Thank you so much, Tess, for this wonderful interview with a very intelligent and sensitive young man. I thought your questions were so important to seeing more deeply into Tom and his poetry certainly points to someone who is wide awake and willing to speak truth to power. He has a strong sense of inner authority and our world needs this.

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Thanks Dariel for your kind words! Tess' questions were really great, it was a pleasure to be interviewed by her.

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It is such a joy to actually have engagement with the people who stand with us in this spiritual battle. It is one of the benefits the COVID years have brought us. We have had to awaken to the threat facing us and unite with those who are aligned with us. I am grateful for you, Tom Shaw.

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What an engaging young man. Loved the up and at em poem, taking the attack to the W.H.O.!

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I'm glad you enjoyed it Stephen!

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How heartening to hear a young person with an enquiring mind being saved from the present system of healthcare. Sadly it’s people like him that we really need in healthcare as he is an independent thinker. Wonderful poem, thank you for putting those thoughts of yours out to a wider audience.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it Lalu! I agree that healthcare is really in need of independent thinkers, but my experience said that the current "healthcare" systems really weren't healthcare systems at all. I do suspect that will change, but it will not come from the current institutions that many still rely upon.

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Wow! Wonderful Tom, beautiful poem, thank you for sharing!! With love

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when Tess asks Tom if at any point in his dentistry training or during the rollout if he heard any medical personnel explain the difference between standard vaccine preparations compared to recent new EUA mRNA vaccines- Tom says no... this went straight to my heart as being a Nurse/Midwife 30yrs and working through 2020-2023 no one i asked in public knew the difference or had been told the difference. media used 'mRNA' covid vaccines few months on tv & papers then dropped the mRNA bit stopping awareness...I saw no leaflets in hospital explaining ...staff had little education. In fact i spoke to two highly published physicists last week and they had no clue...no clue at all the difference between the vaccine types. shocking. willful blindness or people only educated in their fields with no ability to ask questions outside their little box. Tom, Brilliant poem to Tedros! thank you : )

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Tom is setting a good example for other youngsters. We need to get away from the "young leaders" notion and both the eilitism it engenders and the "follower" mentality it entrenches in the masses who aren't such leaders. What we need is for each and every child and youngster to be encouraged to become his own "leader", i.e. to become her own free-thinking autonomous agent, acting in consort with like others in entities called families, communities, societies and else.

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Mar 4, 2024
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Thank you Zanna for your kind words!

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