Decades ago, I was big into the gnostics.

It reminded me of the matrix and made me understand that there's a reason why things are messed up.. we are under a spell. (See gurdjieff quote below)

But where I changed my view on this was to see that the spell was not from some higher dimensional power or gods, but those who have little to no empathy and want to control us through human psychology.

Gurdjieff’s Evil Magician

“There was an evil magician. He lived deep in the mountains and the forests, and he had thousands of sheep. But the problem was that the sheep were afraid of the magician because every day the sheep were seeing that one of them was being killed for his breakfast, another was being killed for his lunch. So they ran away from the magician’s ranch and it was a difficult job to find them in the vast forest. Being a magician, he used magic.

He hypnotized all the sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it.

He then told different sheep…to some, “You are a man, you need not be afraid. It is only the sheep who are going to be killed and eaten, not you. You are a man just like I am.” Some other sheep were told, “You are a lion — only sheep are afraid. They escape, they are cowards. You are a lion; you would prefer to die than to run away. You don’t belong to these sheep. So when they are killed it is not your problem. They are meant to be killed, but you are the most loved of my friends in this forest.” In this way, he told every sheep different stories, and from the second day, the sheep stopped running away from the house.

They still saw other sheep being killed, butchered, but it was not their concern. Somebody was a lion, somebody was a tiger, somebody was a man, somebody was a magician and so forth. Nobody was a sheep except the one who was being killed. This way, without keeping servants, he managed thousands of sheep. They would go into the forest for their food, for their water, and they would come back home, believing always one thing: “It is some sheep who is going to be killed, not you. You don’t belong to the sheep. You are a lion — respected, honored, a friend of the great magician.”

The magician’s problems were solved and the sheep never ran away again.'”

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Dr. Tom Cowan MD, has been talking about Plato's Cave, since Day 1 of this great catastrophe.


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I’m so surprised and pleased to read this entry. For the last couple of years, in addition to my obsessive study of all the science behind the pandemic-related issues, I had also sensed “larger forces” at work, and began to go down rabbit holes of esoteric philosophy and science. A few months ago I came across Howdie by way of the Forever Conscious Research channel on YouTube, and I can say that I am now firmly in his camp (roughly speaking). It does explain quite a lot. Never thought I would see Howdie mentioned on these pages! But then, I guess those kind of synchronicities are just an additional data point in favor for of Simulation Theory :)

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We are in a simulation. The latest experiments in quantum physics are providing more evidence than ever of this. My favorite physicist, Thomas Campbell literally wrote the book on it: My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything). But here's the thing, it's not some matrix controlled by forces that mean to do us harm. It was created by the Larger Consciousness System (LCS), God if you're religious. We are all part of the LCS and connected, but we each have our own free will. The LCS created this virtual reality because it speeds up our consciousness evolution when we have "real life" immediate feedback on the choices we make. It's all designed for us to speed up the process of getting rid of fear and becoming love, being about other and not about self. Since it is a slow process for most consciousnesses to evolve, we take many many human lifetimes to get there. Therefore, reincarnation is not a bad thing, it's just part of the process.

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Thanks for the book tip, looks well worth it. As far as seeing the world clearly, I find it helpful to look at nature. For all it's beauty and wonder, it's unspeakably cruel. Why might this be?

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A fascinating topic. I totally agree with you, Tess. We have to leave the cave and build anew - with our own innate sovereign sparkle. We have to walk in the opposite direction of their grid system. Go analogue and 'old school' reinvent ourselves and our communities. Every sovereign individual we link up with and unite with provides an added infusion of greater shared spiritual empowerment and solidarity. We grow stronger through our groups and expanding organic networks. Our Light shines even brighter.

I started a local 'Stand in the Park' recently and have distributed hundreds of copies of The Light paper alongside my own self-styled hybrid 'Stand in the Park' leaflets to local homes, encouraging people to make a stand and come together as sovereign individuals to build local organic freedom groups and networks. It was stark at first, standing alone in the park, but slowly people are stepping forward and the word is getting out. I sense that in coming weeks many more people will join me and it will take on a vibrant life of its own.

With each passing week the campaign to reach more locals is evolving and building, with new ideas emerging. Each new like-minded sovereign individual that I meet is reinvigorating, inspiring and empowering. Real-world analogue, non-digital, meeting in the park, no batteries required! Envisioning, building anew with enthusiasm and joyful sovereign spiritual fervour! It's a great new adventure!

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It appears that Howdie Mickoski’s book is based upon this "simulation" being dualistic in nature.

Advaita Vedanta (not two) takes the view that this reality is only "apparently" real and that freedom (moksha) can be realised by awareness of the true self (Oneness).

There is the direct path as exempified by Ramana Maharshi and the path of logical study, which is not a religion, but a step by step process of understanding what you are not to realise who you really are.

