Dr Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s Surgeon General, opened the proceedings.
Dr Pierre Kory told us that ivermectin is still his part of his first line therapy for post-vaccination disease. It doesn’t work for everyone, but if it works it helps a lot.
We promoted the Detox & Wellbeing Study at the Fair. This study is designed especially for people who have concerns about the Covid shots and would like to take back control of their health. You can check out the study by clicking on the photo or going to Worldcouncilforhealth.org/research.
Gary Hudson, standing up for health sovereignty, and passing on the love with a hand heart
Charles Todd, Chris Wollard, Nurse Nicole, Nancy Hefron, and Dr Marivic Villa
The amazing volunteers who helped make the event a great success.
Heather and Gary Hudson, parents of vaccine injured Cody Hudson, spoke about their initiative Cody’s Law, supported by Dr Villa, Nurse Nicole and another member of the vaccine-injured community.
Dr Mark Trozzi from Canada spoke about the mechanisms of harm of the Covid genetic injections.
Me and Dr Marivic Villa. Dr Villa is a hero in Florida, valued by thousands of patients with post vaccination disease whom she is treating.
Dr Marivic Villa shared clinical data about the post-vaccination disease that she is treating.
Dr Trozzi looks a little startled to find himself in a golf cart during the break :)). There were golf carts everywhere in Florida
Dr Mark Trozzi, Dr Marivic Villa, Christof Plothe DO (WCH Health and Science lead) and me. The event was held at Grand Oaks resort in Florida, that had a carriage museum too. You may be able to see a smart old wagon behind us.
A wonderful event! Thank you to all the Floridians who made it possible!
Thank you for your interest and support!
Our next 1-day event is in London on the 6th February at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. See you there!
"Me" is my favorite doctor. 🤗