Professor Dalgleish is a gem for sure. My daughter was recently diagnosed (it was initially missed) with metastatic breast cancer. Professor Dalgleish offered a Teams Meeting with her to discuss an off licence drug some of his patients were on when I enquired about it. Currently she is having integrated treatment in Germany with Dr Vogl at the Frankfurt University Hospital directed there by Cancer Options who also admire Professor Dalgleish's ability to think outside the box. Fortunately none of us have been vaccinated.
My childrens father passed 6 months after injections. Turbo cancers everywhere! No cancer previously!! He had heart surgery just prior to shots. They had to do many tests to make sure he would do well. So long story short, most cancer in heart and lungs! Spine too. Immediate stage 4. Diagnosis to death, 3 weeks. This was Oct 2021. My children are grown but still devasted.
I am so sorry for your loss. My husband passed in early 2019 from prostate cancer while my daughter was going through treatment and I was recovering from treatment, all cancer related. In some ways I am glad he went when he did but its a difficult loss to bear. We are concentrating on my daughter doing integrated treatment abroad now as nothing has helped here. All the best to you and your family.
My father also developed THREE separate forms of cancer which seemed to ALL be stage 4 instantly, although his scans for recurrence of previously beaten episodes showed NONE weeks before! This ALL happened immediately after getting his "buster".
it's very much appreciated. It was horrific to watch. He, by the end, looked like a 5stone A.I.D.S.
victim, which, I've come to believe he actually WAS. 5 of my neighbours died too, after only the FIRST 💉 shot (& they WEREN'T all pensioners with "comorbidities"). Many others developed neurological disorders and cognitive impairments from the metals & whatever the hell else is in the depop-shots. Sickening. TRULY a long & well planned depopulation agenda, with a large dash of transhumanism thrown in for the jab survivors.
My ex looked the same way in such a short time. Everyone I know who took these things has aged, act different and are always sick. I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. My mom is a mess. She cannot remember what she says minute to minute. Always repeating herself. New ailments daily and has lost much of her hair. So horrible.
Look into Turkey Tail mushroom supplements. Several mushrooms have powerful anti-cancer properties. Mycologist Paul Stamets has done numerous presentations on the health benefits and his mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and he put her on Turkey Tail (she was also on one or two drugs). She was only given a few months to live but a year later she was cancer free. Also, turmeric kills cancer cells via two pathways. Paul Stamets founded Host Defense mushroom supplements. You can buy them directly from the website. I buy them from Swanson Vitamins when they have a sitewide sale. I do not recommend buying supplements from Amazon because they could be counterfeit products, but you can read the product reviews and search under "cancer" to see reviewers' comments on how it helped fight cancer.
Thanks Tess. This is a strange world unfolding before us. Warmest wishes and regards for your tenacity and work. So many good doctors out there. We hear you.
HI, My wife has been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in her bones, liver and lungs and I'd very much appreciate ANY help. Her NHS oncologist is useless and unwilling to consider anything but the harmaceutical tread mill!
I'm not sure if recommendations are permitted but Patricia Peat at Cancer Options is a wonderful, dedicated lady who has helped both me and my daughter through this.
Sorry to hear that. Dr Robert O Young (USA) has a website that may be worth looking at. I haven't had time to study it much but he believes in a more alkaline diet.
I know he's in the States but it may lead to finding some alternative help wherever you live.
NHS oncologists are generally useless if they promote poisonous chemo/immuno-therapy. Worse than useless in fact, poisoners who would make Harold Shipman look tame.
It is some time ago now, I hope you have found some help. I was diagnosed with a stage 1 cancer in early 2020 and this explains what was really going on an how I am seeking to resolve my issues.
No offence taken: some times the truth is the most feared thing we face but until we do face the truth fear keeps us trapped in denial and makes us easily played and manipulated.
Should also add the desire to help is always to be highly commended but becomes very difficult when we are denied access to the right tools, medicines etc. Recent examples are Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
You digress. Your musings made a point of using a disparaging description (fraudulent) of the fact of AIDS. It went on to describe the development of novel treatments as following a "model" with the unmissable and polarising underlying assumption of nefarious purposes. I am not interested in your switches of topic, however important the matters, however noble the purpose, or whatever you choose to assume on the basis of my non engagement with them.
The man who was the number one "expert" and did all of the terrible and horrific trials on HIV/AIDS patoents killing thousands was also the so- called "expert" on Covid.....please....connect the dots.....medical community or cannot be that naive......
