Your humanitarianism and compassion know no bounds, Tess! Thank you for alerting us to this case and fighting on behalf of the wrongfully convicted.

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Absolutely 💯 Margaret. And thank YOU for putting beautiful and strong words of poetry to these crimes.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Like Mr. Assuage.

The hypocrisy here of letting Hunter B go free and his dad doing similar things with doc but trying to imprison Trump.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Extremely hard to fight the system, even harder when it’s backed up by bad science. If it weren’t for people like you then we would all be doomed one way or another. I hope he can find some peace & isn’t overwhelmed by what the world has become

Thanks for an interesting story.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Ozgirl, we are doomed only if we believe that we must leave it up to incredible humans like Tess to do everything. No. We all have to snap out of our apathy and take up our power. Only then will we free ourselves.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

A really valuable post here, thanks. You showed that the inability to accept that things are wrong is pervasive in the system. The thing is, humans make up that system.

Can I make a few observations?

With myself, when I feel under attack my first instinct, my almost overwhelming instinct is to get defensive. Build a wall. Attack the other party. Just an hour ago I had the urge to do so over a disagreement regarding John Campbell. But I didn't.

Nor did I go the other way and collapse into a pitiful heap of apologies because that is probably why we go defensive to avoid that fate. It's very very expensive to end up like that.

Personally, I like to show a degree of vulnerability. Vulnerability might be for example admitting our own limitations. It helps me avoid getting into a defensive frame of mind which would otherwise wall off valuable thoughts and the way forward. It blows me away that so often, I literally cannot access my own mind!! Wow!

But yeah, being vulnerable also provides stability to avoid being locked into an eternal fight of self justification. A person's existence shouldn't be leveraged against the threat of being wrong.

It's not easy to do and I'm not very good at it but I feel that if we can show ourselves the right way forward, teach ourselves this technique in showing vulnerability (in the right doses), then we can show this technique to other people who could then unlock something which has been very much kept away and denied to them, their own valuable and truthful thoughts, those which will be immensely valuable in constructing a new system and one which it seems the old is devoid of.

We are probably all quite defensive now without any apparent argument in front of us and the possibility of accessing new thoughts blows me away. No implants either. I love this idea! Our own new thoughts and growth!

What does anyone else think about it?

I hope Clive gets some much needed luck in any case. It's long overdue.

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The 'words 'Know thyself' are so very important.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

Signed <3

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Evil has come out of the shadows...

...anyone denying reality is mentally ill or complicit

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So wrong and so sad

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The problem with the simulation theory is, each new simulation begets a race who create their own simulated universe so they stack up like Russian nesting dolls. Until one day the people at the top of the chain finding all these simulations are putting strain on their computer decide to clear the hard drive and reboot. And suddenly we disappear. Everything: the Universe, the Big Bang, the Milky Way, Polynesia, roses, Shakespeare, the thing called Love…all that ever was is gone in a puff and there is no record of any of it ever having existed. Like a MS Word document you deleted last year. Pretty gloomy.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

We are in sort of a simulation, but not what is described.

Our own minds filter out things and add things to reality.

It's the reason why people can seem awake but sleepwalk on issues such as war, COVID, the economy etc.

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There is such a lot to sift through in these times and there are many 'false prophets', some there purposefully to scare us silly...I think it is for us to learn discernment and also to follow our hearts, what we feel, and to practice discernment there too, in order to determine if fear motivates us much of the time and to learn to put fear in it's proper place, which is where danger actually lies, and dismiss imagined fears that haven't occurred if there is no basis for such fears.

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It reminds me the excellent movie ¨In the Name of the Father¨ with Daniel Day-Lewis. It is based on a true story.

In the Name of the Father Official Trailer #1 - Daniel Day-Lewis Movie (1993)


In the Name of the Father (1993) - Not to Be Shown to the Defense Scene (9/10) | Movieclips 3:29 min


In the Name of the Father (1993) - I Will Fight On! Scene (10/10) | Movieclips 2:19 min


In The Name Of The Father end scene and credits 7:37 min


¨In the Name of the Father Trailer - Directed by Jim Sheridan and starring Philip King, Nye Heron, Daniel Day-Lewis, Anthony Brophy, Frankie McCafferty. A small time thief from Belfast, Gerry Conlon, is falsely implicated in the IRA bombing of a pub that kills several people while he is in London. He and his four friends are coerced by British police into confessing their guilt. Gerry's father and other relatives in London are also implicated in the crime. He spends fifteen years in prison with his father trying to prove his innocence.¨

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

I seem to remember this case from the nineties. Read about in the paper. They were going to be released after 16 years in prison on a trumped-up charge. On reopening the case they were pronounced innocent and could have been handed back their stolen freedom just a few days before Christmas. Except that the judge was not inclined to bother. What's a few days more after sixteen years? That was His Worship's reasoning.

