The World Council for Health has just started to release the presentations from the Better Way Conference, one session per week in chronological order. They will be available to view from today (Thurs, 28th July) and I warmly invite you to share this exciting news far and wide.
One of the issues raised at the conference by many speakers was that of regulatory capture. Robert Malone in particular spoke eloquently on this matter. He spoke about the World Economic Forum as being nothing more than a trade organisation that has gone to great lengths to insert its acolytes into governments and agencies around the world, in order to push its agenda. He also spoke eloquently of how regulatory bodies in the US – the FDA and CDC – had intentionally breached their own regulatory norms in order to push through the Covid 19 genetic vaccine programme.
This regulatory breach also happened in the UK. In fact, June Raine, head of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), has spoken of how the agency introduced ‘flexibility’ into its regulatory process in order to accelerate approval of the vaccines. (Thank you to the Substack commenter who alerted me to her presentation.)
Why have these regulatory bodies done this? Answering this is simply a matter of following the money. Every one of them is majority funded by the very companies they are supposed to regulate. They do not work for the public, they work for Big Pharma. A recent article in the BMJ explores this in detail. The journal asked six regulators a series of questions around their funding, transparency in decision-making and data, and the rate at which new drugs are approved. Their responses are damning.
It turns out that 86% of the UK MHRA’s funding is from industry. That’s appallingly high but not as high as that of the European Medicines Agency (89%) or Australia’s TGA (96%). Compared to these numbers, the FDA’s own figure of 65% almost starts to look reasonable. It’s not of course. Nor is Canada’s figure of 50.5%.
None of these figures are remotely acceptable.
The BMJ article goes on to flag up further issues of regulatory capture. For example, the journal found that several external advisers to US and UK vaccine advisory committees had financial ties to the vaccine manufacturers. In Australia, the TGA’s Advisory Committee on Vaccines has not seen fit to share the conflicts of interest of its members with the public. The BMJ also found that most regulatory bodies don’t review trial participant data but rely on summaries supplied by the drug sponsor. This is akin to relying on cigarette manufacturers to honestly report on the harms of smoking.
These issues alone would be enough to justify scrapping these agencies altogether. But there’s more.
The introduction of expedited approval pathways (paid for by drug manufacturers) has pushed drugs and treatments through that are far more likely to be subsequently withdrawn for safety reasons, or to have a black box warning. Lastly, what the BMJ describes as a ‘revolving door’ sees agency staff ending up working for the companies they regulated. If you’re on staff at the MHRA, the prospect of a well-salaried private sector job would be plenty of incentive for some to wave new products through and keep your future employers sweet.
In sum, the regulatory process is a farce.
These agencies were infiltrated by corporate interests decades ago, but the Covid-19 crisis has exposed corruption like never before. There may be those who will simply shrug and say, that’s just the way of things and while it’s an imperfect system, it’s better than nothing. But that’s not good enough – because the consequences of their corruption are devastating.
They have told the world and our children that the covid-19 genetic vaccines are as safe as other vaccines while bearing the evidence of unprecedented harms on their own pharmacovigilance databases. People have died as a direct result – and many more are now living with debilitating injuries. Instead of withdrawing these injections, they have now extended covid-19 ‘vaccination’ to pregnant women, children and babies, risking not only devastating individual harms but risking the reproductive capability of our species.
The experimental covid-19 genetic vaccines are not normal vaccines, and for the majority of people it will soon sink in that this is what you get with each injection: a recipe to make spike protein, indefinitely, with no confirmed off-switch to spike protein production; a damaged immune system, so busy countering the synthetic spike proteins that immune responses to new health challenges are compromised; an unprecedented rate of adverse reactions and vaccine-related deaths; secret ingredients that are protected by commercial confidentiality agreements making informed consent impossible; and yes, effects that may well change our DNA.
Nevertheless, this new and experimental vaccine technology is the type of technology Big Pharma now favours for other vaccines too. And, our regulatory bodies have no intention of ever going back to following their own rules (if they ever truly did in the first place).
The abuse of our trust and our health has gone on for far too long. So, what to do?
We are all gifted with the power of choice. When many choose the same thing, this equates to a formidable power – a power that we can harness or we can give away. We can choose not to abide by these agencies that harm. We can take back our power and be our own regulatory bodies.
With this in mind, I believe part of the way forward should include no more injections for healthy people. No more injections until we receive full disclosure of ingredients, independent evaluation of efficacy, transparent, verifiable and long-term safety data, and financial compensation for all those injured by Big Pharma experiments to date.
This is just one way in which we can reclaim our sovereignty and our health. That means taking on the mantle of responsibility that many of us outsourced to these external organisations – but with that responsibility comes the freedom to make our own informed choices.
Going solo in this way can feel a little shaky at first – a bit like removing the stabilizers from a bike for the first time. Suddenly we have to really focus on our balance, because we are the only thing keeping us from falling off. We know what we have to do, we know how to ride, we just have to remember what we know and put it into practice.
One of the goals we set for the Better Way Conference, was to create a set of principles by which we could all navigate our way forward. These principles came out of the ideas shared and values embodied by everyone who attended the event – and I’m very pleased to share them with you here, now.
As you can see, there are only seven. They are not regulations; they are, in effect, a set of values, and I see them as reminders of who we truly are. Whether we choose to live by them is up to us. To me, they are the supportive hand of our collective humanity, helping us ride that bike, and navigate a better way together. I hope you find them helpful – and please share with anyone you feel may benefit.
We are not stupid nor are we members of the so called tin hat society. I have no medical training nor any degree...but, I/we can read, can see with our eyes and come to rational decisions. Top people like Tess figure highly in my fact/opinion gathering and I am so grateful to her for that. Stay strong folks, keep doing your own research at the best level you can and we WILL come though this.
Thanks Tess,
Steve UK
I love them! All seven - they're perfect and perfect reminders. Thank you so much. Humans Win!
Best to you.