Damn you're stupid and naive. Do you know aids is not a disease but a destroyed immune system? Did you know it was the hepatitis vaccine that caused the aids epidemic? So yeah it's the same playbook/model and yes it's definitely 1000% intentional and nefarious. $50billlion a year made from vaccines. Nearly 500billion made from treating side effects. Wake the fuck up
The disease is not fraudulent, it is the way the pharmaceutical industry has latched onto this illness in order to profit from drugs that it appears, have made life worse for many sufferers. THAT is the fraud. If you would like to gain some well researched writings on the topic you could read a book called The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F Kennedy Jr. who has indisputable research listed in his book on the nefarious activities of certain players in the HIV/AIDS arena
~29 min mark:To my knowledge nobody has examined data regarding increased infectivity/positive test results in the week or 2 weeks after the initial shot. Those people with just one shot were always considered to be unvaccinated. That data really should have been parsed out. It's possible that this virus never would have spread in the way that it did without the shot.
We know that the shot did not prevent transmission, but it is very possible that it played a key role in actually increasing the rate of spread.
The so-called virus is the 'flu re-branded as COVID 19 to make more money for big pharma etc. The 'flu cannot be transmitted, it merely appears to do so. All vaccines are poisons and poisoning oneself has never been good for health.
One critical difference between all previous vaccines and the mRNA "vaccines" is that with traditional vaccines, a PRE-FORMED antigen, that remains extra-cellular, is introduced into the body, which induces antibody formation and immunity. The mRNA "vaccines" are neither pre-formed antigen or extra-cellular. The mRNA genetic code ENTERS cells, and causes the INTRACELLULAR PRODUCTION of the spike antigen. This induces an auto-immune response directed against those cells that are producing the spike antigen, as well as against the cells that those produced spike antigens attach to, after they are released. When those cells are lining the walls of blood vessels (endothelial cells), the immune response directed against them will cause clotting (thrombosis), oxygen starvation of the tissue supplied by those blood vessels (ischemia), the potential death of involved tissue, and the potential disability or death of the person. The spike protein can also spread and attach to adjacent cells within an organ and induce a tissue destroying auto-immune reaction.
Thus, there are two primary ways that a harmful and potentially lethal immune response to spike protein can occur: 1. an immune response directed against the spike protein of viruses that are replicating unchecked within endothelial cells or vital organ cells, and 2: an immune response directed against spike protein created by "vaccine" mRNA within endothelial and vital organ cells. The associate symptoms will be determined by which tissue the involved blood vessels supply or which organ happens to affected. Both forms of spike generated immune response are potentially disabling or lethal if the auto-immune response is unchecked.
Thank you for sharing this explanation. I first learned early on before these "vaccines" were released that these spike proteins created by the MRNA technology creates CD4 and CD8 proteins, and while the CD4 proteins produce the antibody response that is desired, the CD8 proteins were believed to be cytotoxic and can destroy the host cell. We now understand the host cells are "all over the body" in every organ. The amount of ADRs and deaths are no surprise to me sadly. What is happening to so many people, I feared. Thanks to Dr. Tess and many others for speaking out about the truth!!!! We are living in dark times.
Good morning, Tess! Thank you for this substack and your interview with this fascinating doctor. I just want you to know there seems to be a typo in your final point …
“That he and his colleague raised the alarm, submitting their findings to the UK Cabinet, yet with no appropriate much taken.”
My husband and I are in our 60s and not vaccinated. We’ve been well with robust health the entire pandemic. But in our small circle of friends, two men in their 60s and one in his early 70s, died of raging, aggressive cancers within 6-10 months of their two jab series in 2021. (Two lymphomas and one leukemia). I don’t think it’s just the boosters triggering these things. Even those with a completed two dose series are vulnerable. This was a wonderful talk, Tess. Thank you both.
Thanks for sharing this information, this was a very interesting interview. It seems the testing of new and repurposed drugs is something that needs to be solved. Testing completely outside of the normal regulated channels may be the way forward, as mentioned briefly. The cost will be much less and the costs can be privately funded, real philanthropists and individual regular donors. Lots of details to be sorted out but the corrupt trial process we now have is not working, actually it even worse than not working.
We don't need new or repurposed drugs, we need poison free air, food and water. Big pharma is a scam, creating disease they can manage with other poisonous drugs or perhaps help with the ones that are not neuro-toxic.
