Thank you Tess, for sharing your interview with John today. Listening to John's story about the loss of his dear wife, I am, once again, sickened by the powers that be. Here in San Francisco, in late 2020, we watched a friend's healthy 38 year old daughter, take the vaccine & die (about a year later) from kidney failure & myocarditis. The cause of her condition ( vaccine injury) was confirmed by medical teams at Harvard, Stanford, Mayo Clinic & Kaiser. For months & months, as she died, so did our faith in America's health care system. My husband & I are in our mid 70's. We refused all the vaccines & are now on Ivermectin, supplements, nasal sprays & a routine which includes nebulization. We feel quite healthy physically, but sadly, we also feel extremely alone in this city. Even my closest friends are confused by our resistance. And although our friends are good people, it's as if some mysterious force has injected them & hundreds of millions of folks just like them, with a substance that paralyzes their intellect -- freezes their critical thinking skills -- and somehow manages to shut down their ability to see reality. But, I believe that relentless education ( such as this video, & your countless emails & online events) will eventually reach enough people, that it will stop this madness! I just pray that we all live to see it.

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Ah, a kindred spirit...I'm the same age, and situation, as are you and your husband (re your description of friends' responses, and the depressing/defeating results of your attempts to enlighten...) I'm a recent arrival here in San Diego (from a brief respite, with relative freedom, in Georgia -- during early/mid 2020), to settle near family. This native New Yawka has a r-e-a-l-l-y hard time keeping my mouth shut (!!) -- but, as you've come to believe, it's so relentlessly puzzling, and fatiguing, dealing with those around us here. Believe me, I join in your closing prayer. In closing: If you haven't yet read it, I would, enthusiastically, suggest that new, astounding book: The Indoctrinated Brain. One of the best I've read in the last four years, re this frightening dystopia in which we find ourselves.

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Hi Amy, It was a pleasure to read your comment just now...truth is, it was more like a 'catharsis..🫠I'm part East Coaster via osmosis (my mother's family was from Pittsburg/Squirrel Hill, & my dad had many business associates in NYC). So, as a kid, I spent a lot of time back East. I don't know if you saw my most recent comment about starting a private online zoom discussion group. I suggested that this group would only be open to those who subscribe to Tess's publication. Also, I said that if enough people were interested, that I would be willing to host it.🙂 I suspect that those who love Tess, would enjoy a '"can we talk?" group like that. Would you be interested? Hope to hear back from you.jk

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Sounds like a reparative, sanity-affirming get together; I'm in. Keep me posted, jk -- and thank you!

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Hi Amy, so good that you are on board for a private discussion group.🙂 I feel the need for it & have thought about this for a long time.🤔Here's how I'm handling it for now: I have an active Instagram acct that I use all the time. I avoid putting my email address out via Substack, but if you go to the link below on Instagram & message me, I can get back to you from there & share my email. Here is my address there. www.instagram.com/choose2blossom

So far, 3 of us have shown interest. In order to plan a first session, I want to have at least 12 who would be serious about attending. So, I will continue to recruit here & will definitely be in touch! jk

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I wish you great luck in this endeavor as it sounds like a winner… even where 2 are gathered together!

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I think most of us here completely agree with you, JK. It's such an enigma when trying to have a calm and logical discussion about certain things like "vaccines" and the current state of the medical world, etc. there seems to be a complete shutdown. Anger and ridicule are common, as are accusations of conspiracies, and sometimes even accusations of hatred or ignorance... but the refusal to talk about it calmly and to consider other medical voices is just not there. The "mystery force" that freezes their thinking skills, in my opinion, is nothing less than demonic spirit influence. Like you, we also have otherwise good friends who are perplexed by our continued refusal of these injections, which is so odd given the heavy amount of bona fide medical opinions online from some of the most trusted MDs and organizations on the planet.

I used to offer to send, to naysayers, a list of multiple dozens of links to legitimate studies and medical analysis by many in USA snd Europe.. but no one took my offer. One simple txt with several live links that only needed a single click to gain access for a read was the offer. I don't even bother to offer anymore since there is so much more info online for anyone to easily find. Now i just tell them to "do a little research" bc it's of immense importance and I'll help if they would like. It's quite disheartening, so i try to remember them in prayers, bc that's fighting fire with even stronger fire! 😊

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Hellow Again ILion, I just realized that in my previous reply to your comment, I did not include my Instagram address. So here it is, & I hope that you decide to jump on board & contact me:

www.instagram.com/choose2blossom Thanks Again, Judy(jk)

