I agree we must be on drugs or hypnotised and that unfortunately applies to many medical professionals as well as us.

Dr John Campbell has worked for years in medicine and nurse education. He was initially a supporter of the Covid19 vaccinations and had the jabs but over time has studied the data and realised we are being taken for a ride by those who have been tasked with ensuring our health. He pulls no punches in this video and discusses a recent Italian meta analysis that shows the benefit of Vitamin D3 in dealing with Covid.

In a recent interview in Australia Bill Gates (not a doctor) says the vaccines have been found not to work, did not prevent transmission or infection so what do we do?

Dr Campbell explains the results of a number of Vitamin D3 studies. For example they have found D3 provides a Pulmonary Barrier that is 72% effectove in the prevention of Covid19 - the difference between feeling sick or going into an ICU.

Vitamin D3 at sufficient blood serum levels (75 nmol/L) reduces the inflammatory processes that so often lead to death.

It really is a scandal and we need to optimise the population's vitamin d3 he says.


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Watching John Campbell has been an interesting experience as he morphs from a caterpillar to a butterfly.

Fly John Fly.

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Yes it has been an interesting journey for us all. Knowing about Vitamin D3 for a decade helped me find out the truth about the Plandemic.

He was very cautious as we all should be. I took 6 months to evaluate the information about Vitamin D3 before taking it, then I imported tablets that were 50,000 IU or 1250 microgram and raised my serum level to around 210 nmol/L. I am looking forward to a video from Dr Campbell about how D3 at higher serum levels ie above 125 nmol/L prevent cancer. It is known that 98% of solid cancers occur in the epithelium, that is why surgery can be so beneficial if caught early enough. Vitamin D3 keeps tight junctions in the epithelium preventing cells from losing contact with their mates and if any do get free, D3 causes apoptosis so they cannot move to the growing stage where they start cell division. Finally if they do form a lesion somewhere and begin vascularisation to get nutrients to grow, D3 blocks this function. There are other effects which I would have to look up but if any cancer drug did just these three things we would be paying a lot for it and would hear about it every day.

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Last time I had it checked (25 hydroxy vit D3) it was 132.2 ng/ml. Colds/flu can't replicate. ...ask my doctor for Ivermectin, he said they would fire him, he got fired anyway, BY ME! I nebulize with H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) never get any virus. Been doing it for years, never sick.

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If you are Australian, the pharmacist would refuse to fill the prescription even if the doctor was foolish enough to write it. Both would lose their licence to practice if they tried.

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Yes my sister in Australia originally put me on to Vitamin D3 but now the most she can buy is around 1000 IU. Not nearly enough. She has managed to survive RA so far and gets her Vitamin D3 from overseas using online vendors. The UN is sponsoring an agenda Codex Alimentus to remove nutrients sold as supplements. I am lucky Spain seems to be behind the curve and Germany has a lot of good supplements. I am using Nicotinic Acid the flushing kind to reduce the nerve damage due to Spinal Stenosis. This is banned in Australia. We need to become activists and stop this relentless process of removing cheap and effective nutrients. Even the FDA is arguing that N-acetyle-L-cysteine should be banned because it is used in a hospital setting as an antidote to paracetamol overdose.

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They will stand before GOD one day and give an account of themselves. If it is the White Throne judgement, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire! GOD said: whatsorever a man soeth so shall he also reap. (KJV). GOD does not forget. God has a perfect memory. GOD said: be sure your sin will find you out! They will pay for ETERNITY ETERNITY ETERNITY, that means forever! Here we have

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Last check had (25 Hydroxy D3) of 132.2 ng/ml. I catch nothing. Forgo K2, have to have that. MOST IMPORTANTLY: nebulize with H2O2 and never get another virus including: black death/ebola/aids/covid/+no more sinus headaches/no more sinus congestion. For $0.05 a day we can deprive the pill pushers MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. If you can't self medicate, u/r in trouble.

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Thank you for this Dr. Tess! Karen bracken posted this as a meme today. It ties in so will with your post I'll share it. "Medicine is sun, breath, meditation, plants, food, love, community, exercise. We have been conditioned to view it as a pill."

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Spot on, thank you for sharing!

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100% correct.

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I wonder if we are looking at this problem upside down? What if compliance to a narrative is "normal" for the human being? What if questioning the paradigm IS abnormal behaviour.

If we have a "normal" enough childhood, we slot comfortably into a narrative and can stay there for most or all of our lives. There is an almost infinite number of tribes operating within the narrative, so if things get a bit rough around the edges, we can shift from one tribe to another without ever exiting the narrative. However, some of us were born into families that were already excluded from the narrative. I had a psychic mother and a mystical father, and neither found themselves a comfortable resting place within an organization that gave them safety. They tried to go it alone, and somehow in my childhood, without ever, to my knowledge being told, I learned to keep this part of my life and our lives, secret from the outside world. I knew it was not safe to talk about it.

