A very important Tess Talks coming up this Sunday – one that I hope will convince even the most avid believers in the Covid narrative to think twice before getting any more Covid shots.
Professor Angus Dalgleish MD FRACP FRCP FRCPath FMedSci, is Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London – and a conscientious man. Last week, he wrote to Dr Kamran Abbasi, Editor-in-Chief of the BMJ, expressing his grave concerns regarding Covid vaccine harms and calling for an end to the vaccine programme. You can read his letter here. He did this in support of Elizabeth Hart, an independent researcher who has been doing sterling work in calling authorities to account in their failure to obtain valid informed consent.
This is by no means the first time Professor Dalgleish has raised the alarm. He has been doing so since even before the Covid vaccines were rolled out, understanding that use of the spike for vaccine development carried significant threat to people’s health. He has, in particular, repeatedly raised concerns about the call for boosters.
It just never made any sense to this cancer specialist who has extensive experience in immunology and vaccine development as well. Now, treating cancer patients at the frontline, he is shocked and dismayed by what he is seeing – and not just in his patients but in relatives and friends too. This includes rapidly growing and fulminating cancers, recurrences among people long cured or in remission from their cancers which, in some instances, had been gone 25 years or more. These cancers are occurring among vaccinated individuals, and in Professor Dalgleish’s opinion are being triggered by the booster injections.
In this conversation, we discuss the reasons why doctors are not speaking out and their role in preventing people making sense of the risks with these novel injections. We also discuss the suppression of research on cheap established and generic medicines for which returns are modest - in the quest for novel pharma drugs and ever more profit.
I urge you to tune in this Sunday to listen to what Professor Angus Dalgleish has to say. Tune in, and please share. If this doesn’t stop people from getting boosted, I don’t know what will.
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