Calming just to read this simple tips. Thanks

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Bob! Birds! Exercise! Yoga, I'm not quite there.

I must say I have wondered how you cope, and want you to know how much of an inspiration you have been. And a life saver for many I know.

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Agree 100%. Nature is so soothing. Over the past two years we have been comforted by nature, be it the change of seasons, the trees, flowers, insects, birds, soothing rivers, kingfisher diving in, clouds, rain, sun and the moons. All of it a comfort in troubling times, it put our minds at ease.

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Thank you. I so agree with what you have said and do incorporate most of these on a daily basis. Viewing life through a grid of gratitude and thankfulness makes most other things fall into place.

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I am truly humbled to read such wonderful comments. 🙏🏻🌸

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Tess, did you see the reference to Ivermectin in one of the released Pfizer docs? They knew it was an effective prophylactic nearly a year back.


"A few paragraphs down and it lists therapies to be used in a clinical trial setting.


What do we have here? Ivermectin is listed as a current therapy in Pfizer’s own documentation."

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So, SO happy to know that you have a Substack, Dr. Lawrie! Your insights and work over the past two years have inspired and grounded me, when it often felt (um... feels) lonely to be the only doc in the room not guzzling down the ridiculous official narratives. Your words about a focus on healthy and calming habits are vital, thank you!

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Thank you for all that you do Dr. Lawrie. Wasn't it Merlin teaching the young Arthur about how to become a bird in The Once and Future King? I, just for myself, as an individual, hate being virtuous, or being told to practice some virtue, but the way I found to have some gratitude was reading that birds (as well as many other animals) have to keep their left brain focused on finding prey while the right half of their brain searches for predators. I watch this phenonmenon in the birds on my feeder. How great is it that we can eat without without having to watch for predators? What also works for me is a suggestion by a poet: make lists of what you hope for and lists of what you love about the world. Totally interrupts the fear and the desire to control. Great post!

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Thank you Dr. Lawrie for your courage and for being a shining light throughout this Covid Shit Show. You give me hope in humanity, and that there are doctors in the world who will go to the edge for their patients...even the ones they don't know. I will use your tips to try to move away from being a worrier into being a warrior.

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A wee ramble.

Free as a bird.

I want everyone to be free as a bird but not free as a type of bird that preys on other smaller birds as we have in the human world now.

If we cannot live peacefully with other albeit very different races of human beings without trying to murder one another with bioweapons etc etc etc then I doubt we will ever be permitted to leave this little blue ball as we would never be able to live in peace with people who were very very very different from us..

I like to keep calm by being a creature of habit as Tess says but as well as birds that fly I like to think of other things that fly and so I relax also by thinking of all this talk of aliens visiting us for some reason as being us ourselves from somewhere else in pattern popping over to visit ourselves and see how we got past this difficult bit to become all of them in their various shapes and sizes all over the multiverse. Remember if we get access to pattern there is absolutely nothing to prevent us going to planets a few billion years in the past billions of light years away and becoming them in the here and now as it is a near infinite multi-verse. One thing I believe is true of these aliens, who may not even exist, is that they seem to have a HUGE aversion to being violent with one another. I wonder where they learnt the futility of war as a way of "settling" disputes or were they scared away from war by something they saw in the here and now that they are powerless to change or they can never exist. Or maybe the multi-verse is simply so vast that there is no point arguing over a hill of beans when there are an infinite number of hills of beans. Even if these people exist that doesn't necessarily mean we won't have a terrible time going through this period but I have a feeling we will get through it without any trouble. As Psaki said just the other day "The US has one of the strongest militaries on this planet" and in that at least I would say she is telling the truth but the wording she chose is perhaps significant .... "one of the" does not mean the strongest by a long chalk. Were we just lucky that along came Omicron or was it the person with the stringest military on this planet that produced it? Who knows?

I was cheered up for a moment last week when one of the truly most evil people on this planet, Victoria Nuland, almost told the truth about the US's bioweapons programs in a senate committee hearing untiil she was led astray by her senator questioner as he basically told her what to say next about the bad Russians and she fell in line and repeated his words. If even Nuland can find the guts to at least tell a partial truth perhaps there is something going on that isn't only teaching our future selves that war is not the way but at the same time is being taught to the most evil amongst us in the here and now.

Nuland should have remembered that scene between the King of Jerusalem and Balian in that old film "The KIngdom of Heaven". Her performance last week will not suffice, we are due an encore, ..... one from her heart and from her mouth not from his.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykGP3-vnyOU The scene. We live in interesting times, .... All of us.

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The 'bird' meditation is a brilliant idea. Thank you so much.

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Love the 'bird' meditation!

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Here's a sweet song about birds that I love by the Mona Lisa Twins. It really seems to fit with what you were saying. https://youtu.be/VWMxXlfcgYw

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You are such a beautiful spirit. Thank you for all you give to us.

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Dear Tess

I too use the birds in my imagination for relaxation in prep for a meditation so I laughed when I read this.. Sending you Blessings of Love and Joy with gratitude from me to you this Christmas Time

You have been a beautiful inspiration to me this year ! Thank YOU ! xxx

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Merry Christmas Dr.Lawrie and may our New Year be a brighter one. Bob Dylan is my muse by the way.

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