For doctors and medical students: a new Histopathology Atlas
Vaccinated – Dead by Prof. Walther Lang and Dr Ute Krüger
In September 2024, Dr Jeanne Rugby, an ENT specialist and World Council for Health Denmark representative, had the opportunity to interview pathologist Dr Ute Krüger, co-author with Prof. Walther Lang, about their first Histopathological Atlas that records the damaged caused to human tissues by the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’. [This interview, with English subtitles, is also available on Rumble.]
Investigating ‘vaccine’ damage
Using special staining methods, including immuno-histochemistry, tissue samples taken from both living and deceased people with suspected vaccine damage were examined. The research was carried out at the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen, Germany, which was started by the late Prof. Arne Burkhardt.
The cutting-edge, scientific Atlas entitled Vaccinated – Dead (Geimpft – Gestorben in German) describes 57 of the 89 cases of deceased people investigated by Professors Burkhardt and Lang in their practice.
Most of these deceased people had received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine but others had been injected with Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and Jansen. The deceased were from various countries in Europe, and their ages ranged from 16 to 94 years old.
After receiving an mRNA covid injection, changes occur to the genetic code in the body’s cells causing healthy cells to start producing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. This is then presented on the surface of the cells. The body’s immune system identifies spike protein as harmful and attacks those cells, causing an autoimmune reaction.
The researchers used two different immune histochemical methods to stain the nucleocapsid that surrounds the virus and the spike protein. If damage was caused by a coronavirus infection, both the nucleocapsid and spike protein would be present; if it was caused by injection, only spike protein would be present. However, because many people have been both infected and received the injection(s), it was not always possible to conclusively state that damage was vaccine-induced.
Evidence of ‘vaccine’ damage to tissues
The authors did however identify certain tissue characteristics that appeared to be typical of mRNA vaccine damage. Such damage was identified in all parts of the body, with injuries increasing the more injections a person received.
Some of the tissue damage observed:
Inflammation of the blood vessels occurred in almost 90% of cases. This can result in blood vessels bursting, or it can induce blood clots.
Detachment of the cells lining the blood vessels can result in the formation of blood clots, which in turn can result in a heart attack.
Heart inflammation and destruction of the heart muscle cells occurred in more than 50% of cases, including a 16-year-old girl.
The spleen and liver showed evidence of inflammation and the presence of immune cells that are not normally present.
The brain suffered inflammation and clots in the blood vessels, as well as swelling of the tissue.
In lung tissue strange deposits in the blood vessels were observed, as well as evidence of blood leaking from the vessels into the lung tissue and air sacs. These deposits were also found in many other tissues.
In addition to the tissues mentioned above, there was also evidence of spike protein in the thyroid gland, pancreas, kidney, adrenal glands, bladder, prostate, ovaries and testicles.
There is great concern regarding the potential impact of spike protein on fertility. In the case of a 19-year-old girl, spike protein was found in the ovaries where it induced inflammation. In the case of a 29-year-old man, hardly any sperm cells were found in the cavities in the testicles, suggesting a drastic reduction in sperm production. It is likely that the covid injections are contributing to the recent decline in birth rates.
It is also possible that the injections are contributing to premature ageing of the skin. Skin biopsies from living patients revealed a loss of elastin fibres. The loss of elasticity of the skin results in the development of wrinkles.
A valuable resource
This Atlas of vaccine-related histopathology consists of three parts:
a general section showing typical signs of vaccine damage, such as myocarditis and changes to the blood vessels
a section describing changes observed in the organs
descriptions of all the case studies.
The book is richly illustrated with micrographs of tissues showing damage caused by the injections, making it a valuable resource for pathologists. It is currently available in German, with an English translation in preparation. Should you be interested in contributing to the costs of translation, please contact Ute via her website.
To purchase a copy, go to
An English transcript of the interview can be found on the WCH Denmark website here.
A valuable record of history that will likely be scrubbed from the internet and digital records.
Premature aging is certainly something that I and others have noted, my Brother-in-Law in particular died earlier this year aged 75 but looking 95 after two jabs and being on statins for the last 6 months of his life. Pre-jab in Summer 2020 he bought a Mercedes SLK and was regularly out on his Lambretta scooter