But being an intelligent child, I could not accept that my family (including myself) were either mad or bad, so I had to look around for an explanation that satisfied both the non-material world facts I lived with, and my very demanding sense of logic. During my adult life I tried to find my safe place by exploring every weirdo belief system and cult I could find. I went to their meetings, I followed their practices, and was warned so often that they could capture my mind. I used to joke that if they could get my mind they were welcome to it. I did the same with political organisations and even health modalities, forever seeking that group of people who thought like me. What a blessed relief it would be to conform to a narrative and so feel safe. But it never happened. I have lived my life outside of any obvious narrative, as I watch people I respect, or once respected, allowing their minds to be captured by a narrative within THE narrative, so that they can feel safe.

So what if people who have found a narrative they are comfortable to live within, are the normal ones? What if that is what humans beings really are? Of course they are going to protect their mental homes every bit as much as they would protect their physical homes from invasion. What if those of us living outside a comfortable safe narrative are the odd ones out? What if we question everything, not because we are clever, but because we feel unsafe as our default state and have learned how to live there, exposed, vulnerable and alone?

We can understand how the narrative controls us, when we catch some aspect of ourselves that has been living comfortably and blindly within it's rules. Even I have caught an aspect in me recently, related to health. I was brought up outside of mainstream medicine as well, but I had not spotted that I have conformed to a mainstream narrative rule, that health is complicated and that it is hard work to stay healthy, and that it takes pain, effort and dedication. That belief pervades both mainstream and holistic medicine. A few years back I discovered a quick exercise that removes depression by generating the happy drugs in the brain, quickly and easily - about 3 minutes of our precious time. Will anyone use it when I explain it? No. No-one wants their existential angst reduced to a 3 minute exercise, so they won't even try it. And even I, who has changed my mood successfully over many years using it, still forget to do it when I drop to my lowest Why will even my brain not take it on as my default behaviour?

Recently I have been experimenting with some bio-hacks that come largely out of Asian traditions, but not exclusively, to treat the various forms of neuropathy and dysautonomia that have beset me since my run in with covid or 5G - I suspect the latter. Last night I did a new exercise - 3 minutes worth to treat peripheral neuropathy - thinking "It can't be this easy". Instantly my symptoms dropped to about 20% and I woke up symptom free this morning for the first time in 9 months. Time will tell how long lasting or reliable this treatment is, but I will have to fight my own disbelief that it really can be this easy. I have also being doing vagus nerve exercises. When I came across them, I rejected the possibility that they could really work to fix dysautonomia. Too easy, my mind says. But they are working. Our culture entrains us, even we rebels, into thinking everything is so hard, and it is just so hard to give that belief up. Surely we can live some part of our lives on auto-pilot? It seems not.

So seriously, is it reasonable to expect that "normies" are going to be able to integrate the idea that not only can we not trust our governments, our churches, and our medical profession, but that these three bastions of normal life are actually out to kill us? Shheeesh, that is hard enough for we outsiders to fully absorb. It must be nigh on impossible for insiders.

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So many great points here. Thank you. I've subscribed to your sub-stack. I'd love to know the 3 minute exercises you use. And I totally identify with how you express our lack of discipline to follow up on simple things that work well. Strange indeed!

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I am getting organised to start posting this little hacks as separate posts on Substack so I have a library of them.

Jimmy Yen has lots of good exercises, but he has not mastered the technology, so it is hard to find quality versions. It is the first short section of this video, although the rest is probably worthwhile to understand the problem.


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Thanks Christine. I just tried spinning. :) Will definitely be adding it into my daily disciplines.

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Thank you Christine, for putting this into words. As you say - looking at it upside down. You have clarified something important for me that I've been wrestling with for a very long time. I'm grateful.

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Yes, I completely agree with your last point . It is just too hard for people to accept how nefarious our governments are. What is the 3 minute excercise for depression? Very interested to know so I can try!

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You know, not every mountain is supposed to be moved. Some ARE supposed to be Climbed.

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I’ve asked that question too.

A meme I saw

If you ever wondered how you’d behave in Germany 1930’s.

Now you know.

So this ability to let go of all critical thinking skills , a collective insanity has been around for forever. Like you said. Governments actual definition…

Exaggerating it worse with Big Pharma / Rockefeller taking over medicine and Gates making a 20-1 return on his eugenics investments.

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I love this series, but I have known and read about those atrocities for many decades. The parallels to Mao and the Russian Revolution and the Third Reich and the French Revolution and Year Zero in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge, are clear to anyone who has experienced those things or read about them, but young people aren't educated in those histories, so their pattern recognition doesn't kick in. Learning of any of those atrocities and the parallels has got to be very very disturbing the first time one is exposed to them. Back in the Paleozoic, in high school, I read This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen. It devastated me. I hope there is support somewhere for people watching that film series, which is magnificent.

