship more suited to China than a liberal democracy. Please allow me to illustrate with an example close to my heart why it is high time for us to change our response.
Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease, in multiple independent clinical trials of varying quality. On January 3, 2021, Dr Tess Lawrie attempted to alert the Prime Minister to the potential of ivermectin.
Her video here was pulled from YouTube within hours of posting, though it survives on Vimeo. The paper by the FLCCC group of US intensivists (whose survival rates for severe Covid-19 are best in class) that was the inspiration for Dr Lawrie’s work was accepted after extensive open peer review (including two career employees of the FDA) and ‘provisionally accepted’ by the ‘open science’ journal Frontiers in Pharmacology. The screenshot of the abstract tweeted by Clare Craig shown here attracted more than 100,000 views. Then, mysteriously, it was rejected and pulled by the Frontiers editor in chief. It is still here in cached form though the Ministry of Truth has been at work and placed it in a memory hole, so no trace survives on Frontiers’ own website.
Intended for a Special Issue on ‘repurposed drugs’ for Covid-19, various guest editors were so incensed at this behaviour that they resigned in protest. You can read their letter here. They concluded that ‘these unfortunate events constitute gross editorial misconduct by Frontiers.’ Fortunately this major paper is now published by the American Journal of Therapeutics and can be read in its final form here.
This nevertheless successfully delayed by nearly six months its circulation to leading public health bodies starting mid-November. A copy was sent to Sir Jeremy Farrar (boss of the Wellcome Trust and member of Sage) who passed it on to Professor Peter Horby (also on Sage), amongst others, on November 18, 2020. So the efficacy of ivermectin must be well known to the Government’s advisers, but they have done nothing about it. Likewise, the formal and rigorous meta-analysis performed by Dr Tess Lawrie’s team at the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd has been communicated to Matt Hancock, but without reply.
I am telling you about this, because all that governments, their scientific advisers, big pharma (here’s Merck, who originally developed & marketed it) and regulatory agencies will tell you is that ivermectin doesn’t work in Covid-19. They are lying. I am inviting any of them to sue me, but they won’t, for I would win easily...¨ Read More
If people wish to briefly check the 'Our World in Data' (OWID) database directly for themselves, this link compares all Africa with the three largest users of ivermectin: Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria.
Somewhere around 2004/2005, almost a decade before the cases that got brief prominence in some media, my Kenyan wife, then a 15/16 year old high school girl on the Kenyan coast, was forcibly injected with something, as were all the girls in her class (and only the girls). My wife and one other refused and they were cornered in the room and literally stabbed in the arm with a needle and something was injected. There is no record in her “health” records of this injection: it didn’t happen. Someone in the Kenyan government was getting money from some nefarious NGO or multinational to create data that they could monitor for long term trends, such as perhaps, the fertility data spoken of above. She was never follow3d up with, and neither were any of her classmates. The girls who were too poor for schooling missed out on the shots, and, anecdotally, they are having much more normal and predictable fertility events than her jabbed classmates with whom she is still in contact.
She has never had a normal period since then. She has had 8 miscarriages or deaths in utero and one live premature birth with immediate death. The most recent one was a week ago. We have one live healthy child although she almost didn’t make it. I have two healthy adult children from a first marriage.
Anyone relying on statistics of any kind from Africa to draw conclusions is on a fool’s errand…..it’s kind of like trying to imagine what daily life is like here in Detroit by looking at the crime statistics. Just as the overwhelming majority of crime is never reported here in Detroit, for all sorts of reasons, so is the overwhelming majority of “health events” in Africa also not reported. There are no tools to do so, no one cares, the victims have no money, and if they do speak up they are abruptly, and sometimes permanently silenced.
Yeadon needs to look elsewhere for the culprits, and perhaps needs a look in the mirror.
Yes, thanks for that. I have seen that video at some point. There’s so much going on it is hard to track. When my wife was injected it was in early 2000s. I don’t know how much of what she and we are going through is related to that, but I’m fairly sure at least some of it is. Marc Giradot’s “The Needle’s Secret” offers a plausible explanation of how these injections could be causing widespread but varied damage on the human body. In my wife’s case, there seems to be some sort of auto-immune response to pregnancy, possibly coupled with liver damage….we may never know but are hoping to start some hyperbaric treatment to try to heal or reverse some of the damage, wherever it came from.