Many thanks for this amazing conversation! Prof Dalgleish mentioned that, apart from the Furin-cleavage site, 6 other sites had been added to the spike protein genome. For forensic purposes, it is really important to know what these sites are, and what pathology they may cause. I suspect that one of them is the code for the so-called super-antigen (known from other microorganisms) which causes fibrinogen to polymerize into Beta amyloid sheets, forming the indissoluble 'fibrinaloid' micro- and macro-clots that the embalmers are finding everywhere. Identifying this site as a insertion would be proof that the virus/vaccine operation was intended to kill and harm.
Hi, Tess. Due to a medical issue, I am unable currently to tolerate audio, so rely on closed captioning when viewing videos. I would love to be able to watch this interview, but, as is the case with so many videos, no cc'ing is provided. Is there any possibility you can activate it for this and any other videos you offer? I'm sure there are others who, for various reasons, are also reliant on cc'ing and it would be extremely appreciated.
Thank you! And thanks so much for your incredible work.
It's in reference to Gus' point in the discussion - my hope is that those who have already taken Covid injections may see this and think twice before getting a booster.
~23 min mark is great. There is no way that this data is being captured in the reporting databases. It's not temporal enough. Cancer doesn't work on that short of a timeline. You aren't gonna see it in a week or 2. And he makes a brilliant point about them being called the trouble makers When what they're trying to do is prevent trouble.
Tess and many other doctors and scientists were scored and pilloried for following the actual science, and trying to be heard.
Campbell? He followed the daily political science. He followed government sponsored, Big Pharma propagandists and paid media scientists. (Shills.)
Campbell was quite a loud trumpet player on the Covid disinformation bandwagon for a very very long time.
I'm unsure whether or not he's ever apologized because I stopped "following" him at one point. Got a headache from banging my head against his wall. Too painful.
He failed to do any digging into the actual scientific data and ignored folks (or was ignorant of those) who offered him links to highly censored papers and Substacks. (Far too busy working on the next piece for The Daily Bandwagon, no doubt. I mean, who has the time to do their medical due diligence...)
Campbell had the same access that I and hundreds of his other subs did. Scientific data, presented by highly accredited, esteemed (but tightly censored) doctors and scientists.
He woke up very late in the Covid game.
Apologies for pointing out that it took a terribly long time to red-pill that good nursing teacher who held so much sway over so many of his YouTube "followers".
And to discourage him from continuing to promote the jabs which were, and are, causing so much harm, worldwide.
Thankfully, he also recently removed his silly masked stuffed animal from the background of his lecture area...(Such subtle hints about Campbell eh?)
Better to arrive late than never show up to the table at all, I suppose.
Thanks for asking. I am ok, still struggling with the facial palsy and energy but I reckon I am still slowly clearing out the toxins. I think my LHS face muscle tone is returning.
By the way, can I ask, I have been subscribing free to Steve kirsch's substack. Recently when I have tried to comment I get a pop-up window saying sign-in to verify we have sent you a code to your email address which does happen.
I saw no warning email that this would occur ahead of time and I seriously question what this is about. I have not as a consequence commented on his last few posts.
If you are aware of anything I would be please to know, but perhaps it is time for me to move on from Steve's stack anyway.
At the beginning, this noble teacher was following “The Science” registered trademark, that “The Science” magic-makers were sprinkling out early on in the pando. He wised up. And when he wised up, he began following real scientists and real science (small “s” science which is ‘truth, no matter where it leads us’)
He was following what he was being told. I knew by June 2020 what was going on, having once thought vaccines were of some use, and wrote to the government in the UK to say in effect 'Don't waste money on the vaccines'. They ignored me of course.
There were those warning about vaccines decades and decades ago. The knowledge has been around for a very long time but those with financial interests have suppressed it. They own much of the media.
John Campbell has been way behind and has a lot to catch up.
Fantastic interview Tess. Thank you so much. If I could just Make a constructive criticism, if you and your guests could work on suppressing the echo a little bit more, that would be great. Sometimes this can be done post production with someone who is good at sound editing. Otherwise the setting and the microphone can both play a role
Thanks. For us here in Canada, Dr. Dalgleish has a lovely "accent" but when you couple it with the echo and being soft spoken, you can miss a fair bit of info.
