We know COVID had an IFR like the flu, before the problematic shots.
And think about it, if they could really do GOF, how exactly would a super deadly disease spread if it kills? People would naturally stay home and isolate.
Perhaps it's because all of this is just pseudoscience vaporware. It's a money laundering operation, IMHO.
I don't subscribe to the "GOF virus" narrative. I believe much like Scurvy was a vitamin C deficiency, "CvD" (flu-like) symptoms were caused by a combination of things that culminated in an experience of increased toxicity and a decrease in vitamin D.
Electromagnetic Frequencies + Toxification = "COVID-19" (prove me wrong)
Should I be correct, then more research would be required by the "Health Freedom Movement" regarding how they could have been herded/fooled into thinking an emailed computer sequence actually originated from a mucosal sample taken from a patient in Wuhan and sequenced by Illumina.
Could "they" have pre-created the "Spike Protein" computer sequence for a pre-planned PLANdemic
More concerning than this would be having to contemplate how synergistic attacks of Electromagnetic frequencies, externally introduced and internally injected toxins can be used to perpetuate PLANdemic narratives which lead to more "immunization" (biotech warfare). I this regard an evolved AI structure could be used to initiate the necessary frequency burst in order to activate the symptoms required for mass panic.
Electromagnetic Programable Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) & Bio-Synthetic Life Forms (Spike Glycol-Proteins) - Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
Tess mentioned GOF and viruses above, but I don't think this necessarily means "GOF virus".
The existence of viruses is one debate, but there can be GOF in any bioweapon - for example, the toxic jabs that they call 'vaccines'. Such GOF research is reprehensible. Fauci and others need to be held to account. Arguments about the existence of viruses must not obstruct this. On this point, we must all be united.
Glyphosate is a "gain-of-function" toxic pesticide. The "Spike Protein" amino acid computer sequence had the ACE-2 furin cleaver sequence incorporated. SARS-1 had a human ACE-2 furin clever sequence added to the genome sequence of the "virus" part of it's sequence i.e. not the "Spike" part. I believe when it was decided to use the mRNA platform, the ACE-2 furin cleaver sequence was moved across to the "Spike Protein" part of the full sequence of the designed "SARS-CoV-2" sequence. So! yes - the "Spike Protein" was a computer-designed "G-o-F" TOXIN.
If I wanted to comment on the existence of "viruses" I could have added tons of other information. I believe that it is more pertinent to understand how this "Spike Protein" computer sequence was designed, how novel flu-like symptoms were created & amplified, and what this means looking forward, the real danger. Somehow it seems that what you have picked up is my one remark regarding "virus" existence. Sure this is a touchy subject, but if what I've put down in my comment is ignored (x3 linked articles) because of the cognitive dissonance around the "virus" issue and the need to affirm modifications to toxins are real, then collectively have a serious problem.
What I've laid out is extremely serious.
One can not hold Fauci accountable as the perspective of what went on is completely misunderstood by the Health Freedom Movement and this Fauci witchhunt is being deliberately used against the HFM. It is extremely frustrating to see the HFM being herded like this. Fauci should have been tried for the Remdesivir murders and should still be, on that, I also have tons of information.
Yes, I may have misinterpreted the direction of your comments.
Of course, there are many crimes that Fauci could be prosecuted for. The more the better, including GoF, because it would expose more of the overall attack on humanity.
Regarding the pre-existence of the spike, Dr David Martin has dug out a huge amount of information on this. It goes back many years.
I agree that a toxin was created for the injections, but I don't agree that We contagiously spread an "invisible virus" in 2020. I believe the "Lab Leak" story is designed to herd people between the two options of "Natural Origin" or "Lab Leak" - this gives the Jab Manufacturers the justification to create their "protective" product. The re-emergence of the ACE-2 furin cleaver is a giveaway. Yes! I am aware of Dr. Martin's brilliant research, it's not easy for him to stay out of the "virus" debate :).
I discovered that DDT was in the polio jabs. I believe an abuse of Hormesis Science is going on i.e. people are exposed to the toxin externally and internally (injected) i.e. Graphene Oxide was found in masks, medications, and cereal .. then it was also put into the jabs. The hydrogel used has one layer of graphene that can be aerosolized. There is no reason why the "Spike Protein" sequence could not also have been created into synthetic nanoparticles and introduced into the microbiome in 2020. The RT-PCR test can not qualify a single person "contracted a virus" i.e. this was deliberately abused in 2020 to create the fictitious "data" that "virus believers" would swallow as being "virus" affirming.