Knowing who you are the illusion of duality dissolves and true liberation (freedom) is achieved.

A fine introductory book is "The book of One" by Dennis Waite.

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Many of "us" are in a state of shock that accompanies the waking into a world we have not seen before. What we are seeing is not clear, it is still blurry and incomplete but at least we are starting to see, like a child that has just been born. We have a ways to go to understand this new world. Your review of the book and your shared thoughts are welcome, not understanding this new reality is stressful but as you said it is the only way out or forward, or did you say freedom which I think is necessary for happiness?

Hi Tess, I hope it is ok to ask I think a related a question. I have followed your involvement in the pandemic and know a little of your past life. As I understand, you conducted analysis of treatments for the WHO and other organizations. Early in the pandemic you submitted your Meta analysis of ivermectin to UK health authorities and WHO only to be ignored and then the Andrew Hill experience etc. Given your past commitment and belief in a true health system that is now been exposed as corrupted and antithetical to your core beliefs you must feel devasted. Finally my question, before these recent experiences did you have any idea or incling the system you worked, to make the world a better place, was so corrputed? In the movie the Matrix, they described this as a sliver in your brain, telling you something was not right.

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Hell is the absent of God

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It’s an interesting theory but if humans are being farmed for energy why are evil forces trying to depopulate the world at the moment? Surely more humans = more energy?

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A cursory reading of Genesis 3 (even for an atheist) would evoke the allegory of the simulation.. Humanity existed only very briefly in complete communion with True Good. Humanity was duped by evil and installed (willingly) the software of good an evil. And within the Christian tradition, it is taught that we don't belong here, our true nature being other than this corporeal one. The corporeal existence has been doomed from the beginning to endure illnesses, "bothers" and disappointments., because our voluntary abandonment of the True Good.

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Life has always been a lye and it will always be as long as adults and parents will keep on lying to kids to " protect them from the cruelty of life and human beings ".

If adults and parents had the very minimum respect for the kids they would base the education only on " facts , all the facts and nothing but the facts ".

This way it would be a real education as it would be based on reality which would make them aware of reality in each and every aspects of life

Thus they, the adults, would have made them tooled to face reality and not being wrapped into the actual worldwide stupidity which is the utmost dangerous virus plaguing humanity.

One who does not rely constantly on facts and not being able to discern possible from probable and true from false is cursed right at the beginning of life and is condemned to mental slavery.

Facts, all the facts and nothing but the facts should be the motto if every nation who pretends to real and complete freedom .

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I am not sure what to really think at times. Yet, I do know that strange things are going on. Thank-you for post and recommendation for the book.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023

I share your optimism, Dr, Lawrie!

I think a critical mass of humanity has become conscious that the shadows we've been transfixed by for most of our lives are merely projections on our TV and cinema screens by the puppeteers... and I believe that the internet has played a huge role in raising our awareness of this Grand Deception. As a result, we have turned our heads away from the shadows on the wall and we're peering across the smoke and flames of The Fire towards the dark puppeteers. We're trying to make out their shape and form in order to name them...

Some of us have spotted that beyond the dark puppeteers, there is another source of light, not as bright as The Fire but much more alluring... It slips in through the mouth of the cave, illuminating our path out of Plato's Cave to freedom from the matrix of lies... All we have to do is to discern the difference between Truth versus Falsehood, honest people versus dark puppeteers, Fire versus Sunlight and Goodness versus Evil...

When we exit the cave, we escape the powerful hypnosis of the shadowy stories cast by the dark puppeteers who entrapped us for many generations... and we tumble out into God's creation to rediscover it anew. The dark puppeteers wanted to keep God's creation (including all of humanity) exclusively to themselves for their own exploitation. That is why they tricked and deceived us with all sorts of fearmongering about Mother Nature (despite her abundant gifts) and their fiction of global warming and an angry God who has to be appeased...

Humanity is being called to evolve out of its adolescent state and reach a state of adult maturity, whereby we can more readily exercise our discernment between Truth and Lies, escape from Plato's Cave and grasp true, objective reality on this amazingly beautiful, resource-rich and luscious planet.

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I’m just getting my footing. Help me out here. If, according to Howdie we are a “farm” providing loosh? And so we reincarnate just to keep beings well fed, then WHY are the evildoers on earth trying to depopulate? Aren’t they part of the same evil matrix makers? Wouldn’t they want all the humans to be fruitful and multiply?

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No, You have to leave the Cave first. It is not a matter of theory or conjecture but a matter of direct experience. The rational human mind is of it's own means unable to discern the truth by words or thoughts.By this means you only enter another passage in the Cave. , Just as many well meaning people have solved the post Covid pandemic puzzle... it's another cavern.

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