Thank you so much for your wonderful comments x

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Just brilliant! Thank you so much for all the work you do. It is very much appreciated.

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Thank you, Tess, for your big match temperament. I’m not sure I have it. I’m just stubborn.

I’ve been thinking about the future of pharma. During my career, scores of small companies became a handful of huge, multinational corporations, with turnovers greater than many small nations. They prefer to pay as little tax as is permitted & US companies generally no longer repatriate their non-US gross income. So it stays offshore & can be used in M&A (business acquisitions).

The joke with some of them is that they turned into banks with a sweet shop on the side.

A case can be made to shut them down. Net, net, they’re committing societal harm.

We are getting few, really useful new drugs. But we’re paying a fortune for what’s hardly if at all better than the low cost, off patent standard of care.

So I think their time is up.

We can decide what alternative ways of making money that entire sector is to be permitted. But not continue as they are.

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Love hearing from you Dr Tess. You are absolutely inspiring.

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Love this !!! You’ve done an amazing job in presenting truth and exposing corruption. Thank you !!!

Billy B Davis , DVM

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Love your personal message. I would also love a written copy of your first “closing message” to the world. That was a profound and moving articulation of what we were all experiencing and a clarion call for everyone to wake up and come together for freedom and for the truth. Thank you for your work on behalf of humanity.

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I have watched you and read what you had to say from early Jan 21 after your Christmas of 2020 when you looked into Ivermectin. Thank you for all you have done and are doing, it has been a hell of a ride just stay on your horse.

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Beautiful Dr Lawrie. Thank you for sharing.

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THIS is the message I have so needed to hear, so we stop focusing on the harm that has and is being done, and the evil that has created it - and start to look forward - to the good, to love. Thank you, thank you, thank you for standing up and speaking for all of us.

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an inspiration ❤️

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Beautifully put. Thank you 🥰

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One of the best birthing stories I ever heard was from an English friend of mine, who said that he had been to all the classes with his partner and was planning to be present at the birth with her. He told me that when the time came for the big pushing, he saddled in behind her and really helped her push, and supported her lower back with his body. Together, as he put it, they popped that baby out without too much stress. Now, say what you will about any of that, but being the person who spoke with him, I have no doubt he really did help in that final push, to help 'push' his own daughter out. I cherish that story, simply because it represents a very different type of help that a man can provide to his female partner during birth, if he really can participate. Best

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You are right, this is an awakening or birth as you put it. So many, including myself, did not understand how our health care institutions and system have completely failed us, I now have my eyes open and you are part of the reason.

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In deep appreciation of your truth-telling and labour of love, Dr Tess Lawrie. Salute to you and all in the World Council for Health team. May all your efforts combine to help build and sustain the more truly Human world WE desire.

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Loved the chapter Tess,

I spent a lot of time dealing with obstetrics over my 32 years as an anaesthetist. I was suspended by the medical board for urging people to take early treatment with vit D, zinc, Ivermectin and HCQ as evidence based approaches to covid on social media. I also pointed out there was no evidence for the highly destructive lockdowns, and mask mandates. Lastly, I had real concerns about the gene therapy jab, and had posted the likes of Dr Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr Robert Malone ( on ADE)

I too felt compelled to get the work of Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik, Dr Zelenko ... to the public. To save lives and alleviate fear.

I believe exactly the same thing. This is the birth of something wonderful. Times like these offer such great opportunities. Full of noise and drama, pain and anxiety ... but I always had faith that soon enough the baby would be with us and all would be transformed.

There are also elements of a near death experience, where we have to let go of everything that was (because that's what dying is) and then, fortuitously, not die ... and then bring that liberation forward into a new understanding of what really matters, as you said ... love & compassion. Add some joy and equanimity and now we're really cooking. A re-birth.

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Thank you for sharing this exquisitely moving and inspiring chapter, Dr. Lawrie, and more importantly, for being a living example of courageously embracing the pangs that come with birthing a new way of approaching science, medicine, and health.

I couldn’t help but think of Charles Eisenstein’s beautiful essay “Time to Push”:


In my ideal world, we would abolish the WHO and replace it with the World Council for Health. Let’s work toward that goal together 🙌

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