At one point Dr. Robert Malone (receive x2 jabs) and Dr. Richard Fleming promoted the mRNA bioweapons based on "data" they believed to be true i.e. they had NO IDEA what they were doing. They BELIEVED false "data" and thought people receiving a toxic product could ensure they stayed out of the hospital i.e. Immunology is a CULT belief system and so it's important to know who the High Priests are i.e. yes GoF toxin, no GoF "virus".
One has to understand the Bolus Effect to understand how most jabs don't end up hurting the recipient, but mRNA jabs use the organ bypassing hydrogel, making it more harmful. All jabs are full of unhealthy ingredients, none promote health or alleged "immunity". We build a resistance to toxic crap i.e. injecting a little DDT (Hormesis) can create a resistance to DDT. Inject too much and the recipient could end up with "Polio".
I have used aromatherapy for nearly 30 years through inhalers, burners, showers and baths with essential oils and Epsom salts. I experienced only mild cold symptoms throughout the Convid pandemic and refused the jabs rolled out by Boris Johnson's government.
There appears to have been 'gain of function' research into making 'stuff' more harmful and toxic to humans. The discussion clearly shows this to be bio-weapon research. It must stop, and those perpetrating it held to account. End of.
You can insert any word you like for 'stuff', but the common enemy is clear. Disputing what others *on the same side* put there is mischief-making and it divides us.
If gain of function research has been such an outstanding success,
Where is the science?
It is a serious question.
Where are all the lab studies?
And all of the published papers?
Clearly, if you are the type of person who is convinced that they pulled a rabbit out of a hat, ( I mean really pulled a rabbit out of a hat) you’d want to see how they did it.
And, Scientists being Scientists, they would be screaming from the rooftops, wanting to show you what they did, and to take credit.
Hi Dr. Lawrie. May I ask a favour? Dr. William Makis' X account has been hacked. Please see his Feb. 18 Substack for explanation. He needs friends to report the incident to X. I do not know how to even do that. Maybe you and your friends can help? The hackers got John Campbell too on X.
We know COVID had an IFR like the flu, before the problematic shots.
And think about it, if they could really do GOF, how exactly would a super deadly disease spread if it kills? People would naturally stay home and isolate.
Perhaps it's because all of this is just pseudoscience vaporware. It's a money laundering operation, IMHO.
Hi Tess,
I don't subscribe to the "GOF virus" narrative. I believe much like Scurvy was a vitamin C deficiency, "CvD" (flu-like) symptoms were caused by a combination of things that culminated in an experience of increased toxicity and a decrease in vitamin D.
Electromagnetic Frequencies + Toxification = "COVID-19" (prove me wrong)
Should I be correct, then more research would be required by the "Health Freedom Movement" regarding how they could have been herded/fooled into thinking an emailed computer sequence actually originated from a mucosal sample taken from a patient in Wuhan and sequenced by Illumina.
Could "they" have pre-created the "Spike Protein" computer sequence for a pre-planned PLANdemic
More concerning than this would be having to contemplate how synergistic attacks of Electromagnetic frequencies, externally introduced and internally injected toxins can be used to perpetuate PLANdemic narratives which lead to more "immunization" (biotech warfare). I this regard an evolved AI structure could be used to initiate the necessary frequency burst in order to activate the symptoms required for mass panic.
Electromagnetic Programable Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) & Bio-Synthetic Life Forms (Spike Glycol-Proteins) - Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
You are welcome to ask Shabnam about my view, or respond or contact me - hewettinsite@gmail.com - I believe my perspective should not be ignored.
Tess mentioned GOF and viruses above, but I don't think this necessarily means "GOF virus".
The existence of viruses is one debate, but there can be GOF in any bioweapon - for example, the toxic jabs that they call 'vaccines'. Such GOF research is reprehensible. Fauci and others need to be held to account. Arguments about the existence of viruses must not obstruct this. On this point, we must all be united.
yes - exactly, hence the reason why I added the following link to my response to Tess's article -
Could "they" have pre-created the "Spike Protein" computer sequence for a pre-planned PLANdemic
Glyphosate is a "gain-of-function" toxic pesticide. The "Spike Protein" amino acid computer sequence had the ACE-2 furin cleaver sequence incorporated. SARS-1 had a human ACE-2 furin clever sequence added to the genome sequence of the "virus" part of it's sequence i.e. not the "Spike" part. I believe when it was decided to use the mRNA platform, the ACE-2 furin cleaver sequence was moved across to the "Spike Protein" part of the full sequence of the designed "SARS-CoV-2" sequence. So! yes - the "Spike Protein" was a computer-designed "G-o-F" TOXIN.
If I wanted to comment on the existence of "viruses" I could have added tons of other information. I believe that it is more pertinent to understand how this "Spike Protein" computer sequence was designed, how novel flu-like symptoms were created & amplified, and what this means looking forward, the real danger. Somehow it seems that what you have picked up is my one remark regarding "virus" existence. Sure this is a touchy subject, but if what I've put down in my comment is ignored (x3 linked articles) because of the cognitive dissonance around the "virus" issue and the need to affirm modifications to toxins are real, then collectively have a serious problem.
