The breathtaking power of grassroots science

Tess Talks with Control Group Masterminds

Everything about the Control Group project speaks to a better way: for science and research, inclusivity, and the magic that happens when ‘ordinary’ people identify a community need and join together to meet it.

In this particular case, that need was for a vaccine control group. It is quite remarkable that Pfizer et al got away with eliminating their control groups by giving the participants the Covid-19 gene-based injections. No control group means no benchmark, and thus no meaningful way to evaluate outcomes of the product. A decent regulator would have flagged this up immediately. But I think you’ll agree our regulators left decency at the door a long time ago.

So, what does one do in the face of such shoddy science? One can of course attempt to raise the alarm with the regulator, one could succumb to despair at the state of research… or, one can seek a better way.

That’s what Diny and Rachael set out to do. These two brilliant women met at a Stand in the Park here in Eastbourne UK, and decided to create their own control group instead. They began to invite unvaccinated people to sign up, record and submit their health details so that there was way of monitoring health outcomes in the unvaccinated cohort.

In June last year, an independent team published their analysis of data from the first five months of the survey. It did not take long for this paper to be pulled from ResearchGate, but it is still available to view here.

Fast forward a couple of years, and the Control Group now has over 310,000 participants in over 175 countries. This is the power of a great idea, driven by a wish to benefit others.

There are real benefits to joining this citizen research project, that Diny and Rachael outline in our conversation. They also share some exciting news about opening this initiative up to those who have been vaccinated. Monitoring the health outcomes for both groups - with specifics on numbers of shots received, for example - is the kind of data the product manufacturers would probably rather leave unchecked.

If you’d like to hear more about this new area, Diny and Rachael are giving a presentation at the WCH General Assembly meeting tomorrow.

For more information on how to sign up, or to make a donation to this grassroots-funded project, please visit the Control Group website.

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A Better Way with Dr Tess Lawrie
A Better Way with Dr Tess Lawrie
Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​