Doctors of conscience have been put in an extraordinarily vulnerable position over the past two years, and that vulnerability is only increasing with the passage of laws like California’s AB2098 (the most Stalinist of the medical tyranny bills I protested in my letter to the California legislature: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature).

In the US, Senators Ben Ray Luján and Chris Murphy recently proposed S.3737, the Promoting Public Health Information Act. This would in essence establish a Ministry of Truth for public health at the federal level. Strangely, I have not heard anyone else bringing attention to this besides Dr. Meryl Nass.

I just published my letter calling on US legislators to reject S.3737 and include instructions in the Action Alerts so others can contact their legislators about this bill and other threats to free speech:

• “Letter to US Legislators: #DefundTheThoughtPolice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-us-legislators-defundthethoughtpolice)

On another note, I am thrilled to hear you will be speaking with the fearless Dolores Cahill. She was one of the first voices of sanity I discovered when I was seeking out the truth in early 2020.

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Same here. I still have an interview that she did in May 2020. MUST WATCH: Debunking the Narrative (With Prof. Dolores Cahill) https://www.bitchute.com/video/Avc6_ftzk3w/

I have another one with Brian Rose, Founder of London Real TV June 4th, 2020

¨Professor Dolores Cahill received her Honours degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology & Biotechnology from Dublin City University (1994).

She was awarded an EU ‘Human Capital and Mobility’ Post-doctoral Fellow, Technical University, Munich, Germany (1994-1995).

Since 2005 she has been the Professor of Translational Science at UCD School of Medicine and is internationally recognised for her biomedical research, publications and patent record is in life sciences, biotechnology and in personalised healthcare and biomarkers (PHB), proteomics, biotechnology, high content protein and antibody arrays, and their biomedical, diagnostic and clinical applications.¨ ... Professor Dolores Cahill - Why Coronavirus Lockdown Is Killing More People Than It's Saving https://londonrealtv.libsyn.com/professor-dolores-cahill-why-coronavirus-lockdown-is-killing-more-people-than-its-saving

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Thank you MAA. I've sent your letter to Sen. Murphy and shared. Most excellent, as always.

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Do you have a sort to the point sample letter to send to Senator Chris Murphy? I am having a difficult time sorting through the entire article? Thank you kindly.

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Sorry if that was confusing, JustANobody. There isn’t an existing form letter to send. In the Action Alerts after the article, you’ll see a section titled #DefundTheThoughtPolice. Here, I provide a link you can use to find contact info for your legislators. You’ll need to contact them manually and can simply ask that they reject S.3737 along with including a link to my article for the full details.

Thanks for taking action!

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No.. Thank you!! Appreciate your help!!😍

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Cartels of faux trust,

Gathering rust,

Soon to go bust.

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Wanting faux trust means wanting to be able to lie, who does such things? Answer: People that are evil.

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May I quote you or illustrate this Paul Cardin?

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That is an exceptionally well written piece of work by the anonymous GP. Deserves much more exposure.

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Thank you, Dr. Lawrie I look forward to the interview with Dr. Cahill. Good to hear that the law is simple, and that you see a legal way forward. I would respectfully suggest that in fact our innate sovereignty as individuals is the basis of our status as free and this is the case whether or not codified law supports that. It should reflect that inalienable status, however if it does not, (or is being ignored) then we assert it anyway. Laws are an external reflection of an internal claim.

Thank you for all you do - you are a light.

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Thank you Kathleen, I agree.

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What destroys the simplicity is corruption, that is where we are.

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Talking about Dr Mark Trozzi, his last Newsletter : Dr Robert Malone | mRNA, WEF, Deception, Fascism & Action.

¨mRNA tech pioneer Dr Robert Malone briefs us on the WEF, a trade organization with a fascist dream, who are also lying about mRNA technology.

Speaking on the first day of the WCH Better Way Conference, veteran mRNA technology scientist Dr Robert Malone explains that the technology is not nearly as advanced as the WEF and their accomplices in the covid crimes against mankind are claiming.

Dr Trozzi comments : The WEF is a trade organization of the 100 most cash and asset stuffed corporations in the world: plump piñatas for criminal and civil lawsuits.

Regarding the mRNA technology used in many of the covid-shots, Dr Malone knows from years in the laboratory, that these technologies fall very short of the capabilities claimed by the WEF and their accomplices like the WHO, Gates, and Pharma . Their threat to “hack” us is fear porn in Malone’s opinion.

