Thanks for sharing - Religion gives the opinion of doctors and especially those responsible for health outcomes lots of weight. Although there is a Jewish saying " the best doctors go to hell " , they are arrogant and don't consult , the anit-vax movement was given a bad name . Imho , not enough focus was given to informing the public on early treatment and supporting the immune system. Amongst the more religious Jews in Israel and abroad there was a reluctance to observe lockdowns as this disrupted worship and other religious and educational activities and a spepticism towards the vaccines. There were religious edicts condemming the vaccine roll out but this was not main stream. I have a document from 2021 warning about the dangers of the vaccine. It noted that a great Rabbi in 2009 told people not to believe doctors and not to take the Mexican Flu vaccine which were then discarded. Besides educating leaders about the dangers of vaccines , the fact there is no liability and no thorough testing should be red flags to every one and certainly religious leaders. Also we need to teach the success stories of repurposed drugs and immune system supporting vitamins and health style

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Nice letter. Applause for Dr. Malik.

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Desde a 2º Guerra mundial que as experiencias de injeções em Humanos estão proibidas pelos direitos Humanos. Espero que desta vez todos os que participaram quer no fabrico distribuição e promoção sejam responsabilizados e condenados, sejam eles juizes politicos medicos jornalistas ou até independentes atrofiados pela propaganda.

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Não tenho dúvidas de que a verdade e a justiça prevalecerão.

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I wonder if Dr Malik will be the first UK doctor to supply Ivermectin and Fenbendazole as prophylactics to those who want them? After all those two drugs have been extensively studied for long term safety and efficacy and yet the prophylactics our doctors are routinely forced to offer us by the NHS, i.e. vaccines, have never been studied for long term safety or efficacy.

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It would be wonderful if he did so. However, I wonder whether he would be "monstered" by the Islamophobic MSM on behalf of their bosses at Big Pharma.

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Brilliant, why are there no Christian doctors saying the same thing. Welby told the C of E to get vaccinated for love of your neighbour, this is what Jesus would do.

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There are! I wrote this article last month, calling for Church Leaders to repent for their part in promoting and rolling out Covid vaccines https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/repent-my-call-to-church-leaders-over-their-covid-sins/

I also published a 12 minute video presentation too, in which I said "We need a strong church voice to uphold absolute moral values and ethical principles based on the sanctity and dignity of every human life. There is an urgent need for spiritual discernment and action in the face of immoral and unethical secular ideology. We cannot be silent in the face of evil, and, at its core, I believe we are in a battle against evil." https://odysee.com/@HealthandTruth:8/UK-Medical-Freedom-Alliance---Call-to-Church-Leaders-October-2024:e

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I know what Jesus will do to Welby when he gets his hands on him.

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I was hoping that the writer would have included direct scripture. And specifically around the use if mrna to hijack the creative mechanisms. As it seems to me this is the greatest violation to any semblance of God in oneself

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supposedly the DoD proposed 'removing God' via injections some time ago... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZLJIzJ-EdY

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Amen !

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Sogar nach 4 Jahren von Mord und Totschlag der Pharma Bande gehen noch immer eine Anzahl von menschlichen Schafen und lassen sich spritzen mit so genannten Boosters ,natuerlich mit Maske von Ohr zu Ohr . Denen kann man nicht helfen ,sie sind unterwegs zu ihrem Grab . As for me I just watch the show from outside never having taken part of the insane Drama all around me .


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I congratulate you on that worthy effort, and the time and labour involved.

I am a retired GP from Leeds 1949, a 100 now in Australia writing on metaphysical stuff from meeting Dr.George King (1919-1997) in 1958, who founded the next New Age in which there will be no religion in favour of one God, As a free thinker you might like to check it out,

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"... as the fetus’s organs are developing in this delicate time."

... as the baby's organs are developing in this delicate time.

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Dr Malik, in 2020 Dr. Zev Zelenko a NY physician met with Rabbis to advise them they and their congregations should not take the mRNA covid vaxxes, because they were not safe. Since 2020,/ 2021 many of us, with a medical/healthcare background declined the mRNA covid vaxxes, J&J and AZ due to safety concerns. And yet here we are on the cusp of 2025, and the UK is continuing to dole out these unsafe and ineffective experimental biologicals. Surely the gov’t scientists and medical advisors know better? And if they don’t, they should not be in these gov’t roles.

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Those reading the clear writing on the walls should know better by now.

The shots are not being withdrawn worldwide despite clear evidence of toxicity.

The shots continue as part of a worldwide lock-step operation.

What does this mean?


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