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Hiya jk. 😊

This may not work.. I'm sorry. I don't/won't use Instagram or facebook or any similar, so i can't get past the first screens of those. It's the result of my 37 year IT career and my complete distrust of big tech, etc. 😋

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Hi iLon, I totally understand where you are coming from.🙂I'm not an avid fan of social media platforms either, but during the Covid years, they've been such a vital link to the outside world for us!🐌🐌 I do have one other thought that might work for you though. If you don't mind sharing an email address with me here, you are welcome to reply here to me, and send your email address in your message. Also, I'm thinking about using Zoom for these sessions anyway, so you would not have to deal with Facebook or Instagram at all. If my idea takes off, I could just contact you via your email address. If you are comfortable doing that, then please feel free to do so. I will keep your address safe & secure & only use it to send you updates about this project. Regardless of what you decide though, whatever works for you, is fine with me! Thanks for your support iLion, & stay well.😊jk

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Hi iLion,

I appreciated your thoughtful response to my comment about the John Francis interview. For some time now, I have felt the need to personally connect online with kindred spirits, around the issue of 'vaccine injury'. So, I've decided to start a free private online support group for people who attend Tess's events. In this group, we can support each other around the challenges we face with 'vaccine injury denial' including: being ostracized & labeled as an anti-vaxer; enduring 'curt responses' or 'unwillingness to listen' from friends & family; coping with extreme resistance to alternative therapies such as Ivermectin & HCQ. These are just my beginning thoughts...and, I'm certain that those who join, will bring so much more! If you are interested, you can reply to this comment here, or you can go directly to my Instagram account & follow me + message me there. Once I hear from you, I can share my email address with you & - as plans evolve - I can keep you posted. Hope to hear from you.🙂 jk


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So well said! We see it too - people who just blindly trust what the government tells them and get booster after booster! So incredibly grateful to be a pure blood! Thanks Tess for sharing and for being such a truth teller! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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What a very sad story and a terrible loss for John, life is hard enough without the assault coming from medical products that are fraudulently sold as safe and effective. John and Sue trusted that the injections they received would allow them to lead a normal life that they both loved, they were betrayed by government, public health and the science community. It is all so cruel and heartbreaking, John I am so sorry for the loss of your wife, companion and friend and thank you Dr Lawrie for sensitively enabling John to tell his story.

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My brother was murdered in a hospital ,with isolation remdesivir ventilators and prison like treatment when he went there with a flu .I did write in more detail about this matter ,so I make it short here .His death is on my mind off and on most of the day. They knew it would kill him and they got payed blood money for doing it . Now I worry that my wife will pay a terrible price for taking the shots ,even though I begged her not to do it .

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So sorry to hear about your brother, Joe. I suggest to everyone these days that they take active steps to boost their immune systems, irrespective of whether they have been vaccinated (but even more important for those who have). This is what I do: https://open.substack.com/pub/drtesslawrie/p/are-people-around-you-getting-ill and this is what others suggest: https://open.substack.com/pub/drtesslawrie/p/are-you-covid-vaccine-concerned-a

WCH has a detox booklet coming out soon with a variety of detox protocols from around the world and I will let everyone know when this is available.

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I am so sorry that you have lost your brother, we go to hospitals on the expectation that any illness or infection will be treated but when instead they deprive the patient of the proper treatment needed and apply measures that will actually harm the patient it is beyond horrific and is inhuman. I truly hope your wife will continue to stay free from any effects of the injections.

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IMMENSELY SORRY about your brother's murder in a place where he should have been safe. HEART-WRENCHING and INFURIATING....

I PRAY for PROTECTION for your wife and that she has STOPPED allowing the poison injections.

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Thank you ,.Joe .

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Hi Joe, I can only imagine what this nightmare with your brother has been like. As a 'conscious' human being, I have found the deception on the part of governments, health care organizations & media, to be utterly overwhelming. And I can understand your fears for your wife's health as well. I am trying to set up a free private online zoom group (only for Tess's subscribers). In this group we could share on how we feel about the erosion of trust, our challenges with friends, family & co-workers who refuse to look at the magnitude of suffering from vaccine injuries & of course, much more. If you are interested, feel free to reply to this comment & I will let you know how we can get in touch. Hope to hear from you. jk

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I must add here ,that I did not know he went to a hospital ,since we lived 800 km.apart .His wife and two children kept his death secrete for three month ,not telling me anything .Than his son came by my place and told me all he knew .If I had known I would have warned him not to go to any hospital and use home remedies instead for his flu .He may still be alive today .

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Thank you for shari g this story

My heart goes out to all the people who lost loved ones to the “va$x

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Thank you Tess for your sensitivity and for giving John and others a voice.