The WEF has trained many operatives and embedded them in government and institutions around the world including tech, media, currency, banking etc. They are intentionally inserted there to serve the 100 corporations that make up this trade organization which is the WEF. The WEF is not a government, it is a trade organization that infiltrates and manipulates governments and other institutions. This is war and they are the enemies of free and lawful mankind.

Notorious fascist Musselini stated that “fascism should have been called corporatism”. Fascism is the fusion of the interests of the state and the corporation.

WEF founder, Klaus Schwab’s “intellectual brainchild” is “stake holder capitalism”. This model places business at the middle of a flower, with our supposed governments being just just one of it’s many pedals. That’s fascism!

The 100 richest corporations, through their WEF trade organization are striving to assemble and impose their fascist rule on the entire world. This, above all, we must stop; and there isn’t time to waste.

Dr Malone encourages devotion to action.

Despite the lofty offices that they infest, lets boldly report the crimes of covid agenda perpetrators, many of whom are WEF operatives, to police. We must insist, persist, work in groups, and be creative.

One such focus of proper and lawful criminal charges, is against federal, provincial and state government and health agencies and the top ranked leaders in these institutions. Officials are guilty of crimes causing mass death and suffering, anywhere that they have obstructed safe and effective treatments of covid like ivermectin (see: one, two, three, four); and anywhere that they have suppressed doctors or others from speaking their opinions against the forced injection. These injections are not safe.

The same holds for the leadership in the medical regulatory bodies such as Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada, who have suppressed safe and effective treatments, promoted dangerous ineffective misrepresented injections, and unlawfully persecuted and slandered physicians who tell the truth, treat covid, or do not support the record-killing injection campaign.

Also serving the WCH Cease and Desist Declaration regarding the injections remains vital.

As Dr Paul Alexander has stated, “It is time to lock them all up!”

Let’s fight like our lives and freedom depend on this: because they do.

Blessings friends, Dr M Trozzi https://drtrozzi.org/2022/06/01/dr-robert-malone-mrna-wef-deception-fascism-action/

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We are all fighting the Chinese Communist Party - every single Covid19 policy can be tracked to Xi Jinping - and especially his latest Politburo speech when he said 'national' guidelines for his epidemic policies and told the government officials to smash all resistance to his policies, no living with Covid and stick to the zero Covid policies. Now there is not much resistance in China to anything that they'd need to smash - he was sending a message to his global network of traitors who are implementing Xi Jinpings digital and public health totalitarianism. https://ivanmpaton.substack.com/p/xi-jinping-set-all-covid-19-pandemic?s=w

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We are not fighting the Chinese Communist Party Ivan. We are fighting the cabal and their minions. The cabal is a structure, a criminal organization over all governments. At the top, few old psychopath billionnaires. But even them, they receive directive from ¨something¨ else. They are or was satanic forces, invaders who want to change the human species by modifying artificialy our DNA and by injecting in our blood nano particules to connect or merge us to computer. The serums are not all the same, they don't have the same toxicity. Some are lethal other less. So we have genocide in one side and those who will survive will be like human robots. Transhumanism. It is a way also to cut us from our soul.

It will not happen. There is a big fight behind the veil. We are not alone.

The truth will be revealed.

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Yes, I see all of that which you just outlined.

That is what we have been able to see clearly for the last 2 years.

But on the point about the Chinese we will have to agree to disagree.

My reasoning starts with the fact that they are the side of the partnership that gave us Covid19, spread fear to the world with their theatrics, and codified the Covid-19 policies, for which Xi Jinping takes credit, and exported them to the world and then helped shout the world into lockdowns while their western partners denied early treatments, blocked doctors and maximized deaths with every deceit they could come up with and faked PCR testing.

Meanwhile China went back to normal for 2 years and total deaths were 4,636 for 2 years - in the country with the largest population on earth. Why?

And I don't believe that's a faked number the main reason being that the Chinese doctors have known how to cure Covid19 with early treatments, from early 2020.

For early symptoms hey handed out hydroxychloroquine for it, and recommended it in their national guidelines and said that 90% of symptomatic people treated early were cured and not hospitalized. 90%. It's in their white paper 'Fighting Covid19 China in Action" (June2020) - And it is even mentioned in the WHO-China joint mission report at the end of Feb2020 -

And this is what ended the pandemic not Xi Jinpings lockdowns.

But Xi Jinping announced at the G7 and G20 meetings in 2020 that his lockdown, handwashing, facemask etc., policies were what stopped the virus, that we had to focus on controlling transmission etc. And the WHO, billionaire traitors of Davos, and their corrupted agents in politics and public health all over the world flipped science and medicine upside down and went along with the insanity - because it was never about health - it is a hybrid war.

