Excellent article, excellent way to express the unbalance. And, YOU ARE CORRECT. signed a man!

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Female wisdom in action :) beautifully written Tess and thank you for all you do :)

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What a surprising message! Refreshingly feminine.

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Thanks Tess. Yes, there needs to be more balance. It is up to us mothers to raise men who recognise and value both yin and yang.

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I keep some family pictures on the mantle, Grandmothers, Grandfathers...Mom and Dad...and offer them bits of wine and food. I do not do this often enough. They brought me. Women overall are having more jab reactions, from what I can gather. We are more sensitive in ways and also usually smaller and lighter. I am so glad I did not get the jab, and am horribly saddened with you all about the damages we are now becoming aware of, esp. wrt our reproductive systems. It is already postulated that if, in the future 2 jabbed people get together, it is possible their female children may be barren. We just don't know the extent of all the damage even yet. Remember, lab rats typically do not pay tithe to their government.

Thank you Tess and the World Council for Health, for your whole selves, your intelligence and your leadership.

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Brilliant and thought provoking!

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Wonderful message Tess that distills the truth of the feminine. I agree society doesn’t value women enough for their unique wisdom, but unfortunately many women don’t either. We need better wise role models and since covid-19 many wise and courageous women have emerged. Thank you for all your work and the persistence of your message. You have absolutely made a difference in this last 2 years and I’m clear you will continue doing so. Thank you

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