Wouldn’t you think folks would listen to anyone who told them they think something might be extremely dangerous …or lethal? Now for more than past 2 yes we have scores if not 100’s or 1,000’s of Professors from top Universities and very experienced Drs and Scientists from all over the world, and credible others saying there are possible terrible dangers with these so called ‘vaccines’ …and folks don’t take it seriously?? So do folks believe their Media instead of leading experts Re warnings warning of serious harms and lethality? Warn everyone you even see I say!! It’s a duty!
Professor Dalgleish is a gem for sure. My daughter was recently diagnosed (it was initially missed) with metastatic breast cancer. Professor Dalgleish offered a Teams Meeting with her to discuss an off licence drug some of his patients were on when I enquired about it. Currently she is having integrated treatment in Germany with Dr Vogl at the Frankfurt University Hospital directed there by Cancer Options who also admire Professor Dalgleish's ability to think outside the box. Fortunately none of us have been vaccinated.
He is indeed. Best wishes to you and your daughter, Helen.
My childrens father passed 6 months after injections. Turbo cancers everywhere! No cancer previously!! He had heart surgery just prior to shots. They had to do many tests to make sure he would do well. So long story short, most cancer in heart and lungs! Spine too. Immediate stage 4. Diagnosis to death, 3 weeks. This was Oct 2021. My children are grown but still devasted.
I am so sorry for your loss. My husband passed in early 2019 from prostate cancer while my daughter was going through treatment and I was recovering from treatment, all cancer related. In some ways I am glad he went when he did but its a difficult loss to bear. We are concentrating on my daughter doing integrated treatment abroad now as nothing has helped here. All the best to you and your family.
Wow. Can't even imagine. So sorry. Blessings and prayers to you and yours
Look for Joe Tippins group, website, and blog …..all titled “ my cancer story rocks”. Phenomenal recoveries from cancers of all kinds. Astounding.
My father also developed THREE separate forms of cancer which seemed to ALL be stage 4 instantly, although his scans for recurrence of previously beaten episodes showed NONE weeks before! This ALL happened immediately after getting his "buster".
I am so sorry.
Thank you for your condolences,
it's very much appreciated. It was horrific to watch. He, by the end, looked like a 5stone A.I.D.S.
victim, which, I've come to believe he actually WAS. 5 of my neighbours died too, after only the FIRST 💉 shot (& they WEREN'T all pensioners with "comorbidities"). Many others developed neurological disorders and cognitive impairments from the metals & whatever the hell else is in the depop-shots. Sickening. TRULY a long & well planned depopulation agenda, with a large dash of transhumanism thrown in for the jab survivors.
My ex looked the same way in such a short time. Everyone I know who took these things has aged, act different and are always sick. I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. My mom is a mess. She cannot remember what she says minute to minute. Always repeating herself. New ailments daily and has lost much of her hair. So horrible.
Look into Turkey Tail mushroom supplements. Several mushrooms have powerful anti-cancer properties. Mycologist Paul Stamets has done numerous presentations on the health benefits and his mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and he put her on Turkey Tail (she was also on one or two drugs). She was only given a few months to live but a year later she was cancer free. Also, turmeric kills cancer cells via two pathways. Paul Stamets founded Host Defense mushroom supplements. You can buy them directly from the website. I buy them from Swanson Vitamins when they have a sitewide sale. I do not recommend buying supplements from Amazon because they could be counterfeit products, but you can read the product reviews and search under "cancer" to see reviewers' comments on how it helped fight cancer.
Here is an article from the World Council for Health on how to detox from the spike protein.
Take care.
Hey SOMEONE! Why do you like ALL my comments but NEVER say anything? Curious?
Are you saying he had heart cancer? i have never heard of cancer of the heart. ever. many people are getting lung issues like fibrosis.
Around the heart and in the lungs is what the doctors told my children. All throughout his body.
Thanks Tess. This is a strange world unfolding before us. Warmest wishes and regards for your tenacity and work. So many good doctors out there. We hear you.
HI, My wife has been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in her bones, liver and lungs and I'd very much appreciate ANY help. Her NHS oncologist is useless and unwilling to consider anything but the harmaceutical tread mill!
I'm not sure if recommendations are permitted but Patricia Peat at Cancer Options is a wonderful, dedicated lady who has helped both me and my daughter through this.
Thank you. we have an appointment booked.
Sorry to hear that. Dr Robert O Young (USA) has a website that may be worth looking at. I haven't had time to study it much but he believes in a more alkaline diet.