More proof. Never once in 2 years and 3 months has Xi Jinping or the WHO had any focus on communicating to the world why China can cure Covid19, and why their lives went back to normal. Not once.

They just keep preaching the lockdown, facemask, social distancing, transmission, testing doctrines - because they are all weaponized as tools of destruction. China and the CCP partners have gotten very, very rich from Covid, while they impoverished a massive amount of people and businesses worldwide.

We know every single element of Xi Jinping's Covid doctrine doesn't work. But he is back preaching it again and talking about smashing any opposition to it ('April 2022 politburo meeting) - and what do we see in Australia, Canada-Ontario, California, and other western countries - they are trying to make it illegal for doctors to talk about cures for Covid or to use drugs that can cure it. South Africa last week banned hydroxychloroquine, while Marxist Joe Biden is sending them $15 billion to jab up the nation..

Have a look at China daily news online, it is all Covid propaganda articles - especially the head of the CDC Dr. Wang, who came out recently and said Omicron was really dangerous and lead to severe illness with the high risk of death. It is like March 2020 all over again. They are preaching Xi Jinping's lockdown code to the world in English. Because Xi said publicly they will not have a 'live with Covid' policy. It zero Covid. Watch for the upcoming propaganda from Xi, I am betting he will come out shortly and tell the world they beat Covid again with lockdowns.

What a joke - this time the farce is really easy to see. Study the Worldometer chart for Covid for China. Deaths as I said flatlined for 2 years at 4636. Then the lockdowns started in Xi'an December 23rd 2021. And have run all through to Shanghai - but the new deaths didn't start happening until April - and probably because people were starving to death. And in those 5 months they've had exactly 590 Covid deaths. Yet look what they did. It was all political but that's another story.

China could never have pullled this off without the west, and the western evil cabal could never have pulled it off without China - they are working together.

And everything that Xi Jinping says to do they do.

The CCP is a massive, rich, super technological global fascist organization.

Under Xi Jinping they have created massive global companies in every industry by amalgamating large numbers of companies and banks into mega companies. All of these companies are run by the CCP - Xi turned China Inc., into CCP Inc.

In addition to that all of the western multinationals of the Davos globalists are in China, and you don't do business in China at that level without being in bed with the CCP. Who owns woke CNN? AT&T in China for 40 years. Where is Blackrock, Vanguard biggest markets?

In China.

The CCP are brilliant long term tacticians and strategists, and they are working through their global influence networks, which are the traitors in all countries, the communist parties, and the Davos globalists.

Their organization is monstrous - and this attack on humanity from Australia to Zimbabwe is equally monstrous - and they are the senior partner.

The western fools think that they are the big boys at the table, which is why you sometimes see some tension between China and the west.

But they have empowered a monster, and the CCP wants it all for China.

On Covid-19, and this fascist war against humanity our biggest enemy is the CCP.

You may not see it, but I do see it clear as day.

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System failure; imminent collapse!

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Jun 2, 2022
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"What are you supposed to do when it is a nuclear explosion"?

"Look at it; it is the only one you'll see" :P!

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THE DEMOCRACY FUND - ¨Dr. Crystal Luchkiw is a family and palliative care physician who was running a very busy practice in Ontario with 1,600 patients before her medical license was suspended only weeks ago.

Dr. Julie Ponesse speaks with Dr. Crystal Luchkiw and lawyer Michael Alexander about practicing medicine during the pandemic and the many unfortunate abuses taking place.¨ Read more https://www.thedemocracyfund.ca/a_physician_s_perspective_hope_lies_in_how_we_treat_one_another_and_in_human_dignity?utm_campaign=dr_crystal_eblast&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thedemocracyfund

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Thank you for posting this link

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Thank you Sandra!

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We are all fighting the Chinese Communist Party - every single Covid19 policy can be tracked to Xi Jinping - and especially his latest Politburo speech when he said 'national' guidelines for his epidemic policies and told the government officials to smash all resistance to his policies, no living with Covid and stick to the zero Covid policies. Now there is not much resistance in China to anything that they'd need to smash - he was sending a message to his global network of traitors who are implementing Xi Jinpings digital and public health totalitarianism. https://ivanmpaton.substack.com/p/xi-jinping-set-all-covid-19-pandemic?s=w

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We are not fighting the Chinese Communist Party Ivan. We are fighting the cabal and their minions. The cabal is a structure, a criminal organization over all governments. At the top, few old psychopath billionnaires. But even them, they receive directive from ¨something¨ else. They are or was satanic forces, invaders who want to change the human species by modifying artificialy our DNA and by injecting in our blood nano particules to connect or merge us to computer. The serums are not all the same, they don't have the same toxicity. Some are lethal other less. So we have genocide in one side and those who will survive will be like human robots. Transhumanism. It is a way also to cut us from our soul.