Is it possible that the shot was the nefarious one combining tetanus with hCG so that mothers would produce antibodies against pregnancies? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346214/
It could be. I have read up on this, as much as possible, but have yet to find a test here in the USA that would look for anti-HCGantibodies. I have spoken with a variety of doctors, both “alternative” and mainstream, and no one has been able to find a lab that even offers that test.
The one data point that consistently shows up in her blood work is a Protein S deficiency, ranging from mild to moderate/severe.
If you are aware, or become aware, of a lab that offers a blood test that would look for antibodies to HCG, I’d be most appreciative if you would alert me.
Joe, was that the time when the early Gardasil trials were being done? Gardasil 4 was released in 2008, and that alone had a significant impact on infertility along with much broader menstrual irregularities.
I remember a similar event. This is from Bill gates.
Kenya bishops: Tetanus vaccine is birth control in disguise
¨A row between the Catholic Church and the government over a tetanus vaccine aimed at women in their childbearing years has clergy urging people to shun the injection, saying it’s a stealth population-control ploy.
On Nov.11, the bishops appearing before the parliamentary health committee said they had tested the vaccine privately and were shocked to find it was laced with a birth control hormone called beta human chorionic gonadotropin...¨Read More
Yes. I have seen this but what happened to her happened 10 years earlier, more or less. What the bishops were discovering was the tail end of the program, not the beginning. And this shit is still going on in one form or another. Her sister had to get the COVID “vaccine” in order to sit the national exam, without which she couldn’t go to college. Her grandmother has been bamboozled into taking anti-AIDS poison based on being “HIV positive” as determined by a PCR test…..On and on it goes…..how I wish even 1% of the BLM windbags here in the USA would get involved when millions of black lives are being sacrificed on the altar of Big Pharma profits….
It's gone way past the point of trying to decipher what's the truth and what isn't. Propaganda is designed to make you go insane and the globalists are doing a great job of that. As for the freedom movement, who knows what's going on but it's seemingly impossible for any sort of unity regardless of the subject, be it health, war, culture 🤪 Maybe all part of the plan!
Further notes to https://twitter.com/hervk102/status/1826059514275311933. I am very glad to see data supporting the notion that ivermectin may overall enhance fertility rates in Africa. As I understand it, ivermectin would be given once a year and presumably NOT to a pregnant female. The elimination of infections, tumors and cardiovascular disease in the male and females prior to conception would be expected to improve birth rates. I think the risk would be if ivermectin was continuously given to pregnant females say over a week or so, would cut off the supply of nutrients to the fetus. Fortunately people know not to take anything during pregnancy. (To push the mRNA shots in pregnancy was a very grave error).
I agree that women should NOT take anything during pregnancy- if at all possible! I did find these articles interesting on ivermectin taken during pregnancy(mostly in African countries) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33109066/
While I haven't a position on Mike Y. IVM comments, this study seemed extremely weak to me. Assuming all the difference in IVM vs non-IVM African countries' fertility is due to IVM is a real stretch, particularly in a place as diverse as Africa (jungles to desserts, dictatorships and democracies). The fact they started their analysis with a 1.3x difference in fertility shows there are a lot of other factors than IVM. What about wars, national income, education level, environment, overall health (AIDS?), percent of fertile women taking IVM, dosages, etc.?
I haven't read their study, other than your summary. Does the study address these issues?
This is all the data available at the moment. It was a brief study to see what fertility differences there might be. I was also concerned that there could have been an issue with ivermectin. Fertility measured in humans over several years would appear to be more relevant than fertility measured in rabbits over two months.
The initial difference, before ivermectin was introduced, was factored out. Of course, since that time the differences may well have changed for other reasons. But that could go in either direction.
All we can say is that, with the limited information available, this is at least a contra-indication that ivermectin is a 'violent fertility toxin' for humans.
thanks for the comment. Why not try to test fertility against a few other hopefully easily available metrics (income, life expect, violence level, caloric intake (food type would be great but unlikely to be available I would think), water quality, sewage, etc.?
It might be interesting to see.
FYI - even though I have questions about your study, thank you very much for doing it. It is way past time to bring fertility and drugs out in the open. Particularly a discussion about mRNA shots and fertility. I have seen statements that after an estimate 5 mRNA vaccines (the EU bought 10 per person), animals can potentially become infertile. The last thing Big Pharma wants is discussing the Shots and mRNA technology and fertility.