What I've laid out is extremely serious.
One can not hold Fauci accountable as the perspective of what went on is completely misunderstood by the Health Freedom Movement and this Fauci witchhunt is being deliberately used against the HFM. It is extremely frustrating to see the HFM being herded like this. Fauci should have been tried for the Remdesivir murders and should still be, on that, I also have tons of information.
Yes, I may have misinterpreted the direction of your comments.
Of course, there are many crimes that Fauci could be prosecuted for. The more the better, including GoF, because it would expose more of the overall attack on humanity.
Regarding the pre-existence of the spike, Dr David Martin has dug out a huge amount of information on this. It goes back many years.
I agree that a toxin was created for the injections, but I don't agree that We contagiously spread an "invisible virus" in 2020. I believe the "Lab Leak" story is designed to herd people between the two options of "Natural Origin" or "Lab Leak" - this gives the Jab Manufacturers the justification to create their "protective" product. The re-emergence of the ACE-2 furin cleaver is a giveaway. Yes! I am aware of Dr. Martin's brilliant research, it's not easy for him to stay out of the "virus" debate :).
I discovered that DDT was in the polio jabs. I believe an abuse of Hormesis Science is going on i.e. people are exposed to the toxin externally and internally (injected) i.e. Graphene Oxide was found in masks, medications, and cereal .. then it was also put into the jabs. The hydrogel used has one layer of graphene that can be aerosolized. There is no reason why the "Spike Protein" sequence could not also have been created into synthetic nanoparticles and introduced into the microbiome in 2020. The RT-PCR test can not qualify a single person "contracted a virus" i.e. this was deliberately abused in 2020 to create the fictitious "data" that "virus believers" would swallow as being "virus" affirming.
At one point Dr. Robert Malone (receive x2 jabs) and Dr. Richard Fleming promoted the mRNA bioweapons based on "data" they believed to be true i.e. they had NO IDEA what they were doing. They BELIEVED false "data" and thought people receiving a toxic product could ensure they stayed out of the hospital i.e. Immunology is a CULT belief system and so it's important to know who the High Priests are i.e. yes GoF toxin, no GoF "virus".
One has to understand the Bolus Effect to understand how most jabs don't end up hurting the recipient, but mRNA jabs use the organ bypassing hydrogel, making it more harmful. All jabs are full of unhealthy ingredients, none promote health or alleged "immunity". We build a resistance to toxic crap i.e. injecting a little DDT (Hormesis) can create a resistance to DDT. Inject too much and the recipient could end up with "Polio".
I have used aromatherapy for nearly 30 years through inhalers, burners, showers and baths with essential oils and Epsom salts. I experienced only mild cold symptoms throughout the Convid pandemic and refused the jabs rolled out by Boris Johnson's government.
Anyone still pushing virology and ‘GoF’ research nonsense at this point simply cannot be trusted Tess.
I don’t know your motives. I don’t know if WCH is another TWC or not.
I can’t look into your brain to work out if you are helping the perpetrators out of ignorance or design.
But it doesn’t matter really which it is.
There appears to have been 'gain of function' research into making 'stuff' more harmful and toxic to humans. The discussion clearly shows this to be bio-weapon research. It must stop, and those perpetrating it held to account. End of.
You can insert any word you like for 'stuff', but the common enemy is clear. Disputing what others *on the same side* put there is mischief-making and it divides us.
There was NO PANDEMIC!
Why do most of the non mainstream media still called the BS plandemic that?
Dear Mr. Robert Malone,
If gain of function research has been such an outstanding success,
Where is the science?
It is a serious question.
Where are all the lab studies?
And all of the published papers?
Clearly, if you are the type of person who is convinced that they pulled a rabbit out of a hat, ( I mean really pulled a rabbit out of a hat) you’d want to see how they did it.
And, Scientists being Scientists, they would be screaming from the rooftops, wanting to show you what they did, and to take credit.
But no.
Instead …
You sit and clap.
Oh please, not another Tier 2 pseudo science cul de sac to spin around in. Come on, this is 2025 now.
Hi Dr. Lawrie. May I ask a favour? Dr. William Makis' X account has been hacked. Please see his Feb. 18 Substack for explanation. He needs friends to report the incident to X. I do not know how to even do that. Maybe you and your friends can help? The hackers got John Campbell too on X.
Children’s Health Defense
Documentary “Introducing Homeopathy.” Free. TODAY. CHD.TV
10 a.m. ET or 6 p.m. ET - February 17, 2025
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