I know he's in the States but it may lead to finding some alternative help wherever you live.
Thank you I will investigate
NHS oncologists are generally useless if they promote poisonous chemo/immuno-therapy. Worse than useless in fact, poisoners who would make Harold Shipman look tame.
It is some time ago now, I hope you have found some help. I was diagnosed with a stage 1 cancer in early 2020 and this explains what was really going on an how I am seeking to resolve my issues.
So true. BigSlop (so called food) poisons us. BigHarma 'treats' us.
Musings: the AIDS fraud has been the model to repeat the fraud treatments with the Covid fraud and its killer solutions.
Your musings are not only hypothetical nonsense but very offensive to those who work to help HIV patients and the people who live with that disease.
No offence taken: some times the truth is the most feared thing we face but until we do face the truth fear keeps us trapped in denial and makes us easily played and manipulated.
Consider the book: The Real Anthony Fauci
Consider also: Robert F Kennedy’s public position: if he’s wrong what do you think big Pharma and Fauci would do to him in an instant.
You are 100% correct
Should also add the desire to help is always to be highly commended but becomes very difficult when we are denied access to the right tools, medicines etc. Recent examples are Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
You digress. Your musings made a point of using a disparaging description (fraudulent) of the fact of AIDS. It went on to describe the development of novel treatments as following a "model" with the unmissable and polarising underlying assumption of nefarious purposes. I am not interested in your switches of topic, however important the matters, however noble the purpose, or whatever you choose to assume on the basis of my non engagement with them.
just now
The man who was the number one "expert" and did all of the terrible and horrific trials on HIV/AIDS patoents killing thousands was also the so- called "expert" on Covid.....please....connect the dots.....medical community or cannot be that naive......
Well said
Piss off. He is absolutely accurate. You might not be blowing smoke out your ass if you read the book referenced re. Fauci. Arrogant cuck!
Damn you're stupid and naive. Do you know aids is not a disease but a destroyed immune system? Did you know it was the hepatitis vaccine that caused the aids epidemic? So yeah it's the same playbook/model and yes it's definitely 1000% intentional and nefarious. $50billlion a year made from vaccines. Nearly 500billion made from treating side effects. Wake the fuck up
The disease is not fraudulent, it is the way the pharmaceutical industry has latched onto this illness in order to profit from drugs that it appears, have made life worse for many sufferers. THAT is the fraud. If you would like to gain some well researched writings on the topic you could read a book called The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F Kennedy Jr. who has indisputable research listed in his book on the nefarious activities of certain players in the HIV/AIDS arena
~29 min mark:To my knowledge nobody has examined data regarding increased infectivity/positive test results in the week or 2 weeks after the initial shot. Those people with just one shot were always considered to be unvaccinated. That data really should have been parsed out. It's possible that this virus never would have spread in the way that it did without the shot.
We know that the shot did not prevent transmission, but it is very possible that it played a key role in actually increasing the rate of spread.
Thanks. Looks like Fenton et al have gone down the path to some extent.
The so-called virus is the 'flu re-branded as COVID 19 to make more money for big pharma etc. The 'flu cannot be transmitted, it merely appears to do so. All vaccines are poisons and poisoning oneself has never been good for health.
One critical difference between all previous vaccines and the mRNA "vaccines" is that with traditional vaccines, a PRE-FORMED antigen, that remains extra-cellular, is introduced into the body, which induces antibody formation and immunity. The mRNA "vaccines" are neither pre-formed antigen or extra-cellular. The mRNA genetic code ENTERS cells, and causes the INTRACELLULAR PRODUCTION of the spike antigen. This induces an auto-immune response directed against those cells that are producing the spike antigen, as well as against the cells that those produced spike antigens attach to, after they are released. When those cells are lining the walls of blood vessels (endothelial cells), the immune response directed against them will cause clotting (thrombosis), oxygen starvation of the tissue supplied by those blood vessels (ischemia), the potential death of involved tissue, and the potential disability or death of the person. The spike protein can also spread and attach to adjacent cells within an organ and induce a tissue destroying auto-immune reaction.