It will not happen. There is a big fight behind the veil. We are not alone.

The truth will be revealed.

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Sadly Western systems of government have, by design I'm sure, a number of choke points that if controlled by a tiny clique can intimidate everyone. We see that with many state legislators in the US recently voting almost unanimously to end mandatory jabs and the controlled governors overturning these votes. People have to be prepared to ignore these criminals and if that means losing jobs, property and liberty to do so then that is what must be done or things shall only get worse.

When it is over, and it will be over shortly, we mustn't simply let bygones be bygones these people must be held to account for their choosing to murder adults and children for profit.

If people instead opt for "truth and reconciliation committees" as they had in South Africa then as in South Africa the murders will simply continue to be carried out by exactly the same people as before.

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Thanks for this! Have to go to basics on this. Anyone trained in medicine (or pre-medicine) studies who could not understand the political and international threats to humanity by the scientifically untenable lockdown, mask, and physical distancing measures - not to mention the inadequately tested/untested mRNA "vaccines" should be held responsible and at the very least subjected to re-education on basic logic and sciences.

Why would they not question, as many laypersons did, the use of mRNA as used for an ostensible vaccine? Why would they fall prey to the "falling man" videos & lockdowns from China W/O a strong reaction of "not on my watch." It was so obvious from early 2020 at least that this was not about a virus but about control. I could go on but the other glaring logical fallacies have already been made quite clear.

Reminds me of what it may have been like during the Salem Witch Trials in terms of public hysteria. Watch Producer James Eggers' film "The Witch" for more on the dramatic exploration of this: https://screenrant.com/witch-movie-true-story-salem-witch-trials-connection-explained/ Watch Egger's "The Northmen" for an interesting exploration of human psychology which carries forward to these times. Brutal, but genius film making.

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Reassuring to read the COVID doctors blog, now following on twitter.

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Trust in medicine and regulatory authority is irrevocably gone. That loss of Trust was EARNED by everyone who knew better but refused to Do The Right Thing in favor of keeping their jobs. Sorry if this seems harsh, but lots of people have been murdered in this world by people "just following orders". Let that sink in.

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We need to be very clear of the distinction, which has been generally lost, between public health and population medicine. Public Health is about the economics of well being as o.a. Paul Frijters teaches. It is about how the government can help people live healthy lifestyles, in the understanding that people make their own decisions, and that part of health is exactly that freedom of choice. Population medicine is the devilish art of mass medication in all its forms, from adding fluoride to water, to extermination campaigns such as the holocaust. Big Pharma has diligently focused on corrupting public health to be about mass medication and doing their marketing for them. This is how the central corruption happened, which has now led to the dysfunctional Covid vaccination.

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State run medical boards in the US are completely useless when it comes to patient rights.

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I am literally PETRIFIED to go to my GP later this month. I need a physical for legal purposes. I really don't want blood work and all my info entered into the System. I don't have Private Insuran e. It's through subsity of basically O' Bama care. Its all we can afford. Who knows where my info will end up.? I haven't seen him on 2 years. He has always been a trustworthy physicisn, I'm just wondering where he stands NOW? When I last saw him in June 2020 he stated he would not support ' Serum'!!!! Any advice anyone? Thanks for all your thoughtful hard work Tess!!!

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Arthur Sackler was able to do what he did because he effectively used the influence of doctors to lie to their patients. The pharma companies make the bullets but it's the doctors and nurses who put them into people. It's the trust the public have and the imbalance of doctor/patient power. He and his family used this and enormous amounts of people died.

This is the precise point Sackler corrupted the FDA via a doctor being given a $400,000 job at Purdue pharma


Here Paula J Caplan RIP 'reveals that psychiatrist Allen Frances, who for years has claimed that he could not possibly have foreseen the epidemics in psychiatric diagnosing of children -- which emerged from the editions of the diagnostic manual that he helmed -- and who has blamed Big Pharma as largely responsible for those epidemics and the resulting heavy psychiatric drugging of children was actually paid handsomely to promote Risperdal, which is the neuroleptic most used in children.'


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Action4Canada Legal Action Update May 31st, 2022 https://action4canada.com/court-update-may-31-2022/

August 26, 2021: Statement of Claim Filed https://action4canada.com/legal-action/

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