2025: The Year of the Bumper Car
On preparing for shocks at WCH Florida's Detox & Wellbeing Fair
It was wonderful to see so many Americans at the WCH Florida Detox & Wellbeing Fair last Saturday. The majority of whom had unwittingly taken the Covid shots, attendees were particularly eager to learn more about the issues with the jabs and what they could do to prevent a deterioration of, and get optimising, their health.
World Council for Health Florida’s inspiring Dr Marivic Villa, and her incredible team of volunteers put on this landmark event. I was honoured to be there with WCH Core Team colleagues Dr Mark Trozzi from Canada and Naturopath Christof Plothe, our Health and Science lead from Germany. Everyone was in agreement that the quality of the content in this one-day event was extraordinarily high!
A recording of the event will be made available as soon as possible so that others interested in taking back control of their health can benefit too.
Following the Florida Surgeon General, Dr Joseph Ladapo’s opening address, I shared these thoughts with the audience…
On Covid Rollercoasters
There is no doubt that many people feel like they’ve been on a roller coaster these last few years. I’m not talking about the fun kind, the ones that leave you with a little adrenaline rush and a smile on your face—no, I mean the kind where you’re hanging on for dear life, not knowing whether you’re going up or down, spinning or staying straight. The Covid rollercoaster has been one of this sort. And whilst it may appear to have slowed down—we’re not out of the woods yet.
I’ll post more photos in the next few days. Subscribe so as not to miss these.
Up next: Bumper Cars
Have you noticed that what we thought was life has become akin to a remote controlled fairground? A bumper car is a fitting metaphor for what is coming and I’d like to explain why. Disease, fires, floods, cyber-attacks, events from outer space, plane crashes, financial crashes, government crashes, AI gone rogue, and wars—all of these are among the program of possibilities for 2025 and beyond according to the UN.
So we’re in for quite a ride! And while we can’t predict exactly when or how we’ll be hit, one thing is for sure: we’ll be bumped, we’ll be jostled, and at times, we’ll be caught completely off guard. The key is our composure during the ride.
Bumper cars are the worst ride at the fairground in my opinion. You know the drill: you’re minding your own business, cruising along, and out of nowhere—BAM! Someone rams into you from the front, or from the side. Sometimes individuals who don’t even know one another gang up from all sides. And just when you think you’re in the clear, you get hit from behind by a 10-year-old who’s clearly had way too much sugar. When you finally manage to regain control, the steering wheel goes haywire, or the pedals stop working altogether!
Laughs aside, this year we may be facing unpredictable shocks, one after another, with little to no time to catch our breath in between. So, how do we stay in control during all of this? How do we make sure that when the bumps come, they don’t knock us out of the game?
Whilst we may not have a magic pause button for this drama, we can be prepared. Just like you’d ideally prep your bumper car for ‘battle’ by checking the tires, steering, and power—your body needs care and maintenance to enable it to not only survive life’s ride, but to thrive during it.
Your body is your vehicle
Your body is the most important thing you’ll ever own. It’s the only vehicle you can’t trade in for a newer model.
Think about it: most people will spend hours researching the best car to buy, and then they’ll spend more time washing it, checking the oil, filling the tyres, and making sure the battery is in good shape. But when it comes to their own body—well, let’s just say they don’t always show the same level of commitment.
It’s time we realised that our bodies need just as much, if not more, attention than the cars we drive. We need to check in with ourselves, maintain our ‘engines,’ use the correct fuel, and make sure we’re staying in good condition, because right now, we're living in a world full of toxins. Whether it’s in the air we breathe, the screens we’re glued to, the food we eat, or the water we drink, we are constantly exposed to harmful toxins that take a toll on our health.
The Invisible Landscape
Chemicals in our food and water, whatever (diverse toxins) in the shots, heavy metals in the air, and harmful frequencies from our screens, phones and cell towers are affecting our health and performance every single day. Because we cant see them, we remain ignorant or wilfully blind to them. Meanwhile, these things are silently damaging our bodies.
Detoxification is the first step in taking back control. However, once you are aware of the extent of the toxin problem, it becomes obvious that detoxification alone isn’t enough. You need to go to the root cause of the problem.
Root causes
Let’s use the vehicle analogy again. If your car starts running poorly, you don’t just clean it up and hope for the best—you look at what’s causing the problem. Maybe it’s a faulty fuel pump, a nail in the tyre, or an oil leak. If you don’t fix the root cause, no amount of cleaning or waxing or inflating tyres is going to help in the long term. The same applies to our bodies. Detoxification is important, but if you don’t address the root causes of what’s making you unwell, you’re destined to fall ill again.
So today, as you start to research your options with regard to detoxification, I want you to think of your body as your most important vehicle––one that needs regular maintenance and upkeep so that it can go the distance. A variety of external shocks are predicted and may be unavoidable. But by making your body stronger, healthier, and more resilient, you’ll be able to weather the storm without being tossed around.
By detoxing, and addressing the root causes that threaten your health, you’ll be able to reduce the chance of internal shocks, of becoming ill just when you need to be able to stand in your power and be your best. You’ll be the one in the eye of the storm—safe, calm, and in control—able to help others who are struggling and less prepared than you.
Preparing to Thrive Means:
2––Identify Root Causes of Dis-ease
3––Remove Exposure to the Problem
As Elvis Presley said, When things go crazy, don’t go with them!
So let’s get started. Let’s take action, let’s get healthy, and let’s get ready for whatever life throws our way—because, believe me, we’re going to be ready!
Craziness? Stop following the modern stone age medical mafia down the path of destruction, for starters.
There is a bit of a problem with using a machine, such as a car, as a metaphor to explain processes in the body. Whilst respecting the amazing progress spare parts surgery has achieved, such a model encourages the notion that we are just a mechanism as opposed to a dynamic and spiritual complex system.