I am interested in what plans are in place to replace the WHO with the WCH globally as an alternative. You should be talking to the new global leaders like RFK Jr, Donald Trump and Pierre Polievre.

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We are concerned that RFK jr is being pressured to back off the vaccine issues and Pres. Trump is going forward with AI and mRNA technology full speed ahead. I don't wish to become part of the Internet of Things or have white clots clogging up my arteries. As someone that grew up a short distance from the Canadian border, I'm glad to see the recent changes occurring in Canada. Ousting Trudeau was a huge big step in the right direction, eh? Now, please get rid of MAiD before that spreads to other countries like a turbo cancer.

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Trudeau is still here and they are trying to put a new WEF member in to replace him before the elections.

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Great video! The nice easy-going Canadian cannot be so tolerant of globalization of control! We must consider our future generations.

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And this will morph into another WHO. NO THANKS! The current WEF and WHO people will most likely apply for the jobs and use their past affiliation with as qualifications.. NO THANKS A SECOND TIME.

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It won’t. The WCH is a nonprofit that is NOT funded by big pharma in any way. They do amazing work. You should watch the documentary called A Letter to Dr Andrew Hill. It will blow your mind and convince you that the WCH is a much better alternative.

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We don't need an alternative. Health is better addressed locally and better addressed by people experienced in delivering health care and by those with knowledge of the basic sciences involved. And the "non profit" thing is a blindfold. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is non profit but have no fear...it is de facto run by government. All the NGOs that brought all the illegals here are non profits.

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But it’s not handled better locally. Take Quebec as an example. During the plandemic, they had 2 lockdowns and the health minister at the time, lied to justify the second lockdown. He used data from the first lockdown to justify the second one.

Moving it locally also doesn’t allow great work from people like Dr Lawrie to be implemented in local communities.

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Nothing guarantees anything but as a general rule the larger and farther away the governing body is the less concern there will be for the locals and the less specific the response and the longer the response will take and the more difficult it will be to object to whatever you don't think applies to your area. And again that non profit status means absolutely nothing. Big Pharma will worm its way in and hide it from you and the farther away they are the easier it will be to do.

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Would you please post research findings demonstrating Ivermectin 's efficacy in successfully treating cancer.

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I don't see why we need any of these councils at all. And, it sounds like the WHO has been thoroughly discredited, so they come up with a new governing body to keep the grift going. We don't need any global health agencies. It's nuts. And dangerous for civil society.

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Why are donations in British currency?

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Because the WCH is based in England.

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I chose no vaccines many years ago, now 80, and well but following the protocol for Covid Vaccine Shedding! So many friends with serious health issues including cancers, including multiple organs, ALS, clots requiring surgery and stints.

Shunned by some, but accepted as many friends tolerate me as just being “odd” in not trusting the Government “that is elected to look after our health and well being.”

Myrna Kerr

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You are not alone in rejecting the jabs. I did the same so did my now nearly 90 year old Mum whose husband, my Dad, died 2 years ago after having the jabs. I couldn't persuade him not to have them the same as nearly everyone in my family whose long term health is unclear although some have experienced blood clots and cancer associated with these jabs. I wouldn't trust the WHO or medical profession ever again.

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I was wondering how they managed to get Simeon virus 40 into clot/cancer shot as no virus has ever been proven to exist.

It appears that they have the DNA sequence and it was readily available for insertion into the vials. Looks like batch and number of shots key.

SV-40 derived DNA constructs comprising exogenous DNA sequences


Sv-40 derived dna constructs comprising exogenous dna sequences


Seems that have multiple patents so the create the disease then the attempt to cure it only they don’t you just receive endless expensive treatment then you die.

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It looks like there is some good momentum! Great video.

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We don’t need the “world council” of anything as we don’t need the WHO! All are corrupted agenda driven pigs with their snouts in the trough. WHO and big pharma haven’t cured anyone in over 40 years, but they’ve made billions and medically enslaved billions with damaging drugs and vaccines. They know nothing about health!! Each country needs a group of health leaders that focus on lifestyle, food and herbs and spices to drive people away from almost all processed foods and promote natural fresh and chemical free lifestyles. Tell the rest to “foxtrot Oscar”

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Great video, I will be sharing on my Facebook page.

My children and their families all live in Canada including my beautiful grandson who is only a few months old.

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Is Cdn. Govt censorship the reason your video appeared as a blank white screen?

I listened to the entire audio and agree completely. The Cdn truckers motivated world wide attention, inspired and embodied our " True North Strong and Free" anthem.

The WCH upholds this spirit and deserves our support in the face of the treachery we, and the world, has been subjected to.

Be fearless, for the battle will be long.

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