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Here's a treatment for anxiety and depression that has been buried for a while now. Back in the 60s, the founder of AA (Bill Wilson) was told that niacin (nicotinic acid - a form of vitamin B3) might help. After three weeks, he found it did. His life-long depression went away, and he found it was much easier to stop drinking. Here's the pamphlet he wrote about it.


Note that niacin is cheap, non-addicting, and unpatentable. It sounds too good to be true. B3 reminds me a lot of vitamin D for respiratory viruses. But niacin worked for me, and so does vitamin D - for the two different issues. Both appear "too good to be true."

In the (above) article, the author noted (about) a 75% response rate to B3 therapy. If you want to know more, look up "Hoffer" and "niacin". Here's one more reference.


Note: RDA for B3 is 16 mg - kinda like RDA for D3 is 600 IU. Hoffer used doses of B3 far stronger than this. I'm not a doctor, and this is not medical advice - my post is intended just as a starting point for your own research.

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I also like L-Tryptophan. 500 mg a day. ¨Tryptophan (also called L-tryprophan) is an essential amino acid that acts like a natural mood regulator, since it has the ability to help the body produce and balance certain hormones naturally.¨ Do your own research. Read More https://draxe.com/nutrition/tryptophan/

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Wow. Understand and relate very deeply to all of that you said in this piece. I've been thinking about this too. Contemplating where to go from here.

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We get what we wish in the main. We tolerate feckless leaders who get re-elected repeatedly by the public (and now perhaps by shenanigans behind the scenes). Clearly the public doesn't care after being duped into innate tribalism. The nightly news or most news is full of scripted, often poll tested drivel limiting their span to selected stories designed to inflame and affirm our tribes. So many thinking there is no hope turn to numb that anxiety.

Have we forgotten where our libraries are, to study history of peoples? Are we no longer able to seek out viewpoints and find these Substack writers who often are much more tuned in to the clear failures of leadership? Many have lost their curiosity to seek truth; they abhor change but speak of it. Alas, many lose hope and devolve into that addled drug induced state.

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We need to show a united front and gently wake those from there long sleep.It is difficult for many to accept that all they thought as sacred and true is an inversion of the truth.The over seers need human complacitity to allow them access to this realm ,these times and our actions are absolutely pivotal and this comes from someone who is not religious in the traditional use of this word.

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Revisited the Wall recently which is always worth while .

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As has been argued a very long time ago.

If you don't believe in something, you'll fall for anything.

Brainwashing begins by destroying a persons centre, foundational beliefs etc., once that's done you can do pretty much anything with said person, even swap in a new set of foundational beliefs without them even realizing what's happening to them.

Our current world wide situation has been a textbook study. Some smart guy has realized if you can strip out a person's core beliefs (they no longer have a centre to their person and sense of being) and you say "boo" they respond by running from the fear, rather than being governed by reason and facts.

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Much of it is mere tradition; the default to authority, the outsourcing of one’s own common sense. The great lumbering ship of humanity needs a wide arc to turn if she be turned at all. Terence McKenna is correct when he says no one knows anything. No one does. Quantum mechanics has shown us that the state of matter is very unstable, with that as a basis alone one can reliably say - you don’t anything about anything. Forget what other people tell you - the news media, experts and professionals. Make up your own mind about stuff and be in “the felt presence of immediate experience.” There’s no reason you need to be led and the people who claim to be our leaders are doing an unimaginably bad job of it. So forget all that. Say NO lots. Say NO just cos you can. Become your own hero. This is YOUR life. Make it wonderful for everyone and everything.

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and for any little thing most people run to the doctor. A broken nail? a bad stomach? to the doctor! People have forgotten to listen to their bodies and to take care of themselves. For everything there is a pill! For most there is also alternative - homeapathics, massage, meditation, chi, etc. All non invasive and supporting the body instead of breaking it down.

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Have You ever read " The fear of freedom " and "Discourse on voluntary servitude " ?

You should.

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What is a ‘low vibrational state’?

Not being difficult, but I’ve seen so many references to this, or similar, in the alt truth movement, but I don’t know what it actually means.

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It's a loaded question Malcolm but I will attempt a partial answer.

We have had a mechanistic view of life, promoted through the education system and the current medical paradigm. Quantum physics shows that energy and matter are interchangeable.

An energetic imbalance e.g. an acute shock can upset the material body and produce illness. The best example being a married couple who've been together most of their lives, one dies and the other follows soon after.

For too long we have focused on only the material, denying that the energetic vibration needs to be acknowledged as well.

This article, written in 1999 explains the interrelationship of us to everything else.


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I think it often isn't comfortably numb. There is a wall - or a cold hardness - inside some otherwise caring people. I just wrote about my attempt to reach one of these people. THE TITLE: I failed. An epic fail? Or just another plain jane everyday fail? https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/i-failed-an-epic-fail-or-just-another I RECEIVED AN ANSWER (I changed the name but the person did know whom I was talking about): He was going to take it on the chin. That was so much not the intent. But something inside him made it easier to take it on the chin than to face whatever it was inside him that was blocking him from listening and hearing and caring.

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