Thus, there are two primary ways that a harmful and potentially lethal immune response to spike protein can occur: 1. an immune response directed against the spike protein of viruses that are replicating unchecked within endothelial cells or vital organ cells, and 2: an immune response directed against spike protein created by "vaccine" mRNA within endothelial and vital organ cells. The associate symptoms will be determined by which tissue the involved blood vessels supply or which organ happens to affected. Both forms of spike generated immune response are potentially disabling or lethal if the auto-immune response is unchecked.
Thank you for sharing this explanation. I first learned early on before these "vaccines" were released that these spike proteins created by the MRNA technology creates CD4 and CD8 proteins, and while the CD4 proteins produce the antibody response that is desired, the CD8 proteins were believed to be cytotoxic and can destroy the host cell. We now understand the host cells are "all over the body" in every organ. The amount of ADRs and deaths are no surprise to me sadly. What is happening to so many people, I feared. Thanks to Dr. Tess and many others for speaking out about the truth!!!! We are living in dark times.
Good morning, Tess! Thank you for this substack and your interview with this fascinating doctor. I just want you to know there seems to be a typo in your final point …
“That he and his colleague raised the alarm, submitting their findings to the UK Cabinet, yet with no appropriate much taken.”
Good spot, thank you! Now corrected.
My husband and I are in our 60s and not vaccinated. We’ve been well with robust health the entire pandemic. But in our small circle of friends, two men in their 60s and one in his early 70s, died of raging, aggressive cancers within 6-10 months of their two jab series in 2021. (Two lymphomas and one leukemia). I don’t think it’s just the boosters triggering these things. Even those with a completed two dose series are vulnerable. This was a wonderful talk, Tess. Thank you both.
Sorry. We have been through the cancer stuff as well. Horrifying!
Thank you, (You’re a Somebody!)
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing this information, this was a very interesting interview. It seems the testing of new and repurposed drugs is something that needs to be solved. Testing completely outside of the normal regulated channels may be the way forward, as mentioned briefly. The cost will be much less and the costs can be privately funded, real philanthropists and individual regular donors. Lots of details to be sorted out but the corrupt trial process we now have is not working, actually it even worse than not working.
Agreed forget about the so called prestigious journals, they are trash.
We don't need new or repurposed drugs, we need poison free air, food and water. Big pharma is a scam, creating disease they can manage with other poisonous drugs or perhaps help with the ones that are not neuro-toxic.
Many thanks for this amazing conversation! Prof Dalgleish mentioned that, apart from the Furin-cleavage site, 6 other sites had been added to the spike protein genome. For forensic purposes, it is really important to know what these sites are, and what pathology they may cause. I suspect that one of them is the code for the so-called super-antigen (known from other microorganisms) which causes fibrinogen to polymerize into Beta amyloid sheets, forming the indissoluble 'fibrinaloid' micro- and macro-clots that the embalmers are finding everywhere. Identifying this site as a insertion would be proof that the virus/vaccine operation was intended to kill and harm.
Brilliant comment, De Ben-Daniel and of urgent import.
Can you contact Prof Dalgleish directly in London?
God bless you for what may be the most useful comment here.
They are doubling down on fraud.
Hi, Tess. Due to a medical issue, I am unable currently to tolerate audio, so rely on closed captioning when viewing videos. I would love to be able to watch this interview, but, as is the case with so many videos, no cc'ing is provided. Is there any possibility you can activate it for this and any other videos you offer? I'm sure there are others who, for various reasons, are also reliant on cc'ing and it would be extremely appreciated.
Thank you! And thanks so much for your incredible work.
Tess, I'm curious to know why your title only questions whether the boosters are causing cancer, rather than the vaccines in general?
It's in reference to Gus' point in the discussion - my hope is that those who have already taken Covid injections may see this and think twice before getting a booster.
~23 min mark is great. There is no way that this data is being captured in the reporting databases. It's not temporal enough. Cancer doesn't work on that short of a timeline. You aren't gonna see it in a week or 2. And he makes a brilliant point about them being called the trouble makers When what they're trying to do is prevent trouble.
Enraging stuff.
A PhD RN in Britain has been pretty handcuffed on YT but still manages to use interesting language to thwart strong censorship on that platform.
He drank the koolaide, early, but has since followed the actual science, and now offers his viewers scientifically unquestionable conclusions.
He won't be fooled again.
#NoAmnesty 💔
He was always following the science. The science available just developed and matured so he did too.
I must disagree Elaine.
I was following the science.
Tess and many other doctors and scientists were scored and pilloried for following the actual science, and trying to be heard.