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So sorry. An all too common tragedy. When politicians say the arm juice is'effective' it is. In achieving their goal of depopulation. Wicked times.

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Excellent interview. John's wife suffered and died from this poison.John as seen the evil that controls our governments. I personally did not take the covid vaccine and lost my job as a result. But I have been exposed to vaccinated people and children and have become very ill due to this exposure.

There are so many unanswered questions.

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Dr. Pierre Kory and his partner are providing treatment for COVID-19 shot injuries AND those suffering from being exposed to "shedding" of the spike protein:


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Well said John! We need many more people like you in the world!

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Just wonderful to listen and absorb the passion and commitment both people hold dearly. It all comes down to which team are you on. Are you for Team Humanity or are you for Team Psychopath? Decent folks like John and Tess are the fuel and the inspiration for us, the ones who are standing up to these cruel, narcissistic fools. Our hope is when we understand we have a common purpose. I cannot state enough how essential it is for us to help each other and all who are under attack. There are so many more of us and our aim is for truth and freedom. Never feel hopeless when you realize there is a much better way that we are approaching. Like the song goes just keep on trucking. 🚚🚛🚒🛻

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It’s called zeitgeist. The spirit of the age. In science when something is focused on to the exclusion of all other thing: can’t get published, heard, all other truth is shut out. That which has the power or sway will not break it. I was told this by a professor of stats in talking about how impossible it would to transcend it.

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Beautiful interview, thank you Tess. Many of us have been on this journey of discovery that ends up being narrative busting, so many narratives. John is still in the lab leak narrative when it comes to covid though. They have been trying to weaponise what they call viruses for decades and they haven't once managed to create something that is highly transmissible. They have the tech to create infectious clones and the military may have deployed them to create 'hot spots'. But the virus that spreads around the world killing lots of people is a mythology that has not been proven.

Again thank you.

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Such a beautiful soul Mr. Francis is; the understanding, which has so painfully grown within him -- through the darkness and suffering -- now gives him the strength each of us needs, to never, ever be silent. Thank you, always, Dr. Lawrie; you continue to be a guiding light. The empathy you so palpably share is incredibly crucial -- for each of us to cultivate, as more and more of those around us realize how betrayal has happened, and how insidiously it continues.

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So sorry for John's loss of his wife. I posted your video on my Bitchute Channel.

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Right on JK. Have to agree with your analysis “paralyzes their intellect -- freezes their critical thinking skills -- and somehow manages to shut down their ability to see reality. “. Keep up your critical thinking. The best revenge is to live healthy.

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In Canada, depopulation is being accomplished in full-sight:

Covid Vax and the boosters, killing,

maiming and affecting fertility;

The pushing of gender altering hormones and surgeries, rendering those people infertile;

Abortion on demand instead of counselling for adoption;

MAID for all, even those who are not of sound mind eg the mentally ill.

I am sincerely saddened by all who have lost their ability to use critical thinking skills and who cannot see what is happening. Love and care for humanity!

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Governments that promote digital currencies are betraying the interests of their people. These governments need to be dismissed.

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If what I read today is correct, in France, if you now peak openly about the "vaccines" being harmful, you can go to prison for a long time and/or be fined a huge amount. So this is the final move in silencing the truth. They have weaponised the law against the people. This is surely the same as happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. God help us all.

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The analogy with Nazi Germany is true as it is the inheritors of the Third Reich are at the old game.

It may seem bizarre but we follow a similar timeline to WW2 only 30 years ago by my reckoning.


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My husband had a similar experience but much quicker. We both had the second vaccine on Jan. 27, 2021 and my husband had a severe reaction, 103 degree fever, ached all over and felt awful. He could not eat and lost 5 pounds in the 3 days he was sick. But of course during Covid, doctors had no treatment. He did not feel good after this. Approximately 2 weeks later he started back pain. He got in to see a PA and he said it was muscular and gave him an inflammatory. He kept having the pain but PA said he needed to rest his back so for 5 to 6 weeks, doctor insisted it was muscular. He became weaker and weaker and finally after 6 weeks he could not get out of bed so I called an ambulance. When we finally got into a room after several hours of waiting, they did a Scan and said he had lesions(cancer) all along his spine, in his lungs and pelvic area AND a broken back. He got cement in his vertebrae to relieve his back pain. He had biopsy done and was determined he had interior located Melanoma. It moved very quickly and died 20 days from the day we went to the ER. He was in excellent health. His doctor always said he was going to live into his 90s because he was so healthy.

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