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Tsipora - Try to watch first minutes of ¨In The Name Of The Father end scene and credit.¨ 7:37 min. They were released right away.


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God where do we go from here?

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At least, the judge was honest and released him, so this is good.

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Yeah but just now I watched the video that came next. It was one of Gerry Conlon's latest public addresses, at Trinity. Utterly moving.

However that story I referred to was in the nineties, of that I am sure.

There have been quite a few though I fear.

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Then I remember another case, unless my respectable paper (that I have canceled since the big Scam) was lying even then. But I'll watch anyway.

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We have a lot of those in the States as well. Two that come to mind are Bloodsworth (1984 - the first to be exonerated using DNA evidence) and Michael Morton (1986). The Innocence Project does work here that it should not have to do!



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Watching the Michael Morton story on Netflix, was a divine experience for me!!

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hectic....but it states only british or uk residents are allowed to sign. I am currenlty in the throes of approaching teh constitutional court in relation to a fourteen year saga with the KZN education department. You just cannot make this stuff up. What began as a case of unfair dismissal has evolved to a case of 'breach of contract' as more and more 'truths' have co me to light over the years, while being 'trapped' within arbitration and then LC review procedures. And all of this where hte ED. Dept have never had a leg to stand on!! They have done everything to thwart this case by any means necessary. It was discovered five years later (arbtration hearing 2010) that vital application forms were withheld by the Ed. dept Rep, that would have settled the case decisively back then.... and so it goes. I have been forced to self represent so havae been doing all the legal work myself. My case to the CC concerns the violation of my right to a fair hearing...and the revelation that the principal of the school had lured me into employment in his school by offering me the option of a permanent post. It was revealed in 2015 court case, unanimously confirmed by the Ed. Dpt witnesses that the headmaster had 'no authority' to offer me a permanent post. This point was completely ignored by the arbitrator. i.e. that I had been employed under false pretense. ....and....so...it....goes....

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Someone once said...'The law is an ass', but it is far worse than that, it is a shackle around all our ankles and the more people are made aware of this fact...thank you so much Tess and Prof. Naughton for your big hearts and good words...the more there will be a pendulum swing in the other direction.

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Hey Dr. Tess.

We are trying to reach you for a potential collaboration.

We are Biyaku, a sexuality app with courses and guided meditations... You can check our Substack and Instagram below.



If you are interested at all, mail to mete@biyaku.me please. Love...

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Clive Freeman is and more importantly was a troublemaker for the system at the time of the crime.

My guess reading about the crime is that it was arranged. They sacrificed the alcoholic victim to set Clive up for murder. A double win for evil.

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When reading much that is written, my Heart goes out to those who have suffered, and who continue to suffer, due to actions of ignorance, selfishness, pride, indifference, greed, lust, violence and hatred. The following words come to mind: "When you witness 'wrongdoing' and you stand by and do nothing, you become part of that wrongdoing." It takes enormous Courage and often great personal sacrifice to stand for what is 'Right Action' and for what is 'Good'. Particularly when the forces of ignorance and even evil are aligned against that ''wrong' being avoided, brought to Light and/or 'righted'. Why are we Awakening? Why are we being made aware of the plight of fellow human beings, the suffering of animate beings which can't stand up for themselves and of the risks to this Planet's natural and precious biodiversity? Are we, along with so many fellow human beings, feeling a stirring into action in response to a ''Clarion Call'' from Within? Without those courageous, Good Hearted Souls who have shown us the Way, by their example, throughout History, Humanity might well have experienced more frequent attacks on what it really means to ''be Human'' and even darker times... So much is possible. So much can be achieved, right now, if and when many join Hearts, Heads and Hands with Courage, Faith, Determination and Good Will. We can literally help to lay the Foundations for a New World in which future generations can thrive... A New Way of Living IS possible!

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Utterly gripping interview, Tess, and a real revelation as to the flaws of the judicial system! The reluctance to challenge Prof Shepherd with his celebrity status sounds awfully reminiscent of how certain celebrity-status / high-ranking individuals within institutions (police, TV, NHS, etc) can be protected. Also very much reminded me of the corruptibility of the likes of Andrew Hill and other bought and paid for 'scientists' to produce a desired outcome.

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