What the Prime Minister said
On GB News last week, the UK’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak confirmed what many of us have suspected – that the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ buck may stop with doctors…
Here is the clip where the PM says to a vaccine-injured man that: “At the point when it came to the vaccine, those decisions were always taken on medical advice, from medical experts..to tell us as politicians who are obviously not doctors about how best to roll out the vaccine, what was in the public interest […]. That was something the doctors recommended on and that’s something we followed.”
What the General Medical Council said
In a further revelation, the General Medical Council (GMC) confirmed that, rather than being accountable to the doctors that it contracts with, or the public it is supposed to protect, it is accountable to parliament!
In case, like me, you had been wondering, this clearly explains why the GMC is responsive to political, and not evidence-based and ethical, directives. Despite unprecedented levels of concerns being raised by doctors and the public about the safety of the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’, the GMC continues to ‘investigate’ ethical doctors for raising the alarm about the dangerous jabs and for putting patients’ health and wellbeing first.
You may recall my letter to the CEO of the GMC, Mr Charlie Massey, from October 2023, where I informed him that I would be withholding further fees until the GMC has rectified the breach in contract with doctors. Whilst I never received a response, I have received notification that my name is to be erased from the GMC register.
In my conversation with James Freeman on TNT Radio this week, we talked about how the blame may well be shifted to doctors, who most likely thought they were doing the right thing by following emergency orders. Here is the relevant segment of the interview:
What Dr June Raine of the Medicines Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said
Included in her response to our June 2021 Urgent Report on the Yellow Card Scheme vaccine data highlighting unprecedented Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions (ADRs), Dr June Raine, head of the MHRA dismissed our suggestion that the Covid-19 vaccine ADRs may be under-reported, claiming: “…there is high public awareness of the Yellow Card scheme and the reporting of suspected reactions.”
I haven’t met a member of the public who knows anything about the Yellow Card Scheme. Neither have I met many doctors who know much about it. Instead of public awareness campaigns to notify people and doctors about the risks of the novel jabs and the importance of reporting suspicions of harms to the (onerous) Yellow Card Scheme, people and health professionals were bombarded with messages about ‘safe and effective’ vaccines and gaslit into taking and giving them.
I have since asked clinical colleagues if they received regular emails highlighting the need to report ADRs, given the novel nature of these Covid-19 ‘vaccines’. Here are some responses:
“As a GP (retired in November) I never received any communication regarding yellow card notifications. In 30 years of medical practice I had probably only sent one or two yellow card reports. Following the Covid- 19 ‘vaccine’ I sent at least 15 reports to the MHRA.”
“No, I never received any emails or any encouragement to use the yellow card system… never used it before in my life and used it at least 4x with the covid vaccine and then stopped reporting as it was too time consuming…”
“The most common response from any medical professional I am given is: “What’s a yellow card?”
“I am a surgeon, so not involved in the unethical practice of giving untried experimental shots, but would have seen any warnings that they were to be used cautiously. There were none. It’s no excuse anyway. The childhood cry of ‘but my big brother told me to do it’ was always met with ‘and if he told you to jump off a cliff, would you do that too?’”
To get an idea of how onerous is it to report an adverse Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ reaction to the Yellow Card Scheme, take a look here.
Last thoughts…
Doctors and other health professionals may believe that politicians, ‘health’ authorities, professional bodies, and regulatory agencies will defend their actions of the past four years in relation to the use of experimental and dangerous Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ in men, women and children. However, I fear they may be in for a nasty shock. As the UK’s PM clearly demonstrated, it seems that doctors are the pre-ordained scapegoats for when the anger and distress of ordinary men and women can no longer be contained.
If you are a doctor or other health professional who has realised that the Covid-19 injections are indeed causing harm – harms such as myocarditis, amyloidosis, rapid cancers, cognitive decline, blood clots and sudden, unexpected deaths – and if you are wondering what to do, I urge you to speak up now or forever hold your peace.
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To this day, my unvaccinated family members continue to be treated like absolute dog-crap by the doctors, nurses, and other "medical professionals" who keep pushing the deathvaxx. Not only do they keep pushing the thing, but they become downright abusive. So let them get sued into oblivion for not only blindly following orders like sheep, but for knowingly murdering people long after ordinary people began to smell a rat and read the actual science. Millions of people have died around the world due to the deathvaxx, with billions more likely to develop turbo cancers, blood clots, autoimmune diseases, and infertility over the next decade. I hope any doctor or nurse who did not wake up and begin vociferously objecting gets put into the poor-house and loses their licenses to practice. I know too many GOOD doctors and nurses who quit their jobs or moved into parallel alternative health systems to avoid this conundrum, or at minimum, whispered warnings to their patients.
In 2021 my good friend Stuart, a fully employed healthy 72 year old who took excellent care of himself, was required to get the jabs in order to keep his job as a security guard in a private Malibu residence. Shortly after getting them he was stricken with the prion disease CJD which is also known as Mad Cow. After being diagnosed with this always fatal condition his doctors were baffled and had no idea how someone could be fine one day and so wrecked the next. When I suggested to his family that perhaps they consider the possibility of the mRNA injections and check out the VAERS reports, they laughed and told me to just keep my conspiracy theories to myself. Had they bothered to look, they would have noticed that before CO-19 shots, there were no cases at all in the system and afterwards there are quite a few. And they would have probably filled out a report for Stuart who died soon after.