Just to share that this TIM TRUTH WHO IS discrediting Ivermectin blocked me and took down my comment simply for stating that my dog has been on it 9 years and is fine and I took it for Covid and as a preventative for awhile and I too am fine. Actually my Covid gone in like 2 days. I find it very telling when someone does not want any discussion and hides truths! So much for Tim TRUTH! Why on earth is Dr Yeadon associating with this guy!
Good point: Mike has admitted it was TT who put him onto this ivy-is-toxic-data in a long conversation, but anyone who blocks or disappears comments that are not nasty or threatening, but presenting contrary data, needs to be viewed with suspicion (and just taking a look at TT's website of colourful fearporn was enough to make me wonder LOL). But why has Tess put her latest Substack on ivermectin behind a paywall (or am I mistaken?) if it is so important an issue for all those who have been taking the drug and are now confused? There are also claims not being addressed, such as the 1997 wave of nursing home deaths after ivermectin treatment for scabies. These claims need systematic rebuttal rather than cherry-picked debunks. When Tess complained about the "poor little rabbits" I couldn't help wondering whether that was a deflection tactic, because surely after years of reviewing medical research, Tess has long ago faced her regret over animal "sacrificing"?! I'm sure she could do a much more thorough job of discrediting false claims, and I hope this important debate will continue.
Agree! Civil debates should never be shut down. If you have a question or some info to contribute and it seems reasonable, let’s hear it! Let’s debate it! The only time I block someone is when something they say is complete nonsense and it’s clear they are just stirring the pot and causing trouble. This was not the case when I was commenting. I was simply,y stating my own experiences thus far with ivermectin. That should not be threatening to anyone unless it’s ruining YoUR NARRATIVE AND YOUR AGENDA. Oops darn cap lock
Mike Yeadon is trying to stop the use of Ivermectin and I don't know why. That drug in combination with Fenbendazole has cured cancers of all kinds, why on earth would he try to scare people away from a life saving drug. Thank you Tess for writing this.
Did you know that The Cancer Act 1939 severely restricts anyone from claiming a cure for cancer, except of course the usual governing authorities? Who would have thought?
We are supposed to be governed by consent.
Like the British 1853 Vaccination Act that mandated smallpox jabs for the next 46 years despite doctors and the public screaming about the deaths, disabilities and diseases they spread - they were killing people and paying 5 pounds a shot to 'vaccinators.' And fining and jailing people who refused.
Mike Y, Nick Hudson, JJCouey, Pamela Drew all appear to be on the ' there was no virus' soap box.
One reason would be to stop people looking into SARS Cov-2 development and release and the biowarfare industry.
Jikky has written an excellent paper on the links to Pandemic insurance and re-insurance. Connects more dots.
JJ Couey believes clones were released. At least I haven't heard him say otherwise. He has also stated viruses do exist but a coronavirus cannot pandemic hence his clone idea.
Over a decade ago I witnessed negative side effects on multiple farms in livestock. Yeadon may be staying true to principle. Every single synthetic drug has a negative impact, we shouldn't let our idolization of a drug blind us to facts. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8407640/
"In contrast, a significant increase in concentrations of calcium (Ca), progesterone and cortisol, and activity of malondialdehyde (MDA), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) enzymes were recorded at 30th and 60th days p.t. It has been concluded that IVM delayed estrous in ewes for three months via disturbing the female reproductive hormones and the hemato-biochemical parameters. Therefore, it is recommended that IVM not be injected at least three months before the reproductive season."
https://javs.journals.ekb.eg/article_164323.html#:~:text=In contrast%2C a significant increase,months before the reproductive season.
A point that should be noted is that Merck held a US patent on ivermectin from 1987 to 2006. In Africa, the patent appears to have been extended a bit longer. Merck stopped its ivermectin 'donations' to Africa in 2011, from which point the WHO's APOC programme began to wind down. It stopped a year later.
Most negative reports on ivermectin seemed to have been compiled or promoted since then. It is no longer an earner for pharmaceutical companies. These two dots are not difficult to join up.
MedinCell (Gates sponsored) found ivermectin effective against 'covid-19' but did not recommend its use. Instead, it recommended a possible application in an injection! 'Trials' were due to start last year. It could be a nice little earner. It would also be a way to get all sorts of toxins round the back of the immune system and blacken the name of ivermectin in the process.
I note that the recently publicised reports on rabbits' fertility used injected ivermectin but administered vitamin C orally.
The dots are becoming increasingly easy to join up.
Indeed, Mike, the dots almost connect themselves. What troubles me, although it probably should not at this point, is that supposed members of the "Covid Resistance" seem to jump on the BS train from time to time. Probably some dots to connect there as well.
On the other hand there obviously is an extraordinary benefit derived from it: we desperately need people to become critical thinkers. Only they can keep themselves save. Had everyone swarmed the Ivermectin-Good stage, many would have tuned out of the addl. critical drill-down exercises, like the mode of application and the danger potential in the injectables offered (and likely pushed) by their physicians. Becoming a critical thinker is confusing and inconvenient, but there is no hero leading anyone out of what we are broadly participating in. Let’s return to asking pesky questions, a critical debate and personal informed decision making - which often includes a small amount of unknown risk.
Put not your trust into the doctors of this world, to coin a phrase.
Thanks for sharing your imporatant info!
Thank you Dr. Lawrie for addressing this. As the co-author of The War on Ivermectin, this has been a challenge to stomach. I've linked this post (and your previous ones) to my substack this morning.
Thank you, Jenna. This is an incredibly good and important analysis, and very funny too.
Appreciate that! :)
Excellent, Dr. Lawrie!
One of the hallmarks of legitimate science, and scientists who practice it, is asking questions and evaluating them directly. Someone questioned, or maybe more appropriately, "attacked" IVM. Your response was to take the assertion at face value and evaluate the available data. Sounds like you might be "following the science!" Again, kudos!
I sincerely hope not, because according to self-proclaimed standard, Anthony Fauci declared: I AM the Science 😂.
You know what has an even worse effect on fertility, SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations (gene therapies).
Causing infertility is probably the primary point of the continued push to get mRNA "vaccines" into the human population.
I hope Dr. Yeadon accepts your offer to discuss, if not this would be a red flag for me. I have always admire Dr. Yeadon.
You will not believe this:) :
¨If ivermectin was more widely used, there’d be no need for vaccines.¨
Dr Mike Yeadon May 10, 2021
Why are we being lied to about Covid? There’s no good reason By Dr Mike Yeadon - May 10, 2021
BE in no doubt, among the reasons that voices and opinions like mine are never heard in the main media is extreme censorship more suited to China than a liberal democracy. Please allow me to illustrate with an example close to my heart why it is high time for us to change our response.
Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease, in multiple independent clinical trials of varying quality. On January 3, 2021, Dr Tess Lawrie attempted to alert the Prime Minister to the potential of ivermectin.
Her video here was pulled from YouTube within hours of posting, though it survives on Vimeo. The paper by the FLCCC group of US intensivists (whose survival rates for severe Covid-19 are best in class) that was the inspiration for Dr Lawrie’s work was accepted after extensive open peer review (including two career employees of the FDA) and ‘provisionally accepted’ by the ‘open science’ journal Frontiers in Pharmacology. The screenshot of the abstract tweeted by Clare Craig shown here attracted more than 100,000 views. Then, mysteriously, it was rejected and pulled by the Frontiers editor in chief. It is still here in cached form though the Ministry of Truth has been at work and placed it in a memory hole, so no trace survives on Frontiers’ own website.
Intended for a Special Issue on ‘repurposed drugs’ for Covid-19, various guest editors were so incensed at this behaviour that they resigned in protest. You can read their letter here. They concluded that ‘these unfortunate events constitute gross editorial misconduct by Frontiers.’ Fortunately this major paper is now published by the American Journal of Therapeutics and can be read in its final form here.
This nevertheless successfully delayed by nearly six months its circulation to leading public health bodies starting mid-November. A copy was sent to Sir Jeremy Farrar (boss of the Wellcome Trust and member of Sage) who passed it on to Professor Peter Horby (also on Sage), amongst others, on November 18, 2020. So the efficacy of ivermectin must be well known to the Government’s advisers, but they have done nothing about it. Likewise, the formal and rigorous meta-analysis performed by Dr Tess Lawrie’s team at the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd has been communicated to Matt Hancock, but without reply.
I am telling you about this, because all that governments, their scientific advisers, big pharma (here’s Merck, who originally developed & marketed it) and regulatory agencies will tell you is that ivermectin doesn’t work in Covid-19. They are lying. I am inviting any of them to sue me, but they won’t, for I would win easily...¨ Read More
Is Ivermectin a "Violent Fertility Toxin"? Asking for a friend.
Jenna McCarthy Aug 22, 2024
The use of the word “violent” already raises suspicion of slander vs. Reporting of any data.
Well, even if it did affect fertility, you are better off taking it than going to the hospital and being given the kill drug Remdesivir.
If people wish to briefly check the 'Our World in Data' (OWID) database directly for themselves, this link compares all Africa with the three largest users of ivermectin: Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria.
Thank you Tess.
Something didn't seem right with the allegations against IVM, especially given it's widespread use.
Somewhere around 2004/2005, almost a decade before the cases that got brief prominence in some media, my Kenyan wife, then a 15/16 year old high school girl on the Kenyan coast, was forcibly injected with something, as were all the girls in her class (and only the girls). My wife and one other refused and they were cornered in the room and literally stabbed in the arm with a needle and something was injected. There is no record in her “health” records of this injection: it didn’t happen. Someone in the Kenyan government was getting money from some nefarious NGO or multinational to create data that they could monitor for long term trends, such as perhaps, the fertility data spoken of above. She was never follow3d up with, and neither were any of her classmates. The girls who were too poor for schooling missed out on the shots, and, anecdotally, they are having much more normal and predictable fertility events than her jabbed classmates with whom she is still in contact.
She has never had a normal period since then. She has had 8 miscarriages or deaths in utero and one live premature birth with immediate death. The most recent one was a week ago. We have one live healthy child although she almost didn’t make it. I have two healthy adult children from a first marriage.
Anyone relying on statistics of any kind from Africa to draw conclusions is on a fool’s errand…..it’s kind of like trying to imagine what daily life is like here in Detroit by looking at the crime statistics. Just as the overwhelming majority of crime is never reported here in Detroit, for all sorts of reasons, so is the overwhelming majority of “health events” in Africa also not reported. There are no tools to do so, no one cares, the victims have no money, and if they do speak up they are abruptly, and sometimes permanently silenced.
Yeadon needs to look elsewhere for the culprits, and perhaps needs a look in the mirror.
Have a look here: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=81838 and search for a video called INFERTILITY: A Diabolical Agenda.
Yes, thanks for that. I have seen that video at some point. There’s so much going on it is hard to track. When my wife was injected it was in early 2000s. I don’t know how much of what she and we are going through is related to that, but I’m fairly sure at least some of it is. Marc Giradot’s “The Needle’s Secret” offers a plausible explanation of how these injections could be causing widespread but varied damage on the human body. In my wife’s case, there seems to be some sort of auto-immune response to pregnancy, possibly coupled with liver damage….we may never know but are hoping to start some hyperbaric treatment to try to heal or reverse some of the damage, wherever it came from.
Thanks for your work!
Is it possible that the shot was the nefarious one combining tetanus with hCG so that mothers would produce antibodies against pregnancies? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346214/
It could be. I have read up on this, as much as possible, but have yet to find a test here in the USA that would look for anti-HCGantibodies. I have spoken with a variety of doctors, both “alternative” and mainstream, and no one has been able to find a lab that even offers that test.
The one data point that consistently shows up in her blood work is a Protein S deficiency, ranging from mild to moderate/severe.
If you are aware, or become aware, of a lab that offers a blood test that would look for antibodies to HCG, I’d be most appreciative if you would alert me.
Thanks for your comment, and interest.
Joe, was that the time when the early Gardasil trials were being done? Gardasil 4 was released in 2008, and that alone had a significant impact on infertility along with much broader menstrual irregularities.
I remember a similar event. This is from Bill gates.
Kenya bishops: Tetanus vaccine is birth control in disguise
¨A row between the Catholic Church and the government over a tetanus vaccine aimed at women in their childbearing years has clergy urging people to shun the injection, saying it’s a stealth population-control ploy.
On Nov.11, the bishops appearing before the parliamentary health committee said they had tested the vaccine privately and were shocked to find it was laced with a birth control hormone called beta human chorionic gonadotropin...¨Read More
Yes. I have seen this but what happened to her happened 10 years earlier, more or less. What the bishops were discovering was the tail end of the program, not the beginning. And this shit is still going on in one form or another. Her sister had to get the COVID “vaccine” in order to sit the national exam, without which she couldn’t go to college. Her grandmother has been bamboozled into taking anti-AIDS poison based on being “HIV positive” as determined by a PCR test…..On and on it goes…..how I wish even 1% of the BLM windbags here in the USA would get involved when millions of black lives are being sacrificed on the altar of Big Pharma profits….
It's gone way past the point of trying to decipher what's the truth and what isn't. Propaganda is designed to make you go insane and the globalists are doing a great job of that. As for the freedom movement, who knows what's going on but it's seemingly impossible for any sort of unity regardless of the subject, be it health, war, culture 🤪 Maybe all part of the plan!
Further notes to https://twitter.com/hervk102/status/1826059514275311933. I am very glad to see data supporting the notion that ivermectin may overall enhance fertility rates in Africa. As I understand it, ivermectin would be given once a year and presumably NOT to a pregnant female. The elimination of infections, tumors and cardiovascular disease in the male and females prior to conception would be expected to improve birth rates. I think the risk would be if ivermectin was continuously given to pregnant females say over a week or so, would cut off the supply of nutrients to the fetus. Fortunately people know not to take anything during pregnancy. (To push the mRNA shots in pregnancy was a very grave error).
I agree that women should NOT take anything during pregnancy- if at all possible! I did find these articles interesting on ivermectin taken during pregnancy(mostly in African countries) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33109066/
Thank you for this! We treat our entire family with ivermectin if we suspect Covid.
While I haven't a position on Mike Y. IVM comments, this study seemed extremely weak to me. Assuming all the difference in IVM vs non-IVM African countries' fertility is due to IVM is a real stretch, particularly in a place as diverse as Africa (jungles to desserts, dictatorships and democracies). The fact they started their analysis with a 1.3x difference in fertility shows there are a lot of other factors than IVM. What about wars, national income, education level, environment, overall health (AIDS?), percent of fertile women taking IVM, dosages, etc.?
I haven't read their study, other than your summary. Does the study address these issues?
This is all the data available at the moment. It was a brief study to see what fertility differences there might be. I was also concerned that there could have been an issue with ivermectin. Fertility measured in humans over several years would appear to be more relevant than fertility measured in rabbits over two months.
The initial difference, before ivermectin was introduced, was factored out. Of course, since that time the differences may well have changed for other reasons. But that could go in either direction.
All we can say is that, with the limited information available, this is at least a contra-indication that ivermectin is a 'violent fertility toxin' for humans.
thanks for the comment. Why not try to test fertility against a few other hopefully easily available metrics (income, life expect, violence level, caloric intake (food type would be great but unlikely to be available I would think), water quality, sewage, etc.?
It might be interesting to see.
FYI - even though I have questions about your study, thank you very much for doing it. It is way past time to bring fertility and drugs out in the open. Particularly a discussion about mRNA shots and fertility. I have seen statements that after an estimate 5 mRNA vaccines (the EU bought 10 per person), animals can potentially become infertile. The last thing Big Pharma wants is discussing the Shots and mRNA technology and fertility.
Keep up the good work.
Just to share that this TIM TRUTH WHO IS discrediting Ivermectin blocked me and took down my comment simply for stating that my dog has been on it 9 years and is fine and I took it for Covid and as a preventative for awhile and I too am fine. Actually my Covid gone in like 2 days. I find it very telling when someone does not want any discussion and hides truths! So much for Tim TRUTH! Why on earth is Dr Yeadon associating with this guy!
Good point: Mike has admitted it was TT who put him onto this ivy-is-toxic-data in a long conversation, but anyone who blocks or disappears comments that are not nasty or threatening, but presenting contrary data, needs to be viewed with suspicion (and just taking a look at TT's website of colourful fearporn was enough to make me wonder LOL). But why has Tess put her latest Substack on ivermectin behind a paywall (or am I mistaken?) if it is so important an issue for all those who have been taking the drug and are now confused? There are also claims not being addressed, such as the 1997 wave of nursing home deaths after ivermectin treatment for scabies. These claims need systematic rebuttal rather than cherry-picked debunks. When Tess complained about the "poor little rabbits" I couldn't help wondering whether that was a deflection tactic, because surely after years of reviewing medical research, Tess has long ago faced her regret over animal "sacrificing"?! I'm sure she could do a much more thorough job of discrediting false claims, and I hope this important debate will continue.
Agree! Civil debates should never be shut down. If you have a question or some info to contribute and it seems reasonable, let’s hear it! Let’s debate it! The only time I block someone is when something they say is complete nonsense and it’s clear they are just stirring the pot and causing trouble. This was not the case when I was commenting. I was simply,y stating my own experiences thus far with ivermectin. That should not be threatening to anyone unless it’s ruining YoUR NARRATIVE AND YOUR AGENDA. Oops darn cap lock