Campbell? He followed the daily political science. He followed government sponsored, Big Pharma propagandists and paid media scientists. (Shills.)
Campbell was quite a loud trumpet player on the Covid disinformation bandwagon for a very very long time.
I'm unsure whether or not he's ever apologized because I stopped "following" him at one point. Got a headache from banging my head against his wall. Too painful.
He failed to do any digging into the actual scientific data and ignored folks (or was ignorant of those) who offered him links to highly censored papers and Substacks. (Far too busy working on the next piece for The Daily Bandwagon, no doubt. I mean, who has the time to do their medical due diligence...)
Campbell had the same access that I and hundreds of his other subs did. Scientific data, presented by highly accredited, esteemed (but tightly censored) doctors and scientists.
He woke up very late in the Covid game.
Apologies for pointing out that it took a terribly long time to red-pill that good nursing teacher who held so much sway over so many of his YouTube "followers".
And to discourage him from continuing to promote the jabs which were, and are, causing so much harm, worldwide.
Thankfully, he also recently removed his silly masked stuffed animal from the background of his lecture area...(Such subtle hints about Campbell eh?)
Better to arrive late than never show up to the table at all, I suppose.
Like Malhotra.
#NoAmnesty 💉💔
Very well said. I have said similar things about Campbell. He is on substack now.
Yep. Where all the red and black pilled folks eventually gravitate to.
This (mostly) like-minded echo chamber we all hang out in. 😉
To Save Our Sanity. (SOS)
Substack is where we are permitted to virtually congregate and commune, air our grievances, share our disappointments, and vent our disgust. 🤣
How are you doing these days Michael?
Always nice to "see" you here, there, and everywhere. ❤
Thanks for asking. I am ok, still struggling with the facial palsy and energy but I reckon I am still slowly clearing out the toxins. I think my LHS face muscle tone is returning.
By the way, can I ask, I have been subscribing free to Steve kirsch's substack. Recently when I have tried to comment I get a pop-up window saying sign-in to verify we have sent you a code to your email address which does happen.
I saw no warning email that this would occur ahead of time and I seriously question what this is about. I have not as a consequence commented on his last few posts.
If you are aware of anything I would be please to know, but perhaps it is time for me to move on from Steve's stack anyway.
I was able to post a comment on Steve's latest Substack.
I no longer post there either.
"Free Sub" as well
Experience those pop-ups.
Oh well...
"It's all about the money, money..."
A Jessie J parody by the great Vancouver based (and frequently cancelled) musician and brilliant comedian John Julian
Aka Justin Trudeau impersonator extraordinaire. ☻💩
(Gentle genius...)
He lightens my load Michael.
Hope he lightens yours for a few minutes too. ❤
At the beginning, this noble teacher was following “The Science” registered trademark, that “The Science” magic-makers were sprinkling out early on in the pando. He wised up. And when he wised up, he began following real scientists and real science (small “s” science which is ‘truth, no matter where it leads us’)
He was following what he was being told. I knew by June 2020 what was going on, having once thought vaccines were of some use, and wrote to the government in the UK to say in effect 'Don't waste money on the vaccines'. They ignored me of course.
There were those warning about vaccines decades and decades ago. The knowledge has been around for a very long time but those with financial interests have suppressed it. They own much of the media.
John Campbell has been way behind and has a lot to catch up.
Fantastic interview Tess. Thank you so much. If I could just Make a constructive criticism, if you and your guests could work on suppressing the echo a little bit more, that would be great. Sometimes this can be done post production with someone who is good at sound editing. Otherwise the setting and the microphone can both play a role
Thanks for this feedback, we'll see what we can do!
Thanks. For us here in Canada, Dr. Dalgleish has a lovely "accent" but when you couple it with the echo and being soft spoken, you can miss a fair bit of info.
Wouldn’t you think folks would listen to anyone who told them they think something might be extremely dangerous …or lethal? Now for more than past 2 yes we have scores if not 100’s or 1,000’s of Professors from top Universities and very experienced Drs and Scientists from all over the world, and credible others saying there are possible terrible dangers with these so called ‘vaccines’ …and folks don’t take it seriously?? So do folks believe their Media instead of leading experts Re warnings warning of serious harms and lethality? Warn everyone you even see I say!! It’s a duty!
Terrifying that any cures that don't involve evil MegaPharmas poisons are vigorously & rabidly suppressed. Often